Please cite your best evidence of "no-planes"

Discussion in '9/11' started by LogicallyYours, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  2. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Well at least someone finally brought up Judy Wood. LOL

  3. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    They are quoting her as a representative of one of the many disinformation agents, as if you didn't know.

    Youskys often pull things out of context like that, I've noticed. An example of one such instance was a quote from a piece written by Mark Twain. That was quite a while before the Nazis in case you didn't know. So it would be rather difficult to accuse him of being a Nazi too, wouldn't it?
  4. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    What does this word refer to?
  5. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Oh no,the context is plain...and it belongs ALLLLLLLL to you troothers..
  6. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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  7. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    So say you, team player.
  8. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    They are quoting her as a representative of one of the many disinformation agents, as if you didn't know.

    Youskys often pull things out of context like that, I've noticed. An example of one such instance was a quote from a piece written by Mark Twain. That was quite a while before the Nazis in case you didn't know. So it would be rather difficult to accuse him of being a Nazi too, wouldn't it?

    By now the Zionist propaganda team has thought of about every false lead and ridiculous story imaginable and stuck them on the net, including article about disinformation!

    Of the two methods, I think the latter is probably the most effective. It's the one most often used by the news media, that and many sins of omission. Even many "Christians" are mistaken in the belief that sins of omission are no sins at all. A Jew on the other hand, considers ALL of them permissible, but only so far as they benefit the greater Zionist community.

    The idea is to hide the needle of truth in a haystack of disinformation.

    This one has my approval. They might even try to substitute imitations of these much like the Federal Reserve prints it's own counterfeit money.
    But too many people are already familiar enough with specific facts which can't be recanted or withdrawn.

    The cat is already out of the bag so to speak.

    The very fact that youskys try so hard to confuse people and muddy the water is plenty of evidence by itself that you know who was guilty as well as others do.

    What they are saying about the Kosher NIST tale could also be said for those who picked up on false leads disguised as "9/11 Truth".

    No matter. With careful sifting through all the mess will reveal the truth for those who are diligent to discover it. Even comparing and contrasting one false lead to the other can often provide clues to the truth.
  9. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Ah, no.

    The site you linked to holds her up as a truther hero. Do you support the site you linked to? If not, why the link?
  10. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Notice they hail from New York. This is a good example of how the truth can be mixed with false leads.

    Here are some quotes:


    Well, PARTLY. Actually the brainwashing began decades ago. Only of late has it grown to "in yo face" proportions.

    I think they call it "Hidden in plain sight."

    The above quote is also true.

    The passage below however reveals the hook.
    This is an admixture of truth and disinformation.

    They acknowledge the presence of "plants" in the "truth movement". They probably don't represent the US government as much as they would the New York Kahilla though.

    They call the witness evidence of molten metal "fabricated" although they aren't clear how you can "fabricate" an eye witness testimony. You can get people to LIE. But that's not quite the same as fabricating evidence.

    Fabricated evidence is more along the lines of planted evidence like the intact passports that were supposedly found somewhere in all the mess as it just so happened by a member of what's his name, the Chief of Police at the time with mob ties who advised Giulliani on what to say to the press, but was later found to be receiving payments from organized crime figures and went to prison for it. Before that he was in Israel of all places. I can't imagine what for.
  11. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    So you knowingly linked to a Jewish site. The truth comes out, bubala.
  12. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    A careful analysis of the site provides a good illustration of the way in which the misinformation agents operate.

    I linked to the site earlier in this thread. Why didn't you jump on it then?

    I'm willing to give people like Koko the benefit of the doubt. I am not willing to endorse a falsehood in order to curry favor.

    The reason why you people have concentrated on this thread is because you know that most people do not believe the "no plane" theory. You would like to passers by the impression that all evidence pertaining to 9/11 truth is on the same order as Big Foot or Little Green Men.

    If you can generate enough of this trash, you hope to bury the actual evidence under a deluge of real fabrications just like this one.
    Anyone who did not acquaint themselves early on may despair of the volume of it and the presence of so many people who are flagrant liars.
    But you can't discourage me with all that BS because I already know the essentials.

    Am I making myself clear?

    I think I am.
  13. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Didn't notice. Most of your posts look like: jewjewjew etc ...
  14. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    I frequently provide links to Jewish web sites and quote what they say. I prefer to let them say those things themselves so that when I present others with their words, they can't say that I made them up or that those people didn't say them.

    This is also material that Youskys choose to ignore rather than debate, because you know there is no way to explain it away and there aren't that many different ways to interpret them.

    It's amusing to listen to the way that Jews try to sugar coat and hem haw some of the stuff written in the Talmud for example. The only people that can be fooled by those tactics are those who either aren't paying attention or were never introduced to them in the first place.

    Let's hear something about the way they operate in their own words. Although you can be certain in advance that they will provide the necessary spin to it, some features of the truth may nevertheless be gleaned from the admissions which they do make.

    Since Jews consider themselves as all belonging to the same "tribe", they do not differ in that respect within the US. So they all are oriented towards the same goal, (ultimately that is the Mashianic Age but I won't get in to that now.)

    I've encountered this tactic many times where they will bring up how many Jews have been the recipients of the Nobel prize, as though that hasn't been politically usurped as well as many other things of value.
    I've never had one pull out a list of Jewish mobsters.

    Jews pride themselves on their superior intelligence. That being the case, there's little chance they could miss the Israeli, Jewish mob, connection to 9/11.

    If I was a Jew I wouldn't need a hit man from Larry Silverstein's offices to inform me of the hazards of letting too much "9/11 Truth" spread around.

    It makes no difference to the average Zionist whether the people who enabled the attacks to take place were high classed criminals or not. All that matters to them is that they are identified as Jews and therefore must be shielded, especially since the attacks "were very good for Israel" as NetanYahoo has openly stated.
  15. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    You support the 'no-planers'. I got it the first time.

    What is 'youskys'?
  16. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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  17. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    I can't help it if most of the central characters in this saga were either Jewish or Zionist helpers.

    There's no way to make sense of 9/11 without acknowledging the Israeli aspect of it. After all, the conflict over Palestine was the prime motive for the attacks. Anyone who mentioned that fact was jumped on early as an "anti-semite". Even Bush Jr was compelled to say something obviously stupid like they were attacking us because they hated our freedoms.

    So anyone who is forced to make reference to the Jewish political and social agenda in the US in order to explain the cause of 9/11 in the first place is certain to be attacked as an "anti-semite".

    It's understandable if some of them get aggravated to the point they actually start sounding that way because all they ever get from you is "anti-semite anti semite anti semite".

    I'm fed up with it myself. The least I can do is return the favor.
  18. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Yoooose......(g) skys.

    Isn't that how you Yonkers say "ya'll"?

    Or is it just yoooose.

    That sounds to much like the singular and I am referring to the lot of you.
  19. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    I don't live in Yonkers. The plural of 'you' is 'you'.
    As in: "Given enough time, you bigots always display your ignorance."
  20. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Yoooose......(g) skys.

    Isn't that how you Yonkers say "ya'll"?

    Or is it just yoooose.

    That sounds to much like the singular and I am referring to the lot of you.

    No I do not support the no planes theory.

    Although I believe that a lot of things are possible in editing films I do not think that holographics are anywhere near that advanced. They wouldn't be needed or even desirable if they were.

    That is aside from the thousands of people who saw and heard them.

    What I believe is that there were planes and that some Arab patsies were used to hijack them.
    Those patsies could have made the original plans to perform the attacks or had them suggested to them.

    The planes that actually crashed could possibly have been substituted. They could have been directed remotely and I believe probably were.

    There is no question that many Arabs and Muslims hate the US and Israel. There is no doubt that many of them would like to see many Americans killed as well as Jews and Israelis.

    So it's a good possibility that the terrorists formulated the plan themselves or were recruited by those who did.

    Those details are not known and they do not need to be in order to see that the plans were permitted and/or facilitated by Zionist factions of US and Israeli intelligence operatives, and that these intentions met with the approval or were formulated by select members of the US government and their associates.

    Others in positions which would have been privy to those plans may not have participated in them directly but chose to acquiesce to them by simply "ignoring" them or perhaps giving them a sly wink and a nod.

    There is NO DOUBT about FOREKNOWLEDGE. The question is only one of who knew what and when.

    We already have at least two pieces of that puzzle with the testimonies of Lt Col Shaffer and Susan Lindauer.

    The specific details of what type of incendiaries/explosives were used, how they were planted, and who ordered them are secondary questions.
    I strongly suspect the hand of at least a few members of the "Russian" (Jewish) mob to have been enlisted to play an active role in obtaining the personnel and materials necessary to carry them out.
    I suppose it would be equally as possible to enlist the same support from US citizens. I am loathe to believe it as much as anyone else. I am long past the day when I believed a person or thing had to be "good" if it was stamped "made in the USA". This is my country. If it goes down I have to go with it. If you think I want that , you're nuts!

    I also hate to think that certain people including Bush Jr would be so insipid as to turn a blind eye to such an act. I prefer to think that he, like Clinton or Yomamma was merely a tool in the hands of world power brokers with the only difference being that the latter two are willing participants whereas Bush is just a sort of boob.

    It's perfectly understandable why so few people are willing to even suggest such thing openly. But how can we not in light of the facts which are staring us in the face?

    We can't afford to shy away from confronting the awful truth just to avoid embarrassment. Any reasonable person with the evidence in hand should feel an obligation to speak out for the sake of God and country if they care about either and not be so afraid that someone might get their feelings hurt.

    If someone wrongly comes under fire they should understand these things as well and understand that this risk is part of the price which is paid to hold high offices. Bush and Cheney cannot blame others for scrutinizing them considering the way they reacted to the suggestion of an investigation.

    I don't believe anyone wants to castigate or tar and feather a fellow American, not as a citizen or a human being. But one has to come to grips with the fact that EVIL IS alive in this world and that it has many servants. It exists within the US as it does everywhere else. It also exists within the Jewish community and only a fool would believe otherwise. Ignoring it won't make it go away.

    If the Jewish community is so dedicated to truth and justice as they try to make others believe, then they should have no more hesitation to hold some of their own tribesmen up to the light of scrutiny or expose them to justice than I would be.

    Do you think I LIKE any of this?
    If you do, you are sadly mistaken.
  21. Angedras

    Angedras New Member

    Oct 15, 2011
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