Trump Warns Dems: Start Your BS Investigations And What I Declassify Will Ruin You

Discussion in 'United States' started by DennisTate, Mar 11, 2019.


Do you think President Trump's warning is serious?

  1. No.... the Dems are far more ethical than the G.O.P.

    6 vote(s)
  2. Yes.... but more evil deeds will be found by the G.O.P.

    1 vote(s)
  3. No

    4 vote(s)
  4. Yes

    29 vote(s)
  5. I think that the Ottawa Swamp might be far, far, far worse than the Washington Swamp!

    0 vote(s)
  6. I am not sure what to think but this is interesting!

    4 vote(s)
  1. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Cept it's not.

    “An analysis by Quartz of the same Global Terrorism Database confirmed that the trend persisted in 2017, when most attacks in the US were committed by right-wing extremists. Out of 65 incidents last year, 37 were tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations.”
  2. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Here invalidate all these.
    This is the study from my previous link.
    ronv likes this.
  3. MickAtNight

    MickAtNight Banned

    Jan 7, 2019
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    LOL. You just shot yourself in the foot. Several of the "racist" attacks are actually anti-white attacks....aka left why are you using sources that lump it in as "right wing extremists"? Like the very first one in 2017 in Chicago when 4 lefties beat a mentally disabled man and shouted anti-Trump, anti-white slurs. But hey, it's "racist". Blame the right for the left wing anti-Trump, anti-white black racists. ROFL.

    How about "anti-government"? Let's break a couple of these down:

    1. Let's start by taking the Las Vegas strip shooting. The FBI still says they have uncovered no motive for the shooting. The guy had no political background whatsoever. They think it was just to cause chaos and mayhem. Your site listed the shooting as "anti-government" so your source was saying it was right wing, too. We've got a problem here. 59 murders we'll just say are right wing, right? *wink, wink*

    2. Or like the incident in Flint, MI were a Tunisian national named Omar Ftouhi stabbed Lieutenant Jeff Neville and said it was in revenge for U.S. involvement in the middle east. But, hey, it's "anti-government" so let's blame the right, correct?

    In fact, NONE of the "anti-government" attacks could be construed as "right wing". But, hey, when did facts matter to the mentally ill?

    How about some of the "anti-Semitic" attacks? Like a bus with Jewish iconography that was torched in East Flashbush area of New York in June 2017. Still no suspect, no motive, and no one claimed responsibility to this day. But witnesses described a black man running from the scene: Who cares? We'll blame the right, huh? None of the ant-semitic attacks in 2017 could be pinned on anyone on the right. But, once again, when do facts matter to those with TDS?

    How about some of the "anti-Muslim" attacks? Like the incident where a black homeless man from Bellevue, Washington who use to attend the mosque in question and was in a fight a the Mosque burned it down. Hey, it's "anti-Muslim" let's make it right wing. Or the incident in Hudson Bend, TX where a Mosque burned down. Investigators don't even know if it was arson....let alone a suspect or motive: But that's someone the fault of the right, correct?

    Many, many of the "anti-Muslim" attacks are dubious, have no suspects, or are clearly not "right wing". Mental sickness prevails anyway, right?

    I could go on and on with many more of these incidents but we'll leave it at that.

    And what's the deal with calling the burning of Jewish or Muslim places of worship "terrorism" but ignoring all other targeted churches? It's estimated that 5 churches per week are targeted by arsonists in the United States. But, hey, if they are conservative and Christian we can't blame our anti-Christian, anti-religion left wingers for any of that so we won't even bring it up, right?

    This is mental sickness. Be smart enough not to be a sheep. Don't take the numbers. Do your research. Left wing humiliation continues. You're welcome.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2019
  4. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I have provided evidence. You are the one who jumped into a conversation on the basis of one post in a conversation - making all kinds of accusations - when you haven't bothered to take any time to understand what that conversation is about.

    You then accuse me of "anti semitism" - rather than respond to the information provided - because in a conversation about big money interests and quid pro quo with respect to Trump one of the actors was the Rothschild consortium - and Rothschild happens to be of Jewish descent.

    If this is not classic "demonization of the messenger" rather than responding to the content of the post - I don't know what is.

    Now - after your fallacious ad hom demonization rant reaction - which is basically a cry of denial, rather than trying to ascertain the truth or falseness of a claim prior to going on that rant - you ask for "evidence"

    What a joke - and the epitome of lame irrational koolaid drunk gibberish.

    It is not some secret that Trump had numerous bankruptcies. It is not some secret that Wilbur Ross was the fellow that bailed Trump out of one of those bankruptcies. It is not some secret that at the time Wilbur was Senior Manager of a Rothschild entity.

    And finally - It is not some secret that Trump appointed Wilbur Ross as commerce secretary (do you want proof of that as well??)

    Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross

    Next time you want to call someone an "anti Semite" - on the basis of facts that are as obvious as "the moon is not made of green cheese" - you might want to at least read the conversation you are responding to - or perhaps spend 30 seconds on google.
  5. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I didn't call you an anti semite, I accused you of using a tried and true anti semitic trope. But I see that you aren't familiar with such. Interesting.

    However, thank you for providing the link. I was unaware that Ross actually was a senior director of Rothschild's investment bank back in the day.

    Mea culpa.
  6. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    You don't even know what the studies are about, do you.
    Or what I've been saying. I say RW terrorism is on the rise, not that no other groups haven't done terrorist acts.
    Do you understand the concepts of studies?
    It's not about partisan hackery as you seem to think this is about.
    You are just blind, likely willfully or just lacking the capacity to understand.

    RW is a mental sickness. RW is not smart enough to debate, they resort to violence.

    President Donald Trump this week issued a thinly veiled threat of violenceagainst his opponents, saying that members of the police, military and biker gangs could “play it tough” if they “reach a certain point.”
    “I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump,” Trump told Breitbart in the interview, which he later tweeted. “I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2019
  7. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    “I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump,” Trump told Breitbart in the interview, which he later tweeted. “I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

    Yes they do.
    Just look at the one in here disputing the facts. Can't do anything but deny and make threats and call names.
  8. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Now you are doing it again - what is your problem - If course I am familiar with what an anti- Semitic Trope is (is this your new favorite phrase that you have ingested from drinking too much propaganda kool aid... and you are just going to spin this out when ever someone says something you disagree with ?) What is wrong with you ?

    I did not use an anti Semitic Trope - you saw the name Rothschild and immediately went into demonization la la land without considering what the context was.

    Then you "Thank Me" - Oh thank you for giving me this new information I can use against Trump ... Yes dim one - supporting your quest against Trump was exactly what I was doing.

    If this had been about any other organization - using these nefarious tactics to influence our political system - you would be raging - as would I. Somehow - because there happens to be a Jew at the top of this one - "Its OK" ? Get your brain out of reverse. It is not OK. I don't care what the race of the individual, the gender, or skin color of the person is. If they are gaming the system I am going to call them out for it.

    I don't need any apology but, if you can put your thinking cap on for a moment that would be nice.

    So tell me - do you not find something very disturbing about this quid pro quo appointment ? .. or is it OK because there happens to be a Jewish family at the top of the food chain ?

    One thing I can tell you is this. If you are going to claim someone is saying something is an "anti Semitic" trope - and there are vast numbers of Jews who do not think that this something is anti- Semitic trope- its probably not an anti Semitic trope - would you not agree ?

    Or do these these disagreeing Jews are just evil and don't know whats best for them ?
  9. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Wow. You sure do misread things.

    so you admit that you knew that connections to Rothschilds' bank is a well known anti semitic trope. Okay. It seemed you simply dismissed it out of hand knowing it to be true.

    Second, my mea culpa was simply an acknowledgement that you did back up your claim with a credible link which I was unaware of until then. I am always grateful for assistance in pushing back frontiers of my ignorance.

    Thirdly, you are well aware I am bigoted against the cesspool of radical racist right wing facist fringe groups. I readily admit to sometimes expressing that bigotry with knee jerk reactions to certain comments. I take responsibility, but I sure as hell won't apologize for it or my attitude towards such scumbags.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2019
  10. MickAtNight

    MickAtNight Banned

    Jan 7, 2019
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    Yeah, these left wing scum are the victims here:

    ROFL. How dare Trump talk about these left wing scum and terrorists being confronted. The gall. TDS is nasty.
  11. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Denial is a river in Egypt.
    Those are studies.
    See NZ. One of you.
  12. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    First of all, I say declassify and ruin. Let's get all this out in the open.

    Second, that's kind of a pathetic threat for someone who is not guilty of anything. Sounds like, "If I'm going down, so are all of you!"
    Nemesis likes this.
  13. Nemesis

    Nemesis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
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    It's an empty threat anyway.
  14. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    I would love for tRUMP to start declassifying documents that point out gov't corruption.
    Likely he'd release National Security documents that pose a threat to the security of the USA and be held accountable for treason, but also bring to light the corruption systematic in our politics.
    Edward Snowden all over again.
  15. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Accusing those who disagree with you of being mentally sick is a pretty strong indicator of the same at worst, or a truly cheap tactic at best.
  16. ronv

    ronv Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    It seems a little late. I hear there are 17 Trump investigations right now.
  17. MickAtNight

    MickAtNight Banned

    Jan 7, 2019
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    See post 153 for the evisceration. Any further questions?
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2019
  18. ronv

    ronv Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Hardly an evisceration. You didn't scratch the surface.
    How about we keep going and you can explains some of these:
    Incident Summary:
    03/20/2017: An assailant stabbed Timothy Caughman with a sword in Chelsea neighborhood, New York City, United States. Caughman, an African-American civilian, was killed in the attack. James Harris Jackson, a white extremist, claimed responsibility for the incident and stated that he targeted Caughman in order to persuade white women against interracial relationships.
    Incident Summary:
    "03/10/2017: An assailant set fire to an Indian-owned convenience store in Port St. Lucie, Florida, United States. There were no reported casualties, though the store was damaged in the attack. Richard Lloyd was arrested and confessed to carrying out the attack. Lloyd stated that he believed the store was owned by Muslims and that he wanted to "run the Arabs out of our country."
    Incident Summary:
    "02/22/2017: An assailant opened fire on two Indian civilians at a bar in Olathe, Kansas, United States. Srinivas Kuchibhotla was killed and Alok Madasani was injured in the attack. In addition, Ian Grillot, a United States citizen, was shot and injured when he tried to intervene. Adam W. Purinton, a white extremist, claimed responsibility for the incident and stated that he had killed "two Middle Eastern persons." Moreover, prior to the attack Purinton screamed "get out of my country" at the victims."
    Incident Summary:
    01/20/2017: Assailants threatened a gay civilian with a gun and punched him outside his home in Kansas City, Missouri, United States. The civilian, identified as Gyo, was injured in the assault. The assailants also spray-painted homophobic slurs on the victim's vehicle during the incident.
    Incident Summary:
    "12/07/2017: An assailant, identified as William Atchison, opened fire on students at Aztec High School in Aztec, New Mexico, United States. The assailant shot and killed two students and fired multiple shots at a locked classroom before shooting and killing himself. Statements Atchinson made in his suicide note and posted online reflect a fixation on mass shootings, as well as a misogynist and white supremacist narrative referenced in message forums where participants self-identify as "involuntarily celibate" (incel)."
    Incident Summary:
    11/07/2017: Assailants broke a window and put a bomb on the window sill at Women's Health Practice at 2125 South Neil Street, Champaign, Illinois, United States. The device failed to detonate and was defuse by authorities. No group claimed responsibility for the incident; however, sources attributed the attempted attack to the White Rabbit Three Percent Illinois Patriot Freedom Fighters Militia.
    Incident Summary:
    10/31/2017: An assailant set fire to the predominantly black St Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Richland Parish, Louisiana, United States. There were no reported casualties in the attack. No group claimed responsibility; however, sources identified the assailant as a white extremist.

    I think that's enough for now. You can get the idea.

    It's impossible for you to "win" this discussion.
    I don't call it the Republican't party for no reason.

    You can't be black
    You can't be gay
    You can't be Muslim
    You can't be Jewish
    You can't get an abortion
    dairyair likes this.
  19. MickAtNight

    MickAtNight Banned

    Jan 7, 2019
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    Congratulations. You desperately tried to validate 7 of the 37 claimed right wing attacks after I slaughtered 7 of them in a desperate attempt to show your left wing propaganda site was batting a measly .500 in their hate claims. But thanks for bringing them up. I'll eviscerate a couple more of the ones YOU chose...and show you are batting for less than that. Lulz

    The incident on 1/20/17 in Kansas City was never listed as a hate crime. No suspect and no motive was ever determined. The accuser wouldn't even show is face. There was no other eye witness besides the one guy that even alt-left sites acknowledge: Hell, as far as we know it was another Jussie Smollett case. The accuser tried to round up thousands of dollars of GoFundMe right afterwards. Sounds credible. But, hey, let's slap blame where there is no PROOF. But, once again, when did facts matter to the alt-left?

    The incident on 10/31/17 in Richland Parish, LA was committed by a 15 year old kid who had gone on a local crime spree. Racist or white nationalist motive was never brought up among sources. Hell, we don't even know the kid's name. But, hey, when did facts matter to the alt-left?

    How about these further beauties since you what to continue with this alt-left beatdown?:

    02/09/2017: Assailants attempted to set fire to the house of Stanley Wesley, the leader of the Respect Our Black Dollars activist group, in Jackson, Mississippi, United States. There were no reported casualties, but the residence was damaged in the attack. In a note and graffiti left at the scene, the assailants identified themselves as members of the Ku Klux Klan.

    Oh, but wait, the surveillance video showed it was a BLACK MAN actually targeting Wesley: Guess, we'll just keep blaming these imaginary white nationalist ghosts, correct?

    02/24/2017: Assailants set fire to the Daarus Salaam Mosque in Thonotosassa, Florida, United States. There were no reported casualties in the attack. No group claimed responsibility; however, sources attributed the incident to anti-Muslim extremists.

    Attributed to who? No one has ever been arrested for this fire nor has any suspect ever been identified. Could have been someone disgruntled. Could have been someone who hated Muslims. We have NO idea. But when we don't know we once again just target the right with slander. Facts be damned, correct?

    "02/06/2017: Assailants robbed and set fire to the Rodriguez Market and Restaurant in Notre Dame neighborhood, Manchester, New Hampshire, United States. There were no reported casualties in the attack. In a note left at the scene, the assailants spray-painted "KKK" (Ku Klux Klan) on the targeted business."

    Once again, no arrest and no suspect has ever been identified. Oh, golly, why do we care about such stuff when when there have been so many left wing HOAXES?

    05/26/2017: Two assailants shouted homophobic slurs and assaulted a woman with an umbrella outside a store in Brooklyn, New York, United States. The woman suffered numerous cuts to her face during the incident. Police later arrested Alex Santiago in connection with the attack, but have not identified the second assailant.

    Another beauty. Problem is a hispanic and black man were charged. Damn right wingers anyway. ROFL.

    05/30/2017: An assailant fired a pellet gun at a civilian outside the Masjid Ebun Abass mosque in the Bronx, New York, United States. The civilian, Sailum Camarra, was injured, and the mosque was damaged in the attack. No group claimed responsibility; however, police identified the incident as one of three similar attacks targeting the mosque over several weeks.

    The same mosque as this one:

    06/08/2017: An assailant fired a pellet gun at the Masjid Ebun Abass mosque in the Bronx, New York, United States. There were no reported casualties in the attack. No group claimed responsibility; however, police identified the incident as one of three similar attacks targeting the mosque over several weeks.

    The same Mosque as this one:

    06/09/2017: An assailant fired a pellet gun at a civilian outside the Masjid Ebun Abass mosque in the Bronx, New York, United States. There were no reported casualties, but the mosque's windows were damaged in the attack. No group claimed responsibility; however, police identified the incident as one of three similar attacks targeting the mosque over several weeks.

    3 more beauties. No suspect, no motive. But one member of the mosque thinks it might be a kid just trying to cause mischief: "I think it's just for fun," another member said. "It's probably young children; young teenagers." Shucks, now mischievous kids (or at the very least no idea) is the reason to blame the right? Hell, categorize into 3 SEPARATE incidents caused by the right and call it a day. This is mental illness.

    Want to continue because I surely will? I have now disproven 1/2 half the incidents that your alt-left site cited.....and there are several more I can post.
    Bring it on. More being disproven will be brought in.....and I'll start showing you all the leftist atrocities this site didn't blame on the left. Dare to continue?

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2019
  20. MickAtNight

    MickAtNight Banned

    Jan 7, 2019
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    Can you think of any other reason to continue to cling to statistics that have been PROVEN are blatantly incorrect? I think it probably hits closer to home than you want to admit......
  21. ronv

    ronv Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    But rather than us counting lets have the FBI do it.

    From the FBI

    Hate crime reports increased 17 percent last year from 2016, the F.B.I. said on Tuesday, rising for the third consecutive year as heated racial rhetoric and actions have come to dominate the news.

    Of the more than 7,100 hate crimes reported last year, nearly three out of five were motivated by race and ethnicity, according to the annual report. Religion and sexual orientation were the other two primary motivators.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2019
  22. ronv

    ronv Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    @MickAtNight I keep telling you.. It's the right that wants to tell people what they can't do. But do you learn... No.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2019
  23. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    If one does a google search "Rothschild" one is going to come up with conspiracy stuff at the same level as "Kennedy Assassination". One would have to be a complete idiot to think that the anti Semites/White Supremacists are not using at least some of this material in their quest to bash the Jews.

    What you also find is a bunch of religious right extremists trying to make the "one world order" connection - to try to prove up their "The rapture is coming and the world is ending beliefs"

    So Yes - I am well aware of both tropes. At the same time - just because something is a conspiracy theory - does not mean there was no conspiracy nor does it prove anything false.. The use of this term has become fraught with negative labelism - folks using this term to try to negate any information that conflicts with the narrative in which they want to believe by throwing the "Conspiracy" label at it.

    We see the same thing with the term anti - Semite.

    I am "bigoted" against logical fallacy -false logic - often on the basis of partisan navel gazing. When I see these bad arguments I comment - why I take so much heat from both sides. When one engages in these false arguments - this serves to give the other side an advantage.

    For example - If one is a Trump supporter and sees an argument that is either really dumb or easily refuted - this then serves to justify their position that all these - Anti Trumper's are raging illogical fools and exacerbates the partisan divide.

    This is way way too common these days - and it is ruining this nation.
  24. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I don't dispute these stats:

    What hits close to home is the fact you are unable to imagine any other reason for disagreeing with your own bullshit interpretation of statistics. Fact of the matter is the right wing loonies have been emboldened and have increased their own ideological terrorist attacks. Wanna quibble by what % go ahead. Wanna suggest it isn't a growing domestic threat? pull your head outta the sand or where ever.
  25. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Can't say I'm bigoted against fallacious logic since its use is so pervasive and a logical fallacy in and of itself does not make a statement untrue.

    I am as bigoted against certain groups as they are against the subjects of their bigotries. Hence I hate radical racist right wing fascist/neo nazis, ethnic nationalists, racists of all colors/, bigots of any and all ethnicities, holocaust deniers, religious fanatics of any and all religions, and commies. Chosen ideologies of hatred, exclusion and fear all predicated on the conceit of their accident of birth. Oh and I truly hate pedophiles but they often didn't choose to be the twisted POS they are.

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