Here is some news about UFO/UAP sightings by the Navy

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by wgabrie, Dec 8, 2020.

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  1. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Well maybe you haven't found the truth yet, don't worry, you will have many lifetimes to find it, all roads lead to Rome ;)
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
  2. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Rome huh....let me tell you what happens when Jesus turns His face towards me....I begin to shake and feel driven to my knees. Luciferians have no clue if they think Lucifer is powerful....they will in due time face the Lord of Lord and the King of Kings

    btw I have already prayed for you, I prayed that you will receive God's love. God is love and when you receive this most precious and merciful gift you will offer Him all that goes with it, commitment, devotion, truth, respect, honour, courage, loyalty, dedication and your heart in return. Then you wil discover what is meant when they say the Power of is the Power of God.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
    ToddWB likes this.
  3. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I prayed for you too, that you find the truth someday :rose:
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
  4. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Let me introduce you to The Word FreshAir

    Isaiah 45:19
    I, the Lord, speak the truth; I declare what is right.

    • John 14:6
      Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    • John 8:32
      and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    • John 4:24
      God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

    • Ephesians 6:14
      Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

    • 1 John 3:18
      Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
    • Psalm 145:18
      The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth
    • 1 Kings 17:24
      Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth.”
    • Psalm 25:5
      Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
    • Psalm 145:18
      The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
  5. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I don't need ancient myths to know the world
  6. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    The Word FA...not the worLd, (increase the size of your font) .....but do you really know the world without knowing about the ancient myths....let us once more go back to the truth

    L.A. Marzulli: The Supernatural Seed War
  7. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    The Way , the Truth and the Life.. I love it!

    I have witnessed, first hand, an entity from elsewhere (demon). as did 5 others, all completely unsolicited.. it was very hard for them to say so too. And others who have known of the property have asked if we'd "seen it". I tried to write it off as perhaps toxic vapors seeping from the old house.. and since it moved to a new house 300 ft away, I tried to write it of as toxic vapors in the soil.. BUT after we asked our Lord and Savior to remove it.. no one has seen anything weird since, indicating it wasn't just some weird effect from the physical environment.
    I started study of the Bible some twenty years ago with, a sceptic's eye, but taking what was written at face value.. now, after all that time, I can tell you it is a supernatural book and the final arbitrator of what is true and what is probably false.
    Hi Sister Scarlet, may God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Creator of the heavens and earth, the Truth, the Way , and the Life, continue His blessing and protection upon us.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2021
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  8. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I was a Christian once too, so I get where you're coming from, I have just moved on
  9. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Let’s go down the rabbit hole and explore a bit, after all we are in the conspiracy section, miscellaneous, UFO thread…where else would you explore supernatural phenomena

    I’ve had an extraordinary year, much of it documented in this thread. I started out an Atheist thinking my strange awake and dream experiences were UFO related but it turned out to be demonic. How do I know this? Because the solution to the problem was Jesus.

    I’m going to list some of the things I saw and observed in the past 5 months….I’ve already documented many of the experiences before that. Just a note, the whole experience was not only life changing but in many instances humiliating…so this is not all that easy for me, I do think it is important and others can learn from my mistakes.

    Ok so in my experience, here is what I found;

    Your thoughts are not private…none of it, if you are a Christian & wear the armour of God (meaning there are NO open doors - NO un-repented sins) demonic entities & Satan can NOT read your thoughts but God can…always. If you are not a Christian you are vulnerable….sorry if that is not equal opportunity PC.

    Don’t treat the Devil with disrespect even the archangel Michael would not

    I had trouble with the lack of privacy…sometimes I got angry over my thoughts being so open…and out of anger I imagined Satan with a turd on his head. Next morning I woke up with a visual of him urinating on me….Touche, I probably got off lightly. We are nothing without Jesus….we should not dishonour Him in the way I did.

    The being (I’m assuming it was Satan) who urinated on me and the one in the poem was the same and looked like this

    I also saw others, I’ll mention two more, they were human in appearance;

    The one who lifted me in the dream with the lights was extremely tall & strong, strikingly handsome, light skinned, very dark short hair…almost beautiful but stone cold….not a drop of warmth… ice cold.

    Another I saw twice but suspect visited me several times. Could not see colour but.. attractive with short hair a slight curl to it. The first time I saw him he was staring straight at me but…it felt more sort of past me or rather through me…with deep concentration….calculating.

    I saw him again when I woke up one night kissing my way up a man’s back…I heard myself say “Oh stop it!” he then slowly turned his head and gave me a sly smile….I found the smile and the episode rather chilling.

    I sleep with a recording of Bible verses and this Spirit switched the recording off three times one night, the system was still on but the playlist on the ipad (bluetooth connection) was stopped. I woke up each time it stopped and switched it back on…

    Ok so what have I found they can do;

    They give you their thoughts, some of them are rather disgusting and will pop into your head when you are worshipping or praying. I have learned to apologise to God but not take responsibility for their thoughts. I have also asked Jesus to remove them and He always does.

    They can manipulate your emotions;

    They can make you feel fear, sadness, anger, anxiety, insecurity, lust however I have found when Jesus gives you His peace it overshadow all of these and once you kicked out the demon causing it all you are left with is peace….blissful peace

    The realisation of the effect they have on my thoughts and emotions have made me consider how they affect our lives, our decisions our relationships…it is most startling when you consider how they are able to manipulate us. How different would your life be if you made different decisions?
    God is always very far ahead of the enemy....when I went through my worst "demonic attack in May/June this year...I reached out to a Pastor to help me...Satan used this Pastor to persecute me...however God had prepared both my siblings for this exact moment, both my bother and sister had almost a decade each experience in deliverance and guided me through....

    There is so much more but for now I will simply add a couple more thoughts;

    I sleep extremely well these days…now that I’m wearing God’s armour, however I am still being attacked. I feel them trying to get into my head, it feels like vibrations around your skull…it intensifies in strength and gave me a headache a few times.

    I also feel the vibrations coming up from the bottom of my mattress, I wake up in the morning and it feels like my back all along my spine is bruised. I saw this pic the other day of a statue in Norway and it made me wonder whether they are actually trying to access your central nervous system… that would explain a lot about demon possession and how they can manipulate your feelings, thoughts and even body right?

    None of these things scare me or bother me anymore…all there is now is Jesus…He removes all fear.

    A couple more things;

    What happens when we sin….Satan chains your soul to his. Why do I say this, because it was (a very humiliating admission) when I sinned, masturbated when God showed me visually how I was being chained with massive chains to Satan….it scared me beyond anything have ever scared me, many will say oh she saw this because she’s a religious freak…no I saw & experienced what I wrote in this thread and then became a Born again Christian, I don’t consider myself religious, I consider myself Spiritual in Jesus, for He is in me.

    This is why God gave us his Commandments, to keep us safe, we are children of Light not darkness. Your flesh is not sinful it is the demonic entities and Satan who gives you sinful thoughts and feelings….understand this manipulation and free yourself from it.

    I’ll stop preaching and get off my soap box soon, government is clamping down on free speech so who knows how long we still have on here. Besides I am not comfortable on a pulpit anyway, you’ll more likely find me in the trenches.

    A comment about the Great Deception Jesus talks about;

    There is no doubt when you look around you and listen to the main stream media that there is a great deception going on, but I believe the greatest deception of all is that the spiritual dimension is not real and our physical dimension is "the" reality. Let’s spin things on their head and put it to you that the Spirit Dimension is the audience and we are the jars of clay on stage, God's sculpture...(after all God is perfect why wouldn't his art be beyond imagination)….jars of clay being manipulated to act out one of two scripts written. You either act out Satan’s script…or you take what is written about you in the Book of Life and act that script out.

    Either way make no mistake, this is very serious….it is a cosmic war, preparations for Armageddon have already started.
    ToddWB likes this.
  10. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Hi, imo the second seal is about to be opened so I will be brief.

    If you are still asleep this is going to be as strange as things in the real world currently are....I don't care.

    In previous posts I said, I initially thought my "weird" experience was alien but turned out to be demonic....well the truth is they are the same thing. The devils & serpent in the Bible (the nephilim spirits & satan) are aliens, the reptiles David Icke refers to, spiritual beings who possess humans, sits across your back...your central nervous system & cause you to sin and sever your connection to God. There is a planet X, Nibiru coming towards may have noticed we are averaging between 300 & 400 earthquakes every day and at record level volcano activity.
    Anyway I'll leave the explanations up to the experts. This guy in the vid is really brilliant... or Spirit led :) depending on how you look at it.

    The reason I wanted to make this post was because the resources I posted in the thread of self deliverance, curse breaking and bloodline cleaning is really good for YOU. However Christianity is not just about YOU, therefore it is really important as a Spiritual Warfare soldier, you take up the lessons John Ramirez is teaching, how to attack Satanic coverns in your area. Because whether you like it or not they are attacking you, your churches, your children & the people around you.

    His book Combat Prayers to Crush the Enemy is an excellent resource, of 1 and a half hours of battle prayers against Satanic attacks. These Satanists are enemies of God, enemies of Christ & the Holy Spirit, and traitors to humanity. Russ Dizdar told us there are literally hundreds of millions of these people around the world. It is your DUTY as a Christian to counter and remove their curses and witchcraft spells that helps the "demons" or "aliens" depending on your point of view, to possess, influence and destroy lives. I urge those Christians waiting to be Raptured to change focus back onto the here and now and help the rest of us defeat this evil. (sorry if I offended however I feel strongly about the threat)

    ToddWB likes this.
  11. Hey Now

    Hey Now Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    ^^^Holy ****!!!!!
    Bowerbird likes this.
  12. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    One more thing, if Russ Dizdar is right...and there is a black awakening around the corner...then the Satanic coverns will be the ones to push ignition. You want to protect your family, your children, your churches, your start praying like John Ramirez
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2021
  13. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    I've learnt a couple of valuable things so I will share.

    Many people believe if they chase a demon out the battle is over...this is a recipe for failure.

    After you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, repented for your sins, you
    1. work through John Veals Supernaturally delivered and go through all the deliverance prayers (p160 - Appendix of the paperback) others may work too but this worked for a new Christian you will be surprised what comes out, so absolutely read all of them and multiple times...hammer it home...(like with me when everything changed after I did the "divorce dat demon" prayer - they marry you so they can control you - Bible reference for that somewhere in this thread)
    2. Then you need to break Satanic curses and legal rights on you, I worked through Bob Larson's Curse Breaking, (p145 - 170 in the paperback) others may work too, this is the one I used.
    3. YOU MUST ALSO address the witches and warlocks and Satanic coverns because you are most likely blissfully unaware that they are targeting you. John Ramirez Battle Prayers kindle or paperback worked wonders for me.

    If you are short of time, skip to John Ramirez, Battle prayers and start there, it covers everything, is concise and Spiritually very powerful. Work through it multiple times

    ....was like...."in the name of Jesus"

    A couple VERY IMPORTANT things that no one mentions;

    If you have a birth certificate, break all legal contracts with The Crown in the name of Jesus
    if you have any ties to the Catholic church, break all legal contracts with the Catholic church in the name of Jesus

    my husband is's how that went


    ok so I joke about it, but make no mistake...I've been pummelled, and prevailed only because He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world, thank you Jesus.
    I was more like roadkill.... still able to lift my head....murmur "Jesus" then get up and run another 10 miles after uttering the name above all names...Jesus.

    Whether you believe these demons are alien reptilians, ancestral spirits, ghost or nephilim...the solution and only way to freedom is through Jesus Christ.
    God Bless
    ToddWB likes this.
  14. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Hi people, I keep coming back to post and every time I do they hit me harder, I do feel a bit like Bill Murray in the Little shop of horrors dentist scene. :lol:

    I’m hoping this is it, I wanted to share this one last post because I believe it is very important.

    Why do people feel their prayers aren’t being heard;

    I believe it is for three reasons;
    1. God’s will - he has other plans for you
    2. You are asking for the wrong things - John Ramirez tells you to pray for more faith, more discernment….forget about materialistic things.
    3. Satan still has legal rights over you, even though you repented your ancestors may have done something that gives Satan legal rights over you.
    It is very important when you help someone get rid of demons, you also address the bloodline legal rights and legal rights such as the Catholic church and The Crown, both Satanic institutions.
    AS WELL AS give them the tools/prayers to address witchcraft & Satanic covens who curse you, attack you & your community, churches and young people.

    A couple more things;

    Even if your life is perfect, and you feel you have no need to break bloodline legal rights or legal rights in general, I urge you to still do this. Because Satan does not unleash everything at once, he keeps legal rights for the next generations, so when little Dave two generations on comes round he gets hammered & has no clue what is going on. Also possibly Satan keeps these rights for when you die to create dispute over your soul. Shut that door.

    Also, we must bind the spirits of unbelief and fear, Satan is running roughshod over our communities because our churches don’t know how to address the witches and warlocks in their areas. We blame others for our current generation going astray but the reason is these Satanic covens have been working very hard to break our churches & young people and weaken them spiritually. Take spiritual responsibility by taking the battle to Satan.

    I am grateful for this learning experience God has given me, I am stronger in Christ than I ever would have been without it. I love you all, I bless you all, Jesus is with you, always.
    ToddWB likes this.
  15. Melb_muser

    Melb_muser Well-Known Member Donor

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Scarlet, have you ever met 'they' in person?

    How are you being 'hit'? Is it physical assault, some form of dietary or financial deprivation?
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2021
    Bowerbird likes this.
  16. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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  17. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Was this what he looked like?

    I think that one is the most realistic shot, and I'm beginning to believe it's a real alien.

    Or damn good CGI.

    Read the book by Dr. David Jacobs "Walking Among Us" for a greater understanding of what happened to you. You can get the kindle version pretty cheap on Amazon.

    Your descriptions are very consistent with thousands of other testimonies.
  18. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Read Jim Sparks' "taken", they most certainly can. It's not 'all of them' creating the illusion, it's one of them.
  19. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I understand what you say, and I know it's a logical argument. But, I'm absolutely 100% sure that I saw their natural form. And, I will tell you why.

    I met one of their people who abducted me. And, over several abductions, we formed a relationship. Which eventually led to my visit to their place.

    Before I went with it to their place, it showed me a photo of itself as a child. Because it had been reading my mind over several of my encounters. And it reminded the alien of its own childhood and it wanted to share a picture of its own with me. Let me scribble something down:
    ... the photo of the alien left no doubt in my mind of what they look like.

    When I went to their place, and they asked me what I like to do, I told them that I enjoyed being experimented on by aliens. So, since it was legal, they began cloning me, running experiments on the clones, and when they were finished with the experiments they killed the clones and transferred the memories, of the dead copies, into my head.

    And, I got the full view of the aliens both from my perspective as well as from the memories from the clones of me. While I stayed back in a room they prepared for me.
    alien room.png
    And, through all of it, I was able to see them and touch them. And I know they have black fur with white stripes on their forehead.
    alien figure.png
    (Yes, I know I'm a bad artist.)
  20. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Oh, but don't worry. There are many species of aliens. There isn't just one type.
  21. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I couldn't find Jim Sparks "taken" on Amazon. Is that the right book title? I saw another book on Amazon by Jim Sparks called "The Keepers."
  22. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    That's it.

    I had the wrong title.

    It's a really good read.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2022
  23. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    I’ve agonised over whether to post this, this thread is weird enough, been considering for a few days but it may be of value to some.

    This is about your personal energy, other dimensions and the armour of God.

    During my experience described in this thread, especially at the height of the demonic attack in May/June 2021, I had a lot of electricity flowing through my body. If I picked up a charging phone it would literally buzz in my hand. I have evening worship sessions…which involve a lot of internal force (imagine clenching your teeth together…something like that but using your mind and chest…with arms extended…to direct or flow). Initially I did this to fight off the demons, who were crushing my lungs and making me drowsy. However I found my efforts were rewarded with increased strength…. worshipping God increased my spiritual/inner strength and I slept better.

    It was during these worship sessions that twice and very briefly a third time I may have shifted into another dimension…for a couple of seconds. I believe it was because of the level of demonic attack, or rather level and type of electricity flowing through me that I was able to do this. Sometimes it literally felt like there were currents shooting out of my fingers, my head also vibrated strangely :lol:. Yeah it was weird.

    Anyway what happened is that it felt like I transported into a thick atmosphere, a bit like being underwater but there was no water…just thick air where everything slowed down….like slowmotion, lasted about 1-2 seconds and I came straight back….happened very fast. I didn’t obsess over it, had so much weird happening to me at the time, just thought wow…far out that was crazy weird and went on praising God. I can’t do this anymore…shift dimension. My energy have now changed, it is a softer warmer energy and have almost no electricity anymore only a very warm beautiful feeling in my chest that increase when I pray or worship.

    Why do I mention this, well I was watching this video about planet x - see below- and all sorts of questions kept coming up. Like if these aliens say their cousins are coming soon…. the inhabitants of planet x potentially could also have spiritual abilities to possess humans, and if they possess you, will they be able to change your electric frequency enough to transport you into another dimension? I have no answers except…God & Jesus. This brings me to the armour of God in Ephesians.

    It’s not metaphorical…it is real, an invisible barrier that protects your mind and spine from these demonic entities. This barrier slowly increased over the months from mid last year when I first cast demons out, repented, & cleared bloodline sins in the name of Jesus. It is now so strong that I can barely feel any of the demonic vibrations anymore….it is not something that happens instantly it takes time to build…time spent in the presence of God worshipping Him & praying. I believe there is a direct relationship between how much time you spend doing this and the strength of you armour.

    I also (round November) saw (in the spirit - not asleep/awake state, just prior to becoming fully awake) a scorpion stinger slam into my back twice, it was massive, the stinger itself would have been about 30cm long and it was at least half as thick. However this stinger hit an invisible barrier twice. It could not get through, it could not harm or hurt me…and since then this barrier have only gotten stronger.

    I’ll mention two other things I saw in the spirit.

    Less than a week ago, I saw an extremely tall figure of golden light with a long sword, standing behind towards the left of me. He was hooded and face completely dark & hidden. He was terrifying, scarier than any demon but comforting at the same time. When I wrote my Annunaki poem (about a year ago) I saw a blurry dark figure standing behind me towards my right.

    In December (which I later found out reading John Ramirez’ book is a big month for the Satanists) I woke around 1am heard a sound on my roof then saw (in the spirit) two hairy big tarantula like spiders crawling towards me. These were not ordinary spiders, each was four spiders attached, each still had all its legs crawling awkwardly to make one spider with blades on its back. My sister told me that spiders represent the occult, so I broke all curses in the name of Jesus and turned to go back to sleep. I felt the vibrations of something wrap around my head …like a spider with its fangs sinking into my neck to make me drowsy….but placed myself in Jesus’ hands and went to sleep…woke the next morning fine.

    Sometimes I feel something cold sink into my chest in the middle of the night, I would then cast it out but soon realised I’d have to remain awake the whole night so learned to put myself in His hands and trust that He will keep me safe. I have so much peace in my heart that even when it sinks into my chest I mostly just feel at peace….apart from the cold feeling it has no effect on me. Next morning I wake up and cast it out.

    One last thing, I have not had a single dream since mid last year, I go to sleep & wake up refreshed the next morning….nothing. There was one moment last year when I woke to see this horrible flesh rotten zombie swing a club at me but only for a second and he disappeared….a bit like when you let go of something and quickly grab it again….or like holding someones mind safely and lifting the veil only for a second so they can see what they are being protected from. Let me tell you, there’s nothing more addictive than Jesus.

    You can make with this what you will but I urge you to find God through Jesus, He is the only one who can help you cast out these demons, break curses & generational curses..all of which weakens your armour against these entities. Without Jesus you have no defence…and well, we just don’t know what things are going to be like when planet x arrive…suit up.

    ToddWB likes this.
  24. AlpinLuke

    AlpinLuke Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2014
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    When I was young [in the other century!] I was an investigative ufologist.
    And I was specialized in vehicles. If I cannot talk with the pilot I cannot understand something.
    I was really annoying for Italian military authorities while I was investigating.

    You can laugh, but there have been military pilots who have contacted the command saying they were chasing an object, but despite they were flying at MAC 2.1 they were not able to get close to it ... believe it or not, but in some of those cases it has been proved that they were chasing ... planet Venus! And obviously they weren't able to get close to it!

    While flying, pilots have got a different perception of the environment, of the horizon, of the objects in the sky ...
    And the atmosphere can make a lot of jokes to the human eye.
  25. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    So, if pilots are so disoriented and confused, why do we even have an airforce? Obviously, they would be completely useless in a battle. And, there would be no justification to even invest in airpower.

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