How Talk Radio and Fox News Brainwashed My Dad

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Tom Joad, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    I think everything from that kook blog is a diaper full.
  2. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    [​IMG] is phony "Progressive" controlled dissent astroturf type journalism, financed and funded by George Soros, a board member and major stockholder of the Carlyle Group U.S. military defense contractor. War criminal Dick Cheney is still on the board of the Carlyle Group and is a major stockholder as well.

    No matter how many "anti-war" Liberal media outlets George Soros finances, I think it is criminal and hypocrisy to assist in propagandizing thru censorship about wars like in Syria and Libya while simultaneously profiting off of them. At the same time, Soros endlessly donates to, promotes, advertises for, on his radio and internet "news" sites, the campaigns of so called "Liberal" and "Progressive" Democrat candidates, who in turn, vote in more wars financing bills legislation for more escalation in the Middle East, Ukraine, Africa, and Russia, primarily on innocent non-hostile civillians who live in mineral or energy rich areas.

    When I say propagandizing, I mean that Soros funded outlets censor the news reports of heinous ISIS terrorist atrocities, suicide bombings, car bombings, torture, mutilations, rapes, and scorched earth air strikes in Syria and Libya the last five years on civillian targets, mosques, clinics and hospitals, and Syrian govmnt facilities, aided and abetted by CIA, Obama Executive Orders and Hillary Clintons State Dept. during her tenture.

    Soros funded radio and websites censorship of facts like the use of white phosphorous and incindiary weapons, non precision guided dummy bombs Obama White House drops on un suspecting civillians to then blame on President Assad, and Hillary Clinton oversight of direct funding,training, and U.S. special ops forces directly commanding Al Nusra on the ground in Syria and Libya is unforgivable, criminal and are major war crimes.

    Anyone who uses Soros news outlets in their news coverage since the exposure of George profiteering and links to the "Arab Spring" wars is assisting in war crimes and is committing violations of the Geneva Conventions, where it is illegal to use international media for the purpose of fomenting wars on sovereign states and peaceful nations like Syria and Libya. Those nations did not become warring and violent until Obamas CIA created terrorist groups there including the Libya Fighting Group, the Free Syrian Army (created by Obama Appointed Syria ambassador Robert Ford) and whose Democrat White House created the authorization to fund and train Al Nusra and ISIS.


    Soros-Funded Lefty Media Reach More Than 300 Million Every Month
  3. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I get it now Joad.Unlike the hand flyers that The Joad clan in John Steinbecks
    classic masterpiece - Grapes of Wrath - believed in on their flight to California in
    their big farm wagon on route 66.
    Those hand fliers were Lies.Meant to attract the struggling tenant farmers who
    gor evicted and had no place left to call home.So ... California here I Come.
    But the road was paved with Lies and Liars and misinformation on top of
    outright falsehood.There were no Jobs to be had in the Great land of Sunshine.
    What little work was available barely paid enough to support a family.
    Propaganda is based on hoodwinking with Lies and distortions and misinformation.
    Exactly what Fox and Rush Limbaugh and Talk Radio and some in Alternate media
    have made it their business to unveil and give a good does of sunshine to help
    sterilize.If not for Fox,Talk Radio and Alternate media this country would literally
    be headed the way of Cuba.
    This MSM and Liberal sites are dedicated to Yellow Journalism and Politburo-level
    propaganda.This infestation has pervaded many a College campus and city like
    Ferguson,and Baltimore problem your father acquired it certainly wasn't
    c/o of Fox news or Rush Limbaugh.The numbers don't lie.Fox is far and away Number One
    in cable outlets.Rush Limbaugh rules Talk Radio.The MSM is fading big time.
    newspapers like the Washington Post,Boston Globe { was sold } L.A.Times
    and N.Y.Times are in big trouble.Because the Citizenry no longer trust what they
    write or what they choose to ignore writing about.Like the God's Honest truth.
  4. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The Cointelpro (aka Mockingbird) controlled asset press and broadcast media are contracted to protect whoever is in the White House whether its a Dem or GOP. And Rush Limbaugh and Fox are no different. They act as defenders of the Party and paid hacks to attack the leaders of any opposition to their President.

    Just as ABC News, and other Right Wing GOP leaning outlets defended Reagan in lockstep when Ronny got caught murdering 40,000 civillians of the democratically elected government of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua by illegally arming Reagans Contras, instead of jailing Oliver North and Reagan, the CIA controlled broadcast radio and TV media gave Reagan/Bush all the free excuses and censorship they needed to escape and North got his own TV show on Fox News.

    Now that Obama got caught arming Al Queda in Syria and Iraq (aka ISIS) and now that all the Free Syrian Army got obliterated by Assad and Putin, who are not only innocent victims of U.S. Big Oil greedheads, but are indeed the true heros of the conflict along with the Syrian state army, the Mockingbird broadcast MSM has found it necessary to conceal the fact that Obama is giving air cover to ISIS who is in truth a major U.S. ally doing the bidding of and being directly commanded by U.S. special forces and the CIA. Get a clue.

    America is not at war with ISIS, like all the Presidential candidates claim in the debates. America is using ISIS as their private mercenary army to balkanize the Middle East.The staged "outrage" beheading videos and other ISIS Facebook threats, ISIS leader Bhagdadi clips and quotes are Psyops propaganda used by the Mockingbird broadcast media to bolster public support for endless oil wars in Syria and Iraq.

    Did you ever see that movie "Wag the Dog" starring Robert DeNiro and Dustin Hoffman?

    The current phony war on ISIS is the exact same premise.


  5. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Warrior Soul- Fourth Reich

  6. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    :icon_jawdrop:Ya know its weird people talk about the Saudis and their lack of freedoms over there - but I was listening to the Tom Hartman just now at the 10:30 a.m. Pacific slot and he had a guest at the top of the hour talking about ISIS and so I called in and the screener asked me what my topic was, and I said "the war in Syria" which is basically on topic, and the screeener said Tom isn't on that right now - you have to be on topic. I replied that Tom and the callers were jumping all over the place from guns, to Hillary, to Bernie, and the banks, citizens united and so forth - which was totally true - and she said "no you have to stay on topic" free comments are Friday only and hung up on me. Honestly, this facsimilie freedom of speech in America is a complete farce. :thumbsdown:
  7. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Other Useless Phony Liberal Radio and Print Personas I Hate - :thumbsdown:

    (Even Though I am a Anti-War Progressive)

    These Media Personas Just Spout Off For A Paycheck! -:blahblah:

    But Have No Real Ethics and Are Not True Warriors For Peace!

    I dont care for Chris Hedges, Robert Scheer and Tom Engelhart. Under W. they had some good stuff, but when Dems took the White House they started trimming around ye olde hedge, censoring Obama war crimes all over hell, meandering around logic, what one Zen master calls 'active laziness' and another Zen teacher calls 'just playing with your monkey mind'. Their speeches and articles lack factual clarity and cohesion which both sound like the same thing but actually are not. They lie. Useful content on war zones and useful to the point data on ground wars are not present in their material. The phrase 'Democrat Party hacks' comes to mind.:democrat:

    They should retire like Hillary and Bill Clinton, George Soros, Arriana Huffington, Katrina Vanden Hovel, E.J. Dionne, Bob Herbert, Eric Alterman, Juan Cole, Stephen Zunes, Stephen F. Cohen, Amy Goodman, Jonathon Alter, Juan Gonzolez, Jeremy Schahill, Michael Moore, Mike Papantonio, Howard Kurtz, Tom Hartman, Mike Malloy, Bill Press, Bob Kennedy, Ed Schultz, Alan Colmes, Jim Hightower, Cenk Uygar, Seymour Hersh, Garrison Keillor, Bill Maher, Howard Kurtz and Bernie Sanders ................

    (to list just a few washed up Liberal old fogies doing meaningless phony progressivism lip service info-tainment, pretending to be buzzworthy and relevant for easy money):oldman:
  8. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Lets take the case of Robert Scheer, a top notch journalist whom I respect, but loathe for 'active laziness". He confessed in a radio podcast he was fired from the LA Times for his article criticizing Obamas decision to escalate the war on Afghanistan. He also mentioned in the same breath that his colleague Chris Hedges was fired from the NYT for his political stance on war. And yet, Robert recently appeared on Democracy Now debating that WE (as Americans) needed another candidate (before Bernie announced). He vociferously stated we needed Elizabeth Warren as bloggers did at the time. And yet Elizabeth Warren had already endorsed the bombing of Syria, at a time when others like Clinton and Kerry were doing (whom he was criticizing on the Democracy Now debate on the election).

    Also on a seperate venue his collleague Chris Hedges stated on the Ford Foundation funded "Real News Network" video interview that he had no doubt Assad caused the chemical attacks we now know were a false flag. Hedges NEVER retracted this false reporting, neither did Mike Papantonio when he said the same thing on Ring of Fire video of Free Speech TV funded by Soros and Ford. Neither apologized for spouting false war dogma for the Democrat Party. Columnist faux liberal Bob Herbert also lined up withe Democrat White House in support of bombing Syria rather than stick with the facts. THEY ALL DISCREDITED THEMSELVES, and erased entire careers of credibility by showing themselves to be Democrat Party Government stooges first and human rights activists last. Explain that to the mothers of dead Syrian babies, OK?
  9. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Try calling the Rush Limpdick show and tell them you want to talk about how bogus the Benghazi thing is...

    Think that''' get you on?
  10. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Lets take the case of Robert Scheer, a top notch journalist whom I respect, but loathe for 'active laziness". He confessed in radio podcast he was fired from the LA Times for his article criticizing Obamas decision to escalate the war on Afghanistan. He also mentioned in the same breath that his colleague Chris Hedges was fired from the NYT for his political stance on war. And yet, Robert recently appeared on Democracy Now debating that WE (as Americans) needed another candidate (before Bernie announced). He vociferously stated we needed Elizabeth Warren as bloggers did at the time.And yet Elizabeth Warren had already endorsed the bombing of Syria, at a time when others like Clinton and Kerry (whom he was criticizing on the Democracy Now debate on the election) were doing. Also on a seperate venue his collleague Chris Hedges stated on the Ford Foundation CIA funded "Real News Network" video interview that he had no doubt Assad caused the chemical attacks we now know were a false flag. Hedges NEVER retracted this false reporting, neither did Mike Papantonio when he said the same thing on Ring of Fire video of Free Speech TV funded by Soros and Ford. Columnist faux liberal Bob Herbert also lined up with the Democrat White House in support of bombing Syria rather than stick with the facts. THEY ALL DISCREDITED THEMSELVES, and erased an entire career of credibility by showing themselves to be Democrat Party Government stooges first and human rights activists last. Explain that to the mothers of dead Syrian babies, OK? :oldman:

    Vote how you like Bernie, whatever. Rand Paul seems sincere in his drone filibuster and his criticism of the Obama arming FSA/Al Nusra and Al Queda in Syria, Libya and his opposition to the wars. The point is he was silenced in favor of the 2 Party "divide and conquer" Presidential debate food fight paradigm.

    Also, people who always spout off about Koch Bros. NEVER talk about Soros blanket financing of Prog. media. while Soros profits off defense stocks, is a Carlyle board member, and Carlyle now owns Booz Allen Hamilton inhabited by some of the nastiest NeoCon villians of the Bush-Reagan-Cheney Dubya - Rumsfeld days of running Pentagon,NSA, CIA. going back to Iran Contra like Frank Carlucci. Soros paid MSM sources to lie going back to former Yugoslavia CIA funding of the KLA, then when Serbia/Croatia was divided up by NATO, George Soros bid for mineral mining rights in Yugoslavia on the cheap. Soros progressive media philanthropy is not out of the kindness of his heart, hes a corporate raider and war crime rape and pillager using his paid for misdirection lies of Amy Goodman propaganda (e.g.)"Assads torture Gulags")
    broadcasting so his militarist covert op disinfo media empire can make him a multi billionaire from defense industry stock and oil portfolios.

    Notice how Soros funded sites like TruthOut and Alternet, Pacifica, Democracy Now LIED AND CENSORED and painted Assad as the fault of Obama CIA trained, funded ISIS/FSA terrorist atrocities?

    Democracy in the US is an illusion. Booz Allen is a privatized head of National Intelligence connected to a web of companies that can open computer mics, cameras, browsers, cell phones, and without you having a WiFi or internet connection. Booz Allen also has its own private army, air force, navy controls/usurps is at the center of a web of intel agenies, private intnl spy companies, and like Snowden once your a member of Booz Allen its for life ...absolute ZERO govmnt oversight.

    Methods of work of secret service

    "Gamma International Ltd in Andover, England, and a Germany-based branch Gamma International GmbH in Munich are producing surveillance software called FinSpy or FinFisher. FinSpy has been found to affect computers through fake software update prompts, and by hiding in what appears to be an image file that is relevant to the person being phished. The software suite, which the company calls “Remote Monitoring and Deployment Solutions” has the ability to take control of target computers and capture even encrypted data and communications. Using “enhanced remote deployment methods” it can install software on target computers. The surveillance suite is installed after the target accepts installation of a fake update to commonly used software. The software, which is designed to evade detection by antivirus software, has versions which work on mobile phones of all major brands. The security flaw in iTunes that FinFisher is reported to have exploited was first described in 2008 by security software commentator Brian Krebs. Apple did not patch the security flaw for more than three years, until November 2011. Apple officials have not offered an explanation as to why the flaw took so long to patch. FinFisher is capable of masquerading as other more legitimate programs, such as Mozilla Firefox. On April 30, 2013, Mozilla announced that they had sent Gamma a cease-and-desist letter for trademark infringement."
  11. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Monster Zero gets his 15 seconds of fame challenging Bernie Sanders wisdom in his support of bombing Syria.

    (at the 26 min, 29 sec mark)

    IMO Sanders is just another imperialist Democrat.

    Presswatch radio show basically endorses Sanders, but the host Theresa Mitchell did tell the truth about Syria, which is that the war on ISIS is basically phony and that Syria/ ISIS is CIA sponsored illegal oil war.
  12. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Here is show host Theresa Mitchell did tell the truth about Syria, which is that the war on ISIS is basically phony using sources like Global Research and that Syria/ ISIS is CIA sponsored illegal oil war.
  13. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    At least Rand seems sincere about his disgust with arming Al Queda in Syria and Iraq. Everybody in Washington knows that Hillary and Obama had advance warnings that the Benghazi weapons transhipment point was going to be attacked and did nothing about it. But most media buried it. And when ISIS blew up the Russian jetliner filled with vacationers on Nov. 2, 2015 - I hardly heard a peep of sympathy from the Western media. All very disconcerting.:frown:

    I've seen Trump get hours and hours of free air time on all three mainstream networks CBS, NBC, ABC on their morning shows and he doesn't say anything concrete solution wise.
    I mean he just stands there and repeats the headlines. Then he goes on and on with lip service on CSPAN endlessly given a podium but says next to nothing but insults and condescension.

    Hillary, on the other hand, walks around like the anointed one, about all her "experience" (yeah- at majorly screwing things up) arming jihadi terrorists and creating hundreds of mass graves on the innocent civillians of Syria, Libya, and Iraq strutting around with this big smile on her face like shes so proud of the fact she killed so many innocent, defenseless people, she wears it like a badge of honor.

    Her so called "challenger" Saint Bernie (as he is worshipped on the majority of the fawning Liberal radio shows) in the primaries makes the understatement of the year in the Saturday debate about Clintons disasterous regime changes. And all the rest of his speeches seem like lip service to me.:sleepy:
  14. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Try calling "Progressive Voices" radio shows to voice a critique of Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. You'll get interrupted, cut off, and thrown off the air almost immediately.

    That is a kind of fascism is it not? Not allowing opposing viewpoints and censoring the facts and caller comments about illegal Democrat Party wars is also two faced and hypocritical, when labeling yourself "democratic" but behaving as anything but.

    There is a very scary thing going on in this country when the #1 "Progressive" radio host Tom Hartman has to talk over his own audience dissenting remarks, and when the corporatist media and so called "public radio" (e.g.) NPR must control all the radio-TV airwaves with the Party line. That's not free speech.

  15. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Yeah - people tell me I'm too negative.

    Like what is with people who eat chili dogs with a knife and fork?

    What the hell is wrong with you people? :rant:
  16. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    9/11 was a false flag operation conducted by the Pentagon and the CIA.
  17. Tipper101

    Tipper101 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2008
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    In this case, ignorance WAS bliss. :)
  18. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Contrary to what candidates Clinton, Sanders and Trump are saying, along with their broadcast media lackeys and supporters in TV / TALK RADIO - the US GOVERNMENT is not fighting terrorists like ISIS - their lies are propaganda to get elected, and steal taxpayer money for wars to get at innocent nations oil and gas supplies. Domestic terror events like France, San Bernadino, and Brussels are staged by WESTERN SERVICES for the purposes of gaining public support for TRILLIONS IN WAR SPENDING.

    Pentagon mercenaries: Blackwater, Al-Qaeda… what’s in a name?

    By Finian Cunningham | February 21, 2016

    ''There can be little doubt in Syria – despite Western denials – that the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL)) jihadists and related Al-Qaeda brigades in Jabhat al-Nusra, Jaish al-Fateh, Ahrar ash-Sham and so on, have been infiltrated, weaponized and deployed for the objective of regime-change by the US and its allies. If that is true for Syria, then it is also true for Yemen. Indeed, the covert connection becomes even more apparent in Yemen.

    Last November, the New York Times confirmed what many Yemeni sources had long been saying. That the US-backed Saudi military coalition trying to defeat a popular uprising was relying on mercenaries supplied by private security firms tightly associated with the Pentagon and the CIA''.

    .................................................. ...............................................

    ''Coverage of the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press. Reporting about carnage in the ancient city of Aleppo is the latest reason why.''


    Strange Bedfellows in Syria: What Washington Prefers Not to Speak Of

    .................................................. ..........................................

    Obama admits US-ISIS terror link

    ''Call it a Freudian slip, but US President Barack Obama appears to have come clean, for once, on the connection between American foreign policy and the so called Islamic State (ISIS) terror group.''

    .................................................. .........................................

    And - as if we needed anymore proof that fake ' whistlblowers ' like Ed Snowden and Alex Jones are intel operatives and fake dissidents ... we do not ... Ed Snowden in this Al Jazeera clip hides a laugh when confronted by a TV host about his online social media comments calling for 'leakers to have their balls cut off. "


    plus -

    Some Conspiracy Theories About why Alex Jones is a Conspiracy Theorist

    "Consider the possibility that Jones is an Agent Provocateur. Below is a good definition of what that is, via Wikipedia.

    Agent Provocateur: a person who commits, or who acts to entice another person to commit an illegal or rash act or falsely implicate them in partaking in an illegal act. An agent provocateur may be acting out of their own sense of duty or may be employed by the police or other entity to discredit or harm another group (such as a peaceful protest or demonstration) by provoking them to commit a crime, thereby undermining the protest or demonstration as a whole."

    Some Conspiracy Theories About why Alex Jones is a Conspiracy Theorist - WBDaily
  19. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Do you mean that there are people out there that actually give credence to the incessantly ridiculous statements that come out of Fox News, conservative radio, and the comedians that do their schtick as part of the republican noise machine?

    What's next? People believing in the Loch Ness monster? Lmao. Smfh.
  20. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    No kidding

    - - - Updated - - -

    Who knows...maybe reality TV stars running for President

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