State trooper who told off Inslee over vaccine mandate dies from COVID

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Arkanis, Jan 31, 2022.

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  1. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Well, it is, Ark. You know the Orange Jesus Handbook requires us to blame everything on black and brown people.

    Yet, here's the fun part...thanks to systemic and overt racism, there are many areas of the country where non-white people aren't allowed to live so there is absolutely no way to spin this ...unless we're going to catapult it into space and hope Musk can deliver another target for their unrelenting ire toward those that don't look, love or worship the way they do.


    Who says Orange Jesus isn't the gift that keeps on giving!!! He dogdes US taxes and gets the best health care in the world and...well, looks like the cupboard is bare for his minions.

    But, hey! They've got their "freedom" and "guns", right? ;-)
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
  2. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    By ignoring data.
  3. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I've learned not to waste my time with some people. Are you a conspiracy type who rejects science? There is clear evidence the instance of organ damage greatly exceeds the risk of vaccine complications. What are you prepared to accept?
    If you don't get it, you're unlikely to infect others.

    Here was the situation on Dec. 1, 2021:

    Past week cases (Nov. 23-29) – Total 2,414
    • Not vaccinated: 1,310 (54.3%)
    • Partially vaccinated: 95 (3.9%)
    • Fully vaccinated: 1,009 (41.8%)
    Past two weeks cases hospitalized (Nov. 16-29) – Total 267
    • Not vaccinated: 171 (64.0%)
    • Partially vaccinated: 11 (4.1%)
    • Fully vaccinated: 85 (31.8%)
    Past week, cases per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Nov. 23-29)
    • Not vaccinated: 180.6
    • Partially vaccinated: 43.6
    • Fully vaccinated: 22.6
    Past two weeks, cases hospitalized per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Nov. 16-29)
    • Not vaccinated: 36.4
    • Partially vaccinated: 7.4
    • Fully vaccinated: 1.9

    Past week cases (Jan. 26-Feb. 1) - Total 10,751
    • Not vaccinated: 2,188 (20.4%)
    • Partially vaccinated: 517 (4.8%)
    • Fully vaccinated: 8,046 (74.8%)
    Past two weeks cases hospitalized (Jan. 19-Feb. 1) - Total 1,304
    • Not vaccinated: 340 (26.1%)
    • Partially vaccinated: 65 (5.0%)
    • Fully vaccinated: 899 (68.9%)
    Past week, cases per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Jan. 26-Feb. 1)
    • Not vaccinated: 426.0
    • Partially vaccinated: 169.1
    • Fully vaccinated: 223.9
    Past two weeks, cases hospitalized per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Jan. 19-Feb. 1)
    • Not vaccinated: 87.5
    • Partially vaccinated: 53.4
    • Fully vaccinated: 19.2

    The people included in the latest numbers are mostly over 70 and those with medical conditions that make a covid infection problematic. They get the limited number of PCR tests so they can get directed to time-sensitive therapies.

    The Omicron variant has replaced Delta. About half of older adults have had a booster and more than 90% have two shots. The number that stands out and the hospital cases. The unvaccinated are four times more likely to end up in a hospital bed.

    It appears the vaccines are marginally better at preventing infection with the Omicron variant and about four times as effective at keeping people from taking up a hospital bed.

    We'll see how you do with what I just gave you.
    I'm waiting for a single cite from you.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
  4. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Yeah, ingesting cannabis as edibles or soft drinks.

    Yeah, their "right" to spread covid while locking up cannabis users. Rank hypocrisy.
  5. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    They have to supply proof of vaccination to get into restaurants, bars, clubs, sporting events, use public transit, take planes or trains, be part of gatherings over five people, or attend a school.
    Arrested, no bail, prosecuted.
  6. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Are you reading my posts, LangleyMan? Proof of vaccination forgeries were in the works before the vaccines were finished.

    They don't **prove** someone IS vaccinated. They just prove that someone is holding a card which indicates they've been vaccinated.

    And, I haven't checked lately but I seem to recall that the UK tried the passports and scrapped it which is why it wasn't implemented here and in other countries.
    OK, I just did a cursory look. According to the CDC, 15% of eligible adults in the U.S. are not vaccinated.

    Of those, let's estimate the average 25% arrest rest which gives us (X).

    Of those, it certainly seems advantageous to show up in court vaccinated so that leaves about (Y%) unvaccinated and unwilling.

    Of those, compared to other misdemeanors, how many more prison beds do you think we will need? Are you advocating letting out other less "contagious" inmates serving time for misdemeanors?

    If a person using a fake vaccination card is arrested, that also refuses to get vaccinated prior to their case being heard contracts COVID at some point between jail and prison or home and prison and is housed with other criminals who may or may not be vaccinated...what then?

    Do we force our front line workers to go into the prisons with COVID equipment and medications or just let them infect everybody and leave them to their own devices? If so, how is not treating an inmate in a correctional facility advantageous to stopping the spread of the virus and/or its variants? Even if that could be reasonably argued, there's quite a bit of wiggle room in their civil rights violations.

    Now, we're back to square me. What now?
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
  7. ButterBalls

    ButterBalls Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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  8. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    1) there is no "significant difference" w/r to transmission to begin with in the above numbers - not in relation to "Prevention of transmission"
    2) the numbers of cases are ridiculously small .. you sure it is not like Alberta where they stopped recording rapid tests and only were using PCR ?
    3) case rates like the one's you posted are in now way .. scientifically collected .. like in the London Study .. where it was an actual Study.. accepted as the Gold Standard by all . - .
    Vaccinated just as likely to spread delta variant within household as unvaccinated: study

    Because you don't know what you are talking about .. you look at 25% vs 38% and say "OH OH" that is significant .. but its not.

    You were asked a simple question .. What is the risk of severe outcome - such as myocarditis - to a healthy male 16-29 - from Omicron.

    Risk harm from the Vax is 1 in 10,000 -

    your hospitalization numbers do not lend any insight to this question.
  9. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    it used to be prescription in the past

    but, non-prescription can be used by some in a maintenance mode - the dose and frequency makes the poison
  10. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    I see you're just guessing again.
    Zantax was pulled because over time the drug increases in N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) buildup just by sitting on the shelf, which causes cancer.
    And no, over the counter drugs are not maintenance drugs no matter what definition you want to add to it.
  11. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    so everyone that took it got cancer? or those that took it a lot were more likely to get cancer?

    "And no, over the counter drugs are not maintenance drugs no matter what definition you want to add to it."

    many take baby aspirin as a maintenance drug... it's over the counter
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2022
  12. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    So thats your understanding from the post I provided? Everyone who took it got cancer? Thats the depth of your understanding?
    The average safe daily intake of NDMA is no more than 96 nanograms.
    Each Zantac pill had over 3,000,000 nanograms of NDMA
    Currently there are over 80,000 claims backed by their doctors from cancer patients against Pfiser and still growing.

    This is the same Zantac that went through 8 years of study to be approved by the FDA and another 10 years before they found out each pill had over 3,000,000 nanograms of cancer causing NDMA.
    Yet people like yourself will take anything approved by the FDA and swear by it because ITS FDA APPROVED labeling others as anti vaxxers for not trusting an 8 month processed vaccine that contains Polyethylene glycol, they we know can cause anaphylactic reactions,

    Just because you decide to take a baby aspirin every day, (which is voluntary) it doesn't change every definition in every medical journal on the planet.
  13. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    It's not my alleged theory....
    In September 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) learned that some ranitidine medicines, including some products sold under the brand name Zantac, contained a nitrosamine impurity called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), classified as a probable human carcinogen, at low levels.
    The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that the maximal admissible concentration of NDMA in drinking water is 7 ng/L. As of July 2020, the EPA has not set a regulatory maximal contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water. At high doses, it is a "potent hepatotoxin that can cause fibrosis of the liver" in rats.[8] The induction of liver tumors in rats after chronic exposure to low doses is well documented.[9] Its toxic effects on humans are inferred from animal experiments, but not well-established experimentally.

    In July 2020, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency / Nitrosamines are classified as probable human carcinogens (substances that could cause cancer).

    I'm not here to be asked questions for your pleasure. I do not know what you mean with "Conservatives making threads laughing at people dying from vaccinations or Covid". It simply remains a right wing conservative thing to dispute the vaccine works, the virus is real, any other kind of measurements are useful.... in any given combination. But not all right wing conservatives. Trump supports the vaccine. He get's booed at by some of his supporters when he mentions that.

    I do not recall any leftwing politician gloating around that a cop got himself killed in this idiotic way. So you're just over exaggerating to the point it's just total nonsense.


    We all know the requirements to be a cop, is just low.

    All in all. In these dark times.
    I still find it on the funny side that some idiot who disagreed with the policies I support got himself killed.
    I didn't do nuttin' you know. It's his own utter dumb choice that he was free to make. Let's be perfectly clear about that.
    He's not the first person who died that dumb. He won't be the last either.

    But if you insist to go and drag his profession into it:
    You know what grinds my gears. Cops demand support for that difficult job they got. Demand respect.
    But this idiot... he didn't respect the scientific community, now did he?
  14. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    More blah blah blah blah about nothing.
    You tried to claim it was alleged and we have the same chemicals in our own water as a comparison.

    I showed you its not alleged where they have already determined Zantax has 3,000,000 nanograms per pill and your waters safety level is around 9 nanograms.

    So no amount of blah blah blah is going to change those numbers or what they found no matter how much other junk you post to hide behind.

    Definition= No, I can't find any Conservatives gloating with post over the deaths of people who died from the vaccine or Covid.
    Got it

    Since I never made that claim now you're just falsifying my post for deflection.
    I said leftist posters on PF gloating over his death.
    And you know it.

    Right, going to an academy then putting your life at risk for the community is so easy everyone can do it.
    Just curious, did you ever put on a uniform in the service of others?
    Obviously not.

    Nothing but gloat over his death.
    You must be so proud
  15. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I sourced that I am right. And you put up nothing to dispute me.

    I care not

    I fail to see why its "leftists". It's just being pro science.

    I never reveil personal information. 9 out of 10 it's used as personal attacks.
    I suggest you also never reveil personal information because of it.
    While I note: you're not responding that the qualifications needed to become a cop is low.

    It's as funny as this:

    I hope the oh so gloating anti vax-community realizes their philosophy got -among many many people- a cop killed.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
    FreshAir likes this.
  16. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    You tried to claim it was alleged. I proved it wasn't alleged and they have the data to prove the contents of Zantax.

    Funny how that works once you are asked to provide evidence, links, or proof.

    Someone who ever wore a uniform in the service of others have stronger vertebrate than that.
    I appreciate you confirming my suspicion.

    Thats what you got out of my statement?
    Yes, we all know how funny you think his death is.
  17. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I have provided just that. Now what?

    Yup. He conducted his own experiment on himself as a a ffing amateur. and subsequently got himself killed.
    He's not fit to be a cop, mentally and now also physically... har har.

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