Fox News Host: 'Women Should Use 'Great Body' To Persuade Jury In Court'

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Agent_286, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. Whaler17

    Whaler17 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Don't see anything there that would place Fox News above MSNBC on the most racist list. Most of what you posted was indirect and subject to interpretation, and we all know which way you lean with your eh hem "interpretations". Much of what you posted was Fox News pointing out legitimate double standards that liberals had and/or have. I understand that lefties don't like being called out on their hypocrisy, but the truth is the truth.
  2. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    I saw a poll someone was taking to see who was the hottest woman on Fox. As a joke they included liberal beta male Alan Colmes........I don't believe he got any votes.
  3. paco

    paco New Member

    Apr 10, 2009
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    That explains a lot then. You don't like Fox News because you are a catty woman hatin' on other women that happen to be hot-looking chicks. Women in general are competitive when it comes to being the center of attention, and if they see one that is hotter than they are, especially when other men are in the room, let the competition begin! :D
  4. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    It wasn't Fox that came out with the story first and if the Left thinks Fox should have investigated it first before airing it. What does that say about the Obama administration who fired her before investigating it? Wasn't they as bad or worse than Fox? Yes, I know, that's different, not.
  5. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    The Left are sooooo jealous of Fox they will find anything to complain about. But no matter what they find it never comes close to the lies and doctored video and audio tapes MSNBC has done, or the racism that they push.
  6. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    A classic dodge.

    Playing to bigots is coin of the rehlm in right wing media. Every single GOP candidate since Ronald Reagan has indulged in to to some extent (except Romney, but certainly not Gingrich).

    Not all conservatives are bigots, by any means. But there is plenty of it out there, and 95% of it is tuned to Fox Noise.
  7. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    What planet do you live on?

    1) Women are not free to decide with our doctor private matters that concern us. It has been labeled the "republican War on Women." Fanatics surrounds women's clinics shouting at females entering and leaving these clinics in their extreme fanaticism against abortion, many birth control treatments women seek at these women's clinics, as well as many life-saving tests that are so beneficial to women.

    2) Women have not attained equal pay for equal work.

    3) Women's lives are in jeopardy on a daily basis because of her gender. She is in danger of being raped, murdered, shot in a drive-by shooting, or on her front porch on a warm evening as 'vacant' homes turn into brothels that feature girls transported into this residential section for prostitution. People drink, fight, and gunfire erupts, causing neighborhood random murders, all because of disregard for the surrounding community.

    4) Women have lost their right to walk free and unafraid in this country in complete safety, have lost the right to go to malls without being shot at, attacked, or murdered by a demented male with an assault weapon bent on having a great day at the mall..thanks NRA.

    5) Women who seek to protect our country via the Armed Forces find themselves raped, and if they report it are ostracized and treated as the offender with many reported cases not being brought to trial. This constitutes a huge gender gap, leaving soldiers free to molest, rape and murder other soldiers with no chance of retribution by the victimized.

    All the preceding show an epidemic of violence against women that is increasing through lack of interest in Congress toward the plight of females today in America from age 2 through their 80's from violence by males.

    Women will forever seek their true worth in society, and have the history to prove that we will not go away on this journey toward a land we have never seen and have only been 'allowed' to participate fractionally in because we are the only people on Earth that can give birth. This phenomenon is the weapon that has been used against females since the Garden of Eden, while women have left that particular Garden long ago seeking new and exciting avenues in life instead of the drudgery of picking all that fruit in the Garden.
  8. paco

    paco New Member

    Apr 10, 2009
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    Is Fox News getting sued for trying to pass off a "white Hispanic" as a racist by doctoring his 911 call to police while pursuing a suspicious-looking black teenager before showing it on national TV? Fox News can't top MSNBC in the Racist category on that one.
  9. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Give me one good reason why a woman needs to have a late term abortion, except to save the life of the mother, or that the child would be born with such an affliction that it would need constant care and money?

    We have a law on the books already for equal pay for equal work. If women aren't paid equally, they either aren't complaining to the right people, or government isn't doing their job enforcing the law.

    Everyone's lives are threatened, not just women. Even Jessie Jackso felt threatened when walking home one night and heard foot steps coming up behind him and didn't feel relieved until he saw it was a White man behind him.

    Maybe they wouldn't be so much violence in this country if the Liberal dominated media and entertainment industry quit putting out trash, like rap songs of raping your mother and killing cops.

    You Liberals are trying to play up this women crap and you know it's a farce. But you'll say anything to get votes.
  10. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Whoa...are you saying that Tom Fitz's reply didn't knock you straight off your little red wagon? Please return to the real world of racist, misogynistic Fox News and the gullible, racist group that it attracts so we can have an adult civilized conversation.

    You really need to start thinking for yourself and ask your fellow republicans what their real agenda is, that doesn't even include you, nor your well-being.
  11. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Come off of it, no one plays up the race issue more than Liberals. You can't put up a post without bringing up race. It's one of your most used words after (The, and AND) you have wore the word out.
  12. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    1) Because it should be a private decision between a woman and her doctor, not some far right clown on the Internet?

    2) It could be they have a republican employer...

    3) I think it was possibly a White man that has been unemployed for a long time due to Bush Outsourcing of his job...

    4) Unfortunately for you, we still live in a Democracy, and people will play what they like, but to try to blame today's violence on rap music is really lame...yo, bro, give me five!

    5) Look at all the female legislators being elected to Congress, that is because women went to the polls and voted for change from republican comb-over, farting, belching, old woman-hating codgers whose perverted agenda included taking away a woman's right over her own body.
  13. HB Surfer

    HB Surfer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 10, 2009
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    Your above quote is truly an awful thing to say.

    This is all starting to make sense now. Agent, are you an overweight divorcee? Did your husband leave you?

    You do know you are the exception not the rule?

    I have been married for 18 wonderful years to an amazing beautiful and caring wife that does "boot camp" three morning a week with a group of pretty women. They stay in shape, do really good things, and are not hateful.
  14. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    You're sure right about that. I've been at a lot of social gatherings where I'd watch this type of thing going on and it was always women showing as much cleavage and leg as they dared. The cattiness and jealousy in some women is really ugly and so obvious.....

    Before he finally met the right woman, my son had a lot of girlfriends and I met all of them. Liked all of them except for 2. This one in particular, I had a couple conversations w/her w/o my son around. One day when he came over alone, he asked me what I tho't of "Sally". I told him "Listen to her very carefully. Listen to how she talks about other people, particularly women. She bad mouths everyone, including her best friend (whom I'd known for a long time). She even bad mouths her own mother!"

    He was quite young, but has always trusted my judgement, he listened to me, then listened to her and dropped her. He learned a lesson there by marrying a woman who's not really pretty, but a great person.....
  15. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    First of all there is no war on women by republicans or anyone else.

    Your first claim that you are not free to decide on matters which concern you with your doctor? This is an outright lie a woman has the same right to medical privacy as a man. Perhaps you can provide an example of what you are talking about.

    Yes there are fanatics screaming and protesting outside of abortion clinics but this in no way violates a womans rights. They have the right to protest just as a woman has the right to ignore them. The USSC has decided that a certian amount of distance be kept between the actually clinic grounds and the protestors. This is reasonable to me so as to make it clear that the protestors cannot physically block the entrance to such clinics. But they still have the right to protest and even if you do not like it they do not violate your rights or any womans rights.

    Um yes everyone is in danger of being shot or killed or raped but the existence of any potential danger does not support your claim. Women face no greater dangers than men.

    Woman have lost no such rights as you claim to walk in freedom and safety they do it every day. Your linking this to the NRA is beyond ludicrous

    Pretty much every thing in your post is dogma without factual support.

    Even rape in the military is wildly exagerrated. Yes women ( and men ) everywhere have been the victim of rape but this does not equal an epidemic as you claim. Women do not get equal pay for equal work because there is no such thing as equal work and in fact women get paid more than men overall which is easily proven.

    Try some solid facts instead of talking points derived from a feminist blog.

    My original point remains undisputed
  16. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    1) The race issue in this country is important in our age of equality for blacks, and our immigration problems that are constantly brought on by republican stalling, hostage taking, and shutting down our government. I always want to be on top of the news, as you may have gathered.

    2) Untrue, most of my articles concern stupid republican legislators' activities and the rancid War Against Women they chose as their collective leap over the cliff in the upcoming elections. I am sure, though, that the republicans would love to silence any recriminations concerning their treasonous activities of attempting to keep blacks and Latinos away from the polls in the upcoming 2014 and 2016 elections.

    3) I find your exceedingly detailed study of my 'most used words' rather creepy, but what primordial mechanism do you use for words other than 'the' and 'and'?. I am surprised that you didn't include 'but' which is one of my best equalizers in a debate...

    ..but the puny diatribe and the lameness of your attack should be embarrassing to you and I will forgo any other response and laughter but I can sense the embarrassment you may be feeling about now.
  17. Hummingbird

    Hummingbird Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Good accurate post........
  18. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    You have a lot of nerve blockposting gigantic biased articles in whole anyone can get in two seconds by googling "fox racist" without any of your own commentary or reasoning and then accusing someone else of "dodging."
  19. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    soupnazi: Unfortunately, your entire reply consisted of third party, unproven, anecdotal links, no proof, and not much awareness of any reality, and composed mostly of therefore it becomes unworthy of a reply. Try again with links supporting your position as opposed to mine and we can continue per debating rules.
  20. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Untrue, or rather a few abortion demonstration articles won't even come close to grounding it and satisfying YOUR burden to evidence the above, not that you actually provide -any- substantiation whatsoever. .

    This is a lie, hasn't been even remotely close to true for decades, yet is the most oft repeated feminist lie. Ground it with evidence that includes all the necessary context, retract it, or cling steadfastly to a lie. You, nor feminists generally, can make such groundless pronouncements going forward without evidencing them.

    A gross distortion. Men are the victims of vastly more violent crime than women. Feminism's cultural solipsism, making everything about women with no deviation permissible, noted.

    Another distortion. Evidence it or didn't happen. Also, evidence how the NRA is responsible for criminals obtaining weapons illegally, which has -nothing- to do with the amount of gun control in force in a society.

    I see the rest are all typical feminist lies and gross distortions. Sorry, feminist, you are not at a rally. Evidence all these infinitely repeated and infinitely false feminist claims you post or it's all... hot... air, just as feminism has always been.
  21. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Wrong. You made the ridiculous feminist claims, none of which are demonstrable. The burden is -squarely- on you to evidence them, not others to even begin to refute them until you have met that burden, and you won't, we already know that,
  22. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Give me a break...Tom Fitz scored one biggie on you with it!
  23. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    All you have done is disprove your OWN main thesis that I have not proven my reply and am asking SoupNazi for links or proof, or have it simplified as third party anecdotal conversation. if you could have proven me wrong, you would have done it, so I am surmising that you don't own a TV, never listen to your radio, don't know how to read, and live a cloistered life suffering from a deluge of unrequited information and common knowledge.

    You respond by calling me a liar, accuse me of "gross distortions" and I am saying that every remark I made is common knowledge and depicts the true danger women live under today. If you can disprove what I have said ...THEN DO IT...otherwise I will assume that you are just another woman hater who is afraid of equality with us.
  24. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Oh you think people "score biggies" by gigantic block posts with no reasoning attached? lawlz. News for you, I didn't read any of that, nor should I be expected to. He can make claims in his own words and then link such as opposed to simple raw block quoting if he wants anything he posts taken seriously. As it is those giant long block quotes just trash the thread.
  25. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    You can ask all you want, yet still haven't met -your- burden to substantiate all those claims you posted. And even now, instead of substantiating them as any reasonable person would, you want to grumble and throw out insults. Have seen this thousands of times before with feminists. You're all hot air. Either meet your burden to evidence your claims or they didn't happen. The days are -long gone- when feminists can just spout out some inaccurate dogma statements and have them accepted wholesale. Put up or shut up.

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