M. P. Bill Casey... President Trump has a 4.3 trillion dollar problem....

Discussion in 'Canada' started by DennisTate, Feb 4, 2018.


Should Canada's Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all cooperate on these issues?

  1. No... the Canadian political parties are behaving just as I want them to.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes...... we are facing problems that cannot be solved by politicking....

    1 vote(s)
  3. It is hard to imagine happening... but that would be a good development.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Bob from Delaware

    Bob from Delaware New Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    A few paragraphs earlier you wrote,
    “Muslims are not attempting to justify ISIS behavior.
    Let's remember that the people who die at the hands of ISIS are Muslims.”

    My response: No, I did not write that Muslims are attempting to justify ISIS behavior. I put quotation marks around “Muslim” to indicate the ones who try to justify ISIS are fake, apostate, and not Muslim at all. They probably believe they’re devout, but their theology distorts the contents of the Qur’an into its opposite. If you didn’t understand my use of quotation marks before, I hope this clarifies that.

    Numerous prophetic hadiths attributed to Muhammad (saw) foretold of violent apostates at this time. Kind of like modern day retread Kharijites. It isn’t difficult to prove via scripture from the Qur’an, as well as supporting passages from the hadiths that ISIS is composed of apostates.

    There’s a couple chapters in the book, “The Way of Holiness & the Sacred Hoop” you might find of interest. The first chapter is “Peace and Islam: Clearing Up Misconceptions”. The next one is, “Reconciling the Bible and Qur’an”.

    I didn’t mean to imply that Fatah/PA supports ISIS. What I was doing was showing exceptionally vivid examples of why extremist theology itself needs to be addressed, and to do that one must communicate through the spiritual language of their sacred books. I’m not saying that’s easy to do. I’m saying that doing it greatly enhances the possibilities for the greatest good for all concerned. That’s very important when we’re considering precious lives.

    You wrote, “Whatever Israelis believe about their religion giving them the right to ethnically cleanse Palestine, WE have no justification for supporting that.”

    How can I argue with that? Because Palestinians are Israelites, too, the Law and the Prophets forbid ethnic cleansing of either group. Israelis who believe their religion justifies that have a religion that’s utterly divorced itself from the Torah and the Tanach. In turn, they are cut off from Moses and any right to reside in the Holy Land.

    If by “WE” you mean the USA, well, the USA isn’t a seamless unified monolith. A faction of the USA that played a vital role in the “electing” of the latest prez are commonly called “Christian Zionists”. I’d bet that just like the “Muslims” who think ISIS is good, most of them don’t know they’re following an apostate version of Christianity so distasteful to Jesus that he left a warning for them…
    Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus;
    21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’…”
    [Of all religions, only one acknowledges Jesus as “Lord”--Christianity]
    “…will enter the kingdom of heaven,
    but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
    [The separate articles of the peace plan express God’s will for the Holy Land
    thru prophecy that is sacred to all three faiths. ]
    22 Many will say to me on that day,
    ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name..."
    [John Hagee—Hal Lindsey—Left Behind]
    “…and in your name drive out demons…”
    [Benny Hinn et al]
    “…and in your name perform many miracles?’”
    [Save souls]
    23 Then I will tell them plainly,
    ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ “
  2. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    No, you are WAY off. Somehow, you missed everything I've said so far in all my posts.

    Ending the ethnic cleansing of West Bank is not "capitulating" - it's stopping committing a heinous humanitarian crime.

    That will NOT satisfy Palestine. They aren't just looking for Israel to cease in stealing their land and bulldozing their homes.

    Palestinians are just like us. They want what WE want for ourselves here in the USA. We know that, because we're humans - as recognized by our declaration of independence and constitution. These are the things WE fought for, and guessing that Palestinians don't want that, too, is just plain preposterous.

    And, again, Likud will NOT accept some other path while the one they are on is a guaranteed success.

    Why should they stop when they can freely bulldoze people's homes, steal their property and drive them away?

    You aren't making sense on this point. You need to explain what it is that will cause Israel to STOP.

    You need to say what it is that will start a move toward your plan - to make people actually care about some solution other than the one that is working so well for Israel today.

    Until their plan is known by them to not work, there is NO REASON for them to end their criminal activity.

    Again - this is something the USA can contribute, because Israel's plan would not work if we were not protecting Israel from the opinion of the world and giving them stupendous arms and aid to further their war on Palestine.

    This isn't news. It's been true for a couple decades. Originally, we protected Israel on the premise that a negotiation would resolve the major issues and result in a mutually respected border. BUT, we did NOT follow through on that.
  3. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I didn't catch your distinction, because I don't see a reason to talk about that in the same context as the problem that exists between Israel and Palestine - after all, Palestine and Israel (through the IDF) are working together for security, even though Israel is bulldozing Palestinian homes, stealing their property and ruling their civilian population under Israeli military law where they have no representation (while Israelis living on stolen Palestinian property are ruled by Israeli civilian law)!!!
    I give this NO credence. Muhammad's revelation was at a time of war. For him to see war means no more than that he was not in a coma. Besides, that was 1500 years ago.
    No, our foreign policy is a unified monolith. We do change, but our support of Israel's ethnic cleansing is not in question. The issue of US foreign policy has NOTHING to do with Moses. Our law (and law that we've helped establish as international law) has very strong statements about borders and civilian property ownership.
    This last part is totally irrelevant to the steps the US needs to take. WE have a responsibility, not just Israel. We need to carry out our responsibility regardless of what Israel does.

    I would suggest that you quote the Bible at the evangelicals of today who demand that we support Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

    They need to stop supporting this gross humanitarian crime.
  4. Bob from Delaware

    Bob from Delaware New Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Will, you just stated, "You aren't making sense on this point. You need to explain what it is that will cause Israel to STOP.
    You need to say what it is that will start a move toward your plan - to make people actually care about some solution other than the one that is working so well for Israel today. Until their plan is known by them to not work, there is NO REASON for them to end their criminal activity."

    My response; I have repeatedly told you I see the situation in the Holy Land spiraling downward to a violent dead end.
    Previously in this thread I posted the following...
    "The "Israeli plan". as you call it, worked only so long as a large power with sufficient anti-aircraft missile armament and corresponding air power and yes, nuclear deterrence decided to visit Syria. Russia will find it near impossible to sit by idly and lose face internationally when the next eruption happens. That will change the situation to a mutual dead end to all participants. When people are earnestly praying to Creator, that's when enough of them will accept the solution found in the sacred books."

    The reason for stopping will only happen when there is an international intervention formidable enough to make continuance of their previous policies no longer feasible. However, bringing Israel to this point in no way implies that Israel will back down. To understand this better, let's pretend for the moment that we are members of a group who have supported Mr. Netanyahu's government and the others before it that supported settlements in the West Bank. Let's also pretend that we weren't hidden away in a closet, and read the news. We might recall the violence with which Intifadahs were put down, and we would most surely know that many Palestinians detest us. Whether it's for a good reason or not doesn't matter in accessing how they would feel if they believed they were going to be delivered into the control of Palestinians. There are historical precedents that will mold the mass mindset. Masada. The Shoah. Even the story of Samson and the Philistines. What I am saying is that Israel will not surrender without a fight, and a real fight will leave no victors. This is the dead end I mentioned several times now.

    That situation will not permit a return to the pattern of the past that's repeated over and over. This will bring the matter to a head. That should answer your question about what will make Israel desist from seizing Palestinian land.
  5. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    It's well within US capability of negotiation, arms, economy, etc., to end the "Israeli Plan".

    In fact, it has required US dedication to keep that plan alive. We of the US actively block all efforts made by the world at large for a cessation of the criminal direction we see Israel carrying out in West Bank.

    This has NOTHING to do with Syria, Iran or Russia. My guess is you're trying to add Revelations/End Times to reinforce a surrender of all western thought.

    I fully reject that. What is going on IS a crime, and there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON (religious or otherwise) for the USA to work hard for the continuance of this humanitarian criminal activity.

    So, the only response to your suggestion that nothing will dissuade Israel is to point out that not even YOU believe in your one-state solution.

    You need to do one of two things:
    - advocate for a fast, clean ethnic cleansing of all West Bank and Gaza and a way for the USA to justify our efforts to support this ethnic cleansing.

    - start considering how a change could be made to take place. So far, you refuse to address this issue.
  6. Bob from Delaware

    Bob from Delaware New Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    It is not my peace plan, Will. If it were mine, it would never have been written, and if by some miracle it was written, I wouldn't believe in it. I might hope in it, but I sure wouldn't believe in it.

    What I said was very specific: I believe in it at the time and situation it was Designed for by the true Author of the plan.
    You want results in your time. Great! Go get them, Will. We'll see if you get it done. You and whoever else feels the way
    you do. Go do it! You have my blessing! I'll focus my limited resources on what I have far more assurance will work in the end.

    If you and your friends are successful, you can say I was wrong if you want and I'll agree. On the other hand, if you and all your friends are unable to prevent the war I see coming, then when the peace plan is accepted, you can say you were wrong. If you want to. I won't care. I acknowledge that you are a good hearted man doing what you think is best and fair and just. I applaud you for that. I acknowledge that I am the same. I'll leave it at that.

  7. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    OK. So, NOW you say you know of no solution - that one might come from some future human disaster throughout a whole region, which is surely the slimmest of hopes and totally without structure, as the disaster involves an unknown composition and time.

    In that case you should join me, because I DO have a solution to an important portion of this problem.

    And, that is that the Israeli atrocity must end, as it is against every precept upon which America was founded and that we promote wrt other nations and how nations interact.

    And, if I read your religious stuff correctly, you seem to have it within your power to project this atrocity as being inconsistent with Christianity.

    You need to use that to help stop the Israeli atrocity because you are a person representing Christianity and a person representing Delaware.

    You can do that HERE, at your church, at the voting booth (my state has zero voting booths - but, you get the idea, I think), etc.

    Surely an end to this atrocity would be consistent with your concept of morality as well as with Christianity and the fundamental direction of the US - something worth working toward. I can't believe you armed yourself with all that religious thought on the issues of Israel and Palestine with no intent to follow it.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2018
  8. Bob from Delaware

    Bob from Delaware New Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    You have not read my "religious stuff" correctly. I believe Creator spoke to all peoples, not just those in the Holy Land. I don't represent any one religion. You're quick to assume, just as you were quick trying to frame the discussion in a manner that suited you.

    I acknowledge that you are a highly intelligent individual doing what he believes is right. I know some things you are not open to receiving that tell me you're misdirecting your energy. But, I have limited time and a lot to do in that limited time. There's no point in expending time or energy on someone who has their mind set. I also acknowledge you have a strong spirit. I am not about to engage it in a battle of wills. I haven't the time for fencing. You travel your path, as I'll travel mine. We'll see who was right in the end.

    As an ancestor may have once said,
    "May the road rise to meet you,
    may the wind be ever at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    and the rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    may God hold you in the palm of his hand."
  9. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I state my arguments in a way that is less likely to be misunderstood.

    I'm fully ready to change based on evidence or logic.

    I'm the one who suggests we have a role to play today, NOT you. You are suggesting we should allow the humanitarian atrocity to continue until some future conflagration.

    I do not see the objective of halting the humanitarian atrocity of today to be contrary to anything you have proposed. So, suggesting I'm trying to "frame the question" in a way the conflicts is hard for me to accept.

    What I don't understand is YOUR justification for continuing with the humanitarian atrocity.

    Please explain why we need to allow that to continue today in the name of Creator.
  10. Bob from Delaware

    Bob from Delaware New Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    You wrote; “And, if I read your religious stuff correctly, you seem to have it within your power to project this atrocity as being inconsistent with Christianity. You need to use that to help stop the Israeli atrocity because you are a person representing Christianity and a person representing Delaware.”

    So, Will, you are of the opinion that I “have it in my power to project this atrocity as being inconsistent with Christianity.” That implies you think the content and style of my writing is supported by scripture and logic to the extent it could convince people what Israel does is inconsistent with Christianity.” Meanwhile, I experience you as a strong-willed man with whom I could easily devote precious time and energy, to the detriment of where I know my focus must be directed.

    I’ll meet you in the middle. You’re asking me to keep a conversation going that I’m convinced is heading nowhere. I’ve said that I have limited time, and need to focus it on what I see needs to be done. Before I’ll agree to do that, prove that you really mean what you say about my ability to project spiritual information. Prove that wasn’t BS by reading the two chapters I suggested about Islam in the book, “The Way of Holiness & the Sacred Hoop.” I know that a crucial feature of change of direction is education. If you read those two chapters, I’ll at least know you’re more educated on that important subject, and able to educate others. That way, when the conversation reaches a dead end, I’ll know it wasn’t totally in vain.

    Did you read the entire peace plan? If not, that needs to be finished, too, before we can proceed. That contains part of the answer to your question. You're asking for something of value, even if you don't understand that or appreciate it. I haven't time for butting heads with you to no avail. Later, when time isn't of the essence, we can butt away. If you want me to spend additional time, it's going to have to be in a manner that I see can lead to some benefit for humanity. That justifies my continued engagement. Being a bit more respectful and less combative will do wonders, too.

    Ball's in your court.
  11. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I've read your stuff. You may notice that I commented on several parts of it.

    The thing is, I don't see anything there that pertains in ANY way to the immediate cessation of an on going crime that is being carried out with the support of the USA.

    Whatever your longer term goals or your focus may be, I can not believe that there is no time to at least verbally oppose the US direction wrt this problem - the direction of ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

    I'll point out that this issue is certainly NOT my longer term focus, either. In fact, YOUR direction is closer to this issue than I could spend the time to be.

    So, I don't see that as an excuse for you to dodge our human responsibility to oppose humanitarian crimes carried out in OUR name by OUR government.

    Do you have time to vote?

    Do you have time to write at least one post opposing America's support of this criminal activity?

    I just do not believe that a person can be so wrapped up in Revelations that you literally can't take a moment to object to what is going on today, rather than in the future.

    Or, do you feel that what Israel is doing is just, and that the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is exactly what we SHOULD be supporting?

    I do not believe I've heard you say anything definitive along that line so far. After all, without any support for near term movement, the whole one-state plan you propose is no more than mental masturbation. The Israeli plan is making your plan a sad commentary on what happens when nobody cares.
  12. Bob from Delaware

    Bob from Delaware New Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    You said, "I've read your stuff. You may notice that I commented on several parts of it."

    From your comments, you've read chapter 1 of the peace plan and haven't read a page from "The Way of Holiness & the Sacred Hoop".

    Nor have you changed your tone. Borderline respectful with great difficulty is the energy your words carry.
    Certainly not the kind of approach likely to encourage cooperation. More like the way to encourage argumentation.

    But, back to your position that I should take direct action like yourself. First, I have already expended energy in the direction you suggest for several years. I came to the conclusion after a while that the audience was not ready to hear. I could see the picture laid out in the prophecies and seeing that within the context of the much larger message of the combined Great Circle, I could see why it was this way, and what the best and most effective path I could take to serve in creating the needed Change.

    To you, this may sound like gibberish.

    Take the parable of the wall that obstructed the path.
    The wall needed to go.
    You think banging my head against a wall that is harder than my head is the way to remove it.
    I think removing the ground beneath it and melting the mortar away is more effective and
    also will leave my head intact to do something else of worth.

    Mass misunderstanding of sacred books between the peoples is used as a tool by other people
    to control and create support for wars. Correcting the misunderstanding takes time, but then again,
    we have been working in that direction for some time now.

    I follow the way of water. Go around obstacles and fill in the low places.
    The tide is rising. When it reaches the right point, the obstacle will melt away.

    If you want to continue this conversation, you'll need to read those two chapters at the end of the peace plan, and those two chapters about reconciling Islam with the other two Abrahamic paths in the larger book. I told you why that was a condition. You tried to bluff your way around that. I need to know you've read all that material if you want me to devote more time and effort here.
    DennisTate likes this.
  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Is that idea actually out of touch with reality?

    Did President Yaser Arafat like USA dollars?

    Is the argument that Russia turned the Palestinian people into pawns....... in order to attempt to set up the defeat of the USA by uniting the Islamic world against their ally Israel........ out of touch with reality?????

    Here is a summary of the following article in one sentence:
    also.... please especially notice what was found in 1982......

    That article presents a pretty powerful case that Russia threatened and bribed President Arafat and his team at that time into turning his people..... into pawns...... in a game with vastly higher stakes than the average Palestinian could imagine.

    Yes.... .President Abbas is a MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT over Arafat..... so much of an improvement that I am hopeful that he will make a sincere effort to break his people out of servitude to the Atheistic Russian Super Power and their goals for world domination.

    One type of economic activity that neither Russia, nor China or even Canada for that matter can compete with the USA is in English language film production of every genre.

    (I will quote my own theory that actually.... .does have some potential.... and does give an idea of why I put that number in front of M. P. Bill Casey.... .which I hope he will put in front of his boss P. M. Justin Trudeau after he digests how all of this can actually be addressed from his riding.......... because what I am advocating is deliberately lowering ocean levels by fifteen centimeters to create a buffer zone...... in case rapid cracking and sliding of ice off the West Antarctic Ice Sheet or Greenland were to begin.)

    (post #33, page 2, this thread, WillReadMore was responding to the following message that I think is not entirely out of touch with reality at all... .especially considering the factor of 4.3 trillion USA petro-dollars... .that must be diverted into something better than consumer goods........):

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
  14. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I searched your post for some sort of excuse for Israel to carry out ethnic cleansing operations against Palestinians - bulldozing their homes, stealing their property, co-opting their water rights, denying them representation in government, carrying out 10 years of war against Gaza while refusing to negotiate, bombing their civilian infrastructure to destroy water and power, reducing their ability to preserve medicine which requires refrigeration, etc., etc.


    You are note even CLOSE to having found an excuse for this kind of wholesale criminal behavior.

    And, it is predicated on Arafat!!!

    And, I'm not surprised here. There is by definition NO EXCUSE for Israel's humanitarian crimes.

    I have NO IDEA how anyone who is attracted by ANY religion could possibly hold this position of carrying out this kind of crime against a whole people on a month by month by month basis over YEARS without even bothering to object.

    Surely that is a MAJOR sin in ANY religion.
  15. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I have to respond to this one in particular.

    It is the USA that has consistently rejected support of Palestine.

    We give gigantic aid to Israel while cutting support to Palestinians who are in desperate need.

    We block progress in change by UN votes, UNSC veto and otherwise using diplomatic force to prevent all international pressure on resolving this issue while Israel continues carrying out their humanitarian criminal activity.

    We make no progress with Russia on this issue - which seems fine to me, but YOU think is important.

    We fail to back efforts to use the various branches of the UN to address specific sub issues.

    We fail to hold Netanyahu to account - for ethnic cleansing, but also for refusing to negotiate on any issue related to Gaza or West Bank in particular or Palestine in general. We massively support Israel even as it moves more strongly toward apartheid - with efforts to make non-Jews (including Christians) second class citizens before the law, for example.

    Blaming these actions of OURS on Russia just isn't good enough. Russia isn't doing anything nearly strong enough to warrant blaming them for making the US not just impotent but fully acting AGAINST the end to the crimes perpetrated daily by Israel.

    Again, remember that Abbas is being hugely cooperative with the IDF in working toward security. Claiming Abbas is a toady of Russia just doesn't fly.
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Will... kindly imagine that you are an Israeli politician.....
    and you have evidence that the Palestinian leadership under Arafat are
    cooperating with Russia to finish what Hitler began........

    You can understand why this is not exactly going to make cooperation with the Palestinian leadership
    easy for you would it?

    Yes. things are vastly better now.....
    but why would Israeli political leaders just forget about what was attempted while Arafat was in power?


    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
  17. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I don't even SLIGHTLY accept this as an argument in favor of ethnic cleansing.

    Throughout the world, ethnic cleansing is a well recognized humanitarian crime. And, Israel has been carrying out this crime over for well over a decade.

    I'm not asking Israel to forget something.

    I'm stating flat out that ethnic cleansing is a crime that CAN NOT be justified. Period. It's not a legal part of WAR.

    BTW, 1982 is 35 YEARS ago, right? Yet, you choose that as supporting a justification for bulldozing the homes of civilians in Palestine today?!

    I really don't understand where you are coming from.

    None of this makes any sense for a religious person to accept as behavior that can be excused.

    I really need to understand this.

    Maybe if you could abstract this to some extent.

    What would your new UN rule be that would include ethnic cleansing as justified activity between two countries?
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Bob from Delaware......... Israeli near death experiencer Natan was shown that
    the War of Ezekiel 38 had already began.

    I take his prediction very seriously.... especially now that there is conflict directly
    between the USA and Russia.


    Ezekiel 38:2

    "Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,"

    Fifteen year old Israeli has NDE and predicts 70 nations unite against Israel.

    I have been thinking that in non-linear time......
    humanity faces many choices and one of the
    options in front of us at this time is to encourage and
    support the Jewish people in their desire to rebuild their
    Jerusalem Third Temple because Ezekiel chapter 47 cannot be fulfilled
    until after the Third Temple is built... .and Levites are offering
    kosher sacrifices in the Temple as commanded by Moses.

    A man from Uganda wrote an article on the coming of a modern
    Christian Political Cyrus type that in my opinion....... is also
    a plan for genuine peace between Israel and all of her neighbours
    ...... especially the Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Lebanese
    and Syrians.

    Please pray or meditate on Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal?
    (post #6)....

    Is Malik Obama one of the worlds' most courageous Muslims?

    In my opinion.....YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Obama’s Brother in Support of Third Temple Built in Jerusalem
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    ThoughtCriminal..... you are going to want to listen to the astonishingly insightful 46 minute video that I put in front of P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu, (and his team of internet researchers who keep an eye on what is being said about Israel online)........... in this other discussion that verifies the number 4.3 trillion that AboveAlpha first gave me.

    P. M. Netanyahu, President Trump has a 4.3 trillion dollar problem....

    Last edited: May 3, 2018
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    'God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land'
    could be the work of ART.....
    around which is focused a plan to stabilize the USA Dollar and insulate it from a serious devaluation.......

    I am thinking that the USA dollar could be strongest if it is .....
    USA dollar = Australian Dollar = Canadian dollar........
    but we are united.... at a whole new level........

    ... on a mega project that will focus around the Israeli Sorek technology.......
    This is especially relevant to M. P. Bill Casey who I am hoping to campaign against
    in 2019.....

    God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land, Hebrew and Arabic.
    Last edited: May 9, 2018
  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I just wanted to pass you on some good news that I just read.


  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    It is indeed my privilege to do so........
    frankly..... having read "God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land" four times already........
    I am emboldened to take what some would assume is a rather risky move...........


    Here is the list of my choices for leadership of Canada's Conservative Party that I voted on last year:

    1. Kevin O'Leary
    2. Andrew Scheer
    3. O'Toole
    4. Kellie Leitch
    5 Brad Trost
    6. M. Chong
    7 L. Raitt.
    8 D. O'Brien.
    9 R. Peterson
    10. M. Bernier.

    At the time that I made my choices I had no idea that Mr. Maxime Bernier..... my choice #10...... would be the one to display astonishing courage and chutzpah!
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2018
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Honorable Minister Casey:

    If you happen to take another look at this thread.... here is some more information relevant to why I feel President Donald J. Trump has a multi - trillion dollar problem heading in his direction.........

    Europe Unveils “Special Purpose Vehicle” To Bypass SWIFT, Jeopardizing Dollar’s Reserve Status



    Russia Is Doing It – Russia Is Actually Abandoning The Dollar



    China's 'petro-yuan': The end of the dollar hegemony?
    Shanghai is reportedly taking the first steps to pay for imported oil in reminbi, or yuan, instead of the US dollar.

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2018
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I wanted to let you know about some encouraging information from Bulgaria:


    Do you wish to see photos from the REAL Bulgaria?

  25. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    One possible way to divert 4.3 trillion USA petrodollars to here in Canada could be through a proposed ARTISTIC application of the proposal for The Republic of Western Canada?!



    Art.......... a proposed semi reality science fiction film series set in an alternate universe / example of applied Multiverse Theory.... supposedly in 2012 - 2015 where Mr. Mitt Romney is elected POTUS and takes office in January of 2013.... has a lot of potential.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2018

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