Capitalism Is Not Your Friend

Discussion in 'Economics & Trade' started by upside-down cake, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    Read it and weep. Capitalism is not your friend, and as a friend, I feel it is my responsibility to tell you this before he/she/it hurts you more.

    This might embarrass you, though, but you remember when you were abused, right? Before the you, now, had some self-respect and dignity enough to reign in your other, he was the Vanderbilt, the Morgan, and the Rockefeller. In a time when government interference was at its lowest- to be more adequately defined as government compliance- you lived in a time of low-wages, long hours, hazardous ad dehumanizing work conditions, child-labor, little-to-no education, wide-spread poverty, typhoid and tuberculosis epidemics, and no social-services (very little public schools and libraries). The good old days.

    Capitalism noticed you were getting too sick to work. You weren't being mentally and physically provided for. So he gave you some money and some respect. He said that you were his Queen and that he lived to serve you. All that he earned would be yours and that if you stick with him, you'd be a lady of the land.

    But now you sit by your window in your castle and I realize that you aren't any different than the workers out here. You live in a castle, but it is not yours. You are the Lord's family, but you have little-to-no say on what goes on. You work like everyone else. You obey like everyone else, though instead of direct orders, it's always please-honey this, please-baby that. Please, knowing full well you would face trouble should you begin to refuse.

    You look out that window at the people working in the cold, and I looked up at you, wanting to be you, willing to give much just to be in your place. But they don't know the lies, the cheating, the scams, and the depravity you have to go through. What you put up with because you must...because it is better than being out here in the cold with me. But we don't know that. To us, you live in a Lord's house and you seem his equal. Not his slave who will work for him, breed, and have her brood and her broods brood work for him as well. Of all of them, only one will become master. The others will be slaves. Some will be above others. and we will envy the ones above us. But all move under his will.

    They will all be free to complain, free to moan, free to contest to an extent. He says this is why he loves them. But so long as the work does not stop. His only words, "Be fruitful, or be forgotten".

    Now it seems I see it. You are no Lady or Master, no more privileged than us on the outside. Not by much. Just a foolish girl dancing to illusions. A master among slaves, but slave to her master.
  2. Antix

    Antix New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
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    Real humans dont worry about having friends, real humans have friends, fake ones dont. If you choose to be poor thats fine with me, more opportunity for me to be successful with my ideas. Plenty of people out there who feel the same way and will buy my products or services. As I will theirs.

  3. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    I don't understand how what you wrote makes sense.
  4. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    I don't understand what you have said. Are you saying that I am not a real human and I do not have friends.

    Also, why did you say I chose to be poor? I didn't say that.

    But lastly, buying and purchasing doesn't imply friendship, intimacy, or any other positive social feeling. It may, actually, imply the opposite.

    But...if you are Capitalism, I suppose it is understandable that your thoughts and reasoning are at odds with reason.
  5. Skeptical Heretic

    Skeptical Heretic New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    What your argument leaves out is the benefits of capitalism probably the most notable would be a free market where you have the choice to choose what kind of product you want or distribute. Now if your argument is that pure capitalism requires reform I doubt many would disagree except maybe some idealists who believe the world is just utilitarians who are being held back by the man. I doubt now you would see the idea of going back to sometime like the 1900's that popular especially by economists considering how our market is much more globally linked than it once was.

    Greed is a funny concept that I think you're hinting on here or possibly corruption though they are very interchangeable terms at the best of times, it's funny because much of what you are showing was about before capitalism was an actual concept it might have been practiced in some form but that's a separate issue. You also bring up "equality" which is also a funny concept because it implies that people are equal which they aren't we are very varied and individualistic which I'll go into soon sure by the government we should be treated equally by the law but as far as the market goes we are in practice issued according to our worth whether it be intelligence, strength or just common sense.

    Now for individualism I recommend you look up that as a concept because much of what you're describing is not really the aspirations of most people today although they were very common before and usually promoted by the people, government and market. Now what most people usually aspire to when promoting the free market nowadays is individualism and that each person should be treated as individuals and that if we done this the market would reflect this by showing good regulation of the people though the problem with this is you need an informed public which is the bane to all political theories along with greed and corruption.

    So in conclusion my argument basically hinges on that the market isn't perfect but it reflects the populations interests now some regulation on this is good because it possibly limits corruption but too much regulation and you can have another form of corruption.
  6. Drago

    Drago Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2008
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    Here are your choices as it stands now: You can live in a free society that gives you money to go to college and if you can't get a job out of college you can live off the government with unemployment for an indefinite amount of time and expect everyone else to pay for it, meanwhile those same people are not only paying for you, but they are paying for the retiring, the worthless that haven't worked but a day in their own life but are able,and still paying for the actual people that are physically or mentally disabled and should be taken care of, the elderly that have given their life to save our country during WWII, the same people that likely lived through the great depression and we now wonder why they save the heal of the bread as a meal, and if you are actually mature enough to work at a corporation you have a job that not only pays the most of your healthcare expenses, they give you matching payment in your retirement account, they set up the retirement account for you, they pay you to actually do your job.


    You could live in Greece. Go have fun (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*), I've already paid for your type way too much. Get off your (*)(*)(*)(*)ing ass and do something besides complaining.

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