‘MAGA Patriot Party’ files with FEC; Trump team says it’s not affiliated

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by MJ Davies, Jan 26, 2021.


    JIM KUBITZA Banned

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Why before, my good man, LONG before. :)
  2. Independent4ever

    Independent4ever Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    He is quoting the Qanon fantasies, but has claimed that he does not believe in Qanon

    The other Trumpers on the board so far have ignored him, so even they don't want to get involved in these extremes
  3. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Lol he put me on hold then wrote me to say he put me on hold. I get it. I love being called a leftist. I am a boring middle of the roader, i.e., Mitt Romney supporter if I was American or in the last election Biden but I respect Americans and their right to choose who they want. I get that. I just think most people he calls Leftist are no more left than they are right. Most of us are just ordinary shmucks North or South of the border. I appreciate you Yanks thoughhave a legal system that was made precisely to prevent a tyrant from using the office to dictate. The entire checks and balances built in your constitution was designed to stop what Trump tried to become and could have. I think the sad thing is the number of Republicans who still stay silent. They need to come clean and expunge his so called legacy for their sake.

    In Canada we loved the King and our legal system reflects more unquestioned loyalty to the King or Queen. Hell our technical head of state is the Queen. However its figurative. We too have a checks and balances system. We too have a current leader who has flaunted basic rules of democracy and we voted him back in after he t ried to use his office to intervene to get a company out of a criminal conviction because they were in his riding. The Prime Minister openly stated it was his motive and he was still voted back in so I am no body who puts down Americans-but like you I believe we have to question authority in a basic democracy and not let any one person accumulate too much power because as you can see in history its so easy for someone to become a dictator.

    Now as to this JK whether he is a troll, an extremist, or has some kind of disorder its clear he is not coherent with his responses so I would prefer to debate with guys like you over politics. Not because you may or may not disagree but because you and I know at minimum we need a basis to make our allegations.

    Its kind of sad in the last 4 years Trump lowered the bar in communications so badly some people immitate him now or are going to continue to try immitate him. However me personally I have to think this has become a Russian troll thread myself. The boards are full of trolls. Whether they are Ruskies, Iranians, Syrians, North Koreans, or people from that radical leftist town of oh I don't know Sioux City, Iowa its sometimes funny, sometimes downright in need of medication.

    This one reminds me of dealing with an over-excited Barney Fife from Mayberry. I think Barney was into crack cocaine years before anyone else.
    ChiCowboy and Independent4ever like this.
  4. Heartburn

    Heartburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I think 4 more years of the Doofus parade we have in office now.
  5. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    To the responders on this thread I was advised not to refer to anyone on this thread as either childish or a troll. I can appreciate that. My intent was meant to specifically use the definition of trolling as to specific communications tactics being used or the use of little men rolling and laughing.

    Specifically the definition I use is:

    "Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument."

    The specific context I use it in is to apply to specific words, not a specific individual thyat state subjective beliefs but pose them as facts with zero proof and the tactic of falsely claiming others state or believe things and to be specific the stereotyping of people as leftist or in my specific case in addition to calling me a leftist falsely stating not once but twice I stated things I never did.

    Thw words I challenge I would argue are used to provoke and bait not invite debate.

    To summarize I was making comment to the tactics used by an individual and not the individual. I was making comment as to the choice of words not the person and I challenge the way they are used because this is precisely what Trump did the last 4 years to shut down free speech and all of us should step up and call it out for what it is especially when its used to call engaging in hate comments patriotic references as it has.

    I think its important to challenge crude immitations of the communications tactics Trump engaged in and now his followers try emulate. I come from a family and a legacy where people used such tactics sporting brown shirts and pill box hats to do the same thing. They burned books, beat up old frail people and depicted anyone they disagreed with as a leftist culminating in depicting their enemies with sub-human names and mass exterminating them.

    I come from a people who resisted this, fought it, defeated it and use the expression never again. I also particularly appreciate the irony that such brownshirts were defeated thanks to th US military, the same military today's imitators of these brown shirts claim to speak for.

    I know good people in the US military. They do not and did not swear an oath to any system designed to prevent basic fundamental democratic values their predecessors died for. I do not speak for any US military person them but I sure as hell pay homage to their sacrifices so the entire world can be free of the kind of bs passed off as patriotism on this board. I have to. My people would not exist otherwise. I would not exist otherwise.

    You bet there is something slimy, repulsive and pathetic when a man who evaded military service 5 times as Trump did and ridicule soldiers for their service, claim to be a patriot for his country let alone try use his military to create the very kind of government they died preventing.

    To see that man go to Europe and make a mockery of the legacy of his country-men/women who died in WW2 was a stomach turner. To see him mock McCain or US pows was as low as it could get.

    I know exactly what Dwight Eisenhower or Truman would have thought of Trump. Trump's pale attempt to play at being Patton or McArthur or Joe McCarthy epically failed.

    Republicans today need to look at themselves in the mirror and look at the role they played nurturing an element of Americans that misappropriate the word patriot and use it to ferment hatred and violence against their own institutions and fellow citizens.

    This has nothing to do with leftists. It has to do with good moderate people called Republicans who will not now speak up and expunge the party of this man.

    Its about people who are NOT leftist staying silent in the face of the very tactics they would otherwise criticize from a "leftist".

    It is precisely because many like me are classic conservative, we reject Trumpism as facism no different then we reject state totalitarianism right or left in nature.

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021

    JIM KUBITZA Banned

    Jan 19, 2021
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    If there even are other Trumpers on this lefty echo chamber, they probably just know they are so vastly outnumbered here that anything they say will be met with nothing but ridicule, obfuscation, derision, implied insults, implications that they believe in things they don't, denial, accusations of quoting things they never quoted, refusal to even take the time to watch videos they post, on and on and on, just as I have been met with. If there ever were Trumpers on here they most likely left here long ago deeming this a completely useless forum devoid of any sincere discussion. The few apparent ones here have obviously not dug deeper than the lies of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX, etc, all just more leftist echo chambers censoring everything that doesn't agree with their biased narratives and refusing to report on anything that doesn't, actually nothing but a leftist propaganda machine just like in communist China. The only reason I stay here is so one day soon I can give you all a great big "I TOLD YOU SO". But even that will do no good because even if you see pictures of Biden in prison you will all still be in utter denial and claim it is fake news, photo-shopped, anything and everything to deny the truth of it.

    But guess what ... once it happens you will abide by it regardless because the only other choices you will have are to leave the country or break the law and end up in jail or prison. This is not an anarchist "Democracy" where the majority rules or the minority rules by way of rigged, fraudulent elections ... this is a REPUBLIC with LAWS enshrined in a CONSTITUTION which is about to be ENFORCED. Like it or not.

    Our military has been fully aware of the New World Order and the deep state shadow government illicitly running this country ever since JFK was assassinated. They have been planning its overthrow ever since, this is not just a sudden knee-jerk, and their planning has been meticulous as has been their monitoring of it. This rigged, fraudulent election resulting in an illegitmate "President" cinches it and they will act. Trump signed the authorization for the Insurrection Act before he left office, and in doing so placed full control in the military's hands until such time that the military deems the threat no longer exists ... so Biden cannot reverse it. This country is therefore right now under martial law with the military in full control. If you think for one second they don't have irrefutable proof that this election was fraudulent and involved foreign meddling, you are dumber than a box of rocks. Their objective is not to simply remove Biden, it is to bring down the entire deep state. Many of the entrenched deep state bureaucrats are hard to identify. This is a big reason the military has been allowing this farce to continue ... they think they have won and are safe and many of them are coming out of the woodwork, and many RINOs are fully exposing themselves for what they are (Graham and McConnell are toast due to their treason on Jan 6). And much more. When the time is right ... for them, not to keep you and me happy ... they will strike. Are they going to stupidly let the enemy know their plans? Hell no. When it happens it will be swift and sudden and it will be a nuclear block-buster. Buckle up. One day in the not too distant future you are all going to have to admit I was right. Trying to obfiscate it in the meantime is utterly irrelevant.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
  7. JET3534

    JET3534 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    The Republican party needs a wake up call given the disgusting way their leadership sold out Trump. The Romneys, Liz Cheney's, Mitch McConnel, etc. are now exposed for what they are
    JIM KUBITZA likes this.

    JIM KUBITZA Banned

    Jan 19, 2021
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    They are fixing to GET a wake-up call! Like a trip to Gitmo for sedition or insurrection or treason or all three. Just be a little patient and wait for it. :)
    Every member of congress who failed to object to the election fraud in those 6 states when they knew good and well that fraud occurred are guilty of treason. And they will pay the piper.
  9. ChiCowboy

    ChiCowboy Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2015
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    70 Bush officials leave Republican Party. Call it a "Trump cult."
    RickJay likes this.

    JIM KUBITZA Banned

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Ask yourself why the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump AFTER HE HAS LEFT OFFICE? It is because they know Biden is an illegitimate President due to totally fraudulent election and that Trump has not conceded and is STILL THE LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT. You cannot impeach a President after he has left office! Obviously they know he has NOT left office and is still the legitimate President. And we all know they will not get the 2/3 vote they need in the Senate to remove him. And so the Kabuki theater continues ... until the military finally acts. :)

    JIM KUBITZA Banned

    Jan 19, 2021
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  12. ChiCowboy

    ChiCowboy Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2015
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    Lol. Sent me a message too.

    70 officials from the Bush admin left the Republican Party. I can't do a link but it's breaking news everywhere. Said the Republican Party is now a Trump cult. More will surely follow.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
    RickJay likes this.
  13. ChiCowboy

    ChiCowboy Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2015
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  14. RickJay

    RickJay Banned

    Dec 12, 2020
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    Somewhat rational?
    JIM KUBITZA likes this.

    JIM KUBITZA Banned

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Nope, as absolute traitors soon to be in Gitmo (or worse). Treason carries the death penalty.

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