Does Offshore Wind Development Threaten Whales?

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by Jack Hays, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    What goes around comes around. "Save the whales" was a lefty battle cry decades ago. Now it has become a consideration that raises questions about offshore wind power. It's startling to see the followers of the "consensus" narrative contort themselves to explain away the problem of possibly driving an endangered species to extinction.
    Time To Save the Right Whales From the Green Left?

    By Craig Rucker
    There was a time back in the 1960’s and 70’s when a cause like “Save the Whales” was the exclusive domain of the political left.

    But as Bob Dylan might say, “the times they are a changing”.

    Three major “conservative” organizations – the National Legal Policy Center, Heartland Institute, and my organization, the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow – recently filed a major lawsuit in a Washington, D.C. federal court to save the Right Whale from facing potential oblivion.

    Why aren’t the larger Green groups, unlike the grassroots ones, rallying around the efforts of these organizations to save Right whales? Good question. Perhaps it’s because the threat to the remaining 350 of them doesn’t come from Russian, Norwegian, or Japanese whaling vessels, as it did back in the 70’s. Rather, it is from so-called “Green energy” in the form of offshore wind. Right whales are being threatened by the Biden Administration’s fast-track plans to hurriedly place 30,000 MW of wind power generation off the Eastern coast, and doing so without the proper sort of environmental impact assessment they might otherwise perform for, say, offshore oil.

    The collective decision by our outfits to take the issue of whale protection to Court came after two years of futile attempts to get the Biden Administration to listen. Offshore wind development threatens the nearly extinct North Atlantic Right Whale in various ways, and the government refuses to investigate. . . .

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