Creative quotes that change the way you think

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by DarkOrder2017, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. DarkOrder2017

    DarkOrder2017 New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Those are my quotes and they influence you mental state of mind to perform better at anything you do.

    1. Always remember who was there for you when no one else was.

    2. One positive thought in the morning can change your whole entire day.

    3. Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.

    4. To live a creative life. We must lose our fear of being wrong.

    5. Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.

    6. Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.

    7. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

    8. In order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

    9. Dont judge me. I was born to be awesome not perfect.

    10. To be successful, the first thing is to do is to fall in love with your work.

    Have you got quotes of your own, that help you :smile:
    DennisTate likes this.
  2. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Math is to physics what sex is to masturbation - Richard Feynman

    Keep the company of those who seek the truth and run from those who have found it. – Ancient; from India.

    If you continue on your present course you will likely end up where you are going. – an ancient Chinese proverb.

    Where there is no vision, the people perish. -The Proverbs, 29:18

    Seize the day, put no trust in the morrow! -- Horace [Quintus Horatius Flaccus] 65 – 8 B.C. Odes, bk. I [23 B.C.], ode xi, last line

    'We are beginning to see how universes can be created,' Professor Harrison says [in an article in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society and published in the London Times about June 1999]. 'A small amount of matter -- roughly 10 kg -- at very high energy is forged into a black hole. Under the correct conditions, the interior of the black hole inflates into a new universe that endures for billions of years and contains billions of galaxies.' " At most, he argues, human intelligence is only one million years old. 'If we can already see how in principle universes can be created, then surely our descendants in the far future will have the knowledge and technology to design and create them.'"

    Our universe is probably a black hole…it meets all of the [mathematical] criteria. If you want to know what it looks like inside of a black hole, just look around your room.” - Dr. Michio Kaku

    Everything that can be invented has been invented." --Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899

    The reasonable man adapts to the world around him, while the unreasonable person tries to change the world to suit him.
    Conclusion: Change only occurs because of unreasonable people.

    A master craftsman who hand-makes luxury sailing yachts reflects on his skills: “I worked long hours for seven years as an apprentice. When I finished my apprenticeship, I thought that I knew how to build a boat. Now [twenty years later] I know that back then, I only knew how to use the tools. I will spend the rest of my life learning how to build a boat.” – name unknown

    Observe due measure, for right timing is in all things the most important factor---. Works and Days, l. 694; Hesiod c. 700 B.C.
    Know thyself ---. Inscription at the Delphic Oracle. From PLUTARCH, Mora-- The Seven Sages

    The superior man cannot be known in little matters, but he may be entrusted with great concerns. The small man may not be entrusted with great concerns, but he may be known in little matters. ----The Confucian Analects, bk. 15:33

    For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love — this is the eternal law. ---- Suttapitaka. Dhammapada, 1:5

    A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. --The Way of Lao tzu, 64

    If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it. -- The Histories of Herodotus, bk. II, ch. 173
    ---modern: All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

    The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves. Oedipus Rex, l. 1230

    This is the bitterest pain among men, to have much knowledge but no power. The Histories of Herodotus, bk. IX, ch. 16

    Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true. Third Olynthiac, sec. 19

    “The elementary principle of all deception is to attract the enemy's attention to what you wish him to see, and to distract his attention from what you do not wish him to see.”
    DennisTate likes this.
  3. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
    but the silence of our friends."
    DennisTate likes this.
  4. Falena

    Falena Cherry Bomb Staff Member Past Donor

    Apr 28, 2009
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    "Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art." Emerson

    "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." Ralph Waldo Emerson

    ''When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.' Maya Angelou

    "Crazy are the tracks laid down for the sanity train to have a smooth ride." Falena
    DennisTate likes this.
  5. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    OMG I can't believe this was quoted wrong. That should have read

    Physics is to math what sex is to masturbation - Richard Feynman

    Dr. Feynman would beat me silly with his bongo drums if he knew how I misquoted him.

    The beauty of this quote is that women can understand men just by understanding math and physics.
  6. DarkOrder2017

    DarkOrder2017 New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    This is an interesting quote.
    I dont understand this quote.
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    here are a couple of paragraphs that came as a huge relief to me.......
    I already suspected the truth of this though.


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