Illuminati Music Video?

Discussion in 'Illuminati' started by Clausewitz, Mar 27, 2011.

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  1. Clausewitz

    Clausewitz Active Member

    Dec 19, 2010
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    What kind of faith would Christianity be if we knew something bad was going to happen to you but yet, out of political correctness, we didn't at least try to warn you. And your decision to not believe is yours and yours alone.
  2. Irishman

    Irishman Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 16, 2008
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    Huh? If a car was about to run me over, Christian or not I would hope that you would warn me. I am not sure what that has to do with trying to convince me to turn to Christianity?
  3. Clausewitz

    Clausewitz Active Member

    Dec 19, 2010
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    Hell is worse than a car barreling down on you. Christians are warning you of impending danger.
  4. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    We're not concealing His Words. Secrecy is not a sin

    There's a difference between a missionary's work and a zealot's work. There's a difference between spreading His Word and shoving it down people's throats. You can't force conversion or adherence in a free society.
  5. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I find this interesting. Why do you oppose freedom of speech? As a Christian, I tell everyone about the word when the proper time arises. But the word also says that God is only required to warn us once. And that's precisely what I do, I just mention it once and if the person isn't receptive to it I kindly say "okay, that's your decision, no pressure; peace". But then an interesting thing happens. More often then not they start arguing with me, indicating that they want to continue on this conversation. So they, enjoying their 1st amendment rights, share their opinion with me (usually in a rude and angry fashion compared to my gentleness) leaving me feel compelled to respond. Then they respond back. Then I respond again. And, more often then not, this always ends with them telling me to "not shove my beliefs down their throats" or "stop harassing them". Does anyone else see this? Christians, the ones who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, are being suppressed because the word is so powerful and the world wants to run away from it.

    Let this post be a mark in history....if fascism comes to America, Christians, true believers who take up their cross and follow the messiah, will be the first victims. But before they can attempt this, Constitutional defenders need to be silenced and ridiculed by the masses. Defenders of liberty are called "constitutional literalists", but what does that mean? It means the powers that be want to deny you your rights granted to you by God. What they are really saying "you don't literally have these inalienable rights. We, the powers that be, not God, give and take away your free will, your liberty.":omg:
    KSigMason and (deleted member) like this.
  6. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    How do I oppose freedom of speech? I said I oppose coercion and forceful conversion which does not fall under the realm of freedom. Preaching and such things is freedom of speech, but when you convert by the sword its no longer your right as you are infringing on others.

    Missionary work is okay, but zealotry is not when it infringes on other's rights. Having a heated debate is not the same as forceful conversion or adherence. I have no problem with a heated debate.

    I'm a strict constitutionalist in my political beliefs.
    RiseAgainst and (deleted member) like this.
  7. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Who are all these so-called Christians today that is committing violence to push their beliefs? That is literally a non-existent occurrence that the media (wonder who instructs them to say this :omg:) has lately been pushing. Tell me who. Timothy McVeigh? He wasn't religious in the slightest and had a very strange view of God that doesn't fit with Christianity. Anders Brievik? He said in his own manifesto that he has never been inspired by God and the only thing he appreciated about Christianity was the western culture that came along with it. In other words, he is not a Christian. I have personal experience that what people are really referring to is precisely missionary work. If you don't understand this you are either one of 2 things: Lying or not one of the few privileged to the true intention.

    I am not here to debate you. What I am speaking of is divinely inspired. It's only a matter of time before what I am speaking of is realized, and by then it may be too late.
  8. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    My zealotry comments were more oriented to Clause and our previous comments in the thread. Zealotry and extremism usually lead to violence. I'm a staunch defender of the Christian faith, but sometimes I must hold my own against those who say they profess the same faith. Most of the time I must defend myself because of my membership in the Freemasons, which if truly understood most people would not be anti-Masonic.

    I did a rather interesting little piece on the Nazism and Radical Islam. Though loosely connected and circumstantial, you can tie most Nazis, the founders of many militant (modern) Islamic terror groups, and neo-Nazi/white supremacists together.
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    some off the scale high IQ's were produced during certain tests during the 1960's......

    The musicians of this world do tend to struggle with questions that the majority of us simply don't have the IQ to even begin to think of......

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