Cain to?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Mrlittlelawyer, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. Mrlittlelawyer

    Mrlittlelawyer Member

    Sep 9, 2011
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    Cain, Cain, Cain after Perry Perry Perry or Romney Romney Romney. Why? Why not RON PAUL RON PAUL RON PAUL. Get off the TV and look at the world. Stop falling for the media. RON PAUL 2012! He stands for much more good than Cain could do.

    [ame=""]Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - YouTube[/ame]


    [ame=""]Ron Paul 2012: Epic Consistency - YouTube[/ame]


    [ame=""]From Prophet to President - Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

    Prosperity...Peace...President of the United States? Ron Paul 2012?I think so.

    Oh and a message to Herman Cain :roll:

    [ame=""]Media Promotes Herman Cain: Disses Ron Paul - Black THIS Out! - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=""]Herman Cain's Federal Reserve Lies: Exposed by Ron Paul - YouTube[/ame]

    Ok don't any of you say "Thats not so its a trick the person who made the video is lying and made this up". I have found multiple sources.
  2. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    1 simple question to any Paul person.
    He lays off over 200,000 government workers..and brings home 500,000 troops and ends the wars. does that create jobs ?
    You just killed defense contracts..layoffs will happen.
    Government workers pay taxes..not any more..
    500,000 troops coming home..what will they do?

    So how does all that Paul CRAPOLA create jobs ? 700,000 new unemployed..
    BE SPECIFIC and use examples of past historical evidence.
  3. Mrlittlelawyer

    Mrlittlelawyer Member

    Sep 9, 2011
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    It keeps the people from having to pay so many taxes to pay for the wars. Business would get back to open and it would create jobs stop the risk of Innocent lives our factories would come home the nations ready for free and peaceful trade. It would create plenty of jobs ones not funded by the government because the government spends but never makes more money unless its printed and my historical example is Germany after WW1 they had to print so much money and tax the people to pay for it that their money became worthless. I think we ourselves are a good example. the troops will protect our borders not others borders. Military spending will be cut or otherwise known as Offensive spending not defensive spending.

    Just a question : Did you watch the vids? inside the first he says at the end "Our foreign and monetary policy will change eventually as ROMES did." taxes on the people to promote war does not make jobs it destroys them.
  4. Mrlittlelawyer

    Mrlittlelawyer Member

    Sep 9, 2011
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    I am not against Herman Cain completely either I like a lot of what he says just i like Ron Paul better. I especially started to lose interest in Herman (I once did support him more than dislike him) recently after the debate when he lied.
  5. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    The Government needs to cut spending ASAP before they continue to drive themselves further into debt by borrowing and inflating the US Currency. The Departments Ron Paul has listed are shown to be "useless", he is looking to drive those Depts to the State level and the Wars offer no benefit to the Republic. So the real question is... Why not?

    Keep the status quo until the country/dollar collapses? Really intelligent keeping the Defense Contracts going that serve no purpose other than to secure the Corporations Political/Economical hegemony across the Globe.

    Government workers get paid from the Government and return a small amount of money back to the Government. Are you sure you're not a Obama supporter? I understand you're a Romney supporter so you're probalby 80% Obama favoring but, I was hoping you wouldn't be a Government lover.

    Come home not in a casket, without limbs, sight, hearing, loss of friends, not commit suicide and in general start living a life they deserve.

    It creates jobs by not keeping a Status Quo idiotic path we're currently following and you're currently advocating for. There are tons of other Economic decisions to make concerning Economic Policy but, the Path the Government should take is a smaller one. The country cannot sustain trillions in debt so you can feel "okay" about those people having a job while in the long run it's set for a Weimar Republic failure.

    Show me evidence of how the current Economic/Foreign Policy has ever granted a Nation for Economic Prosperity and Freedom to its citizens?
  6. birddog

    birddog New Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Paul has a lot of good ideas, but he's now 76 and talks a bit like Daffy Duck! He can only serve as a spoiler.

    Perry will be the next President! Get used to it. :)
  7. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    All the Paul people say is Faith and Hope..

    Faith and hope our enemies will never attack us.
    I can show you many examples of this political theory that backfired..Can you show me 1 example of where being peaceful leads to no attacks ?
    Crickets..point me.
    the pointy dog says so..

    Faith and hope jobs will be created? Out of what ? Thin air? More libertarian theories that have never been shown to be correct.
    Can you show me any libertarian led country on earth with no military and full employment with no enemies ?

    I am Not for just ending programs without a review.
    Government is needed..a strong defense is too.You need someone who has been there done that..
    Not another old delusional congressman living in la lal land.

    I am a realist..and very practical..and I dont buy before I see the product.
    Obama transparency oil ?

    Smear some on Paul and see what you get.
  8. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    He has good ideas but, I really don't care because I love smooth talkers. Did I get your post correct?

    Woo go illegal Immigrants getting Education! I'm sure you'll support him still considering he is so "fly". I'm sure by the Polling numbers everyone sees him as an idiot now and completely lacking any really intelligent debating skills.
  9. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    No one said Faith & Hope. Try actually responding to what I typed instead of going off in tangents making yourself sound like a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing moron who loves to hear themselves.
  10. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    If the troops came home they would spend their money here and not overseas.

    The troops could secure our southern border.

    The money saved in logistics alone would be substantial.

    The U.S. could mind their own business instead of meddling in the affairs of others.

    And there is way too much waste in the federal needs to be trimmed.

    Anyone...and I mean anyone...but Cain!!!!!
  11. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    What money ?
    Paul would save by sending them home..jeesh do you guys even read your own material ?
    So all those troops come home to America and then What ?
    There are NO jobs..and so they sit around getting more pissed off.
    Paul wont give them unemployment benefits because that is un constitutional.

    They cant all be sent to guard the fence..cost too much.Paul says so.
    All those programs cut
    700,000 new unemployed with no job plan..

    Just Hope and faith..
    Paul hopes he will be elected.and you idiots have Faith in a loser.

    :):) too easy sometimes..
  12. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Stop avoiding my posts or do you have me on ignore? I guess trying to debate logically with someone is too much.
  13. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    come on man.. you cant really beleive that spending billions of dollars a week in oil wars is good for the economy.. or that spending over 700 billion dollars a year to support the military industrial complex is a healthy thing... I thought you were against welfare and socialism?.. Or is that only that your against welfare if it is aimed at the poor?

    Look at it this way if it will help assauge your partisan blinded mentality.. HR3200 (Obamacare for you rightwingers ) is a mirror image of the Military industrial complex.. Big government giveaways to an industry that lobbies its way into your wallets. How the hell anybody can be against Obamacare.. but Pro-military -industrial complex is beyond me.. beyond reason and logic. Or perfectly logical if you take into account how the average partisan hack cant see past the simpleminded rhetoric his favorite political stooge spews.

    Ending the wars of Oil/puppet government government engineering and slashing the military budget back to pre invasion levels would save this country 500 billion a year... if you think there arent any jobs for those returning soldiers to fill.. just to the southern border... plenty of work there.
  14. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    I ignore others when they call me names..
    Funny how that works.

    Calling someone an idiot for blindly following a person is not saying you are a idiot.

    Next up..
    You guys take logic to the extreme.

    If fighting wars is bad. ( cost too much..blood and gore..ish..death..)
    Peace is good ( sunshine and lolypops.. making love in the rain..utopia )

    So if we are hurting for money..wars..killing the war machine.. sending the war pigs packing sounds mighty fine.. use the G cord with heavy bass..

    Logic would dictate that when bullys are removed there will be no conflicts.
    I seem to remember in Junior High when one bully moved away..another took his place..silly me..that was so childish..
    Still your arguments never led to any job creation did they..NOT 1. nada..

    All about theories of ending war..becoming peaceful ( smokin pot ..)
    and giving power to the people.
    Except Paul never has said when he might decide to fight..or tax..or appoint libertarian's always the other guys are so bad..

    Just like criticizing the coach of a losing football team when you have nothing on the line.. except idiotic policy comments.
    Dont fumble..dont miss tackles..dont play lousy defense.

    Except what defense would Paul play ??
  15. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    What bullies? You mean Al Qaeda... Alright that's a given. What about Iraq, Libya and Somalia? Any reason why we're there? I never saw Somalian Warlords attack the Nation nor did I see Qaddafi nor Saddam attack the US Government so why are we there? Why are we still in Britain, Germany, Japan and various other countries? There is no reason for our presence to be there other than to extend our influence not to go out and defend ourselves from the bullies. So our Military presence isn't to defend the Nation but, rather to extend the Governments/Corporations Political/Economical hegemony across the Globe.

    Your arguments have never led to sustainable Economic System nor a Government that is reigned in that doesn't assault the finances and freedoms of the people. You're a Status Quo person who doesn't want Change but, rather Obama with an (R) next to his name.

    "Smokin pot .." Obviously you don't take anything serious at all in a debate and you yourself don't reply to insults when your entire argument is filled with them. Take a lesson in your own hypocrisy.

    What right does the US Government have to send Agents and the Military across the globe to expell Governments or murder people?

    You enjoy your lies don't you? I guess you missed the part about him supporting the offensive against Al Qaeda. So that entire claim is bull(*)(*)(*)(*)... Good luck next time! Maybe you should listen to his one trillion dollar slash to the budget along with tons of tax reductions. Another claim you propose is now found to be nothing but crap.

    Oh dear he may appoint Constitution loving Judges! (Incoming Ron Paul always hiding behind the Constitution... you know the law of the Land that Makes this Republic. You do know a Republic is a Nation of Laws right?)

    Quite different considering your ass is sitting on a chair getting drunk while he has been in Office, proposing bills, challenging the Status Quo Government loving ideology you love and constantly following the Constitution (THE LAW) by the letter rather than emotions.

    One that doesn't involve idiotic replies such as the you made with absolutely nothing but slander. While also following the Constitution... I know it's terrible isn't it!
  16. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Bullies ?
    Maybe like China in Africa..the old Soviets trying again in Europe.

    Is it just me..or isn't our troop presence in Germany and Japan a good thing ?
    I haven't heard a shot fired there in years.
    Seems to me we might ask our FRIENDS and Commanders how they feel about just packing it all in and coming home..but Paul knows better ?
    By the way ..a real conservative ROMNEY isn't OK with any of the Paul troop surrendering anywhere. Maybe Paul is French ?

    Turn my debate argument around about job creation ?
    nice try debate 101. I offer the United States of America as exhibit A.
    With England as exhibit B.
    I offer France as a exhibit C toward your point of view..Think France matters anymore ?
    They would be speaking German if it wasn't for us and England.
    Look to France for peaceful job creation..taxes..and environmental concerns.
    Maybe Paul does..I dont.

    Still..where is the mythical job plan from us the real us how he has created jobs and run companies ?
    You cant..and he wont..he has nothing but policy positions all said after the predicting the lottery when you know the numbers after they have been published. Just like Obama did..same deal.

    The pot question is 1/2 the youth support and we all know it.
    Paul/Johnson..UP IN SMOKE INDEED. :)

    " What right does the US Government have to send Agents and the Military across the globe to expell Governments or murder people? "

    The RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE. Maybe they know more than Paul does ??
    Gee go figure.
    Paul finds every act indefensible..VIVA France !

    So in closing ..

    What is the Paul defense ?
    What would he go on the offense over ?
    Do allies and treaty's matter ?

    Paul wont say ..he has no clue..most congresspeople dont.
  17. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    So you believe the USA should Police the World and use the money of its citizens to defend other Nations across the globe who can defend themselves? Obviously you don't care about the Militarism you only care about sustaining the Status Quo and making sure Military Contractors get their money.


    Again you make no sense and going off into tangents... Great job!

    Your point about WW2 is what? If we defend ourselves from actual hostile threats and nations that declare War on us we can send troops to combat them? Umm... Still you make no sense and have absolutely no direction in your statements. Try actually creating paragraphs and expressing your thoughts completely instead of responding like a Child.

    So you approve of Non Violent Criminals that have done no harm to anyone else but, their own bodies (Just a Cig smokers and people who drink deal damage to their bodies) should be sentenced to Prison? Clearly you love pushing your morals unto others rather than adopting a policy of Freedom of thought and choice.

    Still again you're a moron when Ron Paul voted for the authorization for Al Qaeda to be pursued by the US Government. Clearly you don't read and clearly you don't even try to debate... Why not simply take a picture of your fecal matter and post it on these forums as your debating tool.

    Libya was self defence? Somalia? Iraq? Vietnam? Korea? Nearly all of South America?

    Try listening to him.

    A Nation declaring War on the USA just as Japan/Germany/Italy did.

    No, they don't because they only entangle in the affairs of other Nations and forces the Citizerny of the USA to take up arms against a Foe that isn't a threat to them. Maybe you should try taking the advice of the Founders of the Country.

    Hey I just heard Obama just changed his Party... your dream ticket has arrived!


    Same Policy... same stupidty.
  18. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Your answers only help me..please post more..
    I love non violent drug smugglers..they are ssooo cool.

    Cain endorsed Romney in 08..
    Nothings changed..except for Koch brothers billions.
    and those pesky there are 2 of them..Dang..

    Next time maybe a whole flock ?
  19. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Your lack of an actual response just shows how poorly you debate and how much you're willing not to debate such topics. Now that I'm done kicking your butt you may take your exit.
  20. Mrlittlelawyer

    Mrlittlelawyer Member

    Sep 9, 2011
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  21. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Please Paul supporters keep the comments rolling in..

    I Love it !

    You say it so much better than I could ever.. ;)
  22. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I wouldn't mind Cain being president but it won't happen. I also support Paul but again, never going to happen. I know the future.

    2 scenarios:

    1. Paul spoils election for Republican nominee, Obama gets reelected.
    2. Paul wins the Republican nomination, out of fear of the unknown people (even many Republicans) go out in droves on election day to vote for Obama. Obama gets reelected.

    I wish it wasn't so my fellow conservatives but this is our reality.
  23. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Initial job claims up over 403,000..only 6,000 more than
    economist expected.

    Romney has a detailed plan on reducing government ..making it more streamlined and productive..and has a past history of doing so in business and government.Paul has you tube sound bites..without debate or questions asked. Apples and oranges ?
    No..rotten onions.. soft and mushy ..and they stink.

    All Romney opponents have is sound bites out of history of starting or rebuilding anything..and theories of Cutting all aid because that is the populist thing to say..along with legalizing pot.
    Bring the troops home..end war..where have we heard that before ?

    Obama ??
    ..and yet you say Romney would be the same ?
    No.. Paul would be the same...leading progressive libertarians.
    He is conservative only on economic issues.. libertarian/progressive on everything else.

    Romney is more center on all issues..conservative on both economic and social.
    Huge difference..leading from the center with experience instead of making promises you have never shown the ability to accomplish.( he leads that way because that is how he will need the votes to be elected..)

    While the economy tanks..Paul brings home 700,000 more to sit at home.
    Great..nice job plan..nice protection plan..
    all the while barbarians get closer to the gate..
  24. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Wow. The Surrender wing of the Right is just as loony as the Surrender wing of the left.

    It's either we be the Cop of the world, or we're China's slave. There is no in between.

    No, we're not going to build "Fortress America" on our southern border.

    No, we're not going to hack and slash our Federal Government to a 19th century rump Government.

    No, we're not going to return to Stone Age Economics and a Stone Age Gold Standard.

    No, we're not going to engage in a trade war with the world. We would lose and our quality of life would drop to 19th century standards.

    No, we're not going to nominate, much less elect Ron Paul.
  25. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Poor poor Mnbillyboy... Always going into tangents and not ever replying to anyone in this topic because he lacks the function to debate the Policies. Please continue to spew out the same message over and over without ever debating it...

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