Should white men be punished?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by ryobi, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Telekat

    Telekat Member Past Donor

    Mar 8, 2015
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    No, they are not responsible for actions that happened before they were born.
  2. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    You want to hurt someone, for what a person who happened to have the same color skin did? That's not punishment.

  3. Eyeswideopen1989

    Eyeswideopen1989 Banned

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Seems to be a common theme among the left.

    But thats why white people are starting to fight back.

    - - - Updated - - -

    yea so should black people who are benefitting from it then to right? Matter of fact, there are plenty living off my taxes. I want restitution for that.
  4. monkrules

    monkrules Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2016
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    That’s a great idea. And in NO time what you’d see is white people on ladders painting and repairing their homes. White folks mowing lawns and sweeping the sidewalks, and picking up trash. In six months white people would have the “hood” looking brand new, and like a great place to live. Crime rates would go down to normal, people would treat each other with respect.

    Oh, yeah, and folks would be going to “jobs” and earning their own way. Not asking for never-ending handouts, more and more AIDC, Section 8, and more welfare for the babies their women drop like a Pez dispenser. Or whining for reparations they didn’t earn, because they weren’t even alive when slavery was in place.

    Black people could have done all of these things, too. But for whatever reason, they chose not to. Instead they drove their neighborhoods into the ground and allowed a gang culture to flourish. Our choices have consequences. Life is hard -- for EVERYONE -- you get what you earn in this life. So quit begging, you’ll make people hate you. Read my lips: NO reparations. EVER. Just deduct your reparation demands from the welfare and other free junk you’ve received for decades and decades. You can owe us the difference, and pay us back in installments. Yeah, we'll hold our breath. Lol...
  5. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Of course that would also be white peoples fault.

    Reparations will not happen ever, not only do they not deserve it there is no way to prove how the funds would be issued or who would pay, and even if it did they would still be living in filth infested ghettos run by corrupt elected leaders because that is the life they have chosen for themselves and their families. Teach your children to hate the system and ignore lawful authority, tell them they can never succeed because of their skin color - the black community has no one to blame but themselves.
  6. krew09

    krew09 Member

    May 12, 2010
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    There is a cure for Marxist indoctrination(source documentation).... White people are not Jews,Jews are not white,many look white...Jews do not consider themselves whites unless they are playing tricks with the goyim in the media.

    *White Europeans were not the slave Jewish historians admissions,port records,ship logs,census,ect..
    The slave traders were was the White Europeans that were the first in the world to end slavery. Today in Africa,blacks still enslave blacks...
    pg 138 of "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews" look at the names of the ships,the ship owners...all documented. Relationship between Blacks and Jews.pdf

    "The ships were mot only owned by Jews,but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains NEW WORLD JEWRY
    . The ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned
    by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains."
    [SEYMOUR LIEBMAN, New World Jewry, 1493-1825 , in MARTIN,
    p. 113]
    "Just as a disproportionately large number of Jews were slave
    owners, a disproportionately large number of Jewish merchants sold
    slaves as they would any other goods. Several of these merchants
    were prominent in their communities: an acting rabbi, the president
    of a congregation." [ROBERTA FEUERLICHT, in SEC LIFE, p. 179]
  7. War is Peace

    War is Peace Banned

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Spoken like a true liberal.
    Apparently you believe when that white man was born, he should already be in debt for the actions of others. Just how much should that white man pay? And......just for fun you might want to take a look at the 4th Amendment.

    Thinking the future will be better by re-litigating the past is fantasy.
  8. monkrules

    monkrules Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2016
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    Get a freaking life, already. Enough with the reparations BS. Get a freaking job and quit begging. NO MORE HANDOUTS. No more freebies.

    Blacks should pay white people restitution, for getting them out of that miserable s***hole and giving them a chance for a better life...someday. Blacks in America have to be among the best educated and affluent blacks in the world. And STILL they whine about freaking reparations.

    However, if you can show us someone who was actually a slave, and show us the slave owner, maybe we can talk. But for those who just want to freeload off the past. Sorry, that train left a long time ago.
  9. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    It will never happen. People should not be held responsible for the sins of their fathers. Would you have a black child held responsible if his or her father killed, raped, or committed some other crime?
  10. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    How about just punishing them for what white Republicans are doing now?

    You know, things like disenfranchising blacks with voter ID laws and gerrymandering of Congressional districts.

    Advocacy for White Nationalism/White Supremacy.

    Sending young black men to prison for marijuana offenses so they can deny them the Right to Vote

    Destroying nature and the environment that also belongs the Black Americans.

    Opposing the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Pay Act, and the Voting Rights Act.

    Opposing a living wage leaving millions of hard working Blacks in poverty.

    Opposing quality education in the public schools by giving valuable education tax dollars to upper income Republicans so they can send their kids to a private Christian school.

    Republican "supply side" economic policies that benefit super-wealthy investors while working blacks watched their real income decline by over 14% during the Reagan administration.

    Demanding "original government" that, if we pause to remember, was the government that allowed slavery.
  11. GrayMan

    GrayMan Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Blaming and punishing encourages hate. We should help and support each other because we are americans no matter our color.
  12. SlightlyToTheRight

    SlightlyToTheRight New Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    No, and I'm tired of being blamed for something I didn't do. Get over it.
  13. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    It's important to understand many problems and discourage repeating actions that produced them. But yea, we should take ego out of it where possible. Focus more on solving the problem less on making people happy that someone got blamed or punished.

    Color rarely causes problems, more often assigning blame to a color does.

  14. QLB

    QLB Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Restitution never. Repatriation YES. If so, then from Blacks I demand every bit of money EVER given to them from ANY federal, state or local program. Above all I demand the return of all ( gasp) Obama phones.
  15. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    People are prosecuted for Crimes they commit or conspiracy to commit crimes, and unintentional Crime that often results in the death(s) of other person(s)
    However, the sins of the Fathers are in no wise visited upon the Sons.
  16. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Quality education doesn't boost black IQ into adulthood. Nothing you mentioned is responsible for black poverty and crime; blacks are responsible for their poverty and crime.

    Can you find one black nation or region with an IQ above 100?
  17. BlackHogGranolaBrown

    BlackHogGranolaBrown Banned

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Black IQ's seem to fall further behind White IQ's with age during childhood.

    To me this is because Blacks go through puberty earlier, and probably have their brains develop earlier.

    But, to some this maybe because of prejudices.

    The problem with the prejudices argument is some groups subjected to prejudices in the United States tower in IQ's, such as Ashkenazi Jews with a 107 - 114 IQ, Asian Indians with a 109 - 112 IQ, Polish Americans with a 109 IQ, and Chinese Americans with a 108 IQ.
  18. BlackHogGranolaBrown

    BlackHogGranolaBrown Banned

    Feb 20, 2017
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    How about me who comes from early 20th century Ellis Island immigrants to the New York / Connecticut region?

    How did I benefit?

    If you figure the United States wealth generated from slavery benefited Whites who didn't enslave anyone.

    One could just as easily say that African Americans also benefited from that wealth generated.

    Why is it that African Americans are rich compared to their brothers in Africa?
  19. BlackHogGranolaBrown

    BlackHogGranolaBrown Banned

    Feb 20, 2017
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    In all fairness African immigrants in the United States would appear to have high IQ's.

    But, this would only suggest that IQ is pretty inherent, considering that many immigrants from Africa to the USA, are none other than elite crème of the crop from Africa.
  20. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    There's a lot of talking without people addressing the real issues involved.

    No one is to be "punished" for what someone else did in the past.

    Our social, economic, and political institutions since before the nation was even founded has always been overwhelmingly based upon white Anglo Saxon Protestant male supremacy and that places everyone else at a disadvantage socially, economically, and politically.

    Foremost of those disadvantaged have been the "African-Americans" because of racial prejudice. Someone that's white and Catholic or white and Jewish doesn't have the same disadvantage because their religious belief is not evident simply by looking at them while skin color is.

    Today anti-black racial prejudice by "whites" continues to deny equality of economic opportunity, social equality, and political influence for blacks in our society. They're a minority where all of the "worst" things that can happen do happen because they're so readily identifiable on sight. Except in extreme cases of overt racism or hate crimes white men are never "punished" for the denial of equality that results from anti-black racial prejudice that the whites aren't even aware of because it's subconscious "prejudice" and not overt racism.

    Black also suffer from what is best described as generational economic disparity and that has serious detrimental effects on their lives. The most recent study I've read is that the median white household has a net worth of about $140,000 while the median black household has a net worth of about $11,000. This is a huge difference between the two where parity, all things being equal, would take about 15 generation before both black and white households would have the same net worth. Think about that because 15 generations equals 450 years. Slavery only ended 150 years ago and just based upon the disparity then, if there had been no racial prejudice or discrimination during that time period. we'd only be 1/3rd of the way towards achieving generational economic equality. Pf course racial prejudice and discrimination has existed during all of that time period so blacks aren't even 1/3rd of the way towards reaching generational economic equality.

    Ultimately we're dealing with the simple fact that "equality" does not exist for blacks in the United States and has never existed for blacks in the United States. The government in the 1960's addressed overt denial of equality for blacks by government and in some cases in the private sector but only in flagrant denial of equality cases. While that's important it's the subtle denial of equality because of prejudice that doesn't leave a "paper trail" but does leave statistical trail of evidence that it undeniable exists that is of most concern.

    Because government is tasked with ensuring equality, but is incapable of accomplishing that, the government attempts to "mitigate" the denial of equality. That can result in special programs like Affirmative Action that doesn't discriminate against whites. Federal Affirmative Actions guidelines prohibit the use of "race" as a hiring criteria and diversification of the work force to include more blacks is accomplished by non-discriminatory means such as simply expanding job recruitment into black communities. Affirmative action doesn't punish white men.

    There are also welfare programs that address the "poverty" but that's not a punishment for whites. Yes, more whites pay taxes and taxes are used for welfare assistance that's because whites, that aren't discriminated against economically, earn more money (statistically about 150% more than the median black compensation).

    So I don't know what some are referring to when it comes to "punishing whites" because we're not being punished at all. We actually benefit from "white privilege" that's really the "privilege" of not being discriminated against in our social, economic, and political institutions.
  21. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Your family didn't suffer the extremes of prejudice that are first and foremost based upon visual characteristics. There was discrimination against the Irish for example but from across the street it's pretty hard to tell if someone is Irish.

    You could say it but it would be denying that African Americans were subjected to anti-black racial prejudice, discrimination, and denial of economic equality.

    Because they live in America and this is an invalid comparison that we're not even sure is true. A black person that can't afford to pay their electric bill in the United State is in debt and arguably poorer than a black person in Africa that doesn't have electricity and isn't in debt.

    Economic comparison are only really accurate when made within an individual economy. Now try rationalizing why white households are 10-15 times more wealthy than black households in the United States and why a black man with the same education, job experience, and performance when compared to a white man typically earns 40% less.
  22. BlackHogGranolaBrown

    BlackHogGranolaBrown Banned

    Feb 20, 2017
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    My Irish great grandfather went to Niagara falls, when he walked into Canada, then walked back into the USA, he was bought in for questioning despite being an American citizen.

    Now, when stuff like that happens to Mexicans crossing the border, your kind of Liberal ilk cry discrimination.

    So, what's the deal?

    There's still a lot of ill feelings towards Polish, and Italians in the United States.
    I've personally seen how if I tell people I have a Polish heritage, sometimes they make a face.
    I've also heard loads of dumb Polak jokes.

    While I'm not Italian, quite a few Italians I've spoken with, have said they've been discriminated against.

    Irish today at least, seem to have it a little better, which I suspect is because they have more numbers in the United States.
    Same goes for Anglos, Scots, and to a lesser extent Germans.

    But, Poles, and Italians seem to be big enough to be noticed, but not big enough to have a fighting chance, thus those 2 groups tend to be put down pretty bad, and it's very apparent in media, and Hollywood too.
  23. BlackHogGranolaBrown

    BlackHogGranolaBrown Banned

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Because we value savings, education, investments, and hard work more.

    Sorry, your kind of touchy feely nonsense doesn't work with me.

    Many of my family members started off with nothing, no heating, no indoor plumbing, and ended up quite wealthy.

    Sure, I personally have over $80,000 in assets at age 31, and sure my parents have over $1,000,000 in assets.

    But, none of us started off like that.

    I long had no car, and lived at home so I could save up.

    I'm now accumulating wealth quickly, I'm planning to buy a house soon to rent out.

    Yes, my parents let me help them out, and therefor I can accumulate wealth.

    I mean I went to Yonkers, to the ghetto, where some of my family grew up.
    I saw Blacks driving very expensive cars, with very expensive rims, very expensive stereos etc.

    None of which holds value, it's not my fault I understand the value of savings, and investments, while many of them don't.
  24. BlackHogGranolaBrown

    BlackHogGranolaBrown Banned

    Feb 20, 2017
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    My friends Polish family moved from Krakow Poland to New York in the 1980's.

    They came with nothing, because in Communism you don't have real assets, it's the governments assets.

    They drove rusty cars, just so they could save up for college, and save up for a house.

    Now they live in a house worth over 1 million, and still drive rusty cars.

    Now, is it our faults that many Blacks would rather waste money on expensive sneakers, cars, bling bling, and stereos rather than on sound investments?

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    They already have been punished by making them push # 1 for English that is forbidden under the U.S. Constitution VIII Amendment that forbids imposing cruel and unusual punishment.

    This cruel punishment has gone on way to long and has to end.

    Justice needs to be served and the politically correct advocates and non whites need to be brought to justice for violating the Vlll Amendment.

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