Evidence that the Holocaust DIDN'T happen?

Discussion in 'Zionist Agenda' started by Ronstar, Dec 16, 2013.

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  1. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    I was just searching for something on the internet and I have found and concluded that most of the websites that are pro-Holocaust are in fact Jewish websites. I take issue with that because of the reality of the "Holocaust Industry" and how said industry has netted nothing but sum gain for the promoters of the industrial holocaust extortion racket. This is like saying because people, including myself who is Black, take issue with the industry of negativity that has engulfed many black people in these United States of [North] America. It does not matter who is questioning the validity of any given issue, if there are discrepancies, there are discrepancies. To clear up said discrepancies, all questions that are earnest should be researched and factual information brought to light. Than again, many are probably thinking, 'What do you know?'
  2. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    That is not true, White, Caucasian, Tamahu is not just physical manifestation. Take the nation of India as an example, the most know type of Indian from India are the Caucasians and the little known original Indian people are known as Davits or Untouchables. The Davits are actually Black people, just as the Aborigines of Australia, who are direct relatives of the Davits of India. That is like saying Black is only skin deep, when that is also a superficial statement, Black is to the bone, just as Caucasian/White, Yellow, Brown and Red are to the bone, meaning genetic.
  3. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    How do you know that those are all Jews? Could not they also be German civilians who died as a result of Allied bombing campaigns? I am only asking a logical question. Presenting a picture does not give any more validity to the current topic of discussion, than showing a picture of people in concentration camps and stating that said pictures proves beyond any doubt that their was a manifest campaign to gas Jews. I hope that you comprehend what I am pointing towards. If not, allow me to clarify what I am stating, a picture does not prove intent, nor racial or religious classification, all a picture proves is that at the time said picture was taken, yes the people in said picture were at said place.
  4. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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  5. AlifQadr

    AlifQadr Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    While in the past an "anti-Semite" was someone who hates Jews, nowadays it is the other way around; an anti-Semite is someone the Jews hate.


    Zionism has become an efficient system that serves what the Zionists define as primary Jewish interests. Within the Zionist framework, the Israelis colonize Palestine and the Jewish Diaspora is there to mobilize lobbies by recruiting international support. The Neocons transform the American army into an Israeli mission force.


    Zionism is there to offer a new 'world order', with the English-speaking empire as a world policing force and a defender of Jewish interests.


    Zionism is a tribal Jewish preservation project.

    ... Israel is the Jewish state and, despite the Zionist promise to build a civilized nation, it functions as a Jewish ghetto.


    It is not the idea of being unethical that torments Israelis and their supporters, but the idea of being 'caught out' as such.

    Once again, this reading of Israeli reality can help us to understand the magnitude of Operation Cast Lead,


    [Karl] Marx equates Jews with capitalism, self-interest and money-grubbing. For him, capitalism is Judaism, and Judaism is capitalism.


    Zionism does dictate the plunder of Palestine in the name of Jewish national aspiration and 'home- coming'. Israel has been efficient in translating Zionist philosophy into brutal practice. However, Israelis - more precisely, the vast majority of Israeli-born secular Jews - are not motivated by Zionist ideology. Its spirit and symbols are virtually meaningless to them. Zionism is, for most of them, either an archaic notion or a foreign concept altogether. Most forms of 'anti-Zionism', then, have hardly any effect on Israel, Israeli politics or the Israelis themselves. Zionism is largely a Jewish Diaspora discourse.


    Tel Aviv University historian Professor Shlomo Sand

    At a certain stage in the 19th century, intellectuals of Jewish origin in Germany, influenced by the folk character of German nationalism, took upon themselves the task of inventing a people [Jews] 'retrospectively,' out of a thirst to create a modern Jewish people.


    Instead of a supernatural entity (namely, God) to command them to invade and commit genocide against the Promised Land's' indigenous inhabitants, in the Jewish national revival project it was they themselves - Herzl, Jabotinsky, Weizmann, Ben-Gurion, Sharon, Peres, Barak, Netanyahu, Lieberman, etc - who would decide to expel and kill. God no longer killed in the name of the Jewish people, the Jews did. They did it with Jewish symbols decorating their planes and tanks, and followed commands issued in Hebrew, the newly restored language of their ancestors.

    The Zionist hijacking of the Bible was in fact a desperate Jewish answer to German Early Romanticism. However, as much as 19th century German philosophers, poets, architects and artists were ideologically and aesthetically excited about pre-Socratic Greece, they knew very well that they were not Hellenism's (biological) sons and daughters. The Jewish nationalists took their project one step further, binding themselves into a blood chain with their mythical forefathers; Hebrew, formerly a sacred tongue, became an everyday spoken language.

    The Bible is fiction, and not much in it can substantiate the glorification of the Jewish people in Palestine at any stage. It would appear, rather, to be an ideological text that is being made to serve social and political ends.


    American and British politicians insist on a banal and simplistic historic tale to do with WWII, Cold War, Islam, 9/11 etc. Tragically, the criminal Anglo-American genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan, AKA 'The War against Terror', is a continuation of our self-inflicted blindness. Since Britain and America failed to grasp the necessary message from the massacres in Hamburg and Dresden, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, there was nothing that could stop English-speaking imperialism from committing similar crimes in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq... Western political leadership is totally detached from humanist thinking or judgments that involve ethics.


    Western political leadership is totally detached from humanist thinking or judgments that involve ethics.
    from the book "The Wandering Who?"
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
  6. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Regarding the photo in post #353...

    If it was in a concentration camp, it's still consistent with the scenario of people's having died of typhus and starvation that was caused by the breakdown of the food distribution system in Germany toward the end of the war.

    There are NO photographs of corpses of Nazi gassing victims. The cheap, dirty trick which really makes the hoax succeed is the wilful misuse of pictures of countless sick and dead in the camps at the end of the war—none of which are of people killed in gas chambers—but which are repeatedly shown to give the false impression that millions of people must have been murdered in gas chambers. There really is no direct connection--but for the more than gullible masses, the connection is “undeniable.” The people who show those pictures are all in on the trick. They all know perfectly well that the pictures are of people who died of other causes such as typhus—but they use the pictures anyway for their powerful psychological effect to precondition their audience for the gassing and mass extermination pitch which inevitably follows. The pictures are irrelevant except for their enormous shock value. Pictures of countless healthy prisoners in the same camps are generally not shown for reasons that are all too obvious. This delibeerate misuse of photographs is rather widespread and illustrates the collective eagerness of many people (the “hoaxers“ or co-conspirators in the hoax), especially in the American media, to throw whatever they can find against the Nazis, SS and Germans generally just like spiteful children. They want to believe in the hoax.

    More info here...
  7. BingoBongoLand

    BingoBongoLand Member

    Apr 16, 2017
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  8. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Actually the third photo is could not be from gassing victims. they were stripped before entering.

    and considering that there were mounds of dead bodies all over the damn place when the camps were liberated, I don't think you can draw any conclusion about how those in the other photos died. Its possible they were piled up awaiting cremation, but there's a US solider in one of the photos, which would definitely eliminate that photo as that of gass victims.
    The second photo I would hazard a guess are dead slaves.

    Scott is correct. There are NO photos that can be definitively identified as gassing victims so far found in any released archive. Revisionist seize upon this fact claiming that there aren't any photos because it never happened, however, photo's of victims are not necessary to "prove the case" that gassing occurred since there is an overwhelming amount of forensic evidence that definitively proves it.. Despite jew hating denier claims to the contrary.
  9. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You two seem to have missed the point made in post #356. Please go back and look at it again and respond to it in a way that shows you've understood it.
  10. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I did. I acknowledge there are no photos of gassing victims. Using your brilliant deductive reasoning in this regard, I shall merely point out that you have no photos of your parents having sex at your conception, so that means you aren't here.
  11. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Could you link to some of it so that we can analyze it instead of just saying it's there?
  12. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I have repeatedly provided you with evidence.

    You have repeatedly ignored such evidence.

    You claim you haven't read mein kampf, yet you have all kinds of distorted ideas about Hilter's vision and the actions he took in his insatiable desire to establish the 1,000 year reich.
    You claim you haven't read or viewed the Eichmann testimony, yet dismiss it out of hand.
    You repeatedly ignore devasting rebuttal evidence of the usual revisionist bullshit claims.
    You consistently employ the obvious revisionist rhetorical tactics that all of us familiar with jew hating nazi apologist can readily identify.

    I do understand the impenetrable wall of delusion, lies, hatred, and political ideology that you and yours have built to defend intellectually dishonesty and deep seated hatred.

    for your reading enjoyment, from their own mouths:

  13. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Physical proof trumps testimony as the people giving the testimony can be bribed, threatened, blackmailed, or tortured.

    He appeared before the International Military Tribunal as a witness on 15 April 1946, where his deposition caused a sensation. To the amazement of the defendants and in the presence of journalists from around the world, he confessed to the most frightful crimes that history had ever known. He said that he had personally received an order from Himmler to exterminate the Jews. He estimated that at Auschwitz 3,000,000 people had been exterminated, 2,500,000 of them by means of gas chambers. His confessions were false. They had been extorted from Höss by torture, but it took until 1983 to learn the identity of the torturers and the nature of the tortures they inflicted upon him.
    The texts generally collected under the title Commandant in Auschwitz. Höss is alleged to have written these texts in pencil under the watchful eye of his Polish-Communist jailers, while in a prison at Cracow awaiting his trial. He was condemned to death on 2 April 1947 and hanged at the Auschwitz concentration camp fourteen days later.

    Start reading post #2 here.
  14. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    On and on and on and on. Hoess confession was CORROBORATED by hundreds of other pieces of evidence, confessions and eyewitness testimony.

    Same old crap, different day. Stupid jew hating nonsense attempting to pass off as "academic objectivity". Yet another example of exactly how "objective" nazi apologism actually is.
  15. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You don't go into any detail. Let's hear what some of those hundreds of other pieces of evidence are. Confessions and testimony are trumped by physical proof. Your attitude doesn't fit the situation here.

    (post #2)
  16. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Yes my attitude exactly fits the situation here. You see, you make a claim that all these confessions from nazis were coerced or doctored.

    You have no actual evidence of that other than a few of those murderous scumbags got knocked around a little (falling down the stairs can hurt quite a bit). You then amke the absurd claim that because of that nothing in their confessions can be taken as true.

    This is YOUR CLAIM. Now prove it. Prove that Hoess, Eichmann, and the long long list of nazi's confessing to their crimes were all made up as part of a global conspiracy to screw the poor nazis.

    What do you say to Piper's forensic chemical study that clearly indicates the presence of HCN in the krema?
    Or perhaps the orders/blueprint for the gas tight doors?
    Or perhaps the words of himmler?

    Yet all you can do is whinge while repeatedly link to bullshit, and demanding details of the mountain ranges of evidence. Seems you can't be bothered to actually research the topic in any substantive way, since you insist on regurgitating this denialist bullshit, while demonstrating a rather unusual ignorance of the actual facts of history.
  17. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I haven't seen that but there's this explanation.

    that each facility received the same exposure to HCN consistent with equal periodic fumigation treatments, rather than varied homicidal throughputs;

    Anyway, there's still the argument that the number of ovens they had couldn't have cremated the number of bodies in the time the official story says it took to do it. There's also the argument that the bodies couldn't have been removed the way the official story says they were removed.

    Could you link to something?

    A paper saying someone said something doesn't prove he really said it. The person who wrote it might have been lying.

    edit 10 minutes later

    Here's some more good info...
    Last edited: May 9, 2017
  18. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Check this out.

    All schools continue to spread the lies about atrocities in concentration camps. There is, for instance, at this very moment an exhibition being shown in Wiesbaden under the patronage of the prime minister of Hesse, which is titled “Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen,” where all the long-disproved propaganda lies are brought up again. As class after class is being channeled through the exhibition, the horrified children read that a gas chamber was built in Sachsenhausen in 1943, although it has been [Page iii] proved long since that there have never existed any gas chambers on German territory. It causes one to shudder when you read, “Day and night the sweetish smell of burnt human flesh was hanging over the camp.” Such statements are being made in spite of the fact that the international Red Cross regularly inspected the concentration camps up to March 1945, and never reported on any gassing or cremating facilities or the sweetish smell.

    Is it true that the official story says that all the extermination camps were in Poland? Does anybody know?
  19. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    You keep citing CODOH and other denialist sites that are full of the same bullshit. No wonder nothing penetrates.

    Here is a rather detailed discussion about the results found. As you can see, the CODOH "interpretation" does not match that actual scientific results.


    Here's another detailed analysis:

    And here is the forensic evidence for the Irving trial (you know the one where he got his arse whipped).
    https://books.google.ca/books?id=83dvJxPm--EC&pg=PA392&lpg=PA392&dq=Piper+krakow+institute+gas+chamber+analysis&source=bl&ots=vcghzoZTzt&sig=XF18WS1mCdawJ1Cn76JD4SrkG6M&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6usGPgOPTAhXM3YMKHXS4D94Q6AEIOTAE#v=onepage&q=Piper krakow institute gas chamber analysis&f=false

    And I'd just like to point out to you, althought it won't matter in the slightest that:

    On a racist website where someone claims something using bullshit evidence doesn't in any way prove the claim. The person who wrote it was most definitely lying.

    Like I said, every piece of denialist so called "evidence" that the final solution was a jewish/allied hoax has been thoroughly debunked, not by jews but by facts.

    OTOH, fanatic dedication to racialist ideals and jew hated leaves little room for intellectual honesty and objective analysis. You prove this with every post.
    Last edited: May 9, 2017
  20. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    What about the method of removing the bodies from the chambers that we are told they used which was shown to be impossible?

    See post #2 here...

    ...and this.

    And what about the study that said it would have been impossible to cremate the number of bodies in the time that the official story says were cremated?

    There are "Facts" presented in the article you linked to but how do you know that it isn't sophistry written by some public-relations agency? The US government continually lies to the American people. One example is shown in post #1 of the above link (listen to those two speeches of Hitler's). Another example is what the US government tells the people about why it intervenes in other countries.

    You blindly accept mainstream info with a naive willingness to believe and blindly reject revisionist info with an a priori incredulity. An objective truth-seeker has neither a naive willingness to believe, nor an a priori incredulity.
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
  21. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Last edited: May 11, 2017
  22. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    By Mottogno? Yet another sorry arsed amateur jew hater. A rebuttal? Nope, just another regurgitation of distortions, lies, misrepresentations and sophisitic nonsense that deniers and jew haters just keep lapping up. The content of his rebuttal consists of crap that has been extensively rebutted.

    And may I remind you that Irving LOST his case in a court of law. Guess his "evidence" wasn't remotely strong enough to satisfy a minimum standard necessary.

    But hey, don't let that a little thing like the fact mottogno is a self proclaimed neo-nazi with ZERO academic credentials. He is of course a master of projection as this little tidbit clearly demonstrates:

    He wouldn't know a technical issue if it hit him over the head. He is completely inconsistent in his approach, uses deceptive methods only, is never critical of his own sources, and reveal;s a shockingly threadbare knowledge of history, science, human nature and integrity.

    I already know the answer but... Did you happen to read Van Pelt's book to "objectively" assess its contents? Did you happen to read Mottogno's book to objectively assess its contents?

    I'd be happy to send you my copies if you can't afford the expense, but somehow I think both are beyond your abilities to absorb, compare, analyse and arrive at an objective conclusion.
  23. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    and how do you know that the bullshit that deniers pump out isn't bullshit?

    NONE of the leading denialists have professional academic credentials with the exception of Rudolph who was is a chemist in addition to being a raging nazi. could they possibly have ulterior motives? Do you think nazis don't lie thru their teeth? Or maybe you just feel that way about the mainstream narrative because lying is so routine in your "cause" that its assumed everyone else must do it too? (now that is an explanation I could accept).

    And I don't accept anything blindly. I have been studying your kind for over 30 years. Like I said I got interested when Keegstra crawled out from under his rock which led to Zundel, which led to Leuchter, Krege, Ball, Rudolph, IHR, CODOH, Stormfront, etc. etc. I have read countless books, spoken to survivors on both sides (including family on both sides), amassed my own knowledge base and NEVER once have I found any substantive claim by denialsts to be even remotely true.

    And you my young friend, haven't presented a single denialist argument I haven't already seen and satisfied myself that its bullshit.
  24. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    More hand-waving.

    Hand-waving (with various spellings) is a pejorative label for attempting to be seen as effective – in word, reasoning, or deed – while actually doing nothing effective or substantial.

    You just destroyed your credibility on this other thread...

    ...by refusing to recognize the presence of the proof of a big lie that the US government tells the people. You can obfuscate endlessly and I'm getting tired. Now that you've shown that you're not an objective truth-seeker but an obfuscator, what's the point of my continuing to talk to you. All the viewers can see that you're not here to seek the truth.

    All the arguments against the Holocaust [story] will be meaningless if people are not willing to accept the truth. In the words of Schopenhauer:

    Nothing is more galling
    Than to fight with facts and arguments
    Against an adversary
    In the belief
    That one is dealing with his understanding,
    When in reality
    One is dealing with the will,
    Which obdurately closes its mind to the truth.
    One must understand that reason
    Applied against the will
    Is like seed sown on bare rock
    Like light arrows against armor,
    Like the stormwind against a beam of light.

    Hey viewers-

    Check out this info when you can.
    Last edited: May 12, 2017
  25. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    You appeal to "viewers" around here? YOu think for a moment other than the couple other denialists think you have ANYTHING worthy of reconsideration?

    It seems your stupid references are coming from a message board inhabited by jew haters, neo-nazis and pinhead racists. I am not surprised you find it a credible source.

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