Andrew Scheer, I am willing to take on either M. P. Sean Fraser or M.P. Bill Casey.

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by DennisTate, Aug 13, 2018.


If you lived in Nova Scotia, Canada would you vote for Dennis Tate?

  1. No

    2 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  3. Possibly.. I would at least research your platform.

    1 vote(s)
  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dennis Tate
    Central - Nova, Nova Scotia, Canada.
    September 11, 2018

    Honorable Minister Mr. Andrew Scheer:
    Honorable Minister Mr. Maxime Bernier:

    Each of us worries about somewhat different things..........
    Each of us have a different level of optimism..... for quite different reasons.

    I personally feel that the Ms. Faith Goldy campaign for Mayor of Toronto could
    lead to the death of the Religion of Political Correctness as it is followed here in Canada......
    but also in England.

    England is all set up to become a driving force in the world economy.....

    Immigrants from Great Britain to Toronto, Canada are in a position to reach out to aspiring
    English as a Second Language students in essentially all nations of the earth..... even in
    North Korea and the Islamic world......
    and a revolution in alternative news media can play a huge role in this potential trend.

    Mr. Andrew Scheer...... you Sir are all set up to make a lot of news........
    Mr. Maxime Sir..... are all set up to grab a level of fame somewhat similar to
    what Mr. Donald Trump accomplished in 2015 until he was elected!

    Mr. Andrew Scheer...... nobody can accuse you of not applying The Sermon on the Mount to
    the potential division in Canada's Conservative Party and Movement........ You Sir are a class act.......
    you are an exceptionally good diplomat.......
    and you will be rewarded for this talent!

    Kind regards and all the best to both of you......

    Dennis Tate
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mad Max is FAST!!!!!!
    I made the following comment on several Andrew Scheer support groups this morning:
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2018
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Leadership is a word.... .that is subject to a wide range of definitions.........
    In one sense I plan to try my best to rival Mr. Maxime Bernier for the office of National Leader of
    the People's Party of Canada but........
    I admit it.........
    I kind of like the idea of coming in somewhere between second to tenth in the inevitable leadership race if I can manage to
    get qualified to enter it?
    P. M. Netanyahu, President Trump has a 4.3 trillion dollar problem....

    For the moment...... I will be trying my absolute best to convince both Mr. Andrew Scheer as well as Mr. Maxime Bernier to.........
    not go for all out annihilation of each other's political support.........

    at the same time that I begin an outreach to the First Nations Tribes of Canada.....

    Should Leonard Peltier be released from prison?
    People's Party of Canada

    Last edited: Sep 15, 2018
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Now personally....... I took the following message as a positive for Ontario's Conservative Party and Movement:

    The Creator has a right to expect more of H-s servants in 2018 than was expected a decade ago.

    Was Prime Minister Stephen Harper DAVIDIC?

    On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit

    At this time though...... the Creator is expecting us Canadians to begin to appreciate our lives much more.......
    and the lives of the unborn.......... My suggestion to Mr. Andrew Scheer from August 13 if it had been heeded........
    might have prevented the division in Canada's Conservative Movement?

  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Maxime Bernier:

    Excellent! This answers my question to Mr. Andrew Scheer that I posted back on August 13 which you can see on page one in post #3.


    (I posted this message to this group on October 19 at 9 am). This could mean an anti- feticide private members bill as early as 2020 because the election is in 2019 and I would have to be M. P. for one year before I could introduce a private members bill.
    Dennis Tate 4 PPC candidate in Central -Nova.
    Here is the link to the original message by Mr. Maxime Bernier:
    Maxime Bernier

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2018
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dennis Tate
    November 17, 2018.

    Honorable Minister Andrew Scheer:

    I made a statement publicly this morning that I would be honoured to discuss with either you or any officials from the Conservative Party or Progressive Conservative Party that you would like to ask to contact me:
    Could P. M. Justin Trudeau be a Political Genius?

    Is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a Political Genius?

    1. No
      0 vote(s)

    2. Yes
      0 vote(s)
    3. *
      Perhaps..... and that is a rather scary thought isn't it.
      1 vote(s)

    4. Maybe.... and I sure do hope so.
      0 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote

    If Mr. Maxime Bernier doesn't like my attempting to get a dialogue going with you on this..... then he certainly could boot me out of the PPC much as P. M. Stephen Harper once was convinced to boot M. P. Bill Casey out of the Conservative Party.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2018
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Hey.... some really, really, really good footage of Mr. Andrew Scheer beginning at about the forty second mark in this video:

  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Could P. M. Justin Trudeau be a Political Genius?

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2018
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I have a suggestion in mind for the PPC in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Colombia that I am hoping will prevent a serious devaluation of the USA dollar at the same time that this causes a boom in several Canadian industries. Two of which would be film production.... and real estate.

    .......I would like to see Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta and British Colombia..... form an artistic "Republic of Western Canada" made up of PPC candidates....... and offer to the USA Congress and President Trump to borrow 4.3 trillion dollars US at two percent interest and then come up with a series of "artistic treaties" and other agreements that are designed to prevent any long term devaluation of the USA dollar.

    This is actually a significant part of PPC members, candidates and officials attempting to accomplish two things. To actually make up for the billions that Alberta and the west have put into eastern Canada.......and to head off full scale Separation of Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba and British Colombia from Canada by essentially linking the value of the USA dollar to the Canadian dollar which I believe can turn out to be much like limiting the fall of the USA dollar in the event of a full scale attack on it by China, Iran, Europe, Soros, Russia and some others.

    To my thinking the seemingly impending attack on the value of the USA petrodollar is a threat to the USA and Canadian economy that can be used to delay and delay and delay the full scale implementation of the Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Colombia movements toward separation into a separate republic with only some sort of Sovereignty Association with Canada much as Quebec has negotiated with Ottawa.

    I am hoping that by putting this idea in front of the membership of the People's Party of Canada as well as in front of the membership of Canada's Conservative party...... we may be able to arrange a way to prevent the division of the vote that will be needed to defeat P. M. Justin Trudeau who has set in motion a move to the far left in order to capture the NDP vote in the 2019 election.

    If we Canadians are not careful his gambit could succeed and he could end up as Prime Minister for another four years.

    Here is a message that I posted to the Facebook page wall of M. P. Candice Bergen yesterday:
    Hon. Candice Bergen, MP

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dennis Tate
    December 30, 2018

    Honorable Minister Maxime Bernier:
    Honorable Minister Andrew Scheer:
    Honorable Stephen Harper:
    Honorable Peter MacKay:

    The following image and some discussions with members of the Alberta Independence Party has me convinced that P. M. Justin Trudeau has terribly underestimated the discontent in western Canada.


    Am I incorrect in thinking that IF.....
    an ARTISTIC "Republic of Western Canada" film production company and / or cooperative and / or kibbutz was formed........
    and if that organization submitted a proposal to borrow 4.3 TRILLION USA petrodollars, at two percent interest, from Congress and from the President Donald J. Trump administration.......
    AND IF.... that organization came up with or was handed a plan that could prevent a ten to thirty percent DEVALUATION of the USA dollar.......
    then assuming that their plan had prevented a ten percent devaluation of the USA dollar.... then....
    would that not be somewhat similar to paying two percent plus ten percent = twelve percent interest on that loan?

    Assuming that the plan had actually prevented a twenty percent devaluation of the USA dollar then would not that be similar to paying two percent plus twenty percent = twenty two percent interest on that loan?

    I am one of the relatively few people who has used the title: "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems." A large part of the foundation for what I have in mind is explained in the first page of this discussion:

    P. M. Netanyahu, President Trump has a 4.3 trillion dollar problem....

    And for the record........
    what I am proposing is NOT A MERGER of the People's Party of Canada with Canada's Conservative Party...... it is really temporary cooperation on a serious problem that faces Canadians at this time that in my appraisal is so serious that we must for the moment think at a much higher level than we usually do.

    In my opinion Mr. Maxime Bernier is in a position to draw support across the political spectrum in all provinces of Canada in a way that Mr. Scheer could not possibly accomplish!

    Cameron's Canadian Cache

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dennis Tate
    January 3, 2019....

    Honorable Minister Mr. Andrew Scheer:
    Honorable Minister Mr. Maxime Bernier:

    Mr. Bernier...... it hit me just a few moments ago why I personally just can't give up on
    Mr. Andrew Scheer. Obviously he is a talented writer... .I quoted him in several discussions
    here on PoliticalForum .com during the leadership race.

    But... perhaps his greatest strength is his HUMILITY!

    His superpower could be to become like the Invisible Man!

    Even the probable reason why I feel that he got himself into trouble in Quebec by being a bit slow to come up with a response.... .was probably because he was humbly talking to his advisor..... to come up with a response that took into the larger picture.........
    whereas you and I..... we pretty much have an off the cuff reaction to every situation that we face...... because we are probably not quite as humble as Mr. Andrew Scheer?!

    Mr. Bernier........ you might want to consider sending me to face Mr. Andrew Scheer in his home riding...... i really would try my best to get more votes than him..........
    but I don't think that I could resort to name calling for the man who was my #2 choice in the leadership race?

    You will both really need to think about the following information because I feel that an online friend of mine has set me up to be in the middle of something pretty serious:

    Proposed Republic of Western Canada and Unified Field Theory of M.W.P.

    Andrew (Invisible Man) Scheer... could be given something of an "Ingo Swann" talent to help him to become more of a scary rival to P. M. Justin (the Brain) Trudeau... author of the "Reverse Nancy Pelosi Wrap Up Smear Political Gambit?!)

    You are both going to want to see this for more information on how this all could potentially fit together????

    Note.. .this quotation will not show the quotations.... in the original post!
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dennis Tate
    January 15, 2019

    Honorable Minister Candice Bergen:
    Honorable Minister Michelle Rempel:
    Honorable Minister Maxime Bernier:
    Honorable Minister Andrew Scheer:

    After the five minute and forty four second mark in this video an exceptionally brilliant
    assessment of a Carbon Tax is given. It will DO NOTHING to protect New Orleans, New York,
    Miami, Bangladesh, The Netherlands or..... The Isthmus of Chignecto, the town of Truro, N. S.
    and much of the coastline of New Brunswick from
    the quite likely eventual threat of rising ocean levels that I believe will be felt first along the eastern
    Bay of Fundy due to the unusually high tide levels there!!!!!

    Unite The Right (To Own The Libs)

    It is obvious that any type of stand downs must be negotiated between Mr. Maxime Bernier and Mr. Andrew Scheer but........ by offering to toss my hat in the ring to rival him for the leadership........
    I am attempting to set up Mr. Bernier to let me keep going in my efforts to organize increasing and increasing and increasing cooperation between the PPC and the CPC. I am hoping to meet you Mr. Bernier in Halifax Friday evening January 18 and I so thank you for doing such an astonishingly good job of organizing E.D.A. all across Canada!

    I actually think that my idea on how to increase PPC and CPC cooperation has some significant advantages over the quite brilliant proposal put forward in the video "Unite the Right (To Own The Libs)" by Ms. Faith Goldy.

    Here again is the message that I posted to the wall of your Facebook page Minister Bergen:
    Mr. Maxime Bernier probably should kick me out of the PPC but.......
    he might just decide to let this continue to see what comes out of this......
    I actually disagree with Ms. Faith Goldy on many of her specific proposals. I see no need for
    the PPC and CPC to be swallowed by one much larger political party!

    In the following discussion you will find yourself introduced to an aspiring PPC candidate who
    I personally, (and I am proposing this entirely on my own and I have zero authority from higher up in
    the PPC to do this............... but this is an option for Mr. Bernier that I think he might just kind of like
    having in front of him)?

    (please especially notice post #2)

    Defeating a Carbon Tax must be a priority for all of Canada's Conservatives and here is something that I wrote that I am hoping many of you may find rather interesting and potentially useful.
    "Muslims Jews Christians Hindus mutual respect group"
    Thank you for considering all of these options.

    All the best in 2019.

    Dennis Tate
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2019
  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    For all of his many, many, many, many flaws........
    P. M. Justin Trudeau has set up the People's Party of Canada and the
    Conservative Party of Canada to grab the attention of a huge percentage of
    Canadians......... even if the mainstream media biased toward him do try their best to ignore you both.

    But... chutzpah is necessary for you to both grab attention.........

    Should the Canadian Embassy be in Jerusalem?

    Frankly........ the two of you are also in a position to grab the attention of the USA media because most Americans are interested in what is going to be done about those 117 TRILLION USA petrodollars that are sunk in DERIVATIVES!

    The thing is........
    hundreds...... if not thousands...... if not tens of thousands of
    Americans are in danger of being injured or even killed in the event of civil unrest in the event of DEVALUATION of the USA DOLLAR.

    but I realize that I have some explaining to do as to why.........
    Now I do believe the value of the dollar will be attacked......
    and I do think it will fluctuate for a number of weeks or months but over the long term........
    Mark Taylor is correct.............
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
  14. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    "The Peoples' Voice #2 - Bernier Talks Central Banks/Gold Standard"


    I just listened to this video four times ....... I loved it..... but there are a number of options:

    Could a real estate boom plus better Fed policy pay off USA national debt?
    CIA economist Jim Rickards, back in 2014, gave the number of 117 TRILLION USA petrodollars in the Derivatives market. It is commonly thought that the Derivatives market will collapse and take Wall Street along with it.........
    but I personally believe that this can be avoided.

    I believe that the key is to recognize that human life......
    has essentially infinite value to a Creator who has Evolved over
    infinite time in the past....... A Creator who knows even the number of hairs on our heads in
    any given instant in time........
    and this Creator is deeply emotionally involved in the success of all eight billion infinitely precious human lives in all the earth.

    The key to explaining how infinite value could be placed on human life has been given by the brilliant Dr. Chaim Henry Tejman. You can see several quotation from him here:

    President Donald J. Trump deserves a lot of credit:

    I personally don't understand the how..... but my wife has similar abilities to
    the gifted Mark Taylor...... and I am convinced that he is correct........ the USA dollar is going to be the strongest ever............ and PPC leader Mr. Maxime Bernier and CPC leader Mr. Andrew Scheer are in a position to assist greatly in keeping the USA dollar strong and stable...... .because it seems to me that hundreds, if not thousands of Americans are in danger of being injured or killed in civil unrest if the people who want the USA dollar devalued...... succeed in their plans.

    Proposed Republic of Western Canada and Unified Field Theory of M.W.P.

    My apologies if I am wrong.... but my impression at this time is that the key to stabilization of the 117 trillion....... lies in going after the 35 trillion worth of oil and natural gas in the warming Arctic!
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dennis Tate
    Central Nova, N. S., Canada
    February 11, 2019

    Honorable Minister Mr. Maxime Bernier:
    Honorable Minister Mr. Andrew Scheer:

    I would so love to be proven wrong but I am genuinely worried about hundreds, if not thousands if not tens of thousand of Americans being injured or even killed in civil unrest if the groups determined to devalue the USA petrodollar succeed in their plans.

    We Canadians try our best to be good neighbours so........
    it seems to me that you two national leaders of Canada's federal level conservative movement have a responsibility to talk to each other and come to some sort of agreement......... because the lives of our neighbours are at stake!

    Thank you for considering this option that will make one of you Prime Minister of Canada in October of 2019 and the other one of you will become leader of the federal level party that holds the balance of power in Ottawa that will give you that office.

    Dennis Tate

    "Unite The Right (To Own The Libs)"

    and...... the warning about the Hurricane of USA one dollar bills begins after the 17 minute mark in this interview:

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
  16. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Wow. That's one giant wet dream ya got goin' there.
    Doug_yvr and DennisTate like this.
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Yes........ because the numbers are so colossal that mega-scale desalination of ocean water to turn the outback of Australia green is just one significant part of the larger picture that I have in mind for the next couple to ten decades!

    ONE TRILLION USA petrodollars should finance TWO THOUSAND replicas of the massive Israeli "Sorek" desalination facility. Australia should be able to handle perhaps ten of then......... then we have to turn a lot of other deserts green as well because one brilliant economist put forward the idea that investors had made themselves a back door to the Federal Reserve........ and they had really gone to town in increasing the supply of USA petrodollars.

    Should Sorek 2 be in Australia or California?

    Megascale Desalination
    The world’s largest and cheapest reverse-osmosis desalination plant is up and running in Israel.


    M. P. Bill Casey... President Trump has a 4.3 trillion dollar problem....

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Well........ I plead guilty........ a lot of H2O will be involved in the fulfillment of my dream......
    but I try to look at subjects from all across the spectrum and I have to admit that Mr. Andrew Scheer
    really deserves some credit for what he is doing right now!

    Scheer calls on Trudeau to resign, Singh for inquiry over SNC-Lavalin affair


    Just Wow!!!!!!!!

    Now I will NOT be going back to the CPC.... because I feel really at home in the PPC..... but I sure do hope that Mr. Scheer and Mr. Bernier will begin to talk openly and publicly with each other on certain critical topics...... such as how to keep the province of Alberta within Canada.

    I tried my best to come up with an artistic method in posts #51 - #58 on page 3 of this disussion:

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
  19. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    In one sense, I am rather relieved that this incident is such a massive scandal in Canada. It wouldn't warrant more than a 3 inch story on page 8 of any american newspaper in comparison. (yes yes, that's an exaggeration).

    Its not like the AG is completely insulated from politics or political pressures, after all.
    DennisTate likes this.
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    True...... it is wonderful that this is a massive scandal here in Canada and.........
    quite frankly I kind of admire Mr. Gerald Butts for attempting to pull off something of a
    "scapegoat" (or should I say, "goat for Azazel" role), his withdrawing from politics at this time was
    definitely the wise thing to do under these circumstances........
    at this time.......
    with the sentiment toward Separatism in Alberta and western Canada at an all time high!

    We Canadians are somewhat elitist........
    we really do want to think of ourselves as somewhat superior and above the crowd........
    and by "crowd" I mean:

    Why are Americans so under-informed.... is it their much better climate?

    OK.... guilty.... I was attempting to lure more Americans over to the Canada forum...... by engaging in something of a joke?????!

    Oh.... our awful, horrible, terrible climate..... also tends to cause us to worry about buddy down the road somewhat more than in America, (or Quito, Ecuador for that matter)..... where the climate / weather is so much better and people can grow food almost anywhere! Thus... our tendency toward a somewhat more secure Social Safety Net?!
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
  21. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    nothing is going to prevent the rising sea levels that you are trying to prevent, the damage is done sea levels will rise no matter what, that fate was sealed decades ago what's coming in the next 80yrs is now unavoidable.. taking action now we can lessen(perhaps prevent) the additional sea rise to come in a 100-200 yrs from now...
    DennisTate likes this.
  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    You could be correct.... but 117 TRILLION dollars in the Derivatives market......
    if redirected wisely could turn much of the outback of Australia into something like the jungle of the Amazon?!

    Should Sorek 2 be in Australia or California?

    If one trillion could accomplish:

    "One trillion dollars US would build 2000 plants of this size.....
    and once they were running at full capacity could desalinate
    627,000 x 2000 = 1,254,000,000 cubic meters of ocean water daily!"

    We could do more than we ever dreamed possible?!

    Genesis 11:6
    Ecclesiastes 10:19
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
  23. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    I'm not a trudeau fan but you and many canadians have this wrong...the criticism of trudeau is and his western polices are irrational...he (and the alberta NDP)did what 10yrs of federal Conservative(calgarians Harper and jason kenny) and Provincial conservative government did not do, he bought a pipeline...that the pipeline construction is stalled by a court action has nothing to do with trudeau...and all those idiot truck drivers driving to ottawa for what? protesting a court challenge Trudeau has no power to overturn?

    I think you over estimate western separation, there is unhappiness but realistically nothing is going to happen...94% of albertans aren't going to vote for separation because of 6% unemployment.

    Trudeau and Notely are unfairly being held accountable for something not of their doing and completely out of their control, the court challenge for Trudeau and the price of oil for the Notely
    DennisTate likes this.
  24. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    I don't know how many canadians really understand what went on, I doubt if there are many(i've met very few who do)...the political pundits are making a huge deal out of it but from what I can tell no laws were broken, it certainly wasn't ethical and I credit the AG for holding her ground she has something we have too little in politics today, integrity....

    Is this any bigger than the Senate/Duffy/PMO crap in the Harper government? I don't think so and I'll be surprised if will have much effect on the election...
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
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  25. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I personally do not claim to understand what went on.......
    but although I am really impressed with Mr. Maxime Bernier and would prefer to him elected P. M. I have to admit that I kind of like how Mr. Andrew Scheer is handling this?!

    Here is a message that I sent out on Facebook on this topic.


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