Edward Bernays, the father of Biden's election and Trump's impeachment.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Ray9, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. Ray9

    Ray9 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
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    I was dues-paying member of the Steelworker's Union before I went to work in local industry. That world is gone now, and I guess I can blame myself for not paying closer attention to miscreants that compose our national and domestic leadership. I, like you, have questions that will never be asked by your tin horn city newspapers and Hooterville radio stations that are the new loudspeakers for the People’s Republic of China.

    If anyone is wondering how a candidate like Joe Biden that cannot articulate sentences any better than a common drunk and did not campaign, purportedly got more votes in an election than any politician since the beginning of time, they may want to look up Edward Bernays, the father of public relations. I ran across this man in my research and his work in the brain-damaging arena of early advertising explains a lot in our contemporary world. First of all, any reasonable mind knows that Biden did not get those votes and the election was rigged with the assistance of a pandemic and a willing, hostile postal service that saw Biden’s opposition, Donald Trump, as a threat to its continued existence.

    Permanent Washington viewed Trump in much the same way and many in Trump’s own party were so attached and beholden to Beijing-influenced lobbyists that they stood whistling and shifting their eyes away like the people of Nazi Germany while the Jews were walking by the band on their way to the showers.

    The Nazis were quite impressed with Bernays and they used his methods to dumb down the population and incite them against all opposition much like permanent Washington has done against Trump. Bernays wrote his famous book Propaganda in 1928 just as the Nazis were rising. They set fire to the Reichstag and blamed it on the Communists much like Biden supporters stage managed a rag-tag infiltrated throng of frustrated citizens and labeled it an attempted insurrection. This was the power of advertising or “public relations” that Bernays was pedaling and it solidified him as a man way ahead of his time.

    The American people are still reeling after a brazen, stolen election that took place in broad daylight. Now the Bernays effect goes nuclear as a political third-world trial is the next step. Show me the man and I will show you the crime.
    Study Bernays and you will understand.


    Edward Bernays - Wikipedia https://theconversation.com/the-manipulation-of-the-

    The manipulation of the American mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations
    “The most interesting man in the world.” “Reach out and touch someone.” “Finger-lickin’ good.” Such advertising slogans have become fixtures of American culture, and each year millions now tune into the…
    [​IMG] theconversation.com
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
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  2. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Many people know nothing about Bernays. That he was the nephew of Sigmund Freud has an interesting irony to it.

    Authoritarians of all stripes practice the axioms of Bernays, and as the OP notes, Goebbels was a fan of Bernays.

    This is my favorite quote of his: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."

    Anybody analyzing the events of the day should read that to himself every morning to remind himself of what he's reading if it's from mainstream media.
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  3. Ray9

    Ray9 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
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    What we are witnessing is a grand illusion fostered by the powerful to protect a system that funnels the world's wealth into the hands of a few. The absurd alternate reality projected by US intelligence agencies that a man that stood for nationhood was a threat not just to to national security, but to world peace has the validity of cartoon.

    Yet is is bought by people who rather than think for themselves prefer to be told what to think. It is as laughable as it is dangerous, but it is nonetheless real. Study this and learn from it. Realize that freedom of thought and speech are not a natural outcome of human interaction.

    These impeachment trials are an IQ test for the American people. If they pass, freedom will endure. If they fail, then freedom will be just a word in a dusty book somewhere.
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