Ostap Bender
Last Activity:
May 5, 2022
Aug 13, 2008
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Ostap Bender

Well-Known Member, from Alabama

Ostap Bender was last seen:
May 5, 2022
    1. Jollee
    2. HillBilly
      Ostap , I believe that DocDread deserves a fair hearing from you... the man has made a public apology on PF for his inappropiate comments , and with all respect to you , I believe him to be honest and sincere...

      Now , you know that I took RST & Doc to task for their posts , and Doc is the only one that has made any effort to mend the fences...

      You do what you want , I ain't telling you what to do , ok ? But from where I sit , I say give the man a break... he made a bad post , but he was a big enough man to admit it..

      and , he has made a public apology on PF to you..
    3. EZ-E
      OSTAP - Im about to leave this site. I'm getting tired of having my posts ripped down by the liberal moderators on here. I feel that I am unable to express my conservative views. Sadly though, I will miss this site. I need to go to a site where I can spew (haha) my views to try to convine the liberal idiots out there. Perhpas I will be back some time........Thanks for all the support. Eric.
    4. Doc Dred
    5. Doc Dred
      Doc Dred
      ok i regret posting the filth...but i never compared the Holy Bible to a vibrator...it was a bad way of describing and comparing people that don't believe in dinasaurs cause they are not mentioned in the Bible..

      please will you talk to hillbilly that you might have read me wrong please.
    6. jedimiller
      Yeah OB, thanks I tried but it was too late! GOD BLESS YOU!!
    7. Doc Dred
      Doc Dred
      We might go toe to toe on some things...but i do respect you and i chose a song for you in the new game in off chat section...member song game...cheers
    8. Johntherepublican
      Ostap Bender
      Dear John! Please help and post your support for Mauri Juiju-Freedom as a new mod for Religion Sub-Forum!


      Dear Ostap the threads in the link you sent me are all closed, but however I will support your new mod especially if they don't delete your threads because you're just making a statement. I think statement can lead to a lot of discussion.
    9. Fish
      I did offer my support to her individually. The thread was closed before I could post.
    10. HillBilly
      Mak is Frodly's sugar daddy... just wanted ya to know....

      Ostap , the only way that we can take control of the Religious threads is for ALL of us to start reporting as off post or insulting these outrageous and demeaning posts made by flamebaiters and such scum...

      we need to make targets of these posters , and try to get them either BANNED , or at the very least , have their comments deleted by a Mod...

      That's the only way that we will have any peace with our posts ,,, I wish that it could be otherwise , but ,, alas , we are in the Lions Den , are we not ???
    11. Sibboleth
      I wanted to reply to something you wrote, but unfortunately that LIB Mak closed the thread.

      Genuine Americans are conservative Christians, who have values and respect for great American culture and history, not gangs of liberals, who like only sex, drugs, alcohol and Obama.

      I just wanted you to know that I love sex, drugs, alcohol, and consider myself a genuine, American patriot. Your fallacy is in believing that only Christians can be good people and that only Christianity can save the world. In your mind that may be, but in a reality based community, a true religion does not force itself on others, and sensible people know that moral people are present in every religion and belief system.

    12. Never Left
      Never Left
      Let me know where to go, you posted a link that was closed.
    13. superdude17*
      the thread is closed??
    14. OneThunder
      The thread has been closed.
    15. Frogger

      I would gladly vote for Mauri but that thread has been closed.
    16. DorkdoltConservative
      Thread closed... but i support the idea!!!
    17. flounder
      OK,,,,give me a minute I will stop over
    18. flounder
      Yes that might be a good idea. Start a new thread and people can vote if they like the idea
    19. flounder
      Why dont you make a new thread with a vote
    20. flounder
      Ostap,,,what do you mean, on that thread you want me to say something?
    21. flounder
      Yes I will vote but I do not see a area to vote just the thread.....Where do I go?
    22. Talon
      You're welcome, OB. Thanks for the laugh - your thread brightened my afternoon. :)
    23. Talon
    24. Jiyuu-Freedom
      Thank you. I am very blessed and they are good girls. No drugs. They both have good jobs and are going to be alright:) God is good.


      P.S. God Bless you too.
    25. Jiyuu-Freedom
      Hello:) That is my youngest daughter, Marina. She is 18. Since they started the PF cruise thread, I thought I would be playful and look bright and sunny! My next avatar will be my other daughter, Laicy. She is 20...lol.

      I appreciate our friendship. I do.

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