Direct from iran

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by HBendor, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    'Tumor' of Israel will soon be destroyed: Ahmadinejad
    Arab News - 18 August, 2012

    Israel is a “cancerous tumor” that will soon be finished off, Iranian
    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Friday told demonstrators holding an annual
    protest against the existence of the Jewish state.

    “The Zionist regime and the Zionists are a cancerous tumor. Even if one cell
    of them is left in one inch of (Palestinian) land, in the future this story
    (of Israel’s existence) will repeat,” he said in a speech in Tehran marking
    Iran’s Quds Day that was broadcast on state television.

    “The nations of the region will soon finish off the usurper Zionists in the
    Palestinian land.... A new Middle East will definitely be formed. With the
    grace of God and help of the nations, in the new Middle East there will be
    no trace of the Americans and Zionists,” he said.

    The diatribe took place amid heightened tensions between Israel and Iran
    over Tehran’s disputed nuclear program.

    The Jewish state has in recent weeks intensified its threats to possibly
    bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities to prevent it having the capability to
    produce atomic weapons.

    Iran, which is suffering under severe Western sanctions, denies its nuclear
    program is anything but peaceful. Its military has warned it will destroy
    Israel if it attacks.

    State television showed crowds marching under blazing sunshine in Tehran and
    other Iranian cities to mark Quds Days, whose name, derived from Arabic,
    designates the city of Jerusalem, the disputed future capital of both the
    Israelis and the Palestinians.

    Demonstrators held up Palestinian flags and pictures of Iran’s supreme
    leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and banners reading “Death to Israel” and
    “Death to America.” A group in Tehran was shown burning an Israeli flag.

    The marches have been an annual event during the Muslim holy month of
    Ramadan in Iran, ever since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

    They underline Iran’s antipathy to Israel and its ally the United States,
    and support for the Palestinian cause, which Khamenei on Wednesday called “a
    religious duty.”

    The supreme leader described Israel as a “bogus and fake Zionist outgrowth”
    in the Middle East that “will disappear.”

    The head of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards, General Mohammad Ali
    Jafari, told the Fars news agency as he attended the Tehran rally that “the
    Iranian nation has always been at the forefront of the (regional
    anti-Israeli) resistance in showing its animosity with Israel.”
    He added that Iran intended to maintain that virulent stance.

    Ahmadinejad, in his speech, claimed that “Zionists” triggered the first and
    second world wars, and had “taken control over world affairs since the
    moment they became dominant over the US government.”

    He asserted that major governments, banks and media were in thrall to a
    Zionist cabal whose aim was to “destroy the cultures, values and sovereignty
    of nations.”

    Ahmadinejad’s past broadsides against Israel and its Jewish supports, and
    his denial that the Holocaust occurred, have earned him opprobrium from
    Western and other nations, and walk-outs during his addresses to the UN
    General Assembly.

    Israel has been employing its own invective against Iran and its leaders,
    invoking the image of Hitler and the Nazis on the eve of World War II and
    accusing Tehran of being bent on Israeli genocide.

    IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Do you have a view, TO GO WITH this cut and past, that has an IL url?
  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Independent Media Review and Analysis

    Independent Media Review and Analysis (IMRA) is a press release distribution service aiming to promote a pro-Israeli slant.:toilet:
  4. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    They should be happy he's shooting off his mouth. It means he can't do anything except speak.

    The real threat comes from bribed US politicians attacking Iran to hasten Armageddon and the coming of Jesus bla bla.

    No matter how bogus their reasoning....if you can call it reason, they can cause some big problems.......and it is just what the Israelis have the US defeated in fighting Iran so that the Israelis can become the new world power.

    If they pull off this stunt, it will be bad news for most of humanity.
  5. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    We know you only approve of anti-Israeli news sources, so why bother speaking up about it.
  6. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    1) Iran can not possibly win against the US. The logistics are so heavily against Iran that it's laughable.

    2) There is no way Obama can lead the US into war; his own base is virulently anti-war and the Republicans would never go along with Obama on anything.

    3) Even if a miracle occurs and the US is defeated fighting Iran, Israel does not automatically become a world power as a result.
  7. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    First off, there's no way Iran could defeat the US in a real war with bombers, fighters, missiles tanks and waves of soldiers. They couldn't even transport a small battalion of troops to the US.

    Secondly, there is no way a tiny, tiny nation like Israel could ever become a superpower. The Chinese might have something to say about that, eh?
  8. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Anti Israeli, or what you may call that, is merely a mistrust in all Zionist owned media, writers, or politicians.

    Because they lie so often.

    And their lies are BIG lies.

    I am not interested in entertaining their hundreds of layers of propaganda BS.
  9. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Good post, it shows that the middle east will not sit around and let others steal their land, just as the USA would, England wouldn't, or any self respecting nation. Unfortunately, the Zionists don't want other nations, so they use military force to TAKE others land.

    ISRAEL, is the biggest threat to peace in the middle east, and until the US pull their heads in and stop supporting the Zionists who are after all responsible for the terrorism in today's world, we will never have peace.
  10. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    The world will never have peace. If it's not Israelis shooting Palestinians, it's Japanese beheading Australians or Spanish burning Caribes alive.
  11. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Ah, Stuart, STILL not getting this, I shall try once more. ;)

    There IS a way Obama can do it.

    You see, you still labour under the notion that the state are answerable to the people, in the US.

    I suppose you can vote the figurehead out, and I guess you can, at least for now, impeach a figurehead, but you need to get over this idea that there is any longer an honest difference between Obama and Romney, when it comes to ONE thing - foreign policy.

    And what is the sum total of your foreign policy? It amounts to one thing, and to deny it is to not see, it is...whatever Israel want.

    If they want you to use your veto at the UN, your willing sell out traitors, will do that for them.

    If they want you to run a given news story, your lying Zion Media will accomodate that, no problem.

    If a negative story needs rebranded, or even not covered, again, no worries, anything to either make the Zionist state look good to all Americans, while never highlighting the negative, burying it.

    When it suited Israel to have a real tension, and subsequent (and totally unforgivable), conflicts in Iraq etc, suddenly, after all these years of Arabs, Muslims, the Koran, and American existing, it has ONLY been since your Occupied Gov was infiltrated by Zionists, that there were any problems between the US and the Muslim world, and certainly NOTHING like this HORROR that we have seen now, for some time.

    It is nothing short of disgusting, no amount of positive spin will ever turn those INDUCED actions into anything other than a terrible stain on your country, and to a lesser extent, mine, since that traitor Blair also went along with the LIE.

    When Romney went on tour recently, he managed to offend just about everyone he came into contact with.

    Seriously, I don't even care for either party, but he made a total tit of himself.

    But look at how this supposedly AMERICAN hopeful behaved, when he was summoned, to 'The Land of The Chosen'.

    It was really really sad, to hear and see him fawn over 'Bibi' that way, and the israeli pm not being his mate thing, come on, that was just HILARIOUS, that is israel just openly taking the (*)(*)(*)(*) out of you, by way of your 'candidate'.

    Anyway, he acted like a good little doggy, and barked the right way, so I am sure there will be plenty of Jewish money for his expensive campaign.

    Obama is no different, only on the surface, only by nuance.

    He, just the same as Romney, will be summoned to 'The Land of the Chosen', and be forced to wear a mind numbing יאַרמלקע, before paying the obligatory visit to Yad Vashem.

    Shill after shill lines up in front of AIPAC and pleges their all and any costs.

    Not just any shills.

    Those that make up your Gov, your parties, your congress etc.

    It no longer matters, the game is up, the reality is, that even with only 5% support for a US attack on Iran, they have such power, that they can do it anyway, after all, what really are you going to do?

    Honest question, what would you do about it?

    Demand that the President stand down? What if they just refused?

    Demand that the attacks cease? What if they ignore you?

    Take to the streets and protest? What if they treat you as domestic terrorists, and 'anarchists'?

    Go on the media? Really? The Zionist owned media..
  12. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    "First off", what if someone supplies them with what it takes to sink the US fleet in the region? What if someone supplies them with something to hit the USA?

    "Secondly", Nukes will make the Israelis a superpower. They'll call it fire from heaven.

    As it is, Ahmadinejad is doing exactly what the Isrealis want; Providing them justification for a war.

    When we consider that it was the CIA that put Khomeni in power, and his son is still the top guy, it is obvioius that Ahmadinejad is playing the game.

    Romney is itching to help them cinch the deal by attacking Iran.

    Lord of Life and Love Willing this does not happen.
  13. groupthink

    groupthink New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    'Tumor' of Israel = ZIONISTS
  14. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Don't you find this remotely cringeworthy AND telling, Mr W?

    Look, your very own constitution does not contain an unwavering and unconditional obligation to do WHATEVER IT TAKES, and ANY COST, to ensure that any other nation remains whatever else, this slavishness is actually very very much of a red face.


    Then we have this crock of head bobbing vomit inducing puke...

  15. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Thanks Jack, for posting this pertinent point. Not only what you say, but supposedly they are not supposed to pass any law to support some religion such as the Talmudists of Palestine.

    The Declaration of Independence is a Divine Mandate for America “to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them,”and to have “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind”.

    But, since the US populace has been such a grossly war loving gang, ignoring America's Divine Purpose for over 150 years and have turned America over to Talmudic war crazies, no amount of man made laws is going to stop the rush to war.

    It is already against the Laws of "nature and of nature's God", and the USA prefers the hijack mode they are in no matter how much harm it will bring to America and the rest of the world.
  16. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    You prefer to exclaim your own propaganda.
  17. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    prove it... You haven't... And you will not in all probability...
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I just fail see to see how everyone there has not clicked onto this yet, I don't mean those that DO know, and deny it, or at least dilute it, on purpose, I mean.....everyone else!

    It's not even really hard to figure out, nor is it very well hidden.

    So, it's not like you can even say that the Zionist media, as lying and fully of shillery that it is, has ever denied the power of AIPAC, on the contrary, they have absolutely facilitated their power, they are both components, of the same machine, if you will.

    And it's not even 'AIPAC', as that would imply some real and measurable element pertaining to America, when in fact, it is simply all about Israel and Zionist getting their way.

    They ensure that all politicians are to their liking, and have to impress them, much like one may have to, to be accepted in, by the Masons.

    Not liked and endorsed by AIPAC? Makes no odds if you could be good for Americans, you are not good for Zionists, therefore, bye bye..

    That is how it is, and if anyone comes at me, with the usual crap about how some other lobby group in America has THAT power, I am going to give up on them, seriously, because if they do, yet again, they are a lost cause.

    It doesn't end with media and AIPAC, and even ALL the wannabe leaders, congressman, etc, oh no, no, no..

    This is true Protocols come true, I crap you not, one can say what they like about that book, make claims of plagarism etc, but it was put together by someone/people, a hundred years ago or more (FACT), and if you look at the summary of it, which was a projection of the future, you would have to be literally stupid to not not SEE that many striking similarities, which can all be evidenced.

    Is that ALL just a remarkable coincidence, so let's not even examine it, even for one split second?

    Are we really sure that is the scientific approach, or would that be to actually look at at summar of what was written, one century ago, and objectively compare it to global events, as they are today...

    Remember, aside from AIPAC, you literally have scores and scores of other organisations, groups, it goes on and on, who are Israel leaning, and/or funded, with Jewish money. The ADL and Abe Foxman are really just there to ensure that anyone that speaks out against Zionism or Jews, is pressured. They do it through their legal teams, and by spreading slander. They are funded by Jewish money.

    The JDL are, in essence, tantamount to Brownshirts. Look on their website. They revere Jewish terrorists and murderers.

    No one can look at this, written one century ago, and NOT see something remarkable, imo..


    [THEY] are superior to the rest of humanity (called "goyim"), who are but mere "beasts" or "cattle" compared to [THEM]. The goyim should be exterminated for the most part, with only enough left remaining to be [THEIR] slaves and servants, and these goyim ruled by despotic [THEIR] World Government, with all the wealth of the world being transferred to [THEM]. In order to achieve this objective, the following plans are to be implemented

    :■Control gold and banking in order to control governments through the money power.

    ■Control the governments of the goyim from behind the scenes.

    ■Rule by force, violence, fear, bribery, blackmail, treachery, and deceit.

    ■Destroy the minds of the goyim through subversion of the "education" system.

    ■Reduce the goyim to poverty and serfdom, and keep them in perpetual labor to distract their minds from resisting [THEM].

    ■Use communism to destroy the aristocracy of the goyim nations.

    ■Destroy belief in God among the goyim, and replace it with materialism.

    ■Lead the masses by lies via [THEIR] controlled press.

    ■Use speculation, as opposed to sound investing, to transfer the wealth of the world into [THEIR] hands.

    ■Destroy the youth of the goyim through false doctrines.

    ■Take away the liberties of the goyim under the pretense of protecting their safety.

    ■Destroy the freedom of the press and bring all organs of the press under the control of [THEM].

    ■Use Secret Societies and Freemasonic Lodges as recruiting grounds for goyim agents.

    ■Engineer economic depressions to bring down the goyim nations.

    ■Use the tyranny of usury, and especially lending to governments, to enslave the goyim.

    ■Through use of agents in all places of influence, throw the nations of the goyim into turmoil until they willingly accept [THEIR] World Government.
    THIS TO TODAY, remember, it was written over 100yrs ago....
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Truth isn't propaganda, and, even you were right, what I write here, it doesn't lead to wars, does it?


    I oppose wars, because the reasons behind them are often cyncial and merely exploitatiive, of all sides.
  20. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Truth isn't propaganda, and, even you were right, what I write here, it doesn't lead to wars, does it?


    I oppose wars, because the reasons behind them are often cyncial and merely exploitatiive, to all sides.
  21. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Prove what, what I have stated is proven by reading newspapers. Every week Israel does something to stir the pot. The US is the spoon. Nothing to prove, common knowledge by those that look, rose coloured glasses however cause blindness as does ignorance.
  22. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Look, Jack ... the problem isn't that you're completely wrong so much as you're partly right and you think you're completely correct; it just isn't so. You're looking at this thru the prism of Zionism; there's more going on here than that. I've told you this before; you're not seeing the forest for the trees. Time to go into detail on our current reality here in the states, which the UK press may not be giving you.

    Given the current state of US politics, we're essentially in a state of gridlock; the Republicans are blocking as best they can anything Obama and the Democrats are trying to do. That's a good thing actually. But we're essentially in a state of paralysis until the elections, and even then nothing of any significance can happen until the elections. I can see us defending Israel under Romney if he wins, but that won't happen until January at the earliest, and I kind of doubt Mitt is gonna win anyway. But let's stay with the present for now.

    As far as Obama and foreign policy: His party consist of the OWS folks who are very much against war (they think its a policy tool of the banks) and the same people who were against Bush because of the wars he started. They can't credibly support Obama starting a war defending Israel, especially since the OWS group is virulently anti-Israel and anti-Jewish to begin with. Were Obama to even TRY to go to war on Iran, he would alienate half his base at least - and this close to the elections, he might as well say "Okay Mitt, here's the keys to the White House" Obama, as much as I loathe him, he's not that dumb. He also knows that the Republicans are NOT going to help him in any way, so there's no chance of his getting help there; yeah the Republicans are a bit closer to Israel than the Democrats (which is odd since American Jews vote Democrat by a wide margin; never been able to figure out why) but there is no way the GOP will help Obama. Not a chance. The Republicans may like Israel, but they love winning more, and if you believe nothing else believe this: If it came down to helping Obama start a war on Iran or winning the election, Republicans will choose winning the election. Every. Single. Time.

    Furthermore, the current topic of interest is, as Joe Biden says, that three letter word, J-O-B-S. The economy is the most important thing here, Israel is not that huge a blip on the radar. It's not being discussed that much relative to the economy, so Obama if he starts talking about Israel/Iran (or Mitt for that matter) well, it's a lose either way. Few care about foreign policy here right now, that's the way it is ATM.

    After the election? Well, let's see who wins and discuss it then, but right now we're in a bit of a holding pattern. If we weren't in an election year, things might be different - nevertheless, here it is and here we are.

    Bottom line: Obama can't go to war without losing the Presidency, and probably Congress. He doesn't want that at all.

    And one more time: Israel needs us, we know that. But the US has interests world-wide; we have other things to deal with, most of which having little to nothing to do with Israel. The idea that AIPAC controls us is absurd. Sure, if you hate them and that's all you focus on, okay, but they have no say in what we do when we're dealing with Canada. Mexico. France. China. Russia. ... oh geez, just about everywhere. Places Israel doesn't deal with. We're bigger than they are. And really ... do you not suppose that we have our spies over there as well, in their government, in their press, in their businesses?
  23. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Israel and the middle east aren't top tier campaign issues in the US. Read the news. Iran is barely tertiary. Those monkeys are pretty much on their own and nobody cares except those of us who are placing bets.

    I have $100 riding on Israel.....Of course I have more riding on my Fantasy Football team, The Crusty Buttholes.
  24. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Any intelligent and reasonable person would oppose wars. You are not unique Jack, just intelligent and reasonable.

    He was right, pity he didn't do what he said.
  25. Mandrake

    Mandrake New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Let's add my quote, then.

    I shot stupid farmers in Honduras. They were needy and annoying and had guns. (*)(*)(*)(*) your "chocolatey!", eat lead.

    BTW, nobody cared and their bloated corpses were still in the same spot a week later with chunks eaten out.

    Okay, here is my quote: If they are brown, gun them down.

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