America, Woke up

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by stan1990, Aug 30, 2020.


Do you believe that

Poll closed Sep 29, 2020.
  1. BlackLivesMatter

    0 vote(s)
  2. BlueLivesMatter

    0 vote(s)
  3. RaccoonLivesMatter

  4. AllLivesMatter

  1. stan1990

    stan1990 Active Member

    Nov 15, 2018
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    BLM is a movement that reflects Black supremacist values. It reminds us of the Nzai party in Germany-Hitler. The Nazi party and BLM movement assemble many similarities. First of all, both aimed to disintegrate the state and its institutions. Second, the Nazi party defunded the police after winning the 1933 election in Germany, while BLM considers that an urgent demand. Finally, Both oppressed their opponents, and waged war on freedom of speech and other liberties values.

    Antifa is the other side of the coin. They are supposedly an anti-fascist movement. However, they are standing on the same side as with Fascism and Nazism. Antifa is an armed movement intended to change the status quo, not through the ballot box, but using violence. They function through different nameless groups to avoid being blamed and responsible. They have generous funding, and they are organized beyond what regular ordinary people could offer.

    It is not a secret that George Soros, the American businessman responsible for funding similar organizations all over the world, is responsible for funding Antifa too. It isn't coincident his statements about the Trump administration removed in 2020 and the Coronavirus crisis working side by side to dismantle the U.S government and American society altogether.

    Do All Black Lives Matter to BLM leaders, or it's a selective matter for them?

    BlackLivesMatter utilizes the use of the media to establish exclusive rights over the concept represented by BLM. I heard about people fired from their jobs because they call for AllLivesMatter or BlueLivesMatter, which means the lives of the police officers. BLM turned into an obsession. It isn't about all black lives in America, but only White police shooting Black people. It doesn't matter the reason for the shooting, police officers are always wrong.

    The pop singer Beyonce supports BLM but abuses Black workers in different Asian countries to produce clothes for her fashion line. These workers in countries like SriLanka paid up to 2$ per day and worked in horrible conditions. Kids' lives in Chicago doesn't matter for BLM leaders. Blacks killing Blacks doesn't matter for BLM. High crime rates become a feature in Black_American dominated cities. The increasing number of Black_Americans incarcerated is due to their high crime rates, violent crimes to be accurate. Black officers killing a White or Black person won't draw attention from BLM media regardless of how much ugly the incident. What we are witnessing now in America is a new Black Nazi movement. And it got nothing to do with George Floyd or Jacob Blake. It's all about politics.

  2. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Factless ranting screed above belongs in the Conspiracy forum in the basement.

  3. Sirius Black

    Sirius Black Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2011
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    Could you give me a BLM value that demonstrates black supremacy?

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