About the Holocaust

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by stan1990, Mar 11, 2019.


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  1. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Before I address the content of your Post I would very much like to keep our discussion civil, calm, and productive.

    I don't know about you but I think that participation in this forum should be an enjoyable experience in which mature adults can discuss even volatile topics with civility and respect.

    If you would like to know why the vast majority of people who know about the holocaust do not believe the standard , anti German holocaust narrative(1), I would be happy to try to explain why I don't think that the Germans were any more ruthless than anyone else.

    In the mean time, I hope you'll remember that manufacturing home front propaganda is not just something that other countries did / do. The OWI (Office of War Information) was America's propaganda ministry and it worked very closely in shaping public opinion with Hollywood(2) then as it does now now with cranking out one fictional anti German holocaust / WW 2 movie after another.

    Please think for yourself.



    EXCERPT “Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts.

    Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth.

    Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

    - Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated.

    - people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED

    (2) “The Director of the Holocau$t - Khazar Expatriate Billy Wilder”

    EXCERPT “Almost all the films you've ever seen of the Holocaust were staged. Using Allied propaganda as a rough script, directors from Hollywood were shipped to Germany and Poland to direct propaganda films for post-war use. One of the most notable of these was Billy Wilder, director of meny very well known films, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe." CONTINUED
  2. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Perhaps this piece of news isn't known yet...

    Tragedy of the prison ships sunk by the RAF – 75 years on
    It was on May 3, 1945, that the liner Cap Arcona was sunk by RAF fighter bombers in the Bay of Luebeck in the Baltic Sea.

    The German prison ship and three other ships, the Deutschland, Thielbek and Athen, were alleged to be carrying fleeing SS officers and other senior Nazis trying to escape to Norway.

    There were indeed SS people on board, but in one of the war’s great tragedies, the vast majority of the passengers were concentration camp inmates. Most of them were Jewish,...

    If they were ever known about, the deaths were soon forgotten in the ensuing victory celebrations of VE Day.
    It was only when survivors spoke out that the real horror of the event surfaced.


    The SS Cap Arcona had already evacuated 26,000 German soldiers from East Prussia, as it was being overrun by the Soviet Red Army, before she docked in the Bay of Lubeck to become a prison ship. The Cap Arcona lay at anchor in the Bay until she was filled with prisoners from a concentration camp near Hamburg. SS chief Heinrich Himmler had issued a strict order: “No concentration camp prisoner must fall alive into enemy hands.”

    It is likely the prison ships were going to become death ships. It seems they were to be towed out to sea and sunk by the SS.

    Proof of their intentions came on the morning of May 3, when some 500 prisoners who could not be put aboard the already overcrowded fleet of prison ships were marched onto a beach and machine-gunned to death.


    Though some in the RAF knew the ships were carrying concentration camp prisoners, the men who ordered the raid and the pilots who carried it out did not know.

    They had been told it was the SS on board and, in a very unusual departure from the norm, they were ordered to shoot any survivors in the sea.

    Five squadrons equipped with Hawker Typhoon fighter bombers, each carrying 20mm cannons and either bombs or rockets, were dispatched in two waves. They were to attack the ships which were not carrying Red Cross signs and were therefore a legitimate target, not least because British intelligence had uncovered the plot for the SS to don naval uniforms and escape by sea.

    Speaking in 2000, squadron leader Derek Stevenson, who led the first raid, told The Independent: “We had been in action for days blowing up railways, refineries and ships. For us this was just another job, but knowing the SS were on board made us all the more determined to destroy the ships. We came in at 9000ft, dived to 3000ft and I fired all eight rockets and every cannon round at one ship.”

    The Cap Ancona was badly damaged. It caught fire before she turned turtle and capsized. The Thielbek and Deutschland also capsized.

    Most of the SS were able to escape, though some were indeed shot in the sea by the RAF. Most of the prisoners on board the three ships died, either on board or in the freezing water.

    Some 7000 people died that day, though around 3000 survived, the Athen rescuing most of them. Bodies washed up on the shore for months afterwards. They were buried in mass graves. It was only in 1971 that the remains of the last victim were found on the shore.


    The information that could have saved the prisoners was simply not passed on at a time of great confusion in the British forces.

    An official report into the tragic events compiled shortly afterwards stated: “The intelligence officer with 83 Group RAF has admitted on two occasions; first to Lt H. F. Ansell of this team (when it was confirmed by a wing commander present), and on a second occasion to the investigating officer when he was accompanied by Lt. H. F. Ansell, that a message was received on May 2, 1945, that these ships were loaded with KZ [concentration camp] prisoners but that, although there was ample time to warn the pilots of the planes who attacked these ships on the following day, by some oversight the message was never passed on ...

    “From the facts and from the statement volunteered by the RAF intelligence officer, it appears that the primary responsibility for this great loss of life must fall on the British RAF personnel who failed to pass to the pilots the message they received concerning the presence of KZ prisoners on board these ships.”

    Read all here:
    I wonder, if these thousands of prisoners were ever deducted from the "still missing"?
    Grau likes this.
  3. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Why can't write anything on this thread without making snarky, and hate filled slurs regarding people who are far better informed than you concerning the topic at hand?

    If you had bothered to read this thread, you would see that the disparity between memorializing the holocaust and other equal or greater tragedies has, indeed, been addressed and discussed.

    Perhaps you'd like to explain why the USHMM theme park dedicated to foreign Jews sits on some of the most valuable land in the world and manages to extract over $60 million dollars yearly from American taxpayers while there is nothing nearly as opulent memorializing the plight of our Native Americans or formerly enslaved Blacks.

    As long as influential Zionist lobbies maintain their chokehold on our government, the health, education and welfare of America's citizens will remain secondary when it comes to funding this grisly, disingenuous and extravagant theme park.

    For example:
    EXCERPT "Moreover, the Holocaust Museum’s federal contribution apparently is sacrosanct: When President Donald Trump proposed a 5 percent cut of $3 million in his budget proposal for 2018, members of Congress from both sides of the aisle rebelled and rejected the modest cut (see Aug./Sept. 2017 Washington Report, p. 26)—even as they approved a 14 percent cut to the Department of Education, 18 percent cut to the Department of Health and Human Services, and 29 percent cut to the State Department." CONTINUED (1)

    The OP notes:
    " But nobody remembers over one million Iraqi children died after years of Americans sanctions, invasion and occupation. No annual remembrance day, no social media posts or twitter trending and hashtags."

    Not only are most Americans oblivious to the suffering inflicted on the Iraqi people as demanded by AIPAC (2), they hear nothing from pro Israel US MSM about the genocidal excesses of Palestine's earlier Zionist terrorist gangs whose barbaric cruelty rivals or exceeds anything done by the Germans during WW 2.

    Even though most people with a cursory knowledge of history know that the murderous excesses of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others far exceed those of Hitler's regime, it is primarily THE Holocaust® that is force fed to students around the world and memorialized by Hollywood and throughout MSM.

    Finally, there are almost 20 supposedly democratic countries around the world that allow you to question anything in the heavens or on earth. However, it is only questioning of the Holocaust that gets you locked up yet few people dare to ask why.

    (1) "Holocaust Memorial Museum Continues to Rake in Americans’ Tax Dollars"


    AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

    The Wyrd of Gawd and Jazz like this.
  4. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    The last time we had this discussion, I addressed the post you provided (which it seems you copy/paste any time the Holocaust comes up), and there was nothing productive. You changed your positions without any explanation any time your own positions contradicted Holocaust denialism. You started by admitting that there was cyanide residue in rooms in Auschwitz, which you said were just due to delousing. But after I showed you that this contradicted some of your Holocaust denial claims, you quickly changed your mind and said that there was no such residue and there were no such delousing chambers in Auschwitz. There's no such thing as a civil, calm, and productive conversation with a Holocaust denier. I've tried. It never works.
    bigfella likes this.
  5. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I don't remember either being uncivil or claiming that there are were no delousing chambers at Auschwitz.

    Secondly, I do not claim that the Holocaust never happened therefore I am not a real Holocaust denier.
    The term "Holocaust denier" was made up by D. Lipstadt.

    Please tell me in what way I was uncivil.

  6. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Well, yes, you absolutely pulled that BS last time we spoke, you "liked" the posts of a guy denying the Holocaust (or, actually doing worse than that and claiming that it was actually the Jews who engaged in a Holocaust against the Nazis), who literally praised Hitler in his sit, and now you are out here falsely claiming that Lipstadt invented the concept of Holocaust denialism. If you will promise now to reverse that trend and try being civil, I'll see what we can work with. Thanks.
    bigfella likes this.
  7. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Please don't think that when I "like" a post that I agree with it in its entirety; sometimes I may agree with just a small part of someone else's Post. Instead, please judge my thoughts by what I write.

    Additionally, I did not say that Lipstadt invented the concept of Holocaust denialism. I said that to the best of my knowledge she invented the term "Holocaust denier" which is a deceptive misnomer used to smear anyone who questions the physically impossible and unsupportable yet profitable standard holocaust narrative.

    According to an ADL survey(1) which confuses Holocaust denialism with Holocaust revisionism there are only a very few people who claim that nothing happened and that the holocaust is entirely made up. Those are the actual "Holocaust deniers".
    Meanwhile, only about 1/3 of the world's population who know about the holocaust believes the standard holocaust narrative while about 2/3 feel that it is exaggerated.

    Holocaust revisionists claim that, yes, many Jews were persecuted and many were executed but not for the same reasons or in the scope frequently claimed by the fraudulent Holocaust Industry's Claims Commission (2), (3).

    Briefly put, agents of the Claims Commission conspired with thousands of dishonest individuals in fabricating fake survival and atrocity stories that were fed to an unquestioning MSM and used to extract money from the German people.
    The folks at the USHMM eagerly adopt these and other fake survival and atrocity stories and recycle them for a gullible public with no concern for their validity as long as if they are consistent with the standard holocaust narrative.

    What has become the standard holocaust narrative (SHN) cannot be true since some Jews were even high ranking members of the National Socialist Party(4) and about 150,000 Jews served in Hitler's military with the full knowledge and approval of Hitler and the German High Command(5).
    Therefore, it is a profitable and defamatory lie that the Germans attempted to kill all of Europe's Jews for which the German people paid and pay dearly in both blood and money.

    Finally, most Americans think that only the "other side" used / uses propaganda concerning WW 2 to influence public opinion and are oblivious to America's propaganda ministry, the OWI (Office of War Information) and its co operation with Hollywood's movie makers.

    It should not surprise anyone with critical thinking skills that from the first "documentaries" (i.e. "Death Mils") we've been exposed to little more than raw anti German propaganda(6), (7) brought to us by the Holocaust Industry and Hollywood that is every bit as fraudulent as earlier deliberate hoaxes: fake "Human skin pocketbooks", fake "human fat soap", shrunken heads and fake "human skin lampshades".
    If the intent of the OWI, the Holocaust Industry and Hollywood's MSM was clearly to deceive us then, why should we believe them now?

    Thanks and enjoy your weekend,


    EXCERPT “Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts.

    Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth.

    Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

    - Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated.

    - people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED

    (4) “List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent”

    EXCERPT “Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent. “ CONTINUED

    (5) “Hitler’s Jewish Army”

    EXCERPT “Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

    In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded(*)Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

    Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police(Ordnungdienst)(*)and concentration camp guards(*)(kapos).

    So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?.”CONTINUED

    (6) “The Director of the Holocau$t - Khazar Expatriate Billy Wilder”

    EXCERPT “Almost all the films you've ever seen of the Holocaust were staged. Using Allied propaganda as a rough script, directors from Hollywood were shipped to Germany and Poland to direct propaganda films for post-war use. One of the most notable of these was Billy Wilder, director of meny very well known films, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe."CONTINUED

    (7) "The Hollywood Directors Who Filmed the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps"


    EXCERPT "George Stevens, John Ford, and Samuel Fuller, best known for their work in Hollywood, all documented the Allied liberation at the end of the war.

    But during this period of war, they were acting less as artists than as functionaries of US propaganda and information efforts, working for the US Armed Forces and Secret Services.CONTINUED
  8. undertheradar

    undertheradar Newly Registered

    May 1, 2019
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  9. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I was hoping that you would add some of your thoughts with the information you provided.

    This is quite a change from the early days after the war when anyone who didn't believe in "human skin lampshades", shrunken heads, "human fat soap", the Vaporizer(1) and 4 million murders at Auschwitz was reviled as a "Holocaust denier".

    Another fly in the ointment for the fraudulent Holocaust Industry(2), (3) is the fact that there was only enough coal / coke delivered to cremate 70,000 bodies and there are no mass graves.
    Even a complete, modern muffle / oven cremation leaves bones and teeth(4) and the bones and teeth of one million people would be impossible to miss.

    There is absolutely no scientific evidence that 1 million people were killed. The number, one million, is simply the total of the people who were transported to Auschwitz but later transported somewhere else, a casualty of typhus, released or executed since Germany's work camps were also for genuine criminals such as murderers, rapists, pedophiles, thieves and other real or perceived threats to society.

    I look forward to reading your comments.


    (1) "Auschwitz: Myths and Facts"

    EXCERPT "At the Nuremberg Tribunal, chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson charged that the Germans had used a "newly invented" device to instantaneously "vaporize" 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz "in such a way that there was no trace left of them." [8] No reputable historian now accepts either of these fanciful tales."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED

    (4) "9 Things About Cremation"

    EXCERPT "2. You don’t get ash back. What’s really returned to you is the person’s skeleton. Once you burn off all the water, soft tissue, organs, skin, hair, cremation container/casket, etc., what you’re left with is bone." CONTINUED
  10. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Yes, dear "Underradar", I'm waiting, too....
    Grau likes this.
  11. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I think that it is a noteworthy detail that Auschwitz only had enough coal to cremate 70,000 people.

    Where are the mass graves of one million people?
  12. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Why ask me? I didn't live in that area, in Poland or anywhere near there. Besides, I was only 10 years old when the war was over! BUT... nowadays one can google anything and that's what I did:


    You most likely already know about it, but for me it is new...
    So, could it be possible to perhaps have transported the victims from Auschwitz to Brest in Belarus? IF so, why would they do it? It doesn't make sense. Also, after 75 years things have become blurred, muddled, false conclusions were perhaps drawn, fantasies and exaggerations get added etc. Old people, women and children as the main bulk of victims doesn't fit with Auschwitz, which was supposedly a work camp.

    That the German soldiers would kill women and children is very hard for me to believe! But during a war where both sides get hyped up to kill the other side, any atrocity is possible. We Germans have experienced it ourselves from the numerous enemies trying to finish us off. I'm sure, Germany's "Holocaust = Hellstorm" was just as bad.


    Gosh, it is so late again! I always get carried away reading. My brain moves like in syrup!

    The good part is, I am still around to see how the world continues. Germany has recovered, the US is doing super, so do England and France. The Polish people got royally compensated, and the Jews got their own country now on top of living in many countries across the world... just like they used to.
    Unfortunately, some people simply can't be happy without a war going on! Russia has lately taken Germany's place and is being demonized for no legitimate reason that I can understand. Who knows, maybe Karma is coming around.

    Edgar Cayce said: “Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism — no! But freedom — freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”

    I very much want to believe that, and I think Putin could be the man to bring it about!

    Thank you, dear Grau; be kind to me, I'm a little elderly and am slow and make many mistakes. I just realize, I completely forgot to take my heart pill!
    Grau likes this.
  13. undertheradar

    undertheradar Newly Registered

    May 1, 2019
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    Yes, but that's still an 'improvement' on the six million figure.

    The Red Cross numbers were around 300,000 dead, IIRC.

    So what is this obsession with the six million figure? Any thoughts?

    A few years ago I attended a cremation. Once the button to start the incinerator was pressed we were told to come back after 4 hours to collect the ashes. And that's with modern equipment.

    Besides the huge amounts of fuel needed, how many hours would it take to cremate six million, at around 4 hours per corpse? And how many furnaces would be required?

    So many things just don't make sense.
    Grau likes this.
  14. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    When I wrote: "Where are the mass graves of one million people?", it was a rhetorical question. I really didn't expect an answer from you.

    I don't think that there are mass graves at Auschwitz or any of the other German run work camps because I don't think that the Germans would commit such horrific crimes.

    In the neighborhood where I grew up, one of our neighbors was born into an aristocratic, White Russian family (vs a Red/Communist/Bolshevik Russian). Her family had so many servants and she was so pampered that she didn't even know how to boil water.

    One night all that changed when the Bolsheviks massacred her entire family, burned her home and she had to run for her life. Since her home was very near the Eastern Front, she was captured by the Germans and during the course of the war she spent time in the captivity of just about every major army and was valued because she spoke about 6 different languages.

    She strongly maintained that of all her captors, the Germans were the kindest to her and because she had never had to care for herself, the German officers would even wash her clothes.
    She only talked about her horrific experiences to my mother after she had especially bad nightmares because my mother is a good listener and chronic helper.

    My mom would then tell me a few of this neighbor's recollections which were as grisly as anything Hollywood could fabricate except, according to this neighbor, the Germans were the good guys.

    Meanwhile, I hope that you'll be more careful in taking your medications.

    Jazz likes this.
  15. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Hello undertheradar and thanks for responding.

    I believe that the newspaper article you submitted referred to one million killed at just Auschwitz but the fraudulent Holocaust Industry / Lobby still sticks to the mythical "6 million Jews murdered" myth

    You're right about the Red Cross estimate for the total number of deaths in all the German run work camps being about 300,000 but that number includes deaths from disease and natural causes.

    Yes, there is something in Jewish religious literature stating that about 6 million Jews having to die before they get their Promised Land. Some people call it a Kabbalistic number but either way it has absolutely no factual, scientific or legitimate basis even though it has been used about 200 times (1) just from 1900 to 1945.

    After realizing that the world was developing "Holocaust fatigue" from relentless Holocaust movies, phony Holocaust books, and weekly Holocaust memorial services etc., Simon Wiesenthal and his cronies decided to add "5 million others" to the "6 million Jews" myth in order to draw more universal appeal to the myth even though there is no basis for that either.

    According to German ledgers that were captured by the Russians, only enough coal / coke was delivered to Auschwitz - Birkenau - Monowitz to cremate 70,000 people. There has been plenty of nonsense claimed by dishonest "survivors" concerning the magic muffles (ovens) about stuffing 2, 3 and even 4 bodies in a single muffle, bodies burning without fuel, 15 minute cremations etc but none of these ridiculous claims are credible.

    Bodies needed to be cremated at A - B - M because the water table was too high to bury typhus ridden bodies without contaminating the ground water.

    For more information and rare photos please take a look at:


    Finally, we are far from alone in questioning the standard Holocaust narrative according to an ADL study. (2)


    (1) "Full text of "Two Hundred "Six Million Jews" Allegations From 1900-1945"


    EXCERPT “Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts.

    Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth.

    Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

    - Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated.

    - people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED
  16. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    No, they made no such estimate.
  17. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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  18. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    No, they didn't ever make the claim.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2022
  19. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Never mind, I went ahead and researched it myself and the claim, like all denialist claims, is riddled with holes.

    1) NO complete ledgers of the amount of coke delivered to Auschwitz have been produced. That alone kills the argument.
    2) Irving CLAIMED to have discovered complete ledgers somewhere in Moscow, but he never produced them, even his own allies were unable to find them, and no one else appears to have ever seen them.
    3) This assumes that coke was the only fuel used.
    4) Estimates about how much coke would be required neglect to factor in the fact that fat burns and adds more fuel to the fire.
    5) It ignores multiple bodies cremated to together.
    6) It ignores the existence of open burn pits.

    Why does the fraudulent Denialist Industry make up this stuff?
    bigfella likes this.
  20. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    And @Grau @undertheradar

    The fake claim that the Denialist Industry made up about the Red Cross was just an outright lie on their part. The 300,000 refers only to GERMAN camp victims for whom a death certificate was produced. Most of these weren't Jewish. The Red Cross never, at any point in time, claimed this was any kind of estimate of the total number of Jews killed. Whoever in the Denialist Industry tells you that is lying to you.
    bigfella likes this.
  21. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    That figure was the total of camp deaths, not the overall total.
  22. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    No, it wasn't. And they never presented it as such.
    bigfella likes this.
  23. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    The figures cited by the Red Cross and the East German government was only for the work camps.
    It's important to remember that Germany's system of work camps were for murderers, rapists, pedophiles, robbers and other real and perceived threats to society.

    Mainstream historian, Arno Mayer, states that more inmates died of typhus and natural causes than were executed.

    It's also noteworthy that the Allies had plenty of time to make conditions at the camps look worse than they actually were. (1)

    Please remember that engaging in propaganda is not something that just the "other side" does.






    Sealed and guarded since the end of WWII at Arolsen, Germany, the Official IRC records reveal the actual Concentration Camp total death toll was 271,301

    For years, people around the world – “the West” in particular – have been told that “six million Jews were systematically murdered by Germans in ‘Concentration Camps’ during World War 2.”

    Thousands of honest people disputing this claim have been viciously smeared as a hateful anti-Semite. Several countries around the world have jailed and heavily fined people for disputing the claim that “6 Million” Jews were killed.

    Red Cross and East German government figures put the total deaths at every camp as 272.000, and 282,000 respectively which includes homosexuals, communists, gypsies, murderers, paedophiles etc. The 6 Million figure is a Kabbalist number, a magickal figure which featured in news papers in the early 1900’s." CONTINUED

    (1) “The Director of the Holocau$t - Khazar Expatriate Billy Wilder”

    EXCERPT “Almost all the films you've ever seen of the Holocaust were staged. Using Allied propaganda as a rough script, directors from Hollywood were shipped to Germany and Poland to direct propaganda films for post-war use. One of the most notable of these was Billy Wilder, director of meny very well known films, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe."CONTINUED
  24. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    You may be right about the coal / coke ledgers being incomplete but the Germans didn't have "magic muffles" that miraculously burned 2 - 4 bodies at one time.
    The human body is about 75% - 80% water and only the desperate liars at Nizkor etc claim that water is a burning fuel.

    Even after a complete and modern cremation, bones and teeth are left over(1) but the enormous amount of bones and teeth that would remain after 1.1 million cremations are nowhere to be found.
    Where are the remains?

    Open burn pits only offer incomplete cremations and require more fuel than was available.

    The remains of Stalin's, Mao's, Pol Pot's victims, etc are easy found but only a few small mass graves have been found around the German run camps.

    No mass graves have been found at Treblinka where about 850,000 to 1 million are claimed to have been burned in pit / pyre cremations which would leave even more remains but after two investigations, no mass graves have been found. (2), (3)

    Only in the curious world of the Holocaust Industry - Lobby does water burn and Vaporizers(4) make bodies disappear.


    (1) "9 Things About Cremation"

    EXCERPT "2. You don’t get ash back. What’s really returned to you is the person’s skeleton. Once you burn off all the water, soft tissue, organs, skin, hair, cremation container/casket, etc., what you’re left with is bone.

    4. Cremation is fast. Fast compared to decomposition, but most people don’t know that it takes 2 – 2.5 hours to cremate a human body. As a general rule, people don’t spend a whole bunch of time thinking about the details of cremation, and so when pressed, most people think that it should take 15 – 30 minutes. There’s a lot of water to boil off, and heating water is a long, energy intensive process. "CONTINUED

    (2) “Treblinka: Revealing the hidden graves of the Holocaust”

    EXCERPT “Despite this, in a later statement they said they had discovered no mass graves.” CONTINUED

    (3) “Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves”

    EXCERPT “A detailed forensic examination of the site of the wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic ground radar, has found no evidence of mass graves there.” CONTINUED

    (4) "Auschwitz: Myths and Facts"

    EXCERPT "At the Nuremberg Tribunal, chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson charged that the Germans had used a "newly invented" device to instantaneously "vaporize" 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz "in such a way that there was no trace left of them." [8] No reputable historian now accepts either of these fanciful tales."CONTINUED

  25. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Try reading what the Red Cross ACTUALLY SAID. Go to the PRIMARY SOURCE in stead of just accepting what the Denialist Industry blogs tell you second hand. The number mentioned was ONLY for the deaths of GERMANS in the camps and even then it was only a count of how many DEATH CERTIFICATES were issued.

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