If WW3 happened, which countries would be fighting?

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by RightToLife, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Sorry, but that is even more laughable.

    China, providing support to Cuba? Seperated by oceans and continents? I really don't think so.

    If anything was learned in 1962, it was how easy it would be for the US to almost completely cut Cuba off from outside supply. And you may have forgotten that, but be assured that Cuba has not. I really could not care less about China, and I am pretty sure that Cuba could not care less about China. Cuba will 99 out of 100 remain Neutral, because they would not want to suffer for the actions of another country half the world away.

    This is simply Realpolitik. Your concept has a fatal flaw, and one that was seen before in history. And that is the Zimmerman Telegram.

    For those that have never heard of this, it was during World War I, and Germany was trying to urge Mexico to entr the war on their side. The tried to urge Mexico to attack the US if it entered the war, saying they would help Mexico regain parts lost after the Mexican-American War (Arizona, New Mexico, California, Texas). Well, the US found out about it and the war almost started then.

    Mexico actually considered the proposal, but rejected it for many reasons. For one, they knew the German promises were empty, as they could not resupply Mexico. For two, they did not think they could pacify the region that had been in US control for over 2 generations. And finally, they knew the US would pretty much crush them (again). So wisely they rejected the proposal.

    And are you honestly suggesting that Cuba (a much smaller nation) would be more stupid then Mexico? No, they would reject such a proposal and do nothing more then talking out of pure self-interest.
  2. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    And it is much more then that. Does anybody really think that only the US would respond to an attack upon Taiwan? Russia has close ties with Taiwa (and this was one of the major causes of the Soviet-Sino Split). As does Japn,and most of Europe. I expect that if such a thing happened, most of the industrialized world would as a minimum place an embargo on Chinese goods, and "Made in China" goods would sit in warehouses and on docks around the world, unsold.

    The economy of China is very fragile, being almost entirely dependent upon exporting it's goods and importing raw materials. An embargo just from the US and EU would cripple them. And do not doubt that both the EU and US would take such an action.

    China really has few "allies", what it has is trading partners. And I can't really see any of them willing to go to war over this on the side of China. And odds are many would happily join the other side, in the hopes of regaining some of the manufacturing and production that "cheap Chinese labor" has taken from them ovr the last few decades.
  3. unclebob

    unclebob New Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Laughable? What is laughable is you trying to prove how something is impossible, when history tells us it has already happened.
  4. unclebob

    unclebob New Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    What your saying is that a countries economics, which due to Globalisation goes hand-in-hand with global politics, means that the world is intertwined and (in order to maintain stability at home), that no war is possible between developed nations. Everyone has everything to lose and nothing to gain.

    <Awaits something along the lines of "Except the USA which is super great and self sustaining">

    A WW would be about politics. if the politics failed a cold war would start... Like I said from the beginning.
  5. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Then oh wise one, give us the example of a much smaller nation next to one much larger power that is not crushed when it sides against it in a battle with another giant power. I can think of many instances the other way however, Judea comes to mind almost imediately. Also most of Europe during WWII.
  6. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Clearly we disagree, but my disagreement with you is I think all peoples regardless of colour or creed can live there lives without your degenerates stealing, torturing them in your secret prisons, assassinating even Americans,
    While you only consider the propaganda of your AIPAC owned media and your AIPAC owned political system and haven't the gumption to know any different!




    NAy bloody idea!

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Except you have no provided a plausible scenario for a "World War 3".

    Assuming the worst case- China attacks Taiwan- lets say with a simultanious attack by North Korea on South Korea.

    Japan and the United States would come to Taiwan's aid- guaranteed. U.S. Naval and air power, supported by air bases in Japan would be enough to stop a Chinese attack. And this is assuming that China doesn't care about its economy.

    The moment bombs start falling on Taiwan the vessels stop going to China. Hint: Anyone know the flag of two of the largest cargo carriers in the world? The vessels stop going to China and Chinese factories lay off their workers- because their market is largely export.

    Meanwhile the war in Korea would be more serious- but I still don't see how this becomes a WW. Russia is not going to support China- there are several reasons but the main reason is that Russia is scared of China's ambitions in Asia and know that the easiest place for China to go for more resources would be Siberia. Russia would love to see China beaten down.

    Nato would not get involved, the EU would probably do nothing more than impose economic sanctions, none of the rest of the world would be involved. It would be a disaster.

    And while it does some stupid things, China is pretty smart.
  8. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Actually, I believe nothing of the sort. All to often in the past one nation has started a war against their largest trading partner, for a great many reasons. However, in almost every case that country was a neighbor, and the ultimate goal was conquest.

    In this instance, none of those really apply, so the comparison is irrelevant. Nations will go to war, and economics rarely has a direct role in this decision.

    The US would suffer, but not as much since it really "needs" little from China. China has simply become a factory-nation, and is not a major supplier to the US of desperately needed goods. We do not get oil from them, or food, or any significant supplies of raw materials. Our economy would suffer as we tooled up our own industry and/or other nations did to meet the loss of manufacturing. But this is not as critical an issue as loosing the majority of our income, as China would. Our internal GNP-GDP is much larger then or trade with China.

    But I doubt a "Cold War" would realy start with China, the global conditions there are all wrong. In Europe, we had NATO and the Warsaw Pact prepared to battle over Europe, and over influence through the rest of the world. China is not really positioned to threaten anybody that is not a direct neighbor. Also they lack the allies that the Soie Union had. The USSR could pretty much demand that all of Eastern Europe would have to rise in support of them, while China just can't do that. And in fact, it's multiple "border incursions" into nations like India, Vietnam, South Korea, Mongolia, etc would actually hurt it in this instance.

    The Soviets could demand Romania and Poland to fight for them in 1985, who could China demand to fight for them? Cambodia? Burma? Laos? Not bloody likely.

    China really has no "allies", only business partners. They do not belong to any kind of major Mutual-Defense organizations, they have no peers that would automatically come to their defense, they are largely alone. They (and other nations like Iran and North Korea) might like to think that they are in a new "Cold War" with the US, but that is simply not the case. In reality, they are just annoyances that are for the most part easily ignored.
  9. Mattos_12

    Mattos_12 New Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    So, I don't care what color people are (I hate to point out that I live in Taiwan, but, I mean, I do live in Taiwan, clearly it doesn't matter to me too much). But I care about my friends and family more than people who I don't know. So I am happy enough for my family and friends to benefit to the cost of people I don't know. This does't sound too out-there.

    To be clear, your views center around some kind of Jewish conspiracy theory? Isn't that a bit old? hat in terms of racism?
  10. unclebob

    unclebob New Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    I understand the theory, but seeing as Russia appears to back China in every single global stability issue (and vice versa), and considering Russia has significant Chinese interests, I do not think that it is correct to assume that nobody would be on China's side.

    And I still find it interesting that you say there is no way Cuba would help a superpower who may be against the US, when they have in the past, at a time when the US arsenal was bigger than it is now.
  11. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Russia at best would support China in the U.N. I suspect your claim that Russia and China are in locks step on every issue won't stand up to scrutiny but I don't care enough to do the research.

    But Russia and China are historic adversaries, both with claims to Siberia. From what I have read about Russian history Russians are pretty paranoid about China attacking them.

    Beyond that though Russia would be looking for how it would benefit. If China attacked Taiwan for instance, Russia would be looking to see how Russia could benefit. How would Russia benefit? China is a rising and competitive superpower on Russia's most unpopulated and mineral rich border. Do you think Russia would want China to succeed militarily and become the dominant military power in Asia? I don't.

    What superpower? There is no other superpower besides the United States. China is a rising regional power, Russia is a shadow of its former power. When Cuba supported the Soviet Union it was part of a global communist opposition to the west, and received huge subsidies from the Soviet Union.

    Cuba now is entirely(or largely) on its own. It has no ideological ties to China, and it knows that there is not any military power on earth that would come to Cuba's aid if Cuba supported an attack on the U.S.

    You do realize that the U.S. never really tried to attack Cuba? That the Bay of Pigs was not a 'real' attack? With its proximity to U.S. military bases, Cuba would be neutralized in hours by air and missile attacks, and every key port and airport could be taken in a matter of days. Raul is far savvier in my opinion than Fidel, and I see no likelihood he would risk losing his authority and power to support China in an attack against Taiwan.
  12. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    I would not go quite that far. They would likely get some support from Venezuela, and also from some other third world nations. But not really enough to make any real difference. But by any large Cuba and it's "block" would just be a minor sideshow in a much larger conflict. Kinda like the Aleutian Campaign in WWII. Matters to those involved, but most f the world barely even noticed it and it had asolutely no bearing on the outcome of the war.
  13. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    As a teacher, which no doubt is open to ridicule, allows the death of one innocent to some air headed thoughts about protection?

    You lot need protection from your own!

    As for conspiracy? Wisen up, and perhaps grow up! The facts are available for all those who have christian ideals! As a chrstian nation why not live by the ten commandments.

    aye... is far better for idiots to support another idiot!

    Personally I blame the lack of education for the concepts you cling onto! And your a teacher!

    Game set and match!

  14. Mattos_12

    Mattos_12 New Member

    Jan 5, 2013
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    So...again your argument involves a hatred of Jews and name calling? Don't you find that a little embarrassing ?
  15. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Just ignore Highlander, it is what most of us do.

    No matter what the subject, no matter what the conversation is, he pretty much pops in with "I'ts the Joos", and that is all he is good for.

  16. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Australia as a neutral leaning power? Dude, we went with you to war in a country that had no relevance to your own defense, let alone ours.

    Our politicians hold up our relationship up as like... the greatest asset we have as a nation. We'd totally go to WWIII with you, whether the people wanted to or not.

    And if you think that "Axis" would ever cooperate you're insane! Pretty much this post is just a list of countries you like/dislike.
  17. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Aye ..... but factual!

    AIPAC owns you.

    You may wish to deviate from the facts, but thats not my problem nor concern, but it does make a mockery of your concern of your friends and family!.

    Do you get paid for this nonsense?

    Id 10 t's!¬)
    Teacher ..... not a chance!

  18. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    And nations full of men women and children frightened of the rise of fascism in America and the UK!

    regardless of the country, those people only want to live there lives in peace, but your degenerates and reprobates in the US/UK think otherwise!

  19. 2ndaMANdment

    2ndaMANdment New Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Russia would at the very least supply the axis powers with all kinds of weaponry, China, being against North Korean provocation of late would more than likely cut ties with North Korea and remain neutral. North Korea would pretty much be a stand alone trying to gather extreamist nations to go against NATO. In any case, nuclear weaponry would more than likely be used, and many nations would pledge great forces to bring a sweeping victory and prevent a large scale nuclear fallout.

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