Cosatu wants SA Communist Party to now run SA, with ANC to take back seat

Discussion in 'Africa' started by scarlet witch, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I would not tie this to supporting communism but getting tribal land and govt to the tribe.

    Euopeans turned SA into a modern civ.due to colonialism A jewel in the African continent. But. Also apartheid

    But as is common in Africa some tribes want the power and generally inept and corrupt Africans.

    In principle we did the same to amerindians Should we give America back to them?

    No. For the world is composed of countries taken from less advanced people. .
  2. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Well you would because you are viewing South Africa through the lens of liberalism. Not only that but your facts are not correct, there have been enormous amounts of misinformation about South Africa, its history and the land issues.

    For Example here (below) is Credo Mutwa, a well known witch doctor and tribe historian.... extremely sad about having been removed from his property during Apartheid, because the Apartheid government built a dam.
    (ps. you may be aware that not all land areas are suitable for building have to build it where you engineers tell you it is suitable)

    It is true that people were moved from land, what is not true is that it was specifically to benefit whites.... today South Africa has severe water issues, drought and lack of planning for drought in addition to sewage running into the drinking water and leaking pipes due to no maintenance on current infrastructure

    Apartheid planned for the future, blacks don't always understand that... clearly liberals have comprehension issues too
    Credo Mutwa makes an emotional return to the Lotlamoreng Dam

    Liberalism will make you view everything through the lens of racism and discrimination... all other is discarded... this is how liberalism benefits communism and the ANC... it hides their true agenda, which is mentioned in post one and two, the NDR the Revolution... which will leave millions hungry and dying... and heading for Europe
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
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  3. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Btw the Bantu tribes are not the original landowners, the Khoi and San people are and they are severely persecuted by the bantu...

    Here is my tribe map again, they originate from central and west Africa

    Tribes copy.png
  4. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Lots of different bantu. Did they conquer the original tribes and then were conquered by Europeans?

    It seems Nigerian businesses are regularly destroyed and looted by the natives. In mobs

    The a you tuber from SA who presented the film said the natives are jealous of Nigerians . Who succeed .

    We are lucky to live in a western civ. Created by English settlers.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  5. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Credo Mutwa is the writer of a book on the laws of the Bantu, one of their most sacred laws are the law of revenge. This law is the cause of much of the conflict and genocide we see in Africa and have seen for centuries... including the slave trade.

    The stronger tribes in central and west Africa drove the weaker tribes south...

    Here's an extract from a book I found out have recently been published on Kindle

    The Xenophobia is due to the tribes from the north being harder workers, whites employ them for this reason...the local blacks complain they take their jobs, which is true. Open Borders have allowed millions of blacks from Zimbabwe and other African countries to come into South Africa, now that resources are dwindling due to the theft and persecution by the ANC, the xenophobia kicked in.
    The Nigerians are said to be drug dealers, which also have an element of truth to it... although not all Nigerians are drug dealers, it is a big problem in SA.
    Basically the locals are sick of the open borders that contributed to the collapse in infrastructure and high unemployment, those migrants who start their own businesses also do not contribute tax...tribes now deal with illegal migration the way Africans have for centuries.... by cleansing.
  6. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    There are superior cultures no matter how much the fringe deny it.

    Stating an obvious fact isnt always racism. Sometimes facts are just reasonable observation

    We cannot so far evolve psychologically away from tribalism. It has raised its ugly head in partisan party ppolitics here in America .
  7. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Africans will argue that statement because they were quite happy tending their cattle and letting nature take care of population control. They didn't ask us to build a civilisation that supports millions of people.

    Problem is there is a civilisation that supported millions of people, 25 years of corruption, theft and following their "Path to Power" have now eroded that civilisation to the point of collapse. Half of South Africans do not have enough food to eat and the ANC is on the brink of destroying the food supply... which will bring us to the revolution... millions of hungry Africans looting and destroying the entire civilised South Africa... including white liberals who are oblivious. Because conservatives have seen this coming a mile away and are hard at work securing their food and medical supplies.

    Africans don't like the stress of western civilisation, they do however enjoy its abundance and riches.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  8. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    They have the chance to return to what they lost. Let us see what they do as they destroy modernity.

    I am shocked their white population are still there given the reality of SA. Looks suicidal to me.
  9. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Ok so the OP was about Cosatu wanting the Communist party to run South Africa and looks like they are going to do exactly that.

    Ramaphosa and the ANC capitulated, they really have no other choice if they want to remain in power as the Trade Union controls the vote. (If you wonder how they manage that, it is simply in the same way they forced black South Africans to rise up and protest... intimidation - vote my way or die).

    The SA Communist party will support the ANC in 2021 local elections as long as they decide the key appointments in government and also who stands for parliamentary elections.

    ANC lame duck party... Ramaphosa lame duck president... at least they still get to loot and live in luxury.

    This also means South Africa is headed for the NDR (National Democratic Revolution) except there's nothing democratic about it... sounds nice to liberals they'll probably join in :roflol:
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  10. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  11. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    White 'liberals' are universally oblivious. Whether in SA, or LA. Since nothing bad has happened in their own lifetime, they imagine they can indulge every whim without repercussion. And most of their whims are vain and hubristic. Very few of those whims have the long term welfare of humanity at their core.

    Well there you go, white 'liberals' also like the abundance and riches of the societies they're trying to dismantle.
    scarlet witch likes this.
  12. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Unfortunately they also meddle in the affairs of countries they don't understand... the consequences for those who live in these countries gruesome and disturbing... Libya, Syria...South Africa...
  13. Basset Hound

    Basset Hound Active Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    Question: Is there a politician between Cape Town and Cairo who can see a treasury without stealing from it?
  14. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Sure. It's what the rich and powerful have always done, though. The Chinese are doing it now (in a different way). The Romans did it. Plenty have, in the past.
  15. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Africa is particularly susceptible to corruption , however corruption is not restricted "to" Africa, in fact Ukraine is the second most corrupt country in the world (thanks in part to Soros and the Obama Administration) behind South Africa the most corrupt country in the world (also in part thanks to Soros and the Obama Administration).

    Corruption is a worldwide problem and in the last 30 years it has increasingly been used as a geopolitical tool to strip countries of their wealth.

    John Perkins wrote his book and typical of usual whistleblower results, instead of a stop of deliberate corruption of countries there was an escalation in pushing countries into corruption for financial gain by politicians and companies (first Democracy to change leadership then corruption of "selected" leadership to strip the country of it's wealth)

    Of course China's Belt and Road is nothing other than John Perkins 2.0... and because Africa is so susceptible to corruption likely why B&R works so well in Africa
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  16. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Yes the masses are controlled by the rich and powerful.... first the media is used to manipulate the masses, then the NGO's organise protests to destabilise and provide more fodder for the media. Countries are overthrown then the vultures move in and with the help of the new "pre-selected" leadership strip the country of its wealth.
  17. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Contrary to what Wikipedia (and the British masters of manipulation) tells you, Apartheid was;

    a) not segregation, segregation laws were implemented one by one from the early 1900's by the British - The Afrikaner only gained control of South Africa after WW2
    b) Apartheid was "separate development" to maintain culture, language and religion as well as enable tribal leaders to exercise their own tribal laws. 50% of the country were given away to Black tribes in 1948 for this purpose.
    c) Apartheid was not brought in for the purpose of making the Afrikaner wealthy or uplifting the Afrikaner out of poverty, the State Owned Enterprises was used to lift the Afrikaner out of poverty (after their farms and hundreds of thousands of their livestock was burnt down and killed during the Anglo Boer war (30 000 of their women and children died in British concentration camps) they were forced into poverty for the purpose of British control of resources.

    After apartheid the State Owned Enterprises, (which helped lift the Afrikaner out of poverty) and were built into some of the worlds best State Owned Enterprises, were gifted to the African National Congress... for the purpose of building the Black middle class in the exact same way they helped the Afrikaner. Instead the ANC destroyed ALL the State owned enterprises... world class giant business worth billions and billions are now dead... worthless, corrupt, broken and the black masses now left without their heritage, given to them by the Afrikaner
    (remember the Afrikaner those terrible racists who fed 100 million people on the Southern tip of Africa, educated blacks, gave them free electricity, free open heart transplants and medical, sport stadiums, schools the highest wages in Africa and then gave them a whole country including SOE's they've built worth billions and billions)... yes those racists (clearly their not very good racists but if the British manipulators tells you they are you need to nod along)

    The entire electricity grid is on the brink of collapse.... the currency is teetering on the edge... but when crisis strikes South Africans innovate their way out.

    A developed a digital currency where 80% of deposits will be kept in gold... to protect against the collapse of the Rand.

    and now they've also developed the home grid... yes you can fire up one home or your village.. the low cost will surprise you... honestly in Australia all the red tape is choking innovation, we pay through the nose for electricity in Australia...

    Wits engineers have built an affordable off the grid system - and they want it to power whole villages
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  18. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Apartheid was all about pushing the black people into severe poverty and make the white population wealthy. The white minority oppressed it that hard that they refused to allow black people compete for South Africa at the Olympics. Subsequently, you lot got banned from participating at the Olympics.
  19. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Boris Johnson needs to take a good hard look at Britain's pro-communist policies in Southern Africa over the last 6 decades. During Apartheid 100 million people were fed by the South African Government ... today Southern Africa is heading for mass starvation....Africans are infinitely worse off, only a handful of black corrupt leaders and wealthy whites in Europe who are stripping the resources benefit.

    Useful idiots... or deliberate culling of Africa's population? These pro communist policies is putting not only Britain but all of Europe at risk, millions of Africans will migrate to Europe...on the other hand...perhaps he should just look the other way because Europe ****ing deserves it.
  20. Thingamabob

    Thingamabob Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2017
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    There is nothing wrong with Communism. It is based upon sound, healthy principles. But just as with Capitalism it too can be corrupted while falsely maintaining its's self-proclaimed ideology. You say .....
    ... but why do you say the capitalist economy is all but completely destroyed? Why not say this is an example of capitalism? You will be perfectly willing to tell me that Stalinism is an example of the treachery that is Communism but refuse to say or admit that Stalin was the corruption of Communism and that Stalin destroyed Communism.

    I was hoping you'd tell me. I just assume they want the chaos that is inherent in government-change in the Third World so that they can swoop in and take control of SA's industry and natural resources. I honestly do not think they want Communism per say but the turmoil that the change itself will bring.

    You attribute death to Communism? Jesus! How many deaths is Capitalism responsible for? Oh, you never gave it a thought, eh?

    The Bottom Line is that you are using two opposing sets of rules whereby the corruption of one you call an example of its principles while the other you call its' corruption a deterioration or destruction of its principles. That is not very honest conduct for a discussion.
  21. Thingamabob

    Thingamabob Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2017
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    Southern Africa inherited corrupt principles from its' white-rule predecessors. Many African leaders throughout the continent simply found even less humanitarian ways for developing corruption beginning (in my opinion) by a nonchalant concern for the nation in favour of tribal partiality and eventually funnelling wealth into a one-man personal greed for power and opulence.
  22. Thought Criminal

    Thought Criminal Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 28, 2017
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    I'm sorry that I know almost nothing about your homeland (I think?).

    It sounds like a disaster that will only get worse.

    I'm glad that you're not there.

    Sorry that that can never be of comfort to you.
    zer0lis and scarlet witch like this.
  23. Thingamabob

    Thingamabob Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2017
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    It is the blue scare that is now asserting itself by intrusion and treacherous misdeeds.

    Capitalism didn't actually "win" it was more a matter of Communism "losing".

    We should know by now that there never really was a "war of ideologies". It has always been a war of propaganda. Göbbels contributed his work of propaganda for the Nazi effort and it was truly groundbreaking. At the end of WW II both the east and the west picked up where Göbbles left off .... and so the "war of propaganda" (more famously known as "The Cold War") began. As we can see the Soviet method of propaganda development was very primitive while that of the U.S. was astoundingly brilliant. But then the Cold War ended and the U.S. was left without an opponent with which to gage itself so it ran amok by conducting itself in a demonic manner and so the sides have switched. The U.S. is now clearly the bad guy and the principles of the opposition are on a course that needs very little formulated propaganda other than that of the individual, post-skirmish ad hoc sort.
  24. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Communists look at corruption, greed, nepotism, high inequality cronyism and think this is capitalism.... all of these characteristics are also present in Communism, the difference is that greed is curbed by the lack of capital in communism. The communist death toll is horrendous, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot... if you add the starvation numbers it is indeed staggering.

    Communist South Africa will never feed as many people as Capitalist South Africa... mass starvation will add to the millions dead and millions migrating north.

    Capitalism in its true pure form has a 100% employment rate with inequality at moderate levels. One of the conditions for capitalism to function at its best is a sense of community, where those in the high income bracket do not only try and take as much as possible for themselves but contribute to build community... creating a society even those in the lower income brackets can live well in... ie Apartheid South Africa was such a capitalist country... although sanctions dramatically curbed the capital needed to expand education and community.

    If you look at western capitalist countries and wonder where the capitalism is I am referring to, then you should also try to find community spirt and cohesion they no longer possess. Globalisation and mass migration have eroded this, liberalism have created a me me me environment that promotes a selfish form of capitalism... corruption, nepotism and cronyism contributed to inequality fracturing societies...further erosion of community good will.

    Today as black South Africa embrace communism, poverty and mass starvation, white South Africans are turning to capitalism for survival. They are building communities where everyone has a job, resources are shared, some contribute more than others and are compensated accordingly, innovation is rewarded and profit is allowed in order to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit and inspire hard work. Who do you think is going to be worse off...
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
  25. Thingamabob

    Thingamabob Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2017
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    Well. You definitely nailed that down, I have to say. I agree with you.

    Also a good point but I think the biggest piece of the pie that went (goes) with corrupt Communist governments is equal to Capitalist governments in that the share of wealth is filtered from the top down. This is part and parcel of Capitalism itself but is a crime of the greatest proportion in a Communist environment where hoarding of wealth is suppose to be (as you've pointed out) counter-communist.

    Agreed. But you cannot say it is characteristic of Communism. Once again …. those figures are proof of the corruption, not the principle.

    We cannot be sure yet. Look, whatever your feelings about Communism might be you must admit that the situation as it is today is rotten. Yes? So introducing Communism is meant to be the cure. Shall we argue all day about whether or not it actually will be the cure? We can wait and see. On paper a new political agenda can only improve things, right? Can we agree that the RSA needs a change of government but that we cannot agree on what that change should include?

    I am very sorry but that is not true. You have just describe Communism “in its true pure form”. My wife is from Czechoslovakia where 100% employment and housing were fact and reality. These things are, after all, cornerstone principles of Communism. The U.S. (if we are going to use an example of Capitalism why not the U.S.) has never been able to boast that achievement.

    I think you are probably right but there hasn't been any of that to hold up to the light.

    I cannot disagree with you more than I do. I have lived in the RSA and Rhodesia during Apartheid and I did not like what I saw. It was like something from stories of the U.S. southern states during the 1930's-40's-50's. Apartheid had nothing to be proud of that wasn't locked within electrified fences or stowed away & padlocked behind kitchen cupboard doors together with the sugar bowl.

    Oh well! If we are going to slander globalisation and the situation today then we are on the same book, the same chapter, the same page, and the same paragraph. But calling it "Communism"? No.

    I do not agree with you on that. I am from Europe where if I slowly turn 360° I can see Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and everything in between. There are no four-letter-politcal words in my vocabulary. Any one of them can be good (or bad) because their professed principles all must be worthy otherwise they wouldn't exist. The problem – again – is corruption of those principles. It is inadvisable, therefore, to say that Communism will plunge SA into poverty and “mass starvation”. In fact, I am willing to say that outside intrusion is at play when such malady strikes. But that's a can of worms and difficult to pin down what with black flag and clandestine operation running rampant.

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