A Liberal Party Dollar or Liberal Party Volunteerism Hour could.......

Discussion in 'Canada' started by DennisTate, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    # internationaltrade: "A Liberal Party Dollar could play a significant role in stimulating certain types of trade with many other nations.

    Take a look at CalgaryDollars.ca to get a better idea of the impact that an initiative of this nature can have in merely one Canadian city.

    One of the risks of organized barter is that you pay the same level of taxes on earning a Calgary Dollar, as if you had earned a Canadian dollar, so your percentage of dealings in organized barter over a one year period of time need to be at a low enough level where you are still able to pay all your taxes in Canadian dollars.

    One possible remedy for this is to set out to make non-profit organizations all across Canada wealthy in Liberal Party Dollars as they try their best to address various social problems.

    For example, homeless people in a major Canadian city, could be organized into a film production cooperative or two or three, where they become actors playing the role of homeless people. Liberal Party Dollars could be used to finance a substantial percentage of such film projects due to the fact that charitable organizations could use them to inspire far greater involvement by local companies and individuals than they could if this measuring tool was unavailable to them.

    A Liberal Party Dollar could be extremely useful in assisting developing nations to educate children in internet based English and French language instruction. A Liberal Dollar, could even play a significant role in combating ”Dutch Disease” to whatever degree Mr. Mulcair may be correct that it is somewhat of an issue in the Canadian economy??!!" (posted October 2012 to the official Liberal Party discussion forum).
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Before joining Canada's Liberal Party I really checked out the other parties quite well.

    I attended a meeting with the NDP.

    I had some interesting discussions on the Green Party Facebook page discussion forums.

    I had lots of debates with people all across Canada who tend to vote Conservative.

    In 2008 when Liberal Party Leader Mr. Stephan Dion took a considerable risk and supported a carbon tax, although I am not exactly on the same page as him, I was impressed that he made it clear that the Liberal Party takes climate change seriously.

    It seemed logical that Liberals would tend to be interested in an alternative theory on climate change that might even appeal to conservatives, (if they were not absolute skeptics).


    The Sahara Forest Project...and saving New Orleans and Florida from rising oceans!

    Did you know that there is an Islamic prophecy that the Islamic desert regions would be turned green in the latter days?????

    This topic is of special interest to me because I live about a hundred miles from the Bay of Fundy. I live five kms from the ocean on the eastern part of Nova Scotia. In my area the difference between low tide to high tide is about one meter! The land form of the Bay of Fundy has a funnelling effect on tidal waters and so parts of the Fundy have a difference of fifteen to seventeen meters between low to high tide!

    The question on my mind would be if ocean levels were to rise about thirty centimeters in my part of Nova Scotia, would they rise by four or five meters along parts of the Fundy???? (15 x 30 cms = 450 cms or 4.5 m)

    There are 143,000 acres of farmland taken back from the Fundy by dikes that are probably in the position of the proverbial canary in a coal mine in relation to rising ocean levels!

    Every cubic meter of H2O added to the water table of nations in the Middle EAst will NOT be on top of New Orleans, Florida, Holland, Bangladesh or those 143,000 acres along the Fundy!!!!!

    I felt a huge sense of relief when I first heard about The Sahara Forest Project!

    Sahara Forest Project
    April 19


  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In theory, if the nations of Israel and Jordan were willing to ACCEPT several million or billion Liberal Party Volunteerism Hours or Dollars as a part of the financing for a plan to turn the deserts of Jordan green..................… then a Liberal Party Volunteerism Hour could actually perhaps end up on the international money markets?!

    Hundreds of Israeli and Jordanian companies would love to have their products or services tested by Canadians so they would be far more than merely interested in this method that would in their eyes be a major improvement over donating their products to us.

  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Theoretically......… a Liberal Party Volunteerism Hour could begin to replace the USA Dollar as an important tool to facilitate trade between some nations or certain types of research that most Liberals could agree needs to be done.

    It could even help us to get our heads around the idea of addressing many huge problems simultaneously.


    My wife is from Quito, Ecuador so I heard a lot of amazing things about this area of the world. The first time that I heard about amazing longevity was actually a documentary done back in the 1970's. This explanation may help you to know how Jewish baby boomers can live extremely healthy lives of well over one century.


    Post subject: Unified Theory of Modern World Problems centered on food!


    I will now try my best to list ten of the most serious problems facing the nations of Israel and my nation Canada. Then I wish to try my best to explain how the production of food in the world's deserts has the potential to address all of these problems simultaneously!!
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Since writing this message I have left Canada's Liberal Party and joined Canada's Conservative Party so that I could more effectively promote:

    Canadians 4 Peter MacKay for Conservative Leadership.

    "I believe it was in October of 2008 when I attended a meet and greet with Mr. Peter MacKay at the Indian Harbour Lake Community Centre. When the subject of climate change came up Mr. MacKay referred to a trip that he had just gotten back from visiting Canadian troops stationed in the Arctic. He mentioned that they had been playing soccer....... dressed in shorts.......IN SEPTEMBER!!! This could not have happened even three decades ago.
    Mr. MacKay is not a dogmatic climate change skeptic as so many "Conservatives" are and I believe that if he is willing to campaign for the office of National Leader of the Conservative Party the discussion on this issue would become much more objective and honest than has been the case in the past." (posted October 2, 2015)
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Is Canada the perfect place to hold the database necessary for the financing of something that would be relevant to all nations on the earth?

    The elected officials that we consider to be our worst political leaders over spend on actual devices that are somewhat useful for Canadian citizens!


    Nova Scotia parliamentary expenses scandal

    My main point is..... that this man could have had somewhat good intentions. He may have been entertaining VIP's from other nations and did not want to inconvenience his guests in the event of a snow storm that could sometimes knock out electricity for a day or two. (Just this weekend my own home was without power for about forty hours)! I agree that spending $8,000 for a generator is excessive but.......... any of us who have spent any amount of time in a third world nation would know that his error....... although certainly a problem and unwise.......involved small amounts of money in comparison to the level of government corruption in other nations!

    Is a Unified Theory of Modern World Problems even possible?
    I began to use this phrase about five years ago.

    .............Was Moses - Moshe a brilliant economist?

    Is the following statement one of the most accurate ideas regarding what we human beings are actually capable of IF..............we can actually agree on the need for a particular project?

    and on.......

    IF...… it is indeed true that human productive capability and ingenuity is pretty much beyond what any economist has been telling us........(assuming that we are basically united in agreement that a certain thing must be done)........... then...… could a better money supply system play a significant role in ushering in a much better world?

    Ecclesiastes 10:19

    Could it be possible for money to answer.......ALL modern world problems???????????!

    Post subject: Unified Theory of Modern World Problems centered on food!


    I will now try my best to list ten of the most serious problems facing the nations of Israel and my nation Canada. Then I wish to try my best to explain how the production of food in the world's deserts has the potential to address all of these problems simultaneously!!

    1. Nuclear WWIII begins, probably in the Middle East!
    2. Large scale acts of terrorism involving nuclear or biological agents.
    3. Ocean level rise of merely one meter can put one hundred million people worldwide out of their homes which....increases the probability of large scale acts of terrorism.
    4. One billion people are hungry and malnourished.
    5. The common people in wealthy nations eat food that does not tend to increase our levels of health and longevity.
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am amazed!

    I put this basic idea in front of somebody and only about 14 hours later they came back with an utterly brilliant reply:


    (post #282)

    TEN USA STATES are discussing minting State coins and are actively encouraging local governments to print up local paper currencies. State governments know that they can be used to significantly increase economic activity at the local level.


  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Passing this challenge on to Canada's Conservative Party will be an important
    part of my platform.

    On the official Liberal Party discussion forum this topic did generate a lot of basically
    positive discussion but....... once Canadians gave P. M. Trudeau a majority government.....

    I felt that an initiative like this would be considered too risky for a majority government.

    Dennis Tate for National Leader of Canada's Conservative Party.
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I was a member of Canada's Liberal Party from 2009 - 2015.

    I am of the belief that a Nova Scotia Teacher's Union Volunteerism Hour or Dollar
    could play a significant role in boosting the economy of every community in Nova Scotia
    where there is a school.

    What is it worth to have a retired teacher tutor your child who needs help?

    In my opinion, from my experience, PRICELESS!
  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I could be wrong.... I often am.....
    but I have the funny feeling that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus has raised up the People's Party of Canada
    for this 2019 federal level election to TEST Canada's Christian community to see how many of us care
    about what Messiah Yeshua - Jesus cares about?

    One of the things that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus may well care about may well be UNBORN BABIES?????

    Would a Basic Minimum Income dramatically reduce abortions?

    M. P. Sean Fraser and I got into some variations on that topic back in our 2016 Sherbrooke Lion's Hall meeting. This is something of an update:

    "Proposed reality film series based on keeping M.P. Sean Fraser"


  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I ADMIT IT ...... I PLEAD GUILTY..... THE MESS IN CANADA IS PARTLY MY FAULT...... THE brilliant and wise Ms. Martha Hall Findlay was my number one choice for the leadership of the Liberal Party but......... my number two choice was Mr. Justin Trudeau...... so the mess in Canada at this time is partly my fault!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My humble and deep apologies to all Canadians!!!!!!!!!

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The plot thickens.......
    I was told that I have something of a "Grandfather Complex" by the gifted and brilliant Mr. Asher Putnam on Facebook groups around 2008 or 2009........... and I plead guilty.......... I do believe that based on my limited understanding of The Gilgul Cycle as explained by near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava..... Prime Minister Justin Trudeau might actually be my great, great, great, great grandson from one or more of my possible "past lives" and yes........ I feel that I can pay off whatever fine that thirty seven point six million Canadians might decide to give him because.......

    MY BELIEF IS THAT PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU SET ME UP BRILLIANTLY for a role that I had in mind since 1990.... if not even earlier!!!!!!!!!!


    Mounties for Freedom

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2021
  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Whoever is crowned as the new national leader of Canada's Conservative Party in a day or two may find it interesting that I attempted to mount a campaign to rival Trudeau for the leadership of the Liberals back in 2012....

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