US police forces being Israelized: Gordon Duff

Discussion in 'Zionist Agenda' started by Jack Napier, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    The guns weren't full auto, but had illegal additions.
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I do not watch stupid Hollyweird flims, such as that.

    Unlike most pea brains, I do not confuse real pain and suffering, with that in a film.
  3. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    How do you know they aren't just pulling a frame job to con more money out of the deluded pretend Americans in your neck of the woods?

    At least he wasn't driving around killing people and blowing up the peasants like these 2 US supported terrorists [​IMG]
    When the police arrested them for murder and terrorism, the USA coalition attacked the police station killing a number of people in order to rescue these terrorists.

    Re. Gilos:
    The US blamed all officials and killed millions of them in Germany for vague "crimes against humanity" accusations mostly based on perjury, hearsay, and torture. It is official US policy to blame cops and military guys.

    We all know that Gilos fully approves of all the actions to torture, maim and kill people without due process as happens routinely in the USA and in many other places in the world where ever geniuses like Gilos are doing "their thing".

    More geniuses at work:
    US/UK/Saudi terrorists, that Mandrake and Gilos love so much are now throwing postal workers to their deaths for democracy.
  4. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I was afraid this was going to happen. Heard the warning signal from miles away. Too Many fools high up in my military and government have a hard on for israel's oppressive ways. Too many Americans couldn't care less. (*)(*)(*)(*).
  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    At last.

    Someone in the US, who can see it.

    It's like I keep saying, your state is, not a given Gov, not a given politician, your whole system has drifted so far from 95% of people, that they probably take the view 'Why should we not now turn the screw on you, after all, you had all the freedoms in the world, and you did not care, you saw the signs, and you did not care, you saw the warnings, and you ignored them'.

    Ignorance and apathy created a void.

    Something was always going to step into it.

    It's inevitable, and it is logical.

    Try leaving all your windows and doors open, for a week.

    Then go away.

    Someone will fill the 'void'.

    Because you were neglectful.

    Don't forget, there is masses to be gained by putting a nation's people on lockdown.

    Not for you lot though.

    The larger the nation, the more people it is, the more attractive it becomes to usurp.

    Ask Lenin. Well, okay you can't, but the point of fact is that he, and his cronies, these were the worse of people, forget this romantic idea some may have of Russian communism, it was brutal, I would argue vastly more brutal, and on a larger scale, than NS Germany.

    They certainly saw it as an attractive idea to usurp a nation, or replace what it had, with something new.

    Which sounds fine, until you realise that you generally need to force that in some way, and so, some 30million (that would be 10% of Americans), mainly Christians, were butchered, starved to death, beaten, and murdered.

    Why do you think Germany felt so under threat, from Communism? They KNEW what they were like, and they knew what they were capable of, as was later shown.

    Don't forget, that in NS Germany, the German people, by a huge majority, supported their leader, and their leadership.

    No, they were not forced to, they really did, Germans were not wanting to flock out.

    Compare that to what happened, post war.

    We had that wall in Berlin.

    'East' Germany under Communist rule.

    Heck, they would be shot trying to escape all the time.

    What does that tell you, about the two different regimes?

    People were always wanting OUT of communist countries, in E Europe.

    But Germans did not want to flock out of Germany, during the time of the NA.

    Why not?

    Because....they supported their regime, as the regime were supporting them, unlike Communists, who were certainly v good at creating equality, if by that you mean they made everyone so impoverished equally, while a small % of the Party lived the high life.

    The fact of the matter is that the key men behind the Bolshevik Rev and Communism were, like it or not, aetheist Jews.

    Stalin was not a Jew, I am sure of that, it makes no odds, those that came before him, those that enabled his rise, all the key players that supported the rise of Communism, they were mainly atheist Jews.

    Look for yourself, but you may already know.

    Now, what you may call 'political Zionism', it is only about a century or so old (look how close those time lines are, to the B'vik rise), and all of it's founders, they were Jewish, and they were atheists.

    Again, you can go check that for yourself.

    In essence, what I am suggesting to you, is that Zionism is really international communism, by another name.

    You thought your country resisted communism?


    You didn't. It is just going to be given to you, this way, instead.

    I know what you will say. How can that be, when there is free enterprise in the US?

    Is there? The days of people showing true enterprise and business creativity, are gone, you do still get the odd example, but no small business has a real chance now, they are run out of town by major corps.

    So, it will not be communism in the sense that there will be no privately owned companies.

    There will be.

    But I would imagine, that over the ten years, less, you are going to see things like...

    1) More of your people simply vanishing, for saying the wrong thing, against the state.

    2) More punative measures, for those that speak against the state, online, or through any medium.

    3) A total and absolute lock down on your media. It is already owned, and propaganda, but there will be punative measures against journalists that deviate.

    4) Great numbers of Americans, for very vague, and often no reason, being tried in military courts.

    5) And sent down, without trial or legal representation.

    6) More Americans having their passports taken away. I believe that Obama already mooted this for anyone owing tax, so you can see how easy it would be to extend that to anyone they wished.

    7) More Americans being subject to torture, sometimes merely as revenge, or because the people doing it are simply wrong in the head.

    8) A huge number of Americans, most of whom will statistically be Christian, being shot down dead, by armed police, and private 'security' companies, for the mere act of protesting, or showing dissent. This will not be released into the media, and if it is covered, it will be made to look as if the people are merely going berserk, against the rule of law.

    I am past the stage, RA, of actually caring, if you guys want to write off such things, because those that do so, without even consideration, well, they reap what they sow, imo, they will be sorry, of that I am sure.

    And there is another problem for you too.

    You have all made your own state machine too powerful, for anyone in the WORLD to help you.

    In other words, if this got really bad, in the US, there is NOTHING that could be done to help you, you have made the machine too great, that not even NATO would be able to do a thing about it.

    Like I say, people can be complacent, if they wish.

    I suppose there were even Jews that did not see the signs, until it was too late for them.

    I suppose there were probably those that tried to warn some Jews, or who passed on their stories, and they were ignored, because it all seemed TOO far fetched.

  6. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    It is too late jack. Not enough care. Not enough are aware.
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    For the US, yes, I'm afraid so.

    There will deniers, all the way up to the bitter end, and even when others hear of it, they will not believe it, because they will not want to.

    That is how the human mind can work, or not, as it were.

    I dare say that some will rock up, and pour scorn on what, to me, is an obvious and steady march, toward something very dark, domestically, for the US people.

    In a way, it is their own fault.

    And your fault, sorry, but when you do deals, or you support American businessmen or politicians that served Zionism and plutocracy first, what did you really think would happen???

    Did you all honestly believe that these greedy criminals were going to share all those corporate profits with you?

    Did you really think that those taxes were properly being invested in building up your nation?

    Did you really not see that all those silly faux opposition that would would put out for you (Now Obama v Romney), was just a show?

    Did you honestly and truly believe that the men who would dare dream up laws, or rather break laws, routinely, would leave YOUR laws alone, and your freedom?


    Mark my words.

    You have all been fooled, so much so that most will never accept it, until they can no longer possibly deny it.

    The media flooded you with BS about 'Sharia Law'.

    They got you all hyped up about something, which, until a few years ago, no one in the US had heard of, or even cared about.

    They used their PR machine to feed you images of 'Sharia in practice', in part to keep you hating on innocent people, so that they could murder them, and in part, because they wanted to IMPLY that 'Sharia Law could come HERE'.



    It was never Sharia Law here that you had to worry about.
  8. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Stay away?? they sent their police to be trained by us...., they need to stay away..., they CHOSE not to, because your fear spreading is without base and totally BS.
  9. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    You need to mention that you are holding a flashlight under your chin , ppl will listen better.

    that means that Israel is a communist country , that Russia and Israel are good friends - or were until the 80's, that Putin is really working for us since he got a big brother tattoo on his right ass chick.

    what else...., oh and that Communism was not invented as a gov method to help the ppl by economic share but to spread misery and milliards od ppl around the world followed that because a Jew told a lie.....did you check it with your University proffesor or came to this conclusion alone?
  10. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Not at all.... its been proven historically, we rely on the Talmud Zionists to manipulate the masses by the control of the financial institutions media and political parties to point man against man to the detriment of all living breathing organisms nations and children!

    All you need do is look at the atrocities against the Syrians (USA paid mercenaries) to understand that little nugget of wisdom!

  11. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Why would America have to have their police trained by israel?

    In your view and everything.
  12. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    With such a world view, no amount of analysis, logic, correction, fact will change it.
    It is based on faith and supported by ingrained hatred which explains why its so divorced from reality.

    Gotta love the seemless way the poster weaves post war germany to zionism to control of the US, to the decline of the US using examples that clearly demonstrate a twisted view of the american people. Talk about a stretch.

    I suppose that one might glean a modicum of pleasure from constantly publishing one's poorly realized wet dreams, but it seems like a sad and lonely past time.
  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Baaa..baaa...obey the state...the state are always right...listen to authority...baaa baaa...there is no orchestrated propaganda campaign by Zionists, in the US...baa baa...anyone that suggests that is Hitler....baaa baaaa...the US media are not merely a total propaganda tool for Zionists....baaa...baaaa..:nod::nod:

  14. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Why do armies do joint exercise? why do we have exchange students? we do we have professional conferences?

    Israel leads in security and we share the knowledge with our Allies that clearly have terror cells in their country, and its not just the US,

    Let sconsider your theory for a sec, Israel plans a coup on the US, it takes US police men and trains them to fight their own families and freind - because we tell them to, after Israel trains.....what? 500,000 policemen? they will wait the command to take over? is that your enlightment? I cant belive im typing this (*)(*)(*)(*) why am I debating with ppl that clearly need help????
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    When you adopt a less offensive manner, then I will answer your questions.

    And I am well aware that you think Israel 'leads the way in security'.

    I hear the SS were pretty hot at it, as well.

    That's the concern.

    The concern IS your 'security'.
  16. Uri

    Uri Active Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Last night I saw a bunch of palestinians being hurded into a train going east.
    They were guarded by the SS.
    By Israeli police.
  17. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    No one is stopping from selling your assets, buying a herd and move to Greece or Iran, no one stops you from gaining a degree and work as freelance or at a big company, no one stops you from taking any day job and smoke hash every day till your brain goes numb...

    where's the "big brother" phobia coming from??????
  18. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    wow, I didnt see that one,

    Its rethorical questions, and you cant accuse anyone for being "offensive".

    So you think we don't need security, open the harbors the Airports as we don't want ppl to think we are too strict....

    Normal ppl realize the risks in the 21st century facing terror and thas the need for security, if you are getting 1984 flashbacks is because you live in a cotton ball.
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Excuse me?

    What does the babble you wrote hear have to do with anything?

    What on earth are you on about?
  20. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Yes I can.

    I just did.

    How about that, huh..

    Anyway, when you adopt a less sarcastic and offensive tone, we can discuss anything you like.

    Until then, no.
  21. J0NAH

    J0NAH Banned

    Oct 26, 2011
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    American police are possibly the worst in the world.
  22. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    At what?
  23. J0NAH

    J0NAH Banned

    Oct 26, 2011
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    Anything, you name it, apart from killing young black males though.
  24. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Operating within the law at all times?

    Being hard to bribe and corrupt?

    Being mindful of treatment of those held in custody?

    Using non confronational tactics that are liable to aggravate?
  25. J0NAH

    J0NAH Banned

    Oct 26, 2011
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    All of those, they are utterly useless at.

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