Simple Question...

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by gfm7175, Jun 7, 2023.

  1. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Why do you think I'm expecting him to single handedly and immediately fix all corruption throughout all government?

    You're being ridiculous...

    I'm supporting ANY step in the right direction, and the only candidate fighting back against it is Trump, who is also the only candidate being targeted by it (which speaks volumes).
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2023
  2. Endeavor

    Endeavor Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    The guy who stole US nuclear secrets and lock them up in bathroom, you mean that Trump? You go right ahead, support him.
  3. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    hahahahahahahaha Trump didn't steal anything, dude... What are you even talking about?
  4. 19Crib

    19Crib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Go ahead, don't vote for Trump, help Biden. Bring in another 5 million illegals. You will at some point have Kamela Harris as your president.
    I see DeSantis as another goody two shoes, who probably has never taken a stitch, been in a fight or earned anything in the private sector. He was a Navy lawyer, nose in the law books while he ignored the larger world.
    True, he's a good governor, but I'm not seeing a man who sees the future and is willing to do anything about it.
    But, they are doing oppo research to destroy him, just like they did Trump.
  5. Imnotreallyhere

    Imnotreallyhere Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Go ahead, vote for TFG. Help elect an arrogant, stupid, traitorous, criminal bigot to the White House. You will at some point have to deal with the results of your own stupidity.

    TFG is a self centered scumbag who dodged the draft.

    He was not a good POTUS, accomplishing little other than alienating our allies and encouraging our foes. You don't really have to do much opposition research on him; just listen to what he accuses other people of and check him out for it.
  6. 19Crib

    19Crib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 4, 2021
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    You have your post and your opinions backwards. I get it. You hate trump and love Biden but one shouldn’t have to make up their own reality based on bar talk.
  7. Endeavor

    Endeavor Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Did Trump have Nuclear secrets in his Resort or not?
  8. JohnHamilton

    JohnHamilton Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    How can say that policy doesn’t matter when you look at what Biden has done to us in just over two years? The man has presided over decisions that will hurt us for years to come, like 6+ million unskilled illegals and a huge rise in Chinese influence in our own hemisphere. Presidential policy is very much the issue.
  9. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    I don’t think DeSantis, at as it stands today, can beat Trump in the GOP primaries. They’re both after the MAGA Republican vote. Trump has a 30-point lead over DeSantis among Republicans, I don’t see that changing. Although DeSantis is polling at roughly 23%. Most of those are also MAGA Republicans who want a candidate who believes the same as Trump, but without his baggage. A candidate that could attract independents voters whereas Trump obnoxious, rude, uncouth personality can’t. Besides DeSantis isn’t under indictment or facing any future legal challenges. Even so, Trump is still the number one choice and I think will continue to be so.

    As for stabbing Florida voters in the back by running for the presidency. Governors do this all the time, Senators also. Win reelection, then run for the presidency. So no, I don’t think running for the presidency is in any way stabbing Florida voters in the back. As for stabbing Trump in the back, the writing is on the wall, Trump probably can’t win in the general election. If the GOP wants a candidate with a chance of gaining the number of independents needed to win in the general, they need someone other than Trump. DeSantis and other Republicans see this. Opportunity calls. Trump and his candidates lost the House in 2018 because of Trump, they lost the presidency and the senate in 2020 with independents voting for Biden 54-41. Most of Trump’s chosen candidates for 2022 went down to defeat as independents voted against them. Thus, making what should have been a red wave into a red trickle election. Fact is on average; independents voted for non-Trump chosen republican candidates 10 points higher than for Trump chosen candidates. Independents dislike of Trump and his chosen candidates has now been on display since 2018. I don’t fault DeSantis for trying for the GOP nomination. I don’t consider that stabbing anyone in the back. It’s just normal politics.
    gfm7175 likes this.
  10. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    He has nothing that is illegal for him to have (they are HIS records... see the Constitution and the Presidential Records Act for reference), unlike Biden who ILLEGALLY possesses thousands of classified documents (he was a Senator, not a President).

    If anyone should be charged for any crimes and thrown in jail, it should be Biden... you know, the person who has ACTUALLY COMMITTED said crimes.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
  11. Endeavor

    Endeavor Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    If Biden violated or committed crime with national security as Senator or VP, impeach Biden. The US constitution give Congress the authority to impeach and convict a sitting President.

    Now going back to Trump. There is no such thing as “His Record/ or he has the right to have those document”. Those are f$$$ USA’s document and belongs to American people. No President , no VP , NO Senator can claim anything they do in office as “ belong to them “. It belongs to American people. If you can’t get this simple fact then I suggest pick up a elementary civic book and study.
  12. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I didn't say policy doesn't matter, I said it's not something the president actually spends a lot of time on. And as much as I'm not a fan of Biden, blaming him for illegal immigration and Chinese influence is a bit of a stretch. Those things have been building up for decades.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
  13. JohnHamilton

    JohnHamilton Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    You need to spend some time looking at Fox News instead of CBS, ABC or NBC. The Democrats would like you to think that the flood of illegals was going on during the Trump administration, but it was nothing compared to what it is now. The wall should have been built. Perhaps you will change you tune when the first organized terrorist attack comes. We have caught a few hundred of them, but there is no way to know how many there are given the number of gotaways and people who are not or poorly vetted. Biden owns the open border. It's his policy to have it open. Mayorkas gets the blame, but he's only carrying out the Biden puppet's orders.
  14. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I don't really put much stock in any of those news sources. FOX News has no credibility and NBC is just woke nonsense most of the time. CBS and ABC I don't see often.

    The wall is pointless. It's far more symbolic than it will ever be useful and mostly would have served as a Trump monument. I don't have any personal or emotional investment in whether it gets built or not, so I wouldn't say I oppose it or would have an issue if it did get built, I just realize it's mostly a distraction and a political fund-raising topic.

    We've had Republicans and Democrats come and go without changes at the border. Like abortion, it's an issue used far more for fund raising and whipping voters into a frenzy, so it's likely our major politicians don't even want any of these issues resolved. But I do know it won't be fixed by building monuments.
  15. JohnHamilton

    JohnHamilton Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    That fact that you have not looked at the news and don't realize that 6 million illegals have crossed the border since Biden took office means that the issue really is unimportant to you. It far worse under Biden because Biden and the Democrats want them here so that they will vote Democrat in the future. That's what it's about.

    There are some fat cat Republicans who want them here for the cheap labor. Shame on them too.
  16. JohnHamilton

    JohnHamilton Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    Fox News has more independent voter viewers than any other outlet. Fox gets a lot of Democrats too, because Fox often reports the story first. The left wing networks have to get permission from their leftist handlers first. All views get aired on Fox although the overall slant is conservative. You can't say the same thing for any of the other main stream outlets. They are left or far left. That's why outfits, like CNN, are on the hungry line.

    CNN is nothing but a News outlet for the far left point of view. CNN got its best ratings in memory when they ran an interview with Donald Trump. That may have gotten the most recent president of the organization fired.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
  17. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Where did you get the idea that I don't look at news? I certainly never said or implied it.

    Considering the Hispanic vote is slowly trending to the Republicans and Hispanics in general tend to be more religious and conservative, I think maybe we're finally nearing the end of hearing this silly justification. This is about on the level of George W. Bush telling us the terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedoms.
  18. JohnHamilton

    JohnHamilton Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    If you were looking at the main stream news sources, you would not have known that illegals were crossing the border in record numbers for well over a year. It's not a matter of not looking at the news. It's a matter of getting the news that they filter out so that you don't know the truth.
  19. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I look at a variety of news sources as well as a variety of news aggregators and discussion forums where people post news. Just like with Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 campaign, this was not and has never been hidden from me. I do get what you're saying, because if you live in a news bubble no matter what side of the aisle you're on, you're not really going to know what's happening other than what the folks who want you in that bubble want you know.

    But that's not me.
  20. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Agreed. Neither do I.

    That is polling that is bullish towards him. Other more reputable polling has him slightly under 20% atm, with Trump at or approaching 60%. But regardless, the lead is at least 30 points, if not actually 40 points.

    I'd say that some of them are as you describe. I'd say that most of them are actually Jeb! 2016 and Ted! 2016 Republicans... The Paul Ryans and Ben Shapiros of the "Republican" side...

    Actually, per reputable polling, it is Trump who is doing the best among not only "Independents", but also among Hispanics, Blacks, and Women. You are unfortunately being fed a lot of lies about Trump's coalition.

    ... because he is very clearly "one of them". "They" are only going after people via lawfare who aren't "one of them".

    Agreed. "Their" lawfare tactics are backfiring because they are ever increasingly making a martyr out of Trump.

    Let's stay focused here. I'm not talking about senators nor am I even talking about governors in numerous other states. I'm talking about Florida specifically. In Florida, they had a law that barred DeSantis from running for President while serving as Governor. The purpose of the law (to me anyway) is self-evident.

    Florida voters re-elected DeSantis to be their GOVERNOR, not to run against their candidate for PRESIDENT (Donald Trump). However, corrupt Florida politicians purposely changed the state law, special juuuuuust for "Top Gov" DeSantis, so that he could run for President without losing the job as Governor that he never intended to serve in the first place, as his presidential aspirations existed looooong before he was re-elected as Governor (since AT LEAST late 2021, from when there is documentation to support it).

    Ergo, many Florida voters are now seriously pissed off at DeSantis, not only for directing his focus on a Presidential primary rather than on his State's issues, but for running against the very man who they want to re-elect as their President (Donald Trump). They are very loyal to Trump because Trump was very loyal to them, plain and simple... DeSantis has now proven to be unloyal, ergo their newfound disdain for him. There is a reason why DeSantis is unwilling to publicly campaign in his own State of Florida right now. He'd be met in protest not only by the left, but also by many on the right, including the Hispanic community in the Miami-Dade area who are very supportive of Trump and now feel backstabbed by DeSantis.

    First off, excuses don't change the fact that backstabbing occurred. Second off, you're simply repeating, verbatim, the lies of the professionally Republican.

    Trump is actually doing THE BEST out of ALL REPUBLICANS among "Independents"... and is even pulling many Democrats (and former Democrats) over to him. The "Obama-Trump" voter is VERY real, and they have NO intention of ever voting for a professionally Republican candidate (e.g. Haley, Pence, Christie, DeSantis, and etc). Trump is VERY personable when among The People... DeSantis, on the other hand, is a complete stiff. Also, Trump is currently polling much better than DeSantis against Biden.

    I've actually composed a two question response to anyone who parrots such claims of the professionally Republican:

    1 - How is DeSantis going to make up for losing the at least 10 million people who constitute the "only-Trump" vote? The "only-Trump" vote share is MUUUUUUUCH larger than the "never-Trump" vote share. If DeSantis is the nominee, then at least 10 million people are going to stay home or otherwise not turn out for DeSantis.

    2 - Which "rust belt" state (or states) is DeSantis going to win, and how will he go about winning it (them)? Without winning Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania, Republicans don't have a path to 270, and I can GUARANTEE you that Democrats would win Wisconsin (MY state) by at least 7 points (more likely 10+ points) if DeSantis were the nominee instead of Trump... just as the Romney/Ryan ticket lost by... just as the McCain/Palin ticket lost by... Western and Northern Wisconsin WILL vote for Trump, but they will NOT vote for DeSantis, plain and simple. Without Trump on the ticket, Wisconsin (and thus all other rust belt states) are going to overwhelmingly vote Democrat once again. Trump is the only Republican candidate who can form and turn out a coalition consisting of the disaffected working class people, farmers, and trade union workers within these states. I would know... I live here and personally see/hear it every day.

    Trump wasn't on the ticket in 2018.

    They "lost" the presidency due to election fraud. They "lost" the senate due to a combination of election fraud and RINOs fighting against MAGA instead of against Democrats (because RINOs are the other wing of the Uniparty).

    Trump wasn't on the ticket in 2022. The Arizona candidates were victims of election fraud. The Georgia candidates were victims of RINOs and election fraud.

    Here in Wisconsin, Ron Johnson still barely held on for a third term despite election fraud (because he has formed a similar working class coalition that Trump has formed), and Robin Vos (a RINO) only BARELY held onto his state assembly seat due to election fraud (he is DESPISED by The People).

    Continued parroting of lies from the professionally Republican, as rebutted above.

    I will end with this... If you think that the 1992 fracturing of the Republican Party (Bush vs Perot) was bad, a 2024 fracturing (DeSantis vs Trump) would be 1992 on STEROIDS...... The only hope for R's to win in 2024 is on the back of Trump, plain and simple... just as Bush couldn't win without the Perot coalition in 1992, DeSantis can't win without the Trump coalition in 2024.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
    perotista likes this.
  21. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    A good case made for Trump. But one I disagree with, at least some of it. 2018 was a referendum on Trump and his policies. Since more of Trump policies were seen in a favorable light by independents, it was Trump himself they were voting against. Democratic congressional candidates won the independent vote in 2018 54-42.

    The same for 2020, independents voting against Trump giving Biden a 54-41 margin over Trump. What’s weird is independents this time were fairly evenly split on Trump’s policies, for some, against some. It was once again the man they were voting against. Not necessarily his policies. What’s more interesting is those who voted purely against a candidate, not for any candidate, just against. What I call the anti-vote, Biden won the anti-vote 68-30 over Trump which made up a quarter of all those who voted in 2020.

    2022 was supposed to be a referendum on Biden and his first two years of his presidency. But somehow the Democrats after beginning in August when Trump entered the fray with his chosen candidates, 2022 became more of a referendum on Trump than Biden. With Biden having only a 42% overall job approval, a red wave election should have happened, instead you got a red trickle. One could call 2022 a blue trickle if one likes since the Democrats gained a senate seat and 2 governorships while limiting their house loses to 9 seats. Below puts this into a historical context with midterms where presidents hovered around 40% overall job approval.

    Biden 2022 42% lost 9 house seats, gained 1 senate seat, gained 2 governorship

    Trump 2018 40% lost 44 house seats, 3 senate seats, 6 governors

    Obama 2010 42% lost 63 house seats, 6 senate seats, 4 governors

    G.W. Bush 2006 33% lost 33 house seats, 6 senate seats, 6 governors

    Bill Clinton 1994 42% lost 54 house seats, 9 senate seats, 1 governor

    How 2024 plays out, too early to tell or predict. The one thing for certain is independents still don’t like Trump, the man, the person, the individual. Giving Trump 36% favorable/58% unfavorable.

    However, Biden is in as bad shape with independents as Trump is for different reasons. Independents don’t like Trump’s obnoxious, uncouth, rude persona, his childish antics like name calling and throwing temper tantrums along with his schoolyard bullying tactics. But were mostly fine with his policies. Biden, they think his job performance sucks. His policies are out of whack, they worry about his age and stamina, if he can survive another 4 years. If the election were held today, they’d split the independent vote which benefit Trump since he lost independents by 13 points in 2020. But there is such a long time to go, anything can happen, and anything will certainly happen.
    gfm7175 likes this.
  22. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    While I disagree with a decent portion of the case that you're making (and I believe I've already rebutted much of your comment in my prior comment), I do appreciate the civil dialogue and your reasoned/polite presentation of a different point of view. I do generally agree with the conclusion of your response that I quoted.

    Maybe in time you'll become more in alignment with my point of view. Maybe not. --- I'm willing to bet that you'd cast your vote for Trump in 2024 if he were the eventual nominee (you don't come across as a "never-Trumper" to me).

    I, on the other hand, am vehemently "only-Trump" at this point. I wasn't quite old enough to vote "for" McCain (against Obama) in 2008, but I would've if I could've. I voted "for" Romney (against Obama) in 2012. I voted for Trump (but also against Clinton) in 2016. I wholeheartedly voted FOR Trump in 2020. In 2024, I am done with holding my nose for any and all "professionally Republican" candidates, even if the alternative is a communist Democrat (such as Joe Biden or Gavin Newsome). If the Republican candidate is not Trump, then I will be writing in Trump's name.

    There's wayyyyyyy more "only-Trump" people like me out there than there are "never-Trump" people. Ergo, if R-voters want to win, then R-voters need to get behind Trump. Without the "only-Trump" vote, R's will experience 1992 on steroids (no need for election fraud) and Joe Biden will stumble and fall onto the election stage, actually being elected rather than (s)elected.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
    perotista likes this.
  23. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    I never liked Trump. As retired military, I didn’t like the way he dissed McCain. As a Vietnam Vet, McCain was more or less a hero to us having survived all that time in the Hanoi Hilton. I also disliked the way he put down a gold star family because their politics were different than his. McCain was my type of Republican in his politics. I voted for him in 2008. Perhaps I’m more in line with Reagan with his don’t speak ill of fellow republicans. I voted third party in 2016, against both Trump and Clinton. I really disliked Trump’s childish antics, his name calling and throwing temper tantrums like a spoiled 4-year-old brat along with his 3rd grade schoolyard bullying tactics. Heck, Trump has spent more time attacking republicans than democrats.

    I did vote for Biden in 2020, Trump’s behavior to me was way below the dignity the office of the presidency deserved. Trump’s persona was more suited for a WWE wrestler in a pre-fight interview than the occupant of the oval office. I still feel that way about him. Had Trump had the personality of a Reagan, Bill Clinton or even an Obama, I think he’d have won reelection in 2020 easily. As I stated, it wasn’t his policies that folks voted against, it was Trump himself, the man, his obnoxious and rude persona. I think if Trump is the GOP nominee, he’ll be on the campaign trail from September until election day, that I think will remind a lot of independents why they disliked him so much as to vote for an tired, old, dour, unenthusiastic, inspirational, someone devoid of a personality, a gaff prone talking statue, but acted more like an adult, how folks thought a presidential candidate should act and behave.

    2024 has the feel of being much more like 2016 than 2020 to me. By that I mean there seems at this point, the two parties will offer up two unwanted, disliked candidates ALA 2016. Only Republicans want Trump, only Democrats want Biden, independents want neither. How that turns out, time will tell. I do predict however a low voter turnout as a lot of independents will stay home instead of choosing between two unwanted candidates, that the third-party vote against both major party candidates will be as high or higher than in 2016 as they vote against both.
  24. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    It could be argued that running against Trump is not necessarily stabbing him in the back.

    Yes, Trump may have played some role in helping DeSantis get to where he is, but that does not mean that DeSantis is obligated to show "loyalty" by not running against him.

    Some (not me) might argue that DeSantis thinks he can improve the chances of a Republican win by running, or think he might be better for the party or the country. If he legitimately believes this, then the argument for betrayal becomes weaker.
    gfm7175 and AARguy like this.
  25. Imnotreallyhere

    Imnotreallyhere Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Go ahead, vote for TFG. Help elect an arrogant, stupid, traitorous, criminal bigot to the White House. You will at some point have to deal with the results of your own stupidity.

    TFG is a self centered scumbag who dodged the draft.

    He was not a good POTUS, accomplishing little other than alienating our allies and encouraging our foes. You don't really have to do much opposition research on him; just listen to what he accuses other people of and check him out for it.
    Don't care for Biden either. You're going pretty far afield in your defense of TFG. This was supposed to be about TFG vs De Santis. Now, all of a sudden Biden is your topic. It's almost as if you're moving goalposts around.

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