CEO Pay in the US

Discussion in 'Finance' started by Tony Dassow, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. Tony Dassow

    Tony Dassow Member

    Mar 7, 2017
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    The average CEO pay in the United States was $13.8 million per year. Note the emphasis on "average".

    I am a free market guy and I consider myself a libertarian, but the average CEO makes nearly $14 million per year. This is not an all star, no Gates, Buffet, Musk or anything. Just treads water.

    It appears that pay is top-heavy. Thoughts?
  2. Hotdogr

    Hotdogr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Link to your source?
  3. Tony Dassow

    Tony Dassow Member

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Here is the source, There are many more also.
    A few years ago it was $11 million. I have never seen a distribution- I suspect there is a lot of variation. Small business CEOs making very little and big business making 100's of millions.
  4. TheNightFly

    TheNightFly Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    The disparity of income and wealth is a direct consequence of captive markets.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2017
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  5. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    I wonder how they get to become CEOs.
  6. Old Man Fred

    Old Man Fred Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2017
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    I've never really busied myself with what it is my boss boss actually does beyond having to deal with a million different headaches, but ultimately it comes down to the scale of the business.

    If you're running a major company, you have the opportunity to skim quite a bit off the top before anyone ever notices. Compensating them outrageously reduces the likelihood of them robbing the company blind.
  7. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    The chart only shows major corporations for which one error by the CEO could destroy the company and one wise move could make the company billions.

    For example, ITT literally just gave Bill Gates all software rights, believing the only value was in the computer itself. In doing so, that CEO made a trillion dollar error in return for nothing. I could go thru lists of boom and bust decisions by CEOs of major corporations. $14 million is chicken scratch to the huge difference a CEO can make, which then affects not just the stockholders but all the employees.
  8. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    I like what CEO's make. It gives all of us a goal to try to achieve. What a country. God has truly blessed America.
    roorooroo likes this.
  9. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    that's what shareholders are for. Vote for lower pay.
  10. Longshot

    Longshot Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I don't care what a company pays their CEO. Doesn't effect me in any way.
  11. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Great answer from someone that worked in the 1940s - 1980s. Not today, there is no goal of the working class because it is absolutely unattainable. No corp. or should I say, maybe 2% allow you to move up through the ranks and achieve that goal. Those were the GOOD OLE DAYS. Those are gone, now the CEO's job isn't to run a good honest, sharing, trustworthy, and reliable business. His job is now to be the face of the corp. while allowing the shareholders, BOARD MEMBERS to do whatever it takes to leverage another dollar a week out of every employee, cut cost and rise the money to the top.

    You read things like GDP is up for the last 9 years at 2% steady. They don't mention that 4% of that very GDP was QE 1, 2 and 3. Thus, still going backwards. But, the top people have gained 3000% increase in wages, the employees have got 4%, but lost in all benefits, 401K, and so on. It is a magic game with the Super rich hiring people to PR their gain as a loss and the workers loss as a gain. They even have people to post online, create stories out of things that are not important. Hire people like MICK MULVANEY and STEVE Mnuchin to tell you what will happen if...

    Whiskey will flow from the springs once these Corps. get those big tax cuts, they will hire millions and pay them all a handsome salary. That is all total BS, been going on since the 1980s, but the Naïve American buys everything they are told from the right and or the left. Anything else is either Communism or socialism. All we need is the 1970s regulations, taxes, pay scale vs each person and all would be fine. BUT, that isn't what puts money in Carl Icahn or other super rich peoples pockets. They would actually have to pay more tax then the worker. This is where the republicans tells you that all that money would just go to WELFARE recipients. Not true at all, but that brings out the hate in the idealist and thus, any tax the rich plan gets squashed with the LESSER GOVT Public relations BS.

    You can, like me study what the FED, CHINA, oil sellers, other countries, currencies and so on are doing and where this is headed. But, if Peter Schiff, or Jim Rickards says what will really happen over the next few years, they are called nut jobs. They were laughed at in 2007 when they said there was a Subprime problem, interest rates too low for 2 long. Then, once the truth comes out, those laughing disappear with their money. They are just like Trump, the money has bred Animals out of these people. The ideologist is the guy supporting them thru.. "God has truly Blessed America" Yea, right, he is allowing the super rich, mostly Jewish super rich to **** all over us and walk away with a smile.

    Just like last time, people will not learn a lesson, just find someone to blame. Last time it was the Bush admin. with dem house and senate that allowed the BS. This time another group, but they will be ok, will you ? If yes, do you give a **** about the other 90%, I doubt it.
  12. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    THat isn't true... No share holder sitting at home can do that, or start a proxy fight. The board are all part of the kickback, buyback, steal back society we have and everyone, or at least 95% of all the people posting on this site are OBTUSE to what is really going on.
  13. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    Sell their shares
  14. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    Especially when someone does manage to work themselves up to maybe make a couple hundred grand, you want to tax the living **** out of him
  15. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    WOW, the only caveat I did not include. Of course not tax a person that makes a couple hundred thousand. Not even a half a million income or higher.
    I am talking about the Carl Icahn of the world, those that write, "I use my power and leverage to take from others because I can" He made a 2B investment in Netflix a couple years ago to leverage out an 800M gain. He forced them to raise their price 1$ driving stock price up and then sold. This is how he got to the 2B threshold to start with. Against corps. that ended up laying people off, firing them, etc. He has no humanity...
    In other words, there are a few thousand men out there that have enough money to prevent 99.99% of the people from ever moving up. This, in essence is the GOAL of the RICH and filthy. To stop all so they only make the money, not a conspiracy by any means, just a fact that each does his own part to squash Americans, set the rules in their favor. KEEP YOU DOWN.
  16. Longshot

    Longshot Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    How does he keep me from moving up (by which I assume you mean increasing my income/wealth) ?
  17. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Not just a ONE OFF answer. Nothing is ever aimed per say at any one individual. It is a setup that has been 50 - 60 years in the making...

    First OFF, marketing, pushing the Narrative of everyone else has a new car, so should you and we can give you a GREAT RATE. HUGE manipulation in the 401K market (gigantic)... As in today they will move stocks in and out to make gains for them and wear and tear on the people. Plus 1 - 3% fees which were never there in the 1980s. Let alone, an honest pension plan. Allowing the Fire and hire procedure to continue on and with its own marketing (moving is a good thing to advance YOUR career). They work on setting state by state laws that go against the worker. Inflation is no longer listed as REAL, it is CPI which doesn't include real inflation, food, gas, cable, electric... On Consumer prices of THINGS( stuff we have been basically importing for the last 40 years at cheaper and cheaper prices). Manipulation of OIL price equals GAS Price up. That gets passed off as Increase in price because we are using more due to summer vacations (yea right).

    Cable and phone bills that are huge and all the money goes up, not to the guy riding around in the VAN. That guy is most likely within 2 years of his hire date, making 22 an hour with poor benefits. 40 years ago I walked into the doctor and it cost nothing for anything because my Insurance paid for it. That was something I earned as an employee, 100% full coverage. Then it was a deductible of 250, 500, 1000, and now $2500.00. This is on a 80/20 policy. Anything bad happens, I get wiped out ! Period, end game for me... But, if I do what they want, process myself as a machine, work out on MY TIME, eat good, then I fit the PROFILE of a good employee. Gain some weight, lose my advantage.

    This is only a few of the things that have CHANGED over the years, that todays kids are accepting as is... Everything is stacked against the worker. Now, that does not mean you can't be "THE ONE" the one guy that bobs and weaves his way thru disadvantage, Don't watch TV, Use the cheapest cell carrier, buy the cheapest healthiest food, Live well within your means even tho they push the opposite narrative. You can make it, many do. The point is that All Americans should have a fair shake at a JOB and a life while working for it and not be at risk or misled into what is real and what isn't...

    Just today Lloyd Blankfein sat right on CNBC and said the Market looks good. He knows damn well what is coming. The deficit, how they are rolling out of those very stocks and into Staples. But would never tell the truth because the Masses would follow. Obvious too is their lack of acknowledgement in the truth. All the things I list are maybe 30% of the entire BS we have to navigate. Yet, to them, it is all good ole Honest American way of life. It is not even close to what could be, just like the 40s - 80s. THeir answer if really pinned down and answering... "It is what it is"

    The Answer is not socialism or communism, but back to what it was. That would work, they know it did. It did not allow the rich to become like they are today, super wealthy and super powerful... You can tell now too that politicians are NOT going to tell the truth either. I could care less NOW about Trump and the things he says and does. One has to learn as they go on. Obvious he is just a puppet to the wealthy, as is Mnuchin and Mulvaney. But just look at the congress and Senate. Both sides saying so little, especially his own party. Paul Ryan is not retiring because he wants to spend time with his family. He has been told what is going to happen, not only with TRUMP debacle, scandals, etc. But in the financial market, China selling oil using the YUAN and not the dollar. There is a huge Paradigm shift coming in the world and the dollar is going to fall hard. They printed too much, they have allowed us to become weaker as an economy vs the world and it will cost us all in money. We will be safe because of the gigantic military, but so what when so many will be on the street.

    The silence should tell us all EVERYTHING we need to know. But most Americans, I bet 96% think things are fine and dandy, they don't understand what it means that after 40 years of ONLY taking the dollar in trade for OIL that all the big oil nations are afraid to use the dollar now. QE1,2,and 3 destroyed our value worldwide...
    All this info is out there, but you have to research to find it. Never going to be on the regular news sites, now Bloomberg, or Wallstreet Journal. They are reporters, they report what has happened, not what will happen.
    Try this guy for a dose of Chart reality :
    Or listen to ONLY Peter Schiff...

    Good Luck to you... and if young, happy bobbing and weaving...
  18. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Peter Schiff was on CNBC, Bloomberg, and TV stations pleading with Americans to prepare in 2007 for the housing bubble, stating that the housing and wallstreet market would collapse. As he did so they would bring other pundits, well known ones, from FOX, CNBC, financial institutions and so on that would debate the numbers, but would just laugh it off, he was a nut, and so on. A lot of "Peter is just a gold guy, he is doom and gloom" He would state, don't listen to me, do the research yourself if you don't think I am honest. But do remember afterwards who is telling the truth. Now, we are right back in the very same spot, only the deficit is twice what it was.. Peter is asking, why wont you have me on TV now ? I told the truth?

    That is exactly why, no 2 people ever agree on everything. Things about his OPINION for future money I do not agree with. Yet, I trust the guy because he told the truth. No one really cares about Opinions, what counts is the truth... Now, it isn't really a sub prime problem, a little of it, and in auto, but deficit, dollar, %-rate, Bonds, and market way over priced. 75% of the SP 500 increases are from Debt, they borrowed money to buy back their own stock and increase the value. it is sickening and the BIG one this time is coming. Just prepare and know that everyone else wont be prepared. They will be knocking on your door. Their is talk behind the scene of how to wipe out the debt and who will pay for it. It cant be the poor, they have nothing, the rich wont do it either because of greed and power over the politicians, so it will be those people with a few hundred thou. in a 401K, savings, etc... They are going to hit everyone at once with a one time buy down based on (something)... Who knows what, but the billionaire will pay the same amount 60K ? That is the total debt of the entire nation per person or close to it... They are coming after all the upper middle class for this money.
  19. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    This is what happened in the 30s. Many forget, thousands of people lost their entire savings and never got it back... Just because the Country is advanced with computers, TV, banks backed by the govt does not mean you are covered. Where will the Gov't get the money to cover you FDIC 100K insurance ? Print more, so they give you 100K back and you can barely afford a car with it because there are so many dollars out there.
    This is why the FED is starting their money burn this upcoming October, but it is too late. The minute they do it the interest rate increases on it. For every 1T they burn it is equal to a 1% increase in the interest rate. BUrn 20T ? Just cant work and they know it, you will see.
  20. Longshot

    Longshot Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I'm still unclear how a rich person can prevent me from increasing my income/wealth level.

    Are you talking about the government, maybe? If so, I agree. They can take my money from me whenever they choose.
  21. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    The people are using the Netflix product, no?
  22. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Great answer... Glad you have taken the time to actually care.... Carry on with helping the rich, you are doing an excellentee' job...
  23. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Like this :
    Lobbying, Influence Peddling & Campaign Contributions are Sooo Passé!
    It isn’t so much that they have stopped because in fact they have increased signifcantly. However, they have dimininshed in relative importance. Why? Because of the size of money now involved.
    As one blatant example, the total settlements on mortgage penalties (at the root of the 2008 Financial Crisis) paid by the banks adds up to about $106 Billion. About $32 Billion of that may go to actually help borrowers. However, foreclosure actions totaled $2.8 TRILLION! Bank penalties were less than 4% of the foreclosure actions. Bank profits on what has been found in court to have been a crime are miniscule in comparison to the size of profits earned!
    Maybe even worse, no one went to jail, executive bonuses paid out for these activities were not “clawed back” and no one was even fired! This is because of the new Crony Tribute System.

    and that is here : PDF if u want to open it...

    Which comes from here :

    All designed to suck your money away. You can be like SQUIDKILL and just keeping asking... "well, I don't get it"
  24. Longshot

    Longshot Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    So it sounds like you are talking about the government's ability to confiscate my wealth or to rig the system to my detriment (Can you say Federal Reserve?) The state is an institution of violence and plunder.
  25. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    And as stated before, there is no, and I offered no ONE way that they take money directly from you. I think you write that as a question just to pose an opposite agenda. For whoever, maybe yourself, maybe you are one the ones working a bunch of people into the ground, using them, kicking them to the curb for your ultimate wealth which trumps everything else in your life. Kudo's to you, congrats on it. Hope you continue to live among the wealthy.

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