Fact or hype: Are people really called racist "because they disagree with Obama"?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Jazzman24/7, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Jazzman24/7

    Jazzman24/7 New Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I'm going to go out on a limb and announce my bias ahead of time.
    I think it's bs.

    Now that I've gotten that of my chest...LOL.

    Sure!!!! There are those talking head media pundits that have claimed that the reason people oppose Obama so vehemently is because they are racist. To be clear, yes, there are those ,on the so-called left,who have played the race card when it comes to criticizing the President. I will admit to using that argument myself where Michelle Obama is concerned. Specifically, I asserted that it's considered racist in certain circles to comment disparagingly about a black women's back side.

    In my own defense, I may have been overly influenced by the "baby got back" rap song.

    But there's a flip side to that scenario.

    There are also those on the right who play the race card where Obama is concerned as well. Typically, it has appeared as if their justification is the aforementioned transgressions by the left. In other words, as childish as it sounds, the justification is "you guys started it". Often times, there does not appear to be any current allegations of racism coming from the left, or anywhere else. Suddenly, from out of the blue, race is inserted in the debate under the generic excuse that "you guys started it".

    In other words, because someone who identified themselves as a "liberal" ,once upon a time, asserted that the criticism directed at Obama is racially motivate, all "liberals" are subject to any random, unrelated, off topic, harassment about it, regardless of whether they, themselves, have EVER asserted that claim or not. Liberals must all wear that strawman argument like a sixties peace-sign medallion until further notice.

    It's a neat trick. It has as it's benefit totally immunizing the right of any and all legitimate claims of racism, while assigning blame to the "lefties" at the same time. After all, the left is "making" them do it. They did it first, remember? Like I say, it's bs. People are individually responsible for their own behavior. If "lefties" had the sort of Jedi mind trick powers this excuse asserts, they'd be using it to get all expense paid trips to the Bahamas or something.

    Thanks for letter me rant.
  2. ELOrocks17

    ELOrocks17 New Member

    Sep 4, 2009
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    THe other day, i was listening to Rush Limbaugh as i was driving to work. He was talking about the "You didnt build your business alone" debacle with Obams. Rush then makes a comment about how Obama never ran anything like a business, never created a payroll ect. He says Obama spent is college days doing drugs ( a fact that obama states in his own book). Sure enough, the liberal thugs on MSNBC started in with the "Rush is a racist" blather. THen it occoured to me, In order for the comment to be considered even remotely racist, the liberals must stereotype blacks as rampant drug abusers in order to think Rush is making a racist attack on Obama regarding drugs. I couldnt fathom how MAddow, and Chris MAtthews could even fathom a connection between racism and Obama's (self admitted) drug use.
  3. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Nothing to do with President Obama - most Americans are more racist than Hitler. Read their posts.
  4. ELOrocks17

    ELOrocks17 New Member

    Sep 4, 2009
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    Sorry to burst your bubble, but the truth is color blind.
  5. satv365

    satv365 New Member

    Jul 13, 2012
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    Here it is, black folks literally refuse to accept criticism of Obama simply because he is black. It pisses white people off, than black people scream racism about everything in politics nowadays and nothing constructive gets done or said. Started with Obama putting idiot minorities in the DOJ. Refusal to press prosecution on the Black Panther voting intimidation case comes to mind as a first red herring in this regard.

    In all honestly, Obama needs to realize that America ain't just full of black and hispanic people.
  6. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I used to argue on line with a liberal regular. We would argue about issues for years, without either of us taking it personally. In 2008 she was a big Hillary supporter and was the first person I ever heard the "birther" theory from. After it was clear that Hillary wasn't going to make it through to the finish line, she would say that Obama supporters better not use the race card against the Hillary people...

    Well during the Democratic convention, she had her Saul on the road to Damascus moment. They scales fell from her eyes and she suddenly realized she had always loved Obama, praised be his name! From that point, she started throwing the race card around, particularly at me. She absolutely could not separate a disagreement on policy from racism. Eventually it helped end our relationship.

    Since Obama has been President, I've been told by Obamaites that "skinny" is a racist term, "professorial" is a racist term and basically any policy disagreement, from Obamacare to taxes, were racist. I realize some of these attacks were just attacks of opportunity by political opponents too lazy to discuss the issues but for some white liberals, they really do see any attack against the President as racist in origin. I recall a few months ago Chris Matthews was commenting (praising actually) a speech by Obama and she said something to the effect that for a few moments, he forgot that Obama was black. It occurred to me that for him, the fact that Obama was the-first-black-President was inseparable from the fact that he was the President. They literally cannot view any discussion about or of Obama as anything other than racial, because that's how they view him.

    So although that kind of talk has helped to split the country and damaged race relations at least it has so denigrated the accusation of racism that it's now literally water off a ducks back. Before the age of Obama, being called a racist was probably the worse thing you could call a white person. There was no defense to the accusation, and the accusation itself was considered proof. If you're charged with racism, why, you are racist! Now, you'll get just a shrug. The currency has been so devalued as to be meaningless. When half the country has been called racist off and on for 3 1/2 years, it no longer means anything.
  7. mamooth

    mamooth Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    You were listening to MSNBC's liberal thugs on the radio?

    Try to be less obvious about how you're making it all up. And instead of telling the liberals what they really think, you could show some spine and address what the liberals say instead.

    And then, you could consider losing your habit of starting threads listing single crimes by a black person and declaring how it shows how awful all blacks are. The fried chicken jokes don't help your case either. That's what makes people think you're a racist, not any opposition to Obama you might have. And yes, we get how innocent you are, just wanting to inform everyone honestly about what criminals all blacks are, and how chocolate cities are such hellholes, and how welfare queens are destroying America. Obviously, not a racist bone in your body.

    Anyways, that's an example of the type of person who declares that all liberals just call him a racist for no good reason at all.
  8. ELOrocks17

    ELOrocks17 New Member

    Sep 4, 2009
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    Your post is utterly laughable! It amuses me when liberals get all huffy when anyone disagrees with O'stupid and his hulking America hating wife. LEts see where to start with this mess...
    Here you go liar

    What single crime and whate single black person would that be?

    So im supposed to stick my head up my ass like many liberals do and forget the fact that 12% of the poplation commits 50% of violent crime in America becasue it might offend the criminals? What kind of F'ed up lunacy is that?

    Fried chicken jokes? What the hell are you talking about? do you have a link?

    Thanks for the compliment. Its true y'know. (By the way i never said ALL blacks are criminals, just what the FBI stats say)
  9. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    Interesting that Rush Limbaugh, a man who was convicted of drug abuse for using so much Oxycontin that he damaged his hearing and had to have it repaired with implants, would bring up ANYBODY's "days of doing drugs".
  10. ELOrocks17

    ELOrocks17 New Member

    Sep 4, 2009
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    ummm..ok...Im failing to see the connection here. So Rush is not allowed to report something OBUMMER ADMITTED TO IN HIS OWN FREAKIN BOOK? And are you really comparing Oxycontin to coccain? Ans are you really comparing the ethical standards of a radio talk show host to the President of the United states as somehow equal?
  11. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Oh, he knows. That's exactly why he's doing certain things the way he is.
  12. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Well, the fat pervert did start from Day One claiming that Obama's election was al;l about race. Pigboy has never had the decency to admit that Obama ever did anything right, to include whacking ObL.

    And then the boy bumper starts ranting about military stuff that he knows nothing about. What is a rational person to assume other than that the lard blob is a sick, stuipid racist who has still not gotten over the fact that Obama beat a PTSD victim and a total ditz because America was tired of having stupid people in charge?
  13. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    The idiots are those who think that the Black Panthers were blocking white people from the polls. They were there to make sure that white people didn't pull the kind of (*)(*)(*)(*) that they had in previous elections, like putting a bunch of rednecks in costumes with something like "Voter Security" on them to harrass non-whites in line to vote.

    Even in the video in which some whiney punk right--winger was talking to the press about one Black Panther with a club, white people were walking right past him to go vote.

    Idiots, the whole teatard movement.

    In all honestly, the teatards need to realize that America ain't just full of white folks anymore.
  14. satv365

    satv365 New Member

    Jul 13, 2012
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    Not true, what their intentions where and what they ended up doing are two different factors. The New Black Panthers are not an equal rights movement. They are a history revisionist, racist organization who talk about exterminating white people and killing white babies.

    They where their to intimidate, plain and simple. That's why a police officer escorted them away and the DOJ interfered with an ongoing prosecution against those involved. I don't know why you support having a racist organization standing in front of a polling station brandishing melee weapons.
  15. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Why would you buy into that? Obama is bi-racial.. Either he can do the job or he can't.. I am inclined to give him and A+ on foreign policy and a C+ on the economy.. But, to be fair ..I didn't expect any miraculous quick fix on the economy..

    And, heads up... Mitt has no quick fix either.

  16. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    The New Black Panthers are not even a footnote.. Why are you attributing power and influence to them?
  17. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    ..etc..etc...same pattern every time.

    but sure...we take you seriously. You're so erudite and well spoken...LMFAO...

    Such hatred and seething anger..LMAO...too funny...It must be very frustrating to lack the vocabulary to express oneself; constantly having to fall back on expletives, insults and name calling time and time again. I can't imagine.

    Seriously, though..the anger and hatred?...It's not good for you, mate. It's like YOU'RE drinking poison and hoping WE get sick.

    How on earth would you know? What's the black demographic up there? 4%?

    It's always a rude awakening to anti whites when they get robbed or just before they get murdered and they can't understand how a negro could do such a thing to them.."I'm not a racist" they might say, or "we're all bruthuhs" or "the only race is the human race"..or "I voted for obama"..as if THAT will somehow grant them immunity.

    Sure..stay up there in 96% white Spanaway and tell those of us who live among them how "racist" we are...

    Hopefully someday you'll get an up close experience with street "diversity" and "multiculturalism" real soon.
    LMAO..the panthers would cut your lily white throat and watch you bleed out...and then go get a beer...You're completely out of touch with reality up there.
  18. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    True. I do not just mouth garbage pumped directly from Stormfront to my mouth, like some idiots around here do.

    Actually, I can express myself rather well in two languages. Just kind of hard to say anything politely about scum who want to destroy America, like the low-life morons at Stromfront and similar sites. They want me dead. Fine. Talk to Colonel Mosin and Mr. Nagant.

    Just puts me in a proper frame of mind to pull the trigger when the RaHoWa starts and not feel like I harmed anyone important when the last Aryan warrior wannabe is bleeding his last.

    Closer to 12%, last i heard. I think we also have the highest proportion of families reporting more than one race in the last census nation-wide. Bigots are a set-upon minority here, not persecuted. We just give the silly bastards what they have earned-our complete disdain.

    Being anti-(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) is not being anti white.

    Pulling statistics out of your butt makes you look kind of silly. My own household isn't even 50% white.

    So far, the only people who have ever tried to kill me were a libyan terrorist in 1967, in Libya, a few drug dealers that i turned in because they had become a hazard to public safety for other reasons in 1981, and two white cops-by-day-KuKluxKrap-by-night terrorist dirtbags in 1968.

    I usually pack anyway, and don't give a rat's, really, what color a thug is. I'm just a little more likely to cap a white tweaker because he is probably a Nazi as well. That's who cooks most of the crystal in this area.
  19. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Ok..there's the obligatory "stormfront" reference.Got that out of the way.
    List some of the "idiots around here" you're referring to?

    2 languages? One would never know. Your constant fall back position is vulgarity and name calling...along with mentioning "stormfront" every chance you get.

    Oh look! Another internet tough tough guy! How boring. I know the names of some rifles too...but I don't feel the need to mention them here...Why do you?

    What's Rahowa? I know you must not like it because apparently it sends off you go into some violent fantasy world where you're killing people.

    Those figures were from the last census..I'm sure YOU know better, of course.
    Point is...you're clueless about living in a 70, 80 or 90% black city. THAT'S the point.

    More vulgarity. Not looking too bright with your so called superior knowledge of language and all, ace.

    Try not to think about my "butt", ok?..or at least write something above jr high school level.
    Yeah..that "silly" u.s. census...

    Ahhh...biased. That explains the inability to acknowledge truth and reality of negro crime stats.

    Good for you! Stay up there in your little podunk town where it's safe and you can play tough guy.
    You wouldn't last a day on the south side of chicago or st. louis or memphis or new orleans or atlanta or flint....or any majority black city. Tell them how tough you are and how you hate white people.Tell them you married a negro....Like I said. They'll cut your throat and watch you bleed out.

    Oh look..more tough guy talk about guns and how you'll shoot someone because they MIGHT be a nazi or a tweaker or...blah...blah... child please...get over yourself.

    I do agree that meth or (whatever it is they are manufacturing) is not good for people.

    I could point you to some crime stats that show more negroes per capita are in jail for drugs...but if past behavior indicates future behavior, you'd deny it, blame white people, quote your "stormfront" and curse..You've pretty much worn that act out. We've all seen it before....several times and it's just too tedious and predictable.
  20. sparky2

    sparky2 Banned

    Mar 14, 2012
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    When this man was running for office in 2008, I took flack from some of my friends
    and coworkers for calling him an under-qualified pretty-boy, and a 'product' of his Party.
    Sort of like The Monkees were a manufactured product of a television network
    back in the 1960's.

    One lady immediately sneered, "Your such a racist!"

    I was surprised. "What can you possibly mean by that? I was only speaking
    the truth, and I didn't utter a single racist word about him."

    "You called him 'boy', and you called him a monkey. I call that racist."

    I think the discussion broke down at the point I called her a f%#king idiot.

    I stand by the characterization, 'under-qualified pretty boy'.
    I think of him as 'JFK Light'.

    (Light, because at least JFK was a Veteran and a war hero. This President
    never served, and has no clue what goes on in the Armed Forces.)

    Oh well.
    I look forward to the day that he and Reid and Pelosi are voted out of office.

    That's about all I can do at this point.
    Look forward to that day.
  21. satv365

    satv365 New Member

    Jul 13, 2012
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    Don't weazle off topic. I never said or even inferred that the NBPP was a powerful organization. They are a collection of angry and uneducated ex-felons who think white people owe them something because they raped or killed someone and got sent to prison.

    Back to what I did say. Well, you quoted what I did say. Not anywhere did it say the NBPP was powerful or influential. Come back to me when you learn to read.
  22. satv365

    satv365 New Member

    Jul 13, 2012
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    Blacks will not accept criticism of Obama, because he is black. That is the topic of this thread. It's getting to the point where I don't even care when I get called a racist anymore. It's racist to disagree with Black people, Mexicans, Democrats and other assorted leftist. You can't even have a non-leftist opinion on immigration without being called a racist.

    It is seriously making me more bigoted at the idiot black people who ramble on about how good Obama is when they don't even know a single god (*)(*)(*)(*) thing he stands for. White people are allowed to have opinions contrary to a black person's typically ignorant worldview.

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