To anybody who believes the Hamas-Israel protests are two-dimensional...

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Golem, Apr 22, 2024.

  1. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    You're a liar. I didn't question the existence of the PLO as you so brazenly misrepresent. I stated they are not under attack, so protests calling for them to stop being under attack are not going on. Hamas is, and the protests are in support of Hamas and using Hamas' slogan.

    From the river to the sea means there is no Israel anymore dude. Look at a ****ing map.

    Further: I don't ****ing watch fox news *******nit.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
  2. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Of course they are! The PLO are Palestinians. That's the whole point! When Israel attacks Gaza they are killing Hamas terrorists AND people who support the PLO!

    You have too much research to do before you grasp the basics of this conflict and of the protests.

    I don't give a rat's ass what you watch or don't watch. The NONSENSE you spew originates in Fox News. Whether you get it directly or indirectly from them makes no difference.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
  3. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Gaza is not under the control of the PLO, its under the control of Hamas. The PLO is not under attack, and the protests and threats are not in aid of the PLO but of Hamas.

    You literally do give a rat's ass, you claim I'm watching something I'm not watching. In point of fact, what I 'spew' originates with the protesters own words if you'd only listen to what they're saying.
    I know you have trouble with listening to what people actually say, rather than what you'd prefer to hear. But you need to grow up and get over that ****.
    mngam and Ddyad like this.
  4. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Everybody in Gaza is under attack. PLO and civilians who are completely apolitical. That's why there are protests. If the IDF are not capable of limiting the non-Hamas deaths, then they need to pull out and try something different. A two-state solution, according to protesters (and to the PLO)
  5. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    The PLO is not in Gaza. Hamas controls Gaza, the PLO does not. Explicitly. They voted on it and everything, and then Hamas refused to ever hold elections again and has never been deposed.
    Not PLO territory.

    Further: Hamas uses the slogan, Hamas is who they're saying stop shooting at and bombing.

    Still further: Hamas uses human shields. That's a war crime, the fault for which lies on the shield user, not the person who shoots anyway.

    We all got together and voted on the rules of war, signed on to them and all.
    This is within those rules, and its why Hamas should not have been stupid enough to FAFO and demand an existential war to the knife with their far militarily superior neighbor.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
  6. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Of course it's in Gaza. What are you talking about? I mean, not the Organization, but... Ah... forget it!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
  7. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I think you convinced me – there is no reason for American students to protest against any murder, rape and kidnapping, if America supports victims and not attackers.
    I would call it ‘American progressive humanism’.

    Yes, NRWA is a UN fund for Palestinian refugees, not other refugees have an agency dedicated only for them – not Sudan refugees, no Syrian refugees, no Armenian refugees, no Rohingya refugees. Why?
    I think because Palestinians are so special – on Oct 7 they murdered 1200 Israelis, raped Israeli women, kidnapped more than 200 hostages and American students still didn’t find any reason to condemn murders, rapes and kidnapping. True, Palestinians can convince anyone or at least progressive American students.

    Another example of these special people: Hamas is fundamental Muslim organization, in its chapter they wrote very clearly – they are against two state solution, they want replace Israel with Muslim state, were every person will be free according to the Sharia Law, especially women, gays, lesbians, atheists and apostates. And Hamas got unconditional support from students and many progressive.
    What will happen than to women, gays, lesbians, atheists and apostates? It is stupid question not worth to answering.

    Hamas wrote in it chapter: “Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea”.
    The war is in Gaza with Hamas, but some progressive defenders "proved" that protesting students chanting ‘from the river to the sea’ don’t want to destroy the only democratic country in the Middle East. "From the river to the sea" means... it means, it means something very progressive and very good.
  8. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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  9. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Maher hits it out of the park again:
  10. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Does the Right really have that much power:
  11. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    The hogwash just never stops with you. Hamas is the chosen government of the Palestinian people, those people put them in power. Even now, they still back them. That government planned and carried out the most heinous attack since the WWII Nazi death camps- on Isralei civilians, women and children. The outrageous crimes of those soldiers were not excesses, they were part of the plan of the Gaza government, and the purpose of this attack was to do two things- express the endless hatred of the Jews that has been an essential element of the Islamic religion since it began 1600 years ago- and to start a war to finally kill them all. That is fact. Those people chose this government and this war. Now they hate the Jews even more for winning it. It's obvious the Israelis don't seek to kill all Palestinians, but they do intend to destroy every trace of Hamas, and eliminate the potential for anything like it to rebuild anytime soon.

    Actions must have consequences. Wise people learn from them- obsessed or foolish people don't. When they don't, the consequences get stronger. The death and destruction in Gaza today was brought on by the choices of the Palestinians. The people of Gaza, the civilians- are not innocent bystanders, they have wished death to the Jewish people all their lives- it's been bred into them. In this case- they are participants in the battle, because they created and supplied the monsters who commited the initial offense. So- they got the war they wanted. All they have to do to end it is to surrender and release any hostages they haven't killed yet, and turn over the core criminals to the face trials for war crimes.

    One truth that has always been true is that Israel gets along fine with any people who aren't obsessed with killing them.

    As for these fools demonstrating on campuses.... The think with child minds, and much like those obsessed with destroying Jews. They have been allowed to transgress and get toleration of their abuse a good part of their lives. Not protesting for justice- protesting to protect the right to abuse others.
    Again.... actions must have consequences- especially stupid actions.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  12. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    And Netanyahu is the chosen government of the Israeli people. Hamas won by a small margin elections held three decades ago. Netanyahu is a corrupt criminal who accepts bribes and commits fraud, but keeps still getting reelected.

    Those are facts. But NONE of them justify the slaughter of innocent Palestinians. And it most definitely does not justify that WE keep funding that slaughter.

    The consequences must NOT be suffered by innocent people. And if to spare the life of the innocent, guilty people get away, so be it! Because killing MORE innocent people is, not "punishment", but simply... committing MORE crime.

    The IDF has proven it is incompetent. It is unable to punish guilty people without themselves committing MORE crime. If you are incapable of doing something without killing innocent people, you must STOP doing it!

    But Israel is a sovereign nation. They can do whatever the hell they want. But if even then they INSIST on killing innocent people. WE need to stop funding it!

    And that is what the protests are about...
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  13. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    As usual, you invent your own facts.

    I have yet to see any reports to back up what you say about Netanyahu. And- the people of Gaza are not innocents, they are the people who have accepted and supported the Hamas policie and actions.
    If you feed the beast- you empower the beast... and you are responsible for the beast.

    Hamas opened the door and intentionally provoked war- and the people of Gaza supplied the soldiers, the money, the hide-outs...... And they failed to leave when Israel warned them well in advance, giving them the opportunity to stay out of the war zone. The consequences of promoting war invariably fall on the people who allowed it, uniformed or not. It's like taking your kid with you to go up to a sleeping bear, kick it's face and then claiming the kid should be ignored. The responsibility for civilian casualties falls totally on Hamas and the people themselves. Sorry- NO sympathy from me for people who harbor that kind of hate.
    They should have considered the consequences in advance. They can end it today- by surrender.
  14. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    What are you talking about? His bribery and fraud corruption cases? Being Prime Minister of Israel is the only thing that keeps him out of prison. This is why the PROTESTS are the ONLY possible way to remove him from power. He's not going to resign off his own accord.

    You should stop using "I have yet to see" as an argument. Clearly you are an avid consumer of right wingnut media. You "have yet to see" about 90% of reality that the rest of us DO see.

    They have NOT. But even if they did, that does NOT justify genocide. And it most definitely DOES NOT justify us funding it.

    This is like saying that Americans deserved to be slaughtered because we elected Trump. They elected Hamas three decades ago in their first election EVER. They likely didn't even understand what "voting" meant. But, after that, Hamas grabbed onto power in Gaza forever. Unlike them, YOU have had the chance to vote all your life. So YOU should understand what voting means and doesn't mean. Clearly you don't!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  15. Esau

    Esau Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    you seem to be confusing palestinians for the ppl who actually did try and almost succeed in wiping out the WJE (White Jewish Europeans), white European Germans.


    icannot find any information or evidence to support the claim that Hamas raped anybody. It's crucial to verify such serious allegations through reliable sources before sharing or believing them.
  16. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I'm an observer- not a consumer. And I examine what I see- I don't buy it without question. You should try filtering the BS from your left-wing "news" sources. If you did, there would be nothing left.
    Most media has long since forgotten what truth is, or what the journalistic ethic was about.

    Trump is hated for trying to clean up the swamp of corruption..... and the corrupt depend on it. Of course they created a vendetta of hate, they certainly can't retain power or defeat Trump on the basis of performance.

    Joe just topped a Gallup poll as the worst president in history- and he's at the core of corruption in his own administration. Yet weak people continue to buy false promises and free money, and the corrupt uses them to stay in power. Hamas has remained in power because the Palestinians need their hate fed, just like the Trump-haters do. Many people thrive on hate, because it distracts them from realizing they have nothing else going for them. Human weakness, and it always results in them getting used.

    The Palestinians can revolt, just like any people. But they do in fact still poll as supporting the Hamas government, even with Gaze in ruins. This isn't just Hamas, and I think you know that. Islam is built around hate, and hate must have a target. Muhammed knew that, and marked the Jewish people as the great evil that prevents Islam from ruling the world. when he created Islam. Islam's babies are taught to hate jews. It's bred into them as a hate-for-life mission. Study the history. Read the Koran. Muhammed laid it down in the beginning. The Palestinian people are just carrying it on, and they are responsible for the consequences that brings. They put their children in the line of fire today, but if it wasn't now, in 20 years those children would be Hamas terrorists too. As I said before- they can surrender or meet the terms for a cease-fire anytime, and end the war.

    Genocide is an intent to destroy a people not because of a clear cause, but on the basis that they are who they are. Race, religion, etc. Thus- the term genocide is what the Palestinians and most of Islam wants- the death of all Jews. THAT is the genocidal intent here. Israel is defending itself from that heinous act perpetrated by Palestinians. If it intended to wipeout all civilians in Gaza there would have been no warnings to evacuate, no delays. Hamas on the other hand, is using their own civilians as cannon fodder, hiding their soldiers in the midst of civilians, in schools and hospitals- so they can convince the ignorant to buy into the idea that the Israeli's are the evil. That's how they see their own people- expendable, to serve as propaganda.

    You're proving people buy it.
  17. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Ok. That sound promising.

    By making all future Presidents immune to being prosecuted?????? Any corrupt candidate with aspirations to becoming President would be THRILLED! I admire your confidence that Biden is not corrupt, since you don't think he'll use this power that Trump seeks... but I don't have as much confidence in him as you do. And even less in FUTURE presidents.

    Clearly you're not an observer. You're not only a consumer of fake nonsense. You help spread it!

    Anyway... this thread is about the protests. You keep going off-topic. Please stop doing that!

    Let's see what you have to say about that. Because, so far, this is becoming ridiculous.

    ... or WHERE they are. You missed that one, for some reason. Was it because that's the ONLY one relevant in this thread?

    And the tactic WORKS. Because Israel has been killing those civilians like flies. The IDF has been incapable to work around that tactic. If they can't do it, they are incompetent and they need to STOP. If they refuse to stop, WE need to stop funding them.

    That's what the protests are hoping to achieve.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
  18. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    No, didn't confuse German Nazis with Palestinians Nazis. It look that Palestinian Nazis forgot that this time Jews are armed. What amazing me, that after defeat Palestinian Nazis insist they will continue the same attacks on Israel - it looks they care about Palestinian population even less than German Nazis cared about German population:


    as I said, I know an Israeli who claims that he cannot find any information or evidence to support the claim that Israel harmed any innocent person. I know that it is crucial to verify such serious allegations through reliable sources before sharing or believing them.

    Yes, I know that some people no evidence will convince - Mark Twain wrote something about it, but I don't remember what exactly he said.
  19. Esau

    Esau Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    You specifically made a claim which iDuly debunked. Now you make a strawman to beat down to restore some non existent integrity. Whataboutisms does not atone for your slander of the palestinian militia.

    Perhaps don't make things up in future. That might get your pov a bit of support.

    Indeed you are confusing palestinians with white europeans that very nearly wiped out all the WJE (white Jewish Europeans) . Palestinians are merely defending their homes from a brutal and vicious occupation by non other than white europeans.

    It seems like it is white europeans, be they Jewish or nazi, that is the one slaughtering thousands upon thousands of women and children, AGAIN.

    So let's not get it twisted. The massacres discussed here are being perpetuated by white Europeans.

    Any defense of this is one born of pure evil and evil shall not prevail since humanities power ultimately resides in love, not hate
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2024
    Grau likes this.
  20. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    The protesters- are just airheads who think bitching fixes things, and they don't particularly know what or how. If anything, their fundamental purpose is to cause chaos. Not one of them has any idea how to address or fix the whole issue. The larger problem is this mindset, which takes that same lack of awareness of the overall picture and ignores it for some brain-fart of the moment.

    It's always one-sided with the left. Make the world conform to us, so we don't have to think or change. These are people incapable of managing anything, even themselves.

    Remember, Hamas made the rules when they planned their attack. Anything less than that standard is a freebie. And Joe is the most corrupt president by far. Worst of all- it's not just taking money, it's screwing all Americans and sabotaging the future. Only people lost in fantasy can't see that. You've been sold out, and appreciate it.
  21. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Of course I didn’t confuse Palestinian Nazis with German Nazis, what happen is very simple:
    On Oct 7 Palestinian Nazis attacked Israel committing genocide, murdering, raping and kidnapping.
    After Israel recovered and attacked Palestinian Nazis bases in Gaza, Palestinian Nazis called their supporters all over the world begging them to defend genocide they committed. And Palestinian Nazis supporters responded, claiming that Palestinian Nazis did not murder, did not raped and did not kidnapped – it was Jews who murdered their owed people, Claudine Gay publicly claimed that calling for murder of Jews is not harassment, because it depending on context, and every Nazi supporter knew which context she meant.

    So this is the reason today Palestinian Nazi supporters condemn Israel only , because in their eyes murdering, raping and kidnapping of Jews never happened, the same as German Nazi supporters claim the Holocaust never happened.

    Any defense born of pure evil and evil shall not prevail since humanities power ultimately resides in love, not hate.
  22. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Indeed, some do see it that way. And it is true that the pinnacle of humanity is in love, and that hate is destructive to all, especially those who harbor it.

    One point we should recognize is that people have to agree to allow hate to fill them and dictate their actions, and they are responsible for that state.
    When you become a device of hate, people responding with love isn't going to change that- but it's going to make them easy victims.
    Destroying evil is something we sometimes must do, if we are to preserve love for good.
  23. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    That makes no difference if they're RIGHT! If you can't rebut the POINT they're making, that would make them airheads who just happen to be right. So I'll skip the nonsense.

    The plan appears to have been that Hamas would attack, they would hide behind civilians, and that the IDF would be incompetent and slaughter innocent people. It worked! The IDF WAS incompetent! So now the IDF needs to stop killing innocent people. But if they keep doing it, we need to stop funding it.
  24. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Emphasis mine. THAT's what I'm talking about. The PLO was explicitly voted OUT of Gaza in 06 and no elections have been allowed by Hamas since.

    The PLO does not exist in Gaza, Hamas does.
  25. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I have no problem rebutting the point, if the point is that civilian palestinians are being killed in the attacks to destroy Hamas- Yes, they are.
    IS that Israel's intent, their target? NO. Should they let the Hamas terrorists off because the civilians allow themselves to be used as cover? Hell no.
    In WWII- the allies bombed German cities, and destroyed them. They bombed German factories and destroyed them. In all these incidents, non-combatants were killed- because they were in the way of defeating an enemy that was dedicated to destroying the rest of the world. Many of those killed were in some way facilitating the ability of the German army to attack the world, and that makes them a target.
    Guns empower soldiers, ammunition empowers guns, beans empower soldiers. That makes the soldier dependent on both ammunition- and beans. Destroy the ammo factory or the bean farm- and you take power from the soldier. Basic military strategy. Whatever empowers the capacity of your enemy- is a viable target.

    We make rules for war- I think mainly to appease the pacifists. In a fight for the right to live, there are no rules that can't be broken. Hamas has shown its total disregard for rules, both those of international law and human decency. Hamas is Palestine until the Palestinian people say otherwise. Until then, Gaza- is Hamas. Gaza civilians are Hamas. Until they say- NO MORE, and help the Isralies destroy Hamas. Turn them in. Point them out. Tell where the hostages are hidden. where the tunnels are, where the arms are. They DO know those things. They CAN end the war.

    The airheads are in the wrong place, talking to the wrong people. Send them to Gaza, so they can protest to Hamas. They will become new hostages and Hamas will use them as leverage and political pawns,
    in the meantime raping, beating and killing them for entertainment- and the civilians won't do a damn thing to stop it.

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