Rand Paul Lays Out Evidence For COVID-19 Coming From Wuhan Lab

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Ethereal, May 30, 2021.

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  1. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    I think it is long past time that we look into Dr. Fauci's personal finances. See if he is getting paid off to lie about the origin of COVID-19. His emails, obtained legally through a FOI request, shows that he was informed that the virus had potentially been engineered. Yet, he claimed that such claims had been debunked. The only media outlets still holding that an engineered virus is a conspiracy theory are the same ones that refuse to admit that the Steel Dossier was fake. The media would rather push fake news and half-truths then admit they were wrong.
    Starcastle and drluggit like this.
  2. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    The current media environment is a direct result of the consolidation of all media, news and reporting by large corporations. It is not so much that they have a political agenda but that they have destroyed all forms of alternative sources for news. The internet has filled that gap but not with journalists, it filled it with laymen and
    VOX has a wonderful article today on this very topic that I believe is very fair and objective. Here is the link.

  3. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    The internet browser services have started attacking alternative news sources, by limiting people's access on their articles and websites. Articles that you could easily access years ago, are no longer available. You can't even find the cashe version of the article. Then you have social media censoring anything that does not agree with their political agenda. The internet does not fill the gaps. It is just more of the same. It is time that we regulate those that regulate the networks.

    Another liberally slanted cover piece. So, many facts are ignored, or glossed over, that there is no real bases of truth. Take for example the fact that the article debunks itself. In an effort to paint the picture that there was more evidence that the virus was naturally occurring, they fall for the Chinese trap. The Chinese initial statement on COVID-19 was that a worker at the wet market was bit by a bat, and contracted the disease. At one part the article author attempts show how that is feasible. To narrate that point, the writer points to some miners attempting to remove bat guano in 2012. Those miners got sick with SARS like symptoms. In investigating the situation, bats from the cave was tested. Some have Coronaviruses, and some had more then one strain. These men caught a SARS like Coronavirus directly from the bats. In another part of the article the writer points out that the Wuhan Lab had been studying the transfer of Coronaviruses from bats to human cells. The article states that the lab had some success. Yet, as the theory started evolving that the infected bat that at the wet market had to have come from the Wuhan Level four lab, the Chinese change their statement. The new statement was that the virus had to infect another type of animal, and that animal had have infected humans. You might want to note that there is a Level 2 Biolab located right next to the wet market. That one researches Coronaviruses in animals other then bats.

    The article points to a political agenda of those that believe in the lab leak theory, while ignoring the political agenda of those that claimed the virus was a natural occurrence. Biden, while hiding in the basement, made many false statements about President Trump and the Coronavirus. Such as claiming that President Trump was a Xenophobe for shutting down travel from China. He even claimed that President Trump called COVID-19 hoax. Biden ridiculed every action that President Trump took on mitigating the effects in the US, and then renewed almost every one of these actions when he took office. President was instrumental in developing the vaccines that are saving lives today. He even devised a rollout plan that Biden claimed did not exist, and he has totally screwed up. Biden claimed that vaccines developed so fast were not safe. That and the fact that he allowed the CDC to change the guidelines on masks and social distancing, Has reduced the number of people getting vaccinated. Within the category of who would refuse vaccinations is the group that the medical community was the hardest hit. African-Americans!!! I predicted that this would happen, and now it is.

    But bring this back to the topic: When Biden was VP, he took a trip to China. He son Hunter accompanied him on Air Force two. While there Hunter Biden secured somewhere between $6 and $10 Million from a China's largest private energy company. Emails obtained from Hunter's lap top indicates that Biden received 10% of those funds. It stands to reason that China would know who received what from those funds. It would be easy for China to blow the whistle on Biden. When China officials met with members of the Biden Administration a few months ago, they gave the Administration a verbal butt kicking. The Biden officials just sat there and took it. Now, Biden is saber rattling is China's directions, but knowing full well that nothing could come from it without leak of information from the inside. Not, likely going to happen. I would even point to Chinese over the top response to Biden's call to declassify documents relating to Chinese lab leak. The Chinese State Media claims that they must prepare for nuclear war.

    The article also claimed that the media denounced the lab leak theory because President Trump backed it without evidence. But they fail to point out that the evidence that President Biden is calling to be declassified is all from the President Trump Administration. So, the media did not have all the evidence that President Trump did, and they had to know it.

    In the end the Vox article is nothing more then a liberal CYA for Biden, Democrats and the media. The value of the article would be best served by printing it out, and using it to light the kindling to light a fire in your fireplace.
    drluggit likes this.
  4. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    I see you read it looking for confirmation bias and not fully grasping the facts as they were presented to the reader. The article discussed both sides of the issue from our perspective and did not let the Chinese off the hook at all, it merely pointed out that they have been very reluctant to reveal all the details to this point. The reality as most of us see it is that the true origins of the virus likely came from an animal and that could have been transmitted to humans in a number of ways. The virus was not man made, that is a scientific fact. Could it have been a product of human enhancement? That is a possibility as the article quoted some experts claiming. Other experts ruled it out. Do you see where this leads? To a need for further information and analysis before making claims of certainty regarding what role the Wuhan Lab had. Sorry but I believe the jury is out on this issue.

    As for the Hunter Biden angle, if I wanted to listen to Q I would go to Reddit.
  5. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    How facts are presented to the readers, is the bias. An unbiased article presents both sides of an article, and let's the readers make the decision for themselves which side to believe. The VOX article presented facts slanted to one side to cover Fauci and the WHO's culpability. I also pointed out false assumptions made by the writer. You chose the article based on the fact that it told you what you want to hear.

    My approach at determining what is real and fake, is to read all sides of an issue, and then decide for myself. Along that line, I access articles from CNN, MSNBC, Politico, Huffington Post, Fox News, Hot Air, Daily Wire, Daily Mail, and Judicial Watch. This gives me a varied insight into the issues. Vox who claims that they explain the news, or Reddit that gives people a chance to debate the news, are not sites that can be counted on for actual facts. No more then CNN's iReport could have been counted on during the 2016 elections.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
  6. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    Well if your standard is to treat every story written as one piece of evidence among pieces from nine other sources making ten versions of a story then I am unsure how any article written by anyone at all could meet your standard. BTW, what is your standard since you do not have access to first hand information, primary sources, scientific expertise or up to date information from various other agencies and groups. You read 10 articles and then magically come up with a version you believe is true just as everyone else does. I believe that article was a good source of information regarding the debate over the origins of the virus. You believe it whitewashed something or other to hide or promote a bias in the author. Well perhaps everyone has a bias conscious or unconscious, the question I ask is whether the intent of the author was to mislead or misrepresent to promote a particular political motive. I did not see that in the article and in fact, it went in depth on both sides of the debate as I stated. Apparently you wanted the author to absolve Trump or lay blame on Wuhan or promote lies about Fauci. Your unrelated comments about Hunter reveal your bias so everything else you say is tainted by it.
  7. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    It is obvious that you miss the point. I do not rely on individual articles to form my opinions. I look at what a variety of writers have to say. You also have to understand that most writers of articles do not have any more access to the facts and raw data that either you or I do. Yet, they set themselves up as the experts because they have a journalism degree. The majority of articles are based on quotes of those that are supposed to be in the know, but often are completely clueless or are tailoring their facts to a political agenda. The writers chose who to quote based on their own bias, and ignore other sources that do not match their agenda. The origins of the virus is a perfect example. Your article tries to paint the picture that there is an abundance of evidence that the virus is naturally occurring. Along that line, they ignore the emails that were recently released that shows that Fauci's own staff informed him that aspects of the virus shows that there is the virus may have well been manufactured. Fauci was informed of that information more then a year ago, but did not change his tune until their release. The emails clearly shows that Fauci was concerned about the US funding the labs while they were doing Gain-to Function research. The US has a ban on funding facilities that use this technique. Now, the the cat is out of the bag, Fauci is doing damage control. The article also fails to mention a British MI-6 agent that has been looking into the origins and has said there is almost no evidence to support the virus being naturally occurring, but there is an abundance of evidence that supports an engineered virus.

    By looking at the issue from all sides, this is what I currently believe. The Wuhan lab had problems with training and safety protocols within the labs. The US NIH sent money to the lab to conduct proper training and for new equipment. I find it extremely strange that we are funding a Chinese lab, but that fact is not in dispute from all sides. The question becomes whether China rerouted the funds to pay for their research, and whether the US knew that the money was not being spent on what it was intended for. We know that the lab was using Gain-to Function techniques to make the virus more potent and more transferable. We know that the lab has been studying the transfer of Coronaviruses from from bats to humans. We know that several scientists at the Wuhan :Lab became ill from Covid like symptoms in November 2019, but China lied to the WHO showing them as being hospitalized a month later. That points to the fact that the lab was the source of the virus. We know that it can take up to two weeks before a patient with COVID-19 to become symptomatic. What I currently believe happened is that some of the scientists at the lab got the disease from the bats that they were working with. Not knowing that they were infected, they went about their normal routines. Infecting others along the way. By the time the scientists were hospitalized, the virus was already outside the lab, and probably already started its trek around the world. China, realizing they had a real crisis on their hands then went into CYA mode.

    I do not believe that the US has no blame in this, they never should have been funding a lab that uses gain-to-function. There is no good reason for us to be funding a lab in China for any reason. China did everything they could do to allow this virus to get beyond the Wuhan borders, and beyond their own shores. They threatened doctors with imprisonment if they dared to talk about the epidemic. They waited until several million residents of Wuhan had traveled to family homes outside the Wuhan area to celebrate a holiday. They did not shut down the international airport or divert cruise ships from entering or exiting the Wuhan Port. As a result, an epidemic became a pandemic.

    I do not believe that China was developing the virus as a bioweapon. If they had been they would have acted faster to gain control of it. The last thing they would have wanted is for the world to develop a vaccine. I believe that the Coronavirus basis was naturally occurring, and that the engineered aspects of the virus comes from the gain-to function steps taken to make the virus stronger and more transferable.

    I know that you want to lay all this at Trump's feet, but the facts do not support that. President Trump had access to information that we, and the media, did not. It looks like President Trump was right. The virus was manufactured and came from the Wuhan lab. He acted in the best interest of the country, based on the information he was given. If you separate the media and DNC lies about Trump, you will see that he did what the US Constitution allowed him to do. He is directly responsible for the Warp Speed process that resulted in the vaccines that are working to end the pandemic. Now, Biden needs to find a way to get the citizens to get the virus. Otherwise, we could be right back where we started a few months from now.

    When I
  8. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    Wow, a lot of words that sound reasonable until you reach your conclusions. "The virus was manufactured and came from the Wuhan lab. " All the rest of your post falls apart after you said this unsubstantiated statement. Sorry but I find your point of view to be biased and partisan. Let us leave the ******n politics out of it.
  9. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    China lied,
    Millions died.

    Senate Passes Sweeping Bipartisan Legislation To Counter And Compete With China
    "The $250BN bill touches on nearly every aspect of the nations’ complex relationship, including semiconductors, Taiwan, Xinjiang and the 2022 Winter Olympics."
    China is run by garbage people.

    China Mulls Unprecedented Legislation To Counter Western Sanctions
    "Western firms this is a wake-up call for those who haven’t heard any of the alarm bells so far..."

    If they haven't they are deaf.
    Pick a side.
  10. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    I believe Rand Paul about as much as I believe Trump, which is to say not at all. He is a different sort of partisan than most Trumpers but a very strong partisan nonetheless. He presents one side of the story.

    My question is who CARES where the virus came from? What matters is how we can prevent it in the future when the next one might be much worse. (Think if this had been Ebola)
  11. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    China was damn sure not the only liar on the world stage.
  12. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    This whole thread is about politics. Senator Rand Paul laid out the evidence for the theory that Covid was leaked from the lab. Everything Dr. Fauci has said has been politically motivated. Including telling the American people that they only needed masks if they were sick or treating the sick. Fauci claimed that he told the lie to ensure that masks went to the medical and first responder personnel. How many of the of the more the 600 thousand deaths could have been prevented by Fauci not peddling that lie. We know that the Chinese Government announced that the virus could be passed person-to-person in January 2020. Yet, the first shutdown orders did not go into effect until the middle of March. The First mask mandates were not issued until the beginning of April, and the CDC, WHO and Fauci did not change their lies about the necessity of masks for everyone did not happen until the middle of April. It took four months for this country to get to the point that we should have been in January 2020. As I have said, every action/statement from Fauci was politically motivated. Not based on any real science.

    You posted an article that you said explained why the feel that the virus could not have leaked from the lab. Allow me to share some articles that explain my position:

    British spies ‘believe Covid origin theory at Wuhan lab is feasible’ | Metro News
    ‘COVID has no credible natural ancestor’; British Intelligence believes COVID lab leak theory ‘feasible’ (asianetnews.com)
    Norwegian scientist says COVID-19 was manufactured, claim backed by ex-British intel head | New Europe

    As you can see, I am not alone in the belief that the virus was manufactured. My actual belief is that the basic virus is natural occurring, but it was altered to be stronger and more transferable. This was done through a Gain-to-Function technique. That technique would explain the manufactured markers makes the virus look engineered. But that also proves that the virus came from the Wuhan level 4 Biolab. Workers at the lab gets infected. Unknowingly passing the virus to others while they were not symptomatic. Once they were hospitalized, the virus was on its way to being an epidemic. Because of the constant tourist trade in Wuhan, the epidemic becomes a pandemic with more the 3.7 million dead.
    You might also want to consider my theory does not rule out the the virus being transferred from a bat to humans through another animal. There are a number of insects that bite humans and bats alike. One of those are fleas. If a infected bat is bit by a flea, and then bites a human, the the virus could be transferred from bat to human.

    Now, if you believe that the Covid-19 is naturally occurring, and not leaked from the lab, then please explain why China has not found the host animal as would be needed to support such a hypothesis? So, far, they have not even identified the species that supposedly was the intermediary between bats and humans.

    In two previous pandemics that originated in China, the Chinese Government were far more transparent then they are with COVID-19. Why? What is different between this virus and previous SAR's viruses?

    China has arrested journalists that have asked questions that they did not want. They have threated to lock up a doctor that did nothing more then warned his colleagues about the dangers of the new SARS like coronavirus. China would not allow the investigating team to view the raw data, and restricted their access to the Wuhan lab. Does this sound like the actions of a country looking for answers, or one that is covering their collective posterior ends?

    Some have pointed to a link between the 2012 incident with the sick miners as supporting the natural occurrence theory. But it really does not. First that cave that the miners were trying to clear of bat droppings is more the 650 miles from Wuhan. Far outside the normal travel range for a bat. So, someone would have had to travel to Mojiang, captured a bat, and returned to Wuhan. If that happened, then China would have easily identified that person. Further, what kind of idiot would travel more then 650 miles to get bats that have made people sick?

    When you take the time to review all the facts, not just those that support what you want to believe, you will see that the lab engineering the natural virus, and then allowed it to be leaked out of the lab. That theory fits all the facts as we know them right now!!!
    Eleuthera likes this.
  13. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    First of all, I appreciate the time and effort you took to respond to me. I respect anyone who puts this much effort into debating a stranger on line. I did not read all of this which is not a sign of disrespect at all, I am simply working and posting at the same time. Can I suggest a bottom line to our little debate?

    I think both of us know that the true origins are unknown at this time and that experts are debating it as we speak. I also think both of us know that without the cooperation of the Chinese, we may never know. So can I surmise that you agree with me that the best path forward is to bring forth experts and convince China to cooperate?
  14. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Actually the true origins ARE known. The preponderance of the evidence shows it is a modified virus, the record is clear.

    However if one is not inclined to examine the evidence, then rational discussion is not possible.
  15. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Very magnanimous of you after. Especially, after your statement:

    "Wow, a lot of words that sound reasonable until you reach your conclusions. "The virus was manufactured and came from the Wuhan lab. " All the rest of your post falls apart after you said this Wow, a lot of words that sound reasonable until you reach your conclusions. "The virus was manufactured and came from the Wuhan lab. " All the rest of your post falls apart after you said this unsubstantiated statement. Sorry but I find your point of view to be biased and partisan. Let us leave the ******n politics out of it.. Sorry but I find your point of view to be biased and partisan. Let us leave the ******n politics out of it."

    So, why the change in rhetoric? One post you called my belief that virus was manufactured an "unsubstantiated statement", and now you backpedal that statement claiming that we will probably never know the true origin of the virus. Well, I definitely agree with that statement. But if you truly believe that China would allow transparency or an additional investigation into the origin, then you are completely naïve. China suffers from what is known as Middle Kingdom complex. They claim that they are the oldest surviving culture, and therefore China is the center of the world. The fact that the Government in China has changed numerous time since the US became a country does not matter to them. As a result of this complex, China feels that they do not answer to anyone but themselves.

    If you study China's actions over the last several decades, you will see the complex in abundance. Their attempt to expand their territorial waters by building fake islands, and then claiming them as their own. They have even gone so far as to claim the entire China Sea as territorial waters. Just to name two.

    China will never allow the world access the raw data and access to the Wuhan lab to test the bats still being used as research. Without access, we will never know the actual origin of the virus. The only chance of finding out would rely on someone sneaking the raw data out of China, or to hack their health ministry systems. Neither of which, is likely to happen.
  16. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    Bored I guess, you obviously put a lot of time into them.
  17. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Actually, not. It took me less then 30 minutes to do the research, and type out the reply.
  18. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    And your proof is where exactly? Everything I have read on the subject from many sources states that your conclusion has not been verified nor substantiated at all.
  19. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    LOL, the proof is everywhere EXCEPT the mainstream media! You come across as one who relies upon the mainstream media to form his thoughts and opinions.

    David Martin has analyzed the public records of the US Patent Office. Have you?

    Those records are full of the specifics regarding the scam that has been on us for the last 15 months.

    I must correct myself slightly--if Fox is part of the MSM, and I say it is, last night's Tucker Carlson show put it all into perspective. He put into perspective all the facts and evidence that you are not aware of. Do you dare watch it? Likely not.
  20. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Well, except that they may have been informed of the violations and continued to supply funding.

    EcoHealth Throws NIH Under The Bus Over Wuhan Gain-Of-Function Report; Researcher Claims 'Massive Cover-Up'
    "Given all of the sensitivity about this work, it’s difficult to understand why NIH and EcoHealth have still not explained a number of irregularities with the reporting on this grant..."

    I like your test on causation, I think it's a valid part of the discussion. Apart from causation, we also have Fauci lying under oath to Congress while calling Rand Paul, who has been consistently credible this entire time, a liar.
  21. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Your responding to something I posted nearly five months ago. It was based on what we knew at the time. This was before the NIH released Fouci's emails in response to a FOI request, and lot of additional information from a lot of different sources. If you read later post of mine on the subject, you will see that I have pointed out that Fauci's own staff told him that the virus had been manipulated. This is consistent with Gain of Functions techniques. Fauci's emails showed that he wanted to keep that quiet. Because he did not want anyone to know that he had authorized grants to the lab that was earmarked for the research that led to pandemic.

    The really sad thing is that he may be forced out and possibly face jail time, but it is not for the more then a million that got sick or the tens of thousands that died because told them that they only needed masks if they are sick or tending the sick. He knew better, but he pushed that lie. No, he'll get a free pass on that. What they will hold him accountable for injecting beagles with disease causing parasites. He will face the music on 44 beagles, but not for more then a million of US citizens.
  22. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    It wouldn't make me sad at all for him to be held to account. Also, if you'll remember, first he told us not use mask, claiming that we would "fidget" with them, spreading the virus from our fingers to our face, making wearing a mask even more dangerous than not wearing a mask.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  23. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Funny how this "fact" has been conclusively refuted by the NIH itself.

    Tell me, when you were asserting this "fact", were you deliberately misstating the truth or were you just speaking from ignorance?
  24. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    You're trying to conceal the corruption of the US government because you work for them. Your career depends on soaking taxpayers for the maximum amount of money. You call yourself a patriot, but you clearly love money more than anything else.
  25. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Dr. Fauci is a US government official. Or did you forget that part?

    US government officials like Fauci funded the gain-of-function research in Wuhan. The US government is therefore potentially culpable along with the Chinese government.

    Your attempt to conceal US government culpability with sophistry and outright falsehoods is pathetic.

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