An interesting article about Obama and the FBI

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by Diesel Power, Feb 9, 2012.

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  1. algranny

    algranny New Member

    Jul 14, 2008
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    People aren't stupid as Democrats expect them to be. More states turned red in 2010, watch while that tide rises higher in 2012. Prepared to be stunned, as were most in 2010. States turning red are coming out of the red and building surpluses.

    I do understand your desperation, however the patriot citizens on the U.S. will have their voice heard, progressiveness will be dead here for a very long time!

    Even many college students are understanding Washington can't cure this nations ill's, actually hindering any growth for the citizens! How dare citizens think they are more capable of solving thier problems, than Washington!
  2. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    And what if two directors of the DMV of the state you live in published statements saying your drivers license was real? What then?

    You just aren't thinking rationally. Just stop for a moment and look at what you're saying in the face of what we know. We know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the State of Hawaii has, on several occasions, verified the exact documents you are claiming to be fake and the fact of Obama's birth in Hawaii.

    How can you rationally still say such documentation is fake? Are you prepared to admit you're behaving irrationally?

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    You are of course entitled to your opinion. But it seems rather fueled by hatred.

    I think if Obama wins people like you will continue with your conspiracy theories about Obama.

    And if Obama doens't win, you will continue with your conspiracy theories about Obama

    Just my thoughts..;
  4. Day of the Candor

    Day of the Candor Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Sure, here comes the race cards, right on schedule. All they've got is piles of conflicting information and testimony, a photoshopped "birth certificate" that isn't even sequenced correctly, a totally bogus Social Security number from Connecticut, and a Selective Service registration that is just as fraudulent as the rest of his "credentials". And, of course, race cards. They fill the skies with race cards when and they think nobody sees through them.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Actually all you have is pure speculation. Not one actual fact.

    What 'they have' is a birth certificate confirmed by the State of Hawaii.

    That is actual evidence...not speculation and no 'race card'
  6. Wolf Ritter

    Wolf Ritter Banned

    Feb 8, 2012
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    One doesn't have to like Obama to point out that the people most vocal about opposing him are a raving pack of moronic loons. I'm not a fan of Obama and I plan on voting Social-Democrat and Green/Mountain to show it, but that doesn't mean I have to listen to a moron spreading conspiracy theories and not call him a moron, I don't have to see some ignorant twit spreading his ignorance by accusing Obama of being a 'Socialist' when nearly every single Democrat with him included is at best Center-Right, and I don't have to sit idly by whilst some dip(*)(*)(*)(*) spouts some nonsense about Obama being a Muslim when he's clearly a Christian.

    Imagine if you will that some guy came in raving how the world is flat and we have to form our political policies and actions around that delusion, you would rightly deride him as deluded and foolish. This is what we are doing when conservatives spout some hyperbolic bs about Obama trying to destroy America.
  7. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    This is funny! Your spittle-and-spew post above gives truth to exactly what CoolWalker said: "Do you notice that when you place anything disparaging about Obama here, you are called names, constantly."

    And you are going to vote "Social Democrat"? Wow. Why doesn't THAT surprise us...? :spin:

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Exactly- Birthers are the "Flat Earthers" of modern politics.
  9. James Cessna

    James Cessna New Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    You are indeeed correct, Diesel Power.

    Obama was not born in the United States.

  10. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Let's think about this for a moment.

    If any one of those accusations were true, then a criminal indictment would be a slam dunk. Criminal cases do not have to overcome any hurdle of "standing" or "jurisdiction."

    And yet... over the last four years, Birthers have filed 100 civil cases instead of criminal cases, and about 90 of them never even got to first base because of standing. What would inspire such insane repetition of foregone failure? Why would Birthers (and their stable of lawyers) pound their heads against the same brick wall time after time after time... when these actual felonies stand ready to serve the purpose of proving the president's ineligibility?

    Oh, yeah... that's right. It's because every single one of them is an idiotic falsehood promoted by cretins, half-wits and nincompoops. No evidence exists for any of them.. and of course, evidence is necessary for a criminal indictment.

    In actuality, the birth certificates are not PhotoShopped, they are not out of sequence, the SSN is legitimate and Obama's, and the Selective Service registration is both authentic and completely ordinary.

    Only blithering numskulls believe otherwise.
  11. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Here's another one of Obama's true-believer "Praetorian Guard" who gives us a recitation of things that he "knows".

    Want to see detailed, technical analyses of Obama's "BC, Extended Version" and its construction in photoshopped layers?

    Want to see evidence that Obama's Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth, "Extended Version" is inexplicably out of sequence? If you can count whole numbers it will be obvious to you....

    Want to see the equally inexplicable evidence that Obama has a Connecticut-based Social Security number, even though he never lived there?

    Want to see the equally strange information provided on his mandatory registration for Selective Service, when Obama turned 18?

    I'll be happy to share all of that, and more, when first you provide links to credible information irrefutably supporting all of the things stated in your post that you "know"....

    “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. ”
    ― Joseph Goebbels

    "What is truth?"
    -- Pontius Pilate
  12. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Actually, as an IT professional I was able to debunk all the Birther claims within minutes of their invention. That you believe them shows that you are both technically ignorant and a bit of a sucker.

    But in terms of detailed technical analyses that are actually competent, there is actually only one, and it proves that all the Birther "experts" were hopeless amateurs. It was performed by a right-wing conservative with tea party leanings, and eventually published as a book. You can buy a copy here or at Amazon.

    It eviscerates every single one of the frauds trotted out by WND and Orly Taitz. Jerome Corsi is held up for a particularly brutal intellectual whipping.

    This is one of the funniest of the idiotic Birther claims... because if the Birther theory on how they should be numbered was correct, then every single Hawaiian birth certificate ever published on line, even those published by Birthers, is out of sequence. Every single one.

    Occams razor is your friend. If the Birther theory indicates that every known certificate is out of sequence, then the theory is wrong.

    There is nothing inexplicable of about a single digit typo by a data entry clerk.... especially when the specific typo has only a 1 on 10,000 chance of being explained by anything else.

    I'm very familiar with his registration documents, and they are perfectly normal and ordinary in every respect.

    Once again, its the ignorant and tendentious Birther theory that is wrong, not the registration.

    I know all of this stuff far better than you do. And I know that you wouldn't recognize credible information if it bit you on the ass. You know, it's one thing to let your guard down and accept bogus crap as true once in a while, but when your error is so extensive, consistent and comprehensiveness as you have demonstrated here, it is a tour de force of blinkered credulity.

    And the demonstration that you believe bullsh*t remains unblemished.

    Goebbels never said that.

  13. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Yes, Wong, you know it all... you've told us all so a million times. You're the great IT whiz and none of the rest of the world knows anything if it tends to discredit Obama. We've heard all that before, too. As for all of that, and your intimate knowledge of what Joseph Goebbels did, or did not say... got any proof, or any links to credible sources? Sie haben wahrscheinlich nicht tun, und das ist keine besondere Überraschung für mich. :cool:
  14. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    You see, this is where you know-nothing poseurs fall apart every time. You simply cannot help yourselves from frothing into exaggerated hyperbole.

    I don't need to know it all. I only need to know more than you do. And I know vastly more than you do.

    Embrace your perpetual loser hood. It makes the sting of 100 consecutive epic fails more bearable.

    I know this: The statement cannot be found in any source connected to Goebbels. It is nothing he ever wrote. It is no speech he ever gave.
  15. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Poorly translated from Goebbels' elegant Berlin-Hochdeutsch, it would probably be more like, ""The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed", as the Wiki article suggests. But was it Goebbels or Hitler who actually came up with it? We may never know for sure, but since you appear to be a student of master propagandists like Goebbels, you may enjoy reading this tutorial on propanganda prepared by Geobbels himself: ("Hochschule für Politik", January 1928. But, as we used to say in the Kneipen from Köln to München, "Spielte keine Rolle"....

    And as far as your self-purported, vastly-greater knowledge goes... beware the disappointment you may suffer when the propaganda that has enveloped you of the hyperliberal Left begins to evaporate in the plain, harsh light of reality. Or, to bring it down to a level you can sink your dripping fangs into: ever wonder why Obama's handlers used photoshop (or similar software) to produce a copy of "Certificate of Live Birth", The Director's Cut", instead of simply laying the original 1961 document out on a plain old office photocopier? Even apologists for this stupid "rookie" hackjob admit as much:

    That said, I will repeat what I said much earlier -- that I sincerely hope there are no more court challenges to Obama's claimed legitimacy for eligibility to the United States Presidency. Those of you who believe his story believe it unquestioningly; those of us who are not convinced simply require more substantial proof. All we Americans can do now is go forward with the next election and hope we make better-informed decisions next time.... Auf Wiedersehen.
  16. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    No it doesn't. As I said above, when people post legitimate criticisms of Obama, they are dealt with legitimately and respectfully, for the most part.

    Only when someone posts the bull(*)(*)(*)(*) birther nonsense are they treated poorly, and with good reason.

    How do you explain that the State of Hawaii verified on numerous occasions, then, that the documents are real?

    I've never heard a birther like you answer that question except to say, with absolutely zero evidence of this, that the entire Hawaiian government, Democrats and Republicans alike, are "in on the conspiracy".

    But that doesn't even pass the simple logic test. If they (Hawaii DOH and DOS) are in on the conspiracy, Obama's documents still wouldn't be fake, because those people could produce real documents with fake information printed on them. In other words, if you're involved in a conspiracy to sell Leonardo Da Vinci paintings, and Leo himself is in the conspiracy with you, you don't need to get someone to forge them, because you can produce the real thing.

    By a simple application of logic, therefore, his documents absolutely must be real and there is no logical way around that.
  17. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Ah.... so that's going to be your excuse? It was just a poor translation?

    Ah... but no. Faced with the sad fact that it is not a translation (good or bad) of anything Goebbels ever said, you start backpedaling immediately.

    Nonsense. We know exactly where it came from. We have always known exactly where it came from. Well, at least the concept, if not the fake quotation itself.

    It came from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X.

    And yes, Hitler and Goebbels actually were two different people.

    Now let's pause here and reflect the fundamental dishonesty demonstrated by your response to correction. Even while demonstrating full knowledge that you were wrong, you cannot bring yourself to admit it. You choke on the fact that you were caught in a falsehood and make pathetic and indefensible excuses.

    What fake quotations mostly do is demonstrate the intellectual shallowness of the person who uses them. People who insert these bogus aphorisms in the effort to sound well read and worldly only end up proving that they have never done any serious reading at all. Instead, they glean jolly sounding tidbits from within the right-wing echo chamber and repeat them without the slightest effort to check if they are real. I have learned through experience that probably three out of every four "quotations" from Goebbels, or Jefferson, or Franklin offered up in the right-wing blogosphere is fake.

    And this relates directly to the idiotic things you believe regarding president Obama's birth certificate, SSN, and draft registration. Exactly like with this bogus Goebbels quotation, you have swallowed them uncritically and without any effort to check if they were true. It is an intellectual laziness that is pandemic in the Internet era. Without the web, you would just be a sad bigot alone in a darkened room spouting your idiocies to the blue light of an ancient television set.

    And this is why I know more than you do. I actually check.

    Let's now get back into detail and demonstrate again that you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You ask:

    Of course I don't. For several reasons.

    First the most obvious one and the one that makes readers wonder if you are capable of thinking at all. You can't put a photocopy on the Internet. It is made of paper. Only electronic images can be distributed electronically. Insert "duh" here."

    Second, that's exactly how the Hawaii Department of Health created the two certified paper copies they provided the president, and that were circulated at the press conference. They placed the original ledger page down on a photocopier, made two copies on security paper, then sealed and certified them.

    Third, that is also how the Whitehouse created the copies they included in the press packets, an scan of which was then released by the AP.

    Now... all of this is well known to anybody who is willing to actually put in the lightest bit of intellectual effort. That would apparently not include you.

  18. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Well, you know who had an opinion about that...

    "The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine." - Abraham Lincoln

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