Foreigners living in america says americans are uneducated

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by chopper, Oct 22, 2016.

  1. chopper

    chopper Banned

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Several friends visiting Harrisburg today met with countless Pakistani Muslims around the South Cameron Street area. Friends are well versed in Urdu and other dialects spoken by Pakistanis and Hindus, and were not surprised by what they overheard. There was alot of talk about policing and drugs in the poor sections of South Cameron Street which is mostly occupied by caucasians and African Americans. Some Pakistanis swear that while coming through Customs, they were informed that African Americans are liars and theives, and must not be trusted. They were instructed to contact police if African American got out of hand. And the sad thing is that they are saying that Democrats have been working with them secretly. One Pakistani lady contended that many African Americans have been incarcerated as a result of Pakistani, and other foreign muslims, policing poor neighborhoods. Uber drivers who are from other countries are eyes and ears for police directly, abnd according to sources, both police and the feds told the spies that none of what they are doing can never be proved. It is also being said that certain foreigners who are on the Hillary Clinton Campaign have leaked information in certain communities informing the public that many Strikes, Protests, and other Rallies held at colleges, et cetera, were caused by the Democratic machine. And then the Democrats shall come in and settle the disputes, just to get the votes of Americans. In other words, Democrats is causing chaos all across America and before the election, they manage to come in and proclaim to fix problems they caused! Foreigners think Americans are crazy because blacks and caucasians are so busy at each other's throats that they can't see that many within their communities are pulling their strings.

    The freemasons and Boule Society Members are using so-called blacks to attack Donald Trump, proclaiming he is racist, when Scott Foval, and Aaron Black, working for the Democrats, boasted about staging events for Hillary Clinton! Many foreigners swear that caucasians have a deep hatred of African Americans which is why they can't see what Hillary's crew is doing. Others proclaim that the racism is a powerful tool which shall aid a Globalization takeover (New World Order). Even with the recent flooding in the southeast, foreigners down there have been talking about how corrupted African American police officers have been covering for caucasian cops who have been shooting unarmed blackmen, that was blacked out from local news medias. One Hindu stated that the revolution will not be tweeted! Since the dawn of the Internet, the U.S. government’s Commerce Department has controlled it. The American government is no longer in charge of the Internet as it was handed over on October 1, 2016, to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.

    ICANN was created by the Department of Commerce in 1998 and was given a government contract to manage the Internet. The long-term government goal in creating ICANN, which is made up of governments around the globe, corporations and individual Internet users were to eventually give the multi-national organization full ownership of domain name systems. A domain name system (DNS) on the Internet ensures a specific URL leads to the correct servers and pulls up a specific website. The information (names, numbers, etc) that allows the DNS to do its job is saved in one major file known as the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Since ICANN’s creation, it has been overseeing how web addresses on the Internet are passed out and has been regulating the IANA. Now, it formally owns the IANA. The Internet now is controlled by an “international consortium” of nations, many of which do not believe in the ideas of free inquiry, independent journalism and unfettered investigation the Internet has provided researchers since its inception. Since the switch, there have been discussions on how it appears to be a convenient move in times where governments are now becoming more aware of the power of social media and how it has been used to rally protesters and radicalize terrorists.

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    The Hillary Clinton campaign has also become aware of how WikiLeaks can expose impunity and how well spun conspiracy theories in the media can develop a need for a false flag cyber attack to harden the resolve of a would be candidate that believes that another country, namely Russia is hell bent on destroying her chances of becoming president. It is evident that the US political class is growing increasingly desperate to stop the flow of previously secret emails and documents that are exposing the real character not only of Clinton, but of all politics as a whole. Its obvious that there has been an air of desperation in the attempt to quash the WikiLeaks material and to somehow destroy any access to intelligence cables. CNN news anchor Chris Cuomo, an open supporter of Clinton, went so far as to lie to his audience, claiming it was illegal for them to access the emails and insisting they could obtain any information on them only through the filter of the corporate media. To actually have someone in the mainstream media tell an outrageous lie like this tells you there is more to this than meets the eyes and that the panic button has been pressed. It has to be said that the way this is being dealt with is amazingly counterintuitive. It’s a demonstration of how terrified the US ruling class has become in the face of growing mass hostility to both major political parties and their two abhorrent candidates.

    Their fear is that the relentless exposure of the inner workings of a government is robbing the existing political setup of what little legitimacy it had left within the population, and creating the conditions for a political radicalization within the working class and social upheavals. If you want your revolution, it is starting now, but the offensive blows are happening online as information has to be squashed, dialogue has to be silenced in order to keep the political structure intact. Cockroaches hate the sunlight. The shadow government does not want the information revolution tweeted. They want it shut down and they will do anything to make it appear that they have plausible deniability about how and why attacks on the system have begun in the first place. Recently, millions of panicked Americans realized they may have to be productive when suddenly their favorite social media website or news outlet was unavailable for up to an hour. As it turns out, the culprit was “an enormous cyberattack” which disrupted traffic to hundreds of websites including Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, eBay and the New York Times, particularly for Internet users on the east coast of the United States. A few days before this happened, the Obama Administration had suggested they would engage in an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election.

    Vice President Joe Biden told “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd on Friday that, “we’re sending a message” to Putin and that “it will be at the time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact.” When asked if the American public will know a message was sent, the Vice President replied, “Hope not.” Well if you are planning to launch a cyber Pearl Harbor against Russia you should keep in mind that someone may be listening and that they may want to send a message. We are not saying this attack was from Russia, but you can bet the mainstream media will blame Putin as it is conducive to further the conspiracy theories about how hackers are now in the employ of the Kremlin. Infact, anyone who is tweeting against Hillary Clinton is having their email accounts hacked. Just imagine what its going to be like when this lady from hell becomes President of the U.S. Americans should chalk this up to reckless self-fulfilling prophecy. Twitter, SoundCloud, Spottily, Netflix, Reddit, Disqus, PayPal and Shopify all went down and countless others sites that put the internet into a virtual standstill.

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    Seconds after the first wave hit, the net was restored, but then there was a third and a fourth wave. As the east coast recovered the west coast was attacked. This prompted some media mental misfits to wonder if this was a trial run for the election — it’s funny how they love to ridicule conspiracy theorists, and then when the bad stuff starts to go down, they begin to start speculating and spinning webs of conspiracy too. The Obama Administration has certainly given the Internet a beating. He has vilified it an open play ground where scary criminal master minds are aiming to attack and terrorists lurk watching bloody you tube videos produced in U.S. studios by ISIS. It is then that they are suddenly transformed into zombified combatants. The government has keenly provided a cyber game of ‘Clue’ where there is really no one to point the finger at—and even if the media claimed Russia is behind this attack – an American government contractor could have cloaked the hack for a small amount of money or even make it look like Russia did it. It would be a cyber shot heard round the world—or to be more blunt a cyber Gulf of Tonkin incident. Back in 2009, former Counter Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke warned of what he called an I-911 or an Internet 911 and there would then be a proposal for crack downs on internet rights and free speech.

    “There’s going to be an I-9/11 event. Which doesn’t necessarily mean an Al Qaeda attack, it means an event where the instability or the insecurity of the internet becomes manifest during a malicious event which then inspires the government into a response. You’ve got to remember that after 9/11 the government drew up the Patriot Act within 20 days and it was passed. The Patriot Act is huge and I remember someone asking a Justice Department official how did they write such a large statute so quickly, and of course the answer was that it has been sitting in the drawers of the Justice Department for the last 20 years waiting for the event where they would pull it out. Of course, the Patriot Act is filled with all sorts of insanity about changing the way civil rights are protected, or not protected in this instance. Now while no one is claiming an I-911 has occurred, the conspiracy spin from the media about a Russian conspiracy could create all kinds of chilling possibilities. It wouldn’t be surprising to hear that today’s cyber attack was carried out by Russia with an ISIS cloak for good measure — that way, two magic trigger words would then convince the American people there is an effort by Russia and ISIS to stop us from having a Madame president. We also have to take into consideration that when communication is intentionally blocked it is being done to sequester any and all intelligence pertaining to possible warfare or invasion.

    While we have been distracted by the political breakdown of our country, there has been an intentional news blackout concerning at least a half dozen high alert, significant international developments this last weekend that all strongly indicate the extreme danger of a nuclear war breaking out at any time against Russia and its Eastern alliance. Rumors of threat levels rising and lowering are all over the internet — as high has Defcon 3 or 2, which would mean the current threat level to every human life on this planet even surpasses the Cuban Missile Crisis, which happened 54 years ago this month. The last time we hovered around Defcon 2 or 3 was just after the 9-11 attacks. The Defense readiness plan maintains continuity of government services in response to imminent threat of any national emergency or crisis. It appears that we are in more peril by man-made destruction than any previous time in human history. Yet we are being treated to street brawl political theater on the nightly news. We are bracing for a series of false flags that could ignite a global war between US-NATO and the Eastern powers: Russia, China and Iran. Just a reminder that on October 4th, 2016, 40 million Russian citizens, as well as 200,000 specialists from “emergency rescue divisions” and 50,000 units of equipment, took part in a country wide nuclear drill in preparation for an attack.

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    The drill rehearsed radiation, chemical and biological protection of the personnel and population during emergencies at crucial and potentially dangerous facilities. Our media reported it was for natural disasters. President Ronald Reagan once said that “History, teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.” It is so unbelievable how his prophetic words apply to what has happened today.

    OCTOBER 22, 2016
  2. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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  3. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    If they are so damned smart, why dont they go home and improve their countries with their great smarts?????

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