Is France being lost to Muslims? Is all of Western Europe following?

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by mleonnig, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. Paris

    Paris Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2008
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    Certainly, there are arrogant and aggressive people in France, but I'm not sure such problem, which is not unique to France by the way, stems from their respective place of birth and choice of religion. For example, the English were both pretty arrogant and aggressive in the past (some still are), and it took all the might of France to rid herself of such renegates. I trust good will prevail!
  2. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Didn't have a lot of web pages back then

    Its just not true however much sense it makes to you

    So you like skinny white french teens being attacked by a gang of Black/Arab Kids?

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    And back you go to your chauvinism.
  3. LU6FER

    LU6FER New Member

    Jul 20, 2010
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    Get us some sources then we can talk.
    The bottom line is that 2 military got shot by a muslim jihadist in application of the Koran.
    The fact that you have doubt that jews may have staged could lead to accusation of anti-semitism from other members, but i'm not playing this kind of game.
    Let just remind that you may feel free to check if the murdered jew children are still in the same school today, and ask yourself where they are now ?[/QUOTE]

    Tell me first what game you play here ,and what do you call " source" ? A quote from another web page ?
    You perfectly know the rules of lies in written information, your proposal says it clear .. And - as you know t - Jews have locked the freedom of speech in our country (loi Gayssot ) ( **) but it don"t mean that folks stay conned by what they read in their papers. Lots of things are living under & unknown of the official networks .Leakages and popular connections exist , and the consistency of an information remains indepenant of the reference , as an intrinsic marker of truth .(when a guy ,who ptretends not being involved in an inpredictable event which occured at 2 oclock ,left his flat 1 H before ,in order to be on the spot 10 mn after the action....)
    People who want to know & understand can do it , with a few effort , but it's not possible to build any propaganda - jewish fashion- on it . It spreads by natural curiosity means . And - despite jewih paranoïd police - that's working not too bad.

    (**) The Jews made the exact same law in the first soviet of Moscau in Nov 1918 . Lazare Kaganovitch made it in prevision of the jewish domination scheduled through administration occupation : The folks could not be let free of critics , when Jews were about to settle a police state and a political system based on death camps
  4. LU6FER

    LU6FER New Member

    Jul 20, 2010
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    This topic , initiated on a racist attempt , is now turning " religious" ! And as so , it can't drive us anywhere but to new religious wars .
    Since the year zero of the calendar based on the acrobat on the cross , the fight concerning the first religious hoax never climbed a degree on the scale of progress .
    So this state - in a conversation - is generaly understood as " the end " .
  5. Phil K

    Phil K Member

    Feb 4, 2009
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    EVERY country has unpleasant aggressive types. (Then theres the Swedes, who allow self-serving arrogant politically correct heterophobes to dictate what they can THINK while they sell the country to THEIR islamofascist masters) DeGall for example tried to stoke up a civil war in Quebec in the 60's for NO reason other than his pomposity and xenophobia
  6. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    The French government have no problem evicting Romas (Gypsies) why can't they evict the many Muslim extremist in France?
  7. stroll

    stroll New Member

    Sep 19, 2009
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    Ever read OT quotes?

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    They do, inform yourself.
  8. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    There is a reason why it is called Old Testament and there is a reason why we have New Testament. Muslims have none of those only their violent Quran.

    Are they evicting Muslim terrorist? Please do share.
  9. Colonel K

    Colonel K Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    What are you talking aboot?
  10. KHARON

    KHARON New Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    I lived in UK for 8 years. That infestation exists there too.
    There are a lot of people who are muslim..they even reached the government and have their own party.

    I was told that the labor party opened the door to them, and the future is in the balance.

    Currently what is happening is that they feel some parts of the settlements with mosques, have their news paper, have some multi-cultured favoritism in some workplaces and may be in the future they will have their own education system.

    I do not think they live off the backs of the british citizens, because they are all here legal.. and immigration laws are demanding you be productive to the economy.

    Many of them are there to "help" the economy to be able to sustain the baby boom that happened in the past ( you know, British economy is socialist in some respects, so it promises nice pensions, council houses, fee health care.... so it has some costs to cover).

    Of course if you say what I said in public, you are being called a racist, and they would bawl it out.
  11. LU6FER

    LU6FER New Member

    Jul 20, 2010
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    Only this question = show me another thread like this one ,on any forum, but driven by those " Moslems of hatred " . Ask any guy in a french street this question = << who leads racist campaigns over Europ ! >> No one can answer " Moslems" , because Moslems merely can't get close to any of the European medias : all of our former medias being now in zionist hands.
    The folks who know jewish crooked mind aren't surprised : when jews plan to despoil a man , we have been used to see this theater scenar : the jewish thief accusing his victim to be a thief ! (**) Old but efficient for professionnal in gossip & lies : Shylock , in <<The merchant of venice>> ( Shakespear ) already used the process .

    (**) If you want samples, just ask me : I store a huge list of them, and will be happy to give you some ,for free
  12. Sandtrap

    Sandtrap New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    It's enough for the libs to fill up their little minds on hollywood flops such as the 'deadly voyage' to try to amend for past wrongs and make money off anyone who washes up on shore by placing them in the economic refugee system, ignoring the fact the 'deadly voyage' actually ripped off factual events from a year before involving romanian migrants who do not however enjoy a victim mentality status in the pop culture.
  13. LU6FER

    LU6FER New Member

    Jul 20, 2010
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    I just notice somthing :
    Look at right here :

    Tags for this Thread
    <<9/11, against, answered, calls, campaign, change, children, crisis, dead, election, france, free speech, freedom, government, human rights, international politics, islam, jobs, law, life, masses, men, muslim, news, people, police, political party, politics, religion, shooting, speech, taxes, then, time, unemployment, usa, war, welfare, who, women >>

    Among those tags : Two references to Arabe world : <<islam >> then further : << moslim >>. And I presume it's not to emphasize on apologising of the crimes committed against them by the Jewish settlement of North América !
    But not one single reference to what is the utmost fact of toDay's America : the jewish dictatorship !!
    The most important fact in USA today , is the actual utter-control of Jews on the country's governement , army & finances !.
    The US citizen is paying the hugest tax for Israel + the money stolen by jewish mob, which is today the first mafia àf crime on the planet .
    The information which is utterly falsified by the same Jews , and all sorts of organized crime that developes under the impunity of jewish control of american laws.(**)
    It seems that there is many more other reasons to see the Jews as the first ennemy of the american people !
    It's clear this topic itslef is a scam : while Jews are using the USA's wealth for their own religious chimera of a zionist's Reich over the world during 1000 years ,as many other fals red-flags to drive the american bull charging against their own jewish windmills , they are knitting one more with an arabian danger to fool the poor tax-slaved american citizen.

    (**) Genital mutilation are never condemned because of the protection of the jewish circoncision. The organ trafic - as highlighted by the affair of Rabbi Rosenbaum ( NJ) - despite the usual censor on these unwanted news. (just have a look to Berkeley professor Nancy Sheper Hughes web-site. It concerns the world criminal organ trafic organized by the Jews ). This world network of the most ugly criminal action will never make a thread here . When your 18 Y son disappears , and that police don't seem too interested in solving the case...
    The " human butchery " is a jewish invention . It is a direct corrolary of what is written in the "Thora of the King" = << a non-jew 's life don't value more than an animal's life.>>
  14. Sandtrap

    Sandtrap New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    In any case, films like the 'dangerous voyage' were intended to warn potential migrants that such voyages can be dangerous and to reconsider and stay back in their sunny lands. But the libs will always turn everything into a guilt complezx and a victim-oppressor type of situation and make the society pay for it to amend the wrong.
  15. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    You know ... in Islam.. If a person cannot live under the laws of another state... they are to leave.

    I think Muslims in the West will adapt...
  16. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    They are not actually adapting to integrate into the country they are actually silently trying to do the reverse which is to adapt the country to their Islamic way, one of Islam tenet is that Muslims are to pretend to adapt to a none Muslim country in order to silently take over it down the road that is why going back to history in Spain, Spain had to expel all Muslims during the Reconquista campaign.

    There will be some Muslims that will adapt that include changing the way they worship and interpret the Quran submitting to the laws of the country and not to their sharia laws but these Muslims lack any political will and fortitude to stop the other Muslims from taking over the country they will get absorb and quietly go along. We are already seeing how Muslims have been resisting adapting such as women's rights. Muslim women in the West are being restricted by their Muslim household and Iman's from living or adapting western life style and the lack of Western Muslims in voicing out their disagreement with Muslim leaders such as in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran or their willingness to police or wage war against Islamic extremism. In Britain we already see how Muslims are policing their own community enforcing their sharia against both Muslims and none Muslims.
  17. Sixteen String Jack

    Sixteen String Jack New Member

    Apr 17, 2013
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    The whole world is being lost to Muslims.

    Just the other day a group of Muslim men were arrested on Bondi Beach for a racist attack on a Jew.
  18. rebirth

    rebirth New Member

    Oct 30, 2013
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    Politics is corrupt to suit Islamic sensitivities and everyone who speaks up against this trend is a far-right, racist fascist Islamophobe, to be directly compared with those like Anders Behring Breivik. The sense of unity is lost amongst the people, therefore it will eventually fall.
  19. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    In France, the Muslim population is estimated at 4,704,000 or 7.5% of the total population but North African migration to Europe had began in the late Palaeolithic period and it's found that up to 20% of French citizens have African ancestry characterised by haplogroup E1b1b. There was no natural barrier between Europe and Africa and North Africans have migrated to Southern Europe since ancient times with ease. In the late 1960s and 1970s, the immigrants came primarily from Algeria and other North African colonies and E1b1b can be found at high frequencies in Morocco (over 80%) and Algeria (60%).
  20. rebirth

    rebirth New Member

    Oct 30, 2013
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    In England, the Muslim population is growing 10 times faster than the non-Muslim population (according to figures between 2001-2009), probably due to mass-immigration and higher birthrates. The growth is mostly concentrated in the major cities, where areas of London are around 35% Muslim (Tower Hamlets). As most know Islamism is focused on the political aspects of Islam, which is why politics has been so corrupt.

    The UK is the first non-Muslim country to issue Sharia bonds. There is no democratic mandates or debate.

    Only the other week an American student was severely beaten for enjoying a drink in an area of London that is known to have Muslim Patrols who attack those accused of unIslamic activities.
  21. rebirth

    rebirth New Member

    Oct 30, 2013
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  22. LU6FER

    LU6FER New Member

    Jul 20, 2010
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    If the Rothschild royal gang didn't need this immigration, there would be none !

    <<1849: Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife dies. Before her death she would nonchalantly state,

    "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."

    You all know the jewish mother syndrom which makes this sentence utterly sincere !

    Do you think that , if the Rothschilds were already the masters of England in 1849 , they are not any more today ?
    They are ruling USA as well , since 1913 ( by blackmail on Pdt Wilson elected ), so I don't think they are less powerfull than in 1849 .
    Just as a theme for a game : suppose 911 was not what Pdt Bush told us : then, who would be able , who could dare make such a crime ? Who owns such means ? And whose moral of behaviour allows the killi of hundreds of thousands life for a benefit purpose ...(2 WW & communism as a ad trailer )
    Moslems and Jews, are ONLY token in the hands of the Bloody Family who is achieving the ultimate blue prints for the ultimat World War slaughter . Horrible but so clear !! As long you make the effort to have a look at it.
  23. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Too much concentrated blame on a single family whether they are Jewish or not but because it happen they are Jews it is is being emphasis ignoring the fact that there are other powerful families way before the the coming of the Rothschild. Islam which was created by Mohammed and later control by a group of Arabs such as Uthman who so far we know is not Jewish and under his dictatorship and leadership he expanded Islamic empire as well as consolidated Islam under his dictatorship and control. In the end other powerful Islamic Caliph will separate from him and start their own empire Islam will be divided between the Sunni and Shiite both sects separated because of political control the Sunnis main base is represented by the Saudi royal family while Shiite in Iran by the Ayatollahs.

    A struggle between Muslim expansionism and Christian defenders will result in a dramatic change in Christianity, Christianity will begun to militarise and politicise in order to counter Islam the only way to defeat or stop Islamic expansion is through military means and finally in the 12th century powerful royal families in Europe did what Eastern Christians failed to do to save Christianity and Christendom it is to launch a Crusade vs, Muslim Jihad. Spain during the Reconquista era and campaign launch a massive campaign to push out the powerful controling Caliphs' out of Spain.

    Today the world is still control by a few powerful rich people and they are not all Jewish, they consist of English, Arabs, Turks, Russians. Indians, Chinese or Japanese. G7 or G8 new member Russia these are the only nations that get to dictate, formulate or regulate this world economy those leaders represent the rich and powerful families of their respective nations.

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