Hard Truths no one wants to hear

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Oldyoungin, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Did you know if you put clothing on a straw man you can then call it a scarecrow?

    The bottom line is that the government is not your baby daddy, if you cannot afford to feed it then you should not breed it.

    Have a little bit of personal responsibility for your own choices.
  2. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    So you STILL want to punish the adults and don't care if the kids suffer with them. Got it.
  3. Bullseye

    Bullseye Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Well one out of four is better than I thought you'd do.
  4. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Have you given your scarecrow a name yet?
    Maybe I can adopt it so I can act like I have a kid of my own instead of going to work to pay taxes to take care of other people's kids that I never had.

    Maybe I can send them off to school and pay for their student loans and give them free medical care and free everything else.

    Possibly I could get a postcard once a month from my adopted kids to see how they're doing somewhat like when you adopt one of those starving children in Africa.

    At least I should be able to see the progress my vicarious children are making through their life.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2024
  5. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Joke all you want but that IS what you and turtledude mean.
  6. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I know right? How horrible and heartless of us to be of the opinion that people should stop having children they can't afford to raise.
  7. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Nope, the part where you don't care if kids suffer.
  8. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Yes of course, I like to put the young tender succulents on the grill.
  9. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I'm not surprised.
  10. FAW

    FAW Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    I would think this would be self explanatory but I will expound.

    What you said specifically was just as I quoted from you...

    "I wish to dispute #2. Abortion is a medical procedure. Our medical records are none of the government's business. Placing arbitrary limits based on emotional views of pregnancy and abortion is a violation of the personal protections afforded by Section 1 of the 4th Amendment."

    The reason that I asked why you think that according to the 14 amendment (My assumption is that you mistakenly said 4th while meaning 14th) it is ok to regulate other medical procedures while not violating privacy rights but doing so with abortion is a violation?

    The point being that regulating these procedures in no way requires private health information in order to be regulated, abortion included.

    That is the point I am making that you are not grasping.

    In other words, what is it about an abortion procedure that you THINK requires private health information to enforce that makes it different from regulating any other medical procedure which would require the exact same amount of detail? My position is that there is not a difference. None of them actually require private health information. Details about procedures can legally be shared freely, it only becomes private information when a name is attached to the details. A name is not required in order to regulate what the doctor can and cannot perform.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2024
  11. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    The real answer is unfortunately not something that can be done by government management or laws.

    The condition of a society is the composite of the people who make it up. Like creating anything like a team- the quality of those who are part of it control the potential.
    Thus, the qualities that make individuals strong or weak- will make the society they are part of.... strong or weak. Honest... or dishonest.

    ALL the money comes from the people. Inflation and printing money devalues the currency- but the real value of money is in the values of the production it represents. So long as money represents productivity, it serves us well. However, it is human nature to take the easiest answers- and once a nation starts distributing money without requiring productivity, more and more people will endorse that and vote for the leaders who will give them more of it. Giving money away is dangerous; taking money you haven't earned is addictive. This is detrimental to both the government and the people in the long run. You wind up with a population that depends on taking money from the productive people to subsidize the unproductive people. With a government that finds there is power in making people dependent on government aid and the power to redistribute wealth from those who produce to those who will not.

    It all comes down to the character quality of the people who make up the society. The people who promote dependency will tell us we can make better people by subsidizing them with free money... Yet that creates more people who are more dependent, and will raise children who know nothing but dependency as a lifestyle. Once that is embedded, imprinted by the child's early environment- it is almost impossible to reverse.

    The individual issues we argue over are almost irrelevant to the trajectory of the nation; they are the concerns of people unable to manage themselves in the world, and expecting the world to adjust for them.
    And- there are as many different demands as there are people, so that can never happen. We have failed, generation by generation over the last hundred years, to retain the personal qualities that a healthy society must have to remain prosperous and free. We have cultivated weakness to the point that it constitutes a majority, and will only vote for those who feed their dependency- and their need to feed on other peoples productivity. It becomes a culture where nobody is willing to plant and nurture a garden, when they can steal from their neighbor's garden.... until, there is nobody left who is willing to plant a garden.

    To change the course of the nation, you must change the perceptions of the people who make it up- make them see that the easy choice is the worst choice. This condition took many generations to come to where it is- and virtually all who are part of it think it's not their fault, and someone else will fix it for them. Pay for it, pay them so they don't have to struggle. IF we have any chance to change this trajectory, it would need to start with leadership that turned away from creating dependency- and modeled the qualities in government that the people need to emulate. Unfortunately, that would not be popular. Once you are addicted and dependent on something besides yourself and your own productive abilities, you are addicted, as surely as if you were on heroin.

    Over 200 years ago, a professor in Scotland recognized this pattern, and wrote about it. You can see that we have followed the pattern, and where we are in it today.

    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

    From bondage to spiritual faith;
    From spiritual faith to great courage;
    From courage to liberty;
    From liberty to abundance;
    From abundance to selfishness;
    From selfishness to apathy;
    From apathy to dependence;
    From dependence back into bondage.”

    ― Alexander Fraser Tytler
  12. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    If you don't understand the many possible dangers that often do not manifest themselves until the second or even third trimester, try to refrain from voicing such an uninformed decision. Go do some research, I double-dog dare ya.
  13. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    That's as far as I got. I am not talking about Roe.

    Amendment 4, Section 1:

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    The contents or condition of my uterus should not be subject to government scrutiny of any sort, for any reason. I can't think of a more unreasonable "search."

    File all of this under "Be careful what you wish for." For decades, the right has been working towards stacking the court in order to get Roe reversed. They want it to be about states rights.

    The dog has finally caught the car, and has no clue what to do with it. Alabama says that a frozen embryo is a child. Now Arizona is reinstating a law from 1864. (I've always thought that conservatives wanted to return us to the 50s. I had no idea that they meant the 1850s.)

    Americans are voting down abortion bans in state after state. The Republican party is losing support and donations over this issue, and it's impossible for them to flip-flop in the eyes of all but the most gullible. They are facing the loss of the House, and maybe the Senate as well. The right opened this can of worms, and now they're reaping their just rewards.
  14. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    It's much safer to get an abortion as soon as possible and much less barbaric.

    How about except in the cases of rape, the father must consent to the abortion as well since the mother had to consent to the conception and it takes two people to create a baby?

    I see you're not very big at all on the rights of the would be father.
  15. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    No, you're right, I'm not big on the rights of the father. He got his rocks off and had a good time. She probably did, too. The difference is tha he can walk away from the consequences (and they so often do), but she has the full burden. How dare anyone question her decision for her life?

    Yes, early abortions are safer than later abortions, and also much safer than carrying any pregnancy to term. Women risk their lives in order to continue the species. The least we can do is leave them alone and allow them to make their own decisions, without the involvement of anyone that they don't wish to tell. That includes the father. Sorry, but that's my opinion, formed by a long lifetime of having men try to tell me what's best for me.

    My body, my business. Period.
  16. cristiansoldier

    cristiansoldier Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    These are difficult topics with no easy answers.

    1. I disagree that the only way stop school shootings or at least lower the number is to ban all guns. It is not the guns that is leading to all of the gun violence it is our culture. Look at Canada where there are still lots of guns but their mass shooting are nowhere near as high per capita.

    2. The problem with abortion is that one side believes it is murder. If you believe that abortion is murder and if you believe that once a fetus has a heartbeat it is a person it is pretty difficult to for the pro life side to agree on a number if they believe it leads to the murder of children. The smart thing to do is make it non political. Republicans should not run on the issue and leave it for a far right third party.

    3. I think welfare and safety nets is a topic where you can get compromise. We having been robing future generations forever and we will continue to do so until the system collapses.

    4. Illegal immigration has to stop. The problem is republicans have morphed the anti illegal immigration issue into being anti immigrants. I think we need way tougher immigration standards, period. At the same time I recognize the value that legal immigrants bring.
  17. FAW

    FAW Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    My bad, I incorrectly assumed you meant Roe and right to privacy etc.

    FWIW, I am pro abortion and always have been. With that being said, Roe was a faulty interpretation IMHO. When it passed in 72 or so, there were already many states that had legalized abortion as that was a topic in that time period. Roe circumvented all of that, and artificially found a right that was never intended in the Constitution. If they had not done that, this issue would have long since worked out all of its kinks in all states and it would be a non story. Since it did introduce a faulty interpretation (IMO), it short circuited what would have been the natural evolution of this process.

    Even in the current chaotic period where states are working through this, it has not created mass chaos where women that want abortions are not getting them. There is a lot of bluster from the left on the topic, but the truth is, the Armageddon is not actually occuring.

    As far as the search and seizure part, I feel like I addressed that concept by correctly pointing out that you do not need personal health information to prove a doctor is performing an illegal procedure, whatever that procedure may be. You may need personalized health information to prove the individual got an illegal procedure, but with all procedures that are illegal, it is the doctor, not the patient that would logically be the target.
  18. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    The only way to completely stop school shootings is to identify young sociopaths and get they away from society.

    Abortion is either right or wrong - good or bad. How does the time frame have anything to do with that?

    No efforts on the part of government to reduce poverty have succeeded. It is none of government's business. It is a personal issue.

    No, the democrats are importing people who can gerrymander the cities and vote for them after the "path to citizenship." They are addressing their party goals. Government should always address equality, not equity. I don't think safety nets do that.

    I just did.
    gorfias likes this.
  19. gorfias

    gorfias Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Evil finds a way. Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster
    FAW likes this.

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