How do we get people to stop believing in Conspiracy theories?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by SiliconMagician, Jun 5, 2012.

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  1. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Modern man is facing up to an incredibly stress creating new scenario .
    The use of Probability to answer questions accurately .
    Essentially answers used to be , and much to the greater extent , -- Right or Wrong , Correct or Incorrect , Fact or Belief .
    This is now self evidently not the the situation , but when this scenario impinges on certain mind sets , there is enormous disruption .
    The OP is one such affected person . His posts attempt to see everything in the simplest way and answerable in nice simple terms -- Right or Wrong .
    We all have to develop world views in order to find the best way of coping with our lives and handling fresh incoming information .
    However , certain types of personality and character see invasions of their mind set as attacks on their character etc --- most obviously those with "very tidy" minds and veering to the compulsive and obsessive , who feel literally damaged by having to readjust what they regarded previously as inalienable Rights and Truths .
    Also , and increasingly , matters are much more complex , and a significant number of people literally cannot handle complexity . It harms them emotionally , mentally and physically to have to grapple with a multitude of relevant strands The mind implodes in a variety of ways and to varying degrees .
    Quite understandably , otherwise the person simply has to assume total denial or move into madness to keep functioning sensibly .

    This is all tightly connected to how people even initially view subjects that they label "Conspiracy " --- something which is a complex and initially low probability theory that produces an immediate huge reaction , mentally and emotionally .
    Forgetting the Right and Wrong of it , 9/11 is a wonderful example . Where many people in complete denial cannot or will not even discuss it in rational terms . Where the vast majority reject even discussing it and produce the absurdity of a Government arranged conspiracy ( CONCLUSION ) as a means for not having to confront tiny details ( EVIDENCE ) which might eventually lead to an unwanted conclusion .They will happily ignore everything that could lead them to finally accepting something which would destroy their world outlook .
    Musing .
  2. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Although the vast majority of conspiracy theories are probably not true, I think the existence of conspiracy theorists is, in many ways, a GOOD thing. Conspiracies have existed in the past, although usually not on the grand scale many conspiracy theorists imagine. With so many conspiracy theorists, it would probably make it more difficult for any government or political organisation to keep a conspiracy secret.
  3. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Tell me you don't believe this...
  4. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    You really could've shortened that entire insult of my intelligence to:

    "Wow SM, you sure are simple minded."
  5. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    . But there are many types of work where disadvantages can be turned into job plusses because of the nature of the work .
    And the good news is that you are part of the , Bloodhound , class .
    Which puts you in the top third under the Elite but above the Sheep and most definitely the Rabbits .
    See how happy you are already .


    Your summary represents a personal insult ( God forbid) but my explanation is a CV recommendation .
    More good news
  6. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    150 years of lies and war makes people seek the Truth, and those who hate the truth do their best to sway most people away from the reality we live in.
  7. pimptight

    pimptight Banned

    Aug 20, 2012
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    What is CT?

    I have a theory I think is right that many would call a CT.

    As I have sent a dic pic before, I find the idea that Anthony Wiener accidentally sent a picture of himself on accident to 40,000 people to be absurd. Sending a pic like that is not something you do lightly. He himself claims his phone was hacked.

    With the Murdock UK story, Trapwire, NSA, whistle blowers, ect. it seems pretty obvious the Wiener picture was a political hit job done by hackers.

    Is this a CT?

    Hell, the batman shooters dad does write complicated financial algorithms for FICO. Is it a CT to ask if he was scheduled to testify in the LIBOR scandal?

    I mean think for yourself here. If there was anyone that would have had the technical knowledge on how the LIBOR was being manipulated, and would have had to have instructions from the highest levels, wouldn't have been the guy who writes the algorithms?

    Now this doesn't mean I believe the batman shooting was a CT, nor do I give any credibility to the Kremlin report this idea came from, but the linked in profile of his dad that shows this is in fact his profession, should cause people to want more info. Is this position a CT?

    Is money corrupting our political process a CT?

    Is Sibel Edmonds a CT?

    What qualifies as a CT?

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