‘’Do what you should and come what may’’

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Victor Borodulin, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. Victor Borodulin

    Victor Borodulin New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    As far as I became aware very recently from a book on India that was published (in Russian) in Moscow (''India. The Wandering Bliss'' written by Victoria Dmitrieva, talented interpreter and scholar on Hinduism and Sanscrit) renowned swami Muktananda mentioned in 1978 or 1979 that there was a Russian boy aged 10 who resided in Russia then (the Soviet Union or USSR) who would preach the Bhagavad Gita in its true and original meaning and without numerous interpretations.

    Although I am a humble person I reckon that there is a probability that swami Muktanada referred to me.

    Firstly, I was born on 09th of May, 1969 in Moscow.

    Secondly, although I do not belong to any religious group at the moment I can daresay that I am deeply religious person. (As it was mentioned in The Rig Veda: “Truth is one, but the wise men know it as many; God is one, but we can approach Him in many ways.”)

    Thirdly, starting on 06th of April, 2018 (prior to the purchase of the above-mentioned book) I started to distribute numerous emails to Russian, European and American activists, politicians, scientists, publicists, celebrities, spiritual leaders and common users of the Internet, Facebook and LiveJournal with the reference to Bhagavad Gita, and namely to one of the the most essential revelations from it: ‘’Do what you should and come what may’’. I can daresay that I mentioned that phrase in my messages and posts starting from 2015 since I consider it as a motto that I try to adhere to. My messages and posts were related to issues that are very sensitive not only to Russian politics but equally to politics of the UK and the USA.

    Fourthly, starting from my childhood I have an ability to either predict some events that many other people were not in a position to foresee or to interpret generally available information in a way that many other people failed to perceive in advance. That skill initially helped me in my profession (investment banker) and later allowed me to stay alive when I became a victim of a persecution campaign for my values and political views. Surely, that skill is not unique among humanity but is rather rare. Equally, that ability did not prevent me from making some minor mistakes in the past (either in business or in my private life). (By the way, I think that ''mistakes'' are sometimes an inevitable and essential aspect of a personal growth of an individual. But time and previous experience can surely improve the results that any person may achieve by having that skill. Especially in case a person may avoid illusions that influence all of us.)

    I am a former investment banker (former Head of Fixed Income and Equity trading at Gazprombank, a second largest bank in Russia, the banking arm of Gazprom, Russian gas monopoly) who is under tight persecution campaign that was initiated initially by Russian authorities for my public political views and allegations. Equally I can state that authorities and intelligence of several other countries: the United Kingdom, the USA and the State of Israel have been acting in unison with their Russian colleagues.

    I am rather fluent in English and studied French in Moscow institute of Finance (current name: University of Finance). Unfortunately I have read Bhagavad Gita not in the original but in Russian only. Although I have recently purchased several textbooks on Sanscrit and Hindi I can't speak or read in these languages yet since that will surely require significant efforts and time.

    As per now I am unemployed and destitute. My last position in banking ended with scandal and a further litigation in 2005. Since then I was either unemployed or worked as consultant in insurance, tutor of English, horse groom, cleaner in a Home for the aged, crew member at McDonald's, distributor of a daily newspaper at a tube station (underground).

    There were several attempts of my assassination while I resided in the UK (2005 – 2007) and shortly after my forced return to Russia. I presume the Russian authorities prefer me to die of starvation or depression than to kill me directly since my public statements and numerous emails and posts. I reckon my enemies have decided that my assassination would prove all my sensitive allegations about Kremlin, the Russian intelligence and their cooperation with politicians and intelligence of the UK and USA. My professional experience as a former banker and my personal experience as a former witness in a sensitive litigation in the USA against the Russian Federation, as a former aylum-seeker and political refugee may prove unequivocally that politicians of several countries (Russia, the UK and the USA) secretly collaborate in order to instigate conflicts and hostilities to achieve their mutual goals that are kept in secret from the general public.
  2. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Yes, when I saw the title, even before clicking on the thread, the subject in the title struck me as very Indian.
    Sort of the "Just carry out your duty" instruction in the Bhagavad Gita. (When Arjuna is feeling uncertain about proceeding with a battle to kill his relatives that will result in mass slaughter and many deaths, even though it's actually for a righteous cause since his rival family members are trying to usurp the kingdom)

    Yes, it's difficult for Russians. And Europe is not the place of easy employment it used to be 15 years ago.

    It could just be paranoia on your part. Or the Russian authorities could have entered false information about you in a database shared with other countries to try to sabotage your chances of immigration and employment.

    Doesn't sound like the wisest thing to do in Russia. I'm not saying you are fundamentally wrong, but maybe you should temper your views a little bit for the sake of pragmatism. As the Bible says, "Honor the king" (1 Peter 2:17, and there's many corollary passages on this as well, we could have a long discussion on exactly what this means).

    Are you completely sure about this? Are you sure it is not just paranoia on your part? (I'm thinking if they wanted you dead, you would most likely be dead)
    If you want anyone to believe such claims, it would help if you gave some more specific details.

    That could well be possible in certain situations, but you are being very vague.

    If you're not able to communicate your message clearly, precisely, and succinctly to other people, it's all but useless. I don't want to criticize you but you're not really making any precise points, or giving enough detail to make some of your claims/accusations believable.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
  3. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    I don't think I would be posting my personal information on a popular political site if I had assassins after me.

    Just saying.

    Your OP touches on way too many subjects to give you a coherent reply on all of them.

    So I will just touch on one.

    If you do indeed have the ability you claim to, the CIA has active programs looking for people like you, not only to verify that its real but to also use for whatever they do.

    They would put you into a protection program and you would be set for life.
  4. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    I don't think I would be posting my personal information on a popular political site if I had assassins after me.

    Just saying.

    Your OP touches on way too many subjects to give you a coherent reply on all of them.

    So I will just touch on one.

    If you do indeed have the ability you claim to, the CIA has active programs looking for people like you, not only to verify that its real but to also use for whatever they do.

    They would put you into a protection program and you would be set for life.
  5. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Would all the above fall within the:


    Russian authorities, authorities and intelligence of several other countries: the United Kingdom, the USA and the State of Israel are Big time Players that you are claming were and had involvement to your: There were several attempts of my assassination due to reasons of being a: former witness in a sensitive litigation in the USA against the Russian Federation and also for being: I am a former investment banker (former Head of Fixed Income and Equity trading at Gazprombank, a second largest bank in Russia, the banking arm of Gazprom, Russian gas monopoly).

    What in heck does an investment banker, Head of fixed income, Equity trading and the second largest bank in Russia all have in common to be held in 1 job?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
  6. Victor Borodulin

    Victor Borodulin New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    My outgoing e-mails are surely deleted before they can reach any recipient. Phone is always dead with the exception of a very curious and suspicious phone calls. I can’t register at any forum in India since I don’t receive any e-mail from an administrator (surely they are deleted before they can be seen in my post). I am totally isolated by Russian intelligence here in Moscow. But thanks for ‘’good luck’’. Surely, that is something that I need.
  7. Victor Borodulin

    Victor Borodulin New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I am really quite impressed by very detailed, very thourough analysis of my post, litetally word by word. That is surely amazing. And just for such limited time since my post was published. Do you treat any new post with a similar attitude ? I should be happy for such attentive readers of my post ! I have surely succeded in life. No doubt whatsoever !!!

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