Geothermical energy: Free energy right under our feet

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by Xanadu, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Why does the world keep drilling for (fossil fuels) oil, natural gas and coal while there is a sustainable clean and green alternative (that needs drilling as well), geothermical energy (lasts for decades per source the same as the fossil fuels, run dry/out eventually, but a geothermical source recharge because the Earth's core stays hot for a couple of billion years)
    And there are a few places on Earth that have geothermal energy at the surface.
    The problem is (in Europe), it is not allowed to drill in your own ground under the house you bought (banks and municipal own (monopoly) the ground and house), they have created law that forbids to drill (they did a test drill at a former mayor's house, municipal changed rules now nobody can drill, so you see how the system does not want people to be independent) But in the USA is more freedom, can e.g. farmers or local companies start to drill and sell cheap electricity to consumers? Way low prices than the oil, coal, nuclear (system) energy industry. Independence is freedom and fresh air, dependence is monopoly/empire and polution. Now lets see how fast this post drops down in the thread.
  2. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    You can also put in a geothermal system in your house and reduce heating and cooling cost considerably.

    Since the temp under the gound of your house stays a constant 50 to 55 degrees year round...unless you live on a volcano or hot spring.

    Just have to dig about four feet down. And it takes a lot less energy to heat air from 50 degrees to seventy than it does from 0 degrees to seventy.

    Takes less energy to cool the cool air also. You could just run a fan instead of AC.
  3. Not Amused

    Not Amused New Member

    Jul 23, 2011
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    Geothermal, as a heat source to boil water, tends to be corrosive, and lots of dissolved solids that crusts up on equipment.

    The money save by not needing fuel, is more than offset by maintaince costs. If not, why burn coal or oil?

    Using the ground as a sink isn't as effective where the ground is dry, and really effective if you can tap into water (stream, lake, ground water, or even a swimming pool). I'm all electric, and heat and cool with a heat pump. I would love to tie it into a pool, but can't afford the up front cost.
  4. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Despite it's advantages, the ground source heat pump has not caught on in the market.

    What do you suppose is the reason for this?

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