Inching toward exit, Trump says he'll leave if Biden wins Electoral College vote

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Bluesguy, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I think my favorite part is the verbiage.

    "I'll leave the White House...."

    No language indicating that he lost. No conceding. Nothing that would indicate his outward acceptance of the loss beyond simply walking out and not walking back in.

    I wonder what the over/under on him showing up to the inauguration is at now
  2. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    If you read your link, they were going to the rally, they didn't start the "unite the right" rally(in fact, it seemed like a collab of several interests, among whom were yes, neo-nazi racists.).. I don't care to argue your delusions with you any longer, they are YOUR problem to deal with. Not mine. A few people, a few protestors do not make an political movement(especially in this day and age.) As has been said, and will always be said: They're in your head, and that's not my problem. That's a you issue.

    And yes, all public universities are 'owned' by the government, that's the whole basis of the misinterpretation of the church/state clause, but I don't want to go into that one here, it gives you another avenue to pontificate(to use your words.). As it relates to this issue, they had no cause(and thus didn't) remove the protestors, first amendment and all.

    You want the government to get rid of all of your problems, whether it be a few neo-nazis, Coronavirus, etc. But it doesn't work like that. In the big scary world, you have to share your space even with those you morally disagree with. So your accusations have no basis, your very train of thought has no basis and in fact it indicates someone who is greatly bothered and triggered by the events of the past four years.

    Like I said: See a shrink about those problems, they're not my problems or the problems of conservatives.
  3. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Funny, you were just saying that they weren’t, and trying to pretend that no evidence existed that they were.

    The promoted it aggressively. Gavin MacInnis clearly thought this rally would really drive membership to his new right wing hate group.

    He was there. So was the guy he’s feuding with.

    Now you’re trying the “few protestors don’t make a movement” dodge.

    Sorry, but right wing skinhead groups have been around in this country in one shape or another since the 1850’s.

    Secretive, paramilitary clowns with odd ideas about “white nationalism”, running out to “training camps” and worshiping gun culture. They’ve been around all my life.

    You identify and defend these people and their behavior. And when there was no defense, you tried to pretend that it wasn’t them, or that they didn’t cause the chaos they clearly were promoting.
  4. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I never identified or defended 'their behavior', see unlike you I don't have a problem co-existing with people whose ideology vastly differs from mine. Unlike Kamala Harris, I don't go looking around for every white supremacist behind a tree. Not only don't I do that, but it's truly more pathetic and unsightly than Trump has ever been. What other excuses exist and will persist for the next four years? Tell us now so we can drone them out of thought and mind.

    I happen to think that the government, with all of its power has limitations. Under our constitution, we cannot incarcerate people for wrong thought. Under our constitution, we cannot derive liberties that we ourselves don't have. I'm not going to profess to being a constitutional scholar. I'm not. And I've been open about our reform, but if we're not reforming we should at least live under the system we presently have.

    The government can't cure the virus, and it can't get rid of all of the evil baddies you either think exist or give prevalence in your head to exist. and neither of all of the above, are my problems. I'm rising above it. It's not my political or national concern, it is yours.
  5. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Actually, you’ve been trying to pretend that it wasn’t them, or that “a few protestors don’t make a movement” (dispite the event being constantly promoted throughout the white supremacist skinhead sewer. You tried to write off a Nazi rally on public property without permission as a first amendment issue. As if a belligerant mob of white trash, hurling anti semantic insults at worshipers at a synagoge is just boys having fun.

    No, you clearly don’t go looking for white supremacists behind any trees. (they’re all bookmarked, I suspect). But you do go to extreme lengths to pretend you don’t see them.

    You’ve spent an entire thread doing that.

    But like so many Trumpsters, you also pretend that you don’t really like Trump, after singing his praises and parroting his empty gimmicks, stupid slogans and making excuses for his corruption and incompetence.

    That is an emerging pattern too.
    Badaboom and AZ. like this.
  6. Colombine

    Colombine Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 5, 2005
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    I don't care how he leaves.

    I don't care if he concedes.

    I don't care if he ever reaches acceptance of the fact that millions more Americans wanted Joe Biden as their president than him.

    I just want him to get out of the White House and it would be a bonus if his more deluded supporters gradually turn their backs on him once they come to the realization that, in this regard, he is but one thing...

    A loser.

    (and no he won't go to the inauguration. He will probably hold a same-day rally so that he and his fans can pretend he's still president and some of them can by the left-over MAGA hats).
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
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  7. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    It's a matter of law, since it's public property it is therefore accessible to *wait for it*, THE PUBLIC. And yes, I know it churns your guts out and it makes you upset as all living hell but until they commit a crime, those neo-nazis are citizens too. Maybe citizens worthy of condemnation and spitting on, but citizens nevertheless.

    These are all facts, they're nothing but facts that's why you cry about white supremacists and cry about Charlottesville, probably for the rest of your life. And like I said: Not my problem. That's your problem, and that should upset you that you have such a problem.

    I'm not a Trumpster, I'm a Nationalist. I will support the incoming administration with all of the vigor as the last one. If it succeeds, all is well. If it doesn't(which is likely), I will move ahead for Nationalist reforms.

    Because clearly, democracy is a total failure for human civilization that continues to fail us to the day.

    "Democracy is the worst government man has tried, except for the rest"-Winston Churchill.
  8. fullmetaljack

    fullmetaljack Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2017
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  9. Athelite

    Athelite Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 14, 2008
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    Trump just needs to be gone from the White House. He's much less damaging without the presidential powers for him to abuse.
    Independent4ever likes this.
  10. Colombine

    Colombine Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 5, 2005
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    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
  11. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Gee whiz why?
  12. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Sorry, but riots, killings, public attacks on citizens are NOT “free speech”. They are assault. In one case, assault in battery (vehicular homicide).

    You have consistantly drifted between excusing all this belligerant and flagrant racism, and embracing it.

    You tried to pretend that you favorite skinhead group was not involved at all, even though it’s leader was there and was on TV.

    You seem to actually be pleased with the Nazi torchlight parade. Your criticisms of open Nazi hate speech is little more than a shrug.

    No, it’s not your problem. You’re a white supremicist. You’ve made that very clear throughout the last five years. ‘You seem to spend a lot more time reading, listening, and keeping up with the skinhead white supremacist sewer than any normal person would.

    As for your faith in the Constitution and American democracy, you don’t believe in that, either. You just said so.

    Many white supremacists like to try and hide behind this “nationalist” label. It doesn’t take much for them to admit that “nationalist” actually means “white”.

    Most of these guys are losers, sitting in their room, with the stars and bars or Trump on the wall, making stuff up to post on Twitter and parler, and living in a stilted little universe of video games, “boogaloo” fantasies, and a lot of internet chest thumping and gun toting (with a little bible thumping on the side).

    It does churn my guts out when a political movement aligned with the President’s personality cult disgraces the United States and makes a show of denouncing and betraying everything in teh Bill of Rights and the Constitution. And it is frightening to see so many American defend or celebrate it (as you are doing).

    This is nothing less than betrayal of what the United States has alway claimed it stood form.

    It was seen all over the world. And the US stood in disgrace. As it would do repeatedly because of the behavior of you fuhrer and his mob.

    And he is your fuhrer.

    You’ve made that clear. You celebrate his most flagrant behavior, and fully embrace his personality cult.

    In the same post, you condemned democracy. Vaguely suggesting you were in favor if unspecified “nationalist” reforms.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
    Badaboom and AZ. like this.
  13. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    With Trump gone the democrats will turn on themselves.
  14. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Actually, at the moment the Republicans are the ones doing that.
    AZ. likes this.
  15. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    At one point in your posting tenure you used to make sense, you used to be pragmatic, smart, reasonable. Now you're this, a shell of your former self lambasting everything wrong with the world(or what you think is wrong with the world), attributing things that no one ever said, that no one was ever quoted as saying and you think it's some coherent, logical or smart approach to things.

    It's kind of pitiable actually. So let's get it out of the way: Since you can't read, in no where in that post did I condemn, or enable or promote the idea of violence on the streets. Like yourselves, I approved(not even approve, I hate the act itself but rather I recognize the legality) of protests. They can carry signs, they can even say deplorable things. That is their right, enshrined in the constitution.

    You might not like it(I don't like any of the idiots), but that's their right. The moment they started assaulting others, you're right that was no longer free(if detestable) speech, and it moved to assault and battery. And yes, the dude who ran Heather Heyer over has been tried and convicted for murder(seriously, how long are you going to hang on that)

    And more to the point, how is any of this to be pinned on the President? It shouldn't be, and when the then-President Trump called for calm and reason, instead of this government backing his calls for calm and reason, several senators went to misconstrue the President's comments and to this day, his comments were misconstrued.

    By engaging in open, willful deception and by destroying the office of the Presidency, you've long lost any pretense to any form of patriotism.

    But it goes beyond the lack of faith of millions of Americans in the office of the Presidency, not content with that you continue to launch false attacks against my name, which because they are false I have no problem with them. But let's make it clear: I don't know what 'white supremacist' skewer you speak of, and you don't either since you don't have any actual evidence. Further, the President has not instituted a single racial policy. Not one.

    The non-issue of the President's "racial views" is a pathetic dog whistle to the Democratic base, to low information voters(which you've turned yourself into) who believe it in all of their lovely little hearts despite any evidence to the contrary, or even better said: No evidence at all.

    And just like with Trump's meaningless protests of the election, people who lack evidence to make claims should not be believed.
  16. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Well, it was certainly self righteous, if flagrantly false in many areas, and ridiculous in others.

    Your fuhrer is the man who singlehandedly reduced the bully pulpit to the BS pulpit. Beauty pageants with North Korean dictators, little gangs of wannabe international men of mystery running around getting into stupid scandals, a world leader who actually attempts to blackmail the leader of a country at war in return for manufactured dirt on a domestic opponant.

    Trump owned the universal mistrust and revulsion that virtually every world leader feels toward Donald Trump.

    And when they know you’re and idiot and a clown and know you’re completely untrustworthy, they don’t want to deal with you.

    Trump’s habit of going back on commitments doesn’t help either.

    As well as his utter disregard for the rule of law. Trump thinks laws and courts are weapons to use against his political enemies.
  17. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    We have no demonstrated proof of those claims, actually let's be even more blunt: There wasn't even proof offered in Bolton's book(remember when they fought over HIM as the 'key witness' to the crime that no one can actually pinpoint.) An allegation in of itself, even repeated by various phone calls means nothing. Anyone can allege anyone of anything. I can allege you stole $1,000 dollars. I don't have any proof of it, which is about the same as impeachment scandal.

    That was disgraceful, and it forced the release of a classified call, the fifth such classification leak in Trump's administration, that too is unprecedented but since the orange man had to be defeated and destroyed at all cost, national security be damned. In reality, that was the 2nd incident in US History(the first being the Bay of Pigs) where the NSC jeopardized the United States.

    The NSC routinely puts America and her citizens at harms way, and it's time to call them out. I hope they don't destabilize the Biden Administration just the same, but there's no guarantee. Sometimes you need incidents to be able to smell and rot out the stink. Several of these organizations(see: James Comey) have grown FAR too big for their own good.

    As I told you during the beginning of the controversial scandal, which grew even bigger than I thought: Apostles of the State, their abuse of power was only matched by their audacity and I didn't think we'd be in a Roman-like controversy, but here we are. Even if Trump's flawed, his character showed us that our government is even LESS representative than we thought.

    We can't lie to court, but they can and they can with impunity! That's a sad state of affairs.

    This isn't about the soon-to-be-departed President, this is about channels of power who think of themselves as "justice", who think of themselves as the State, though unelected, unaccountable and they are your fuhrer's. And they have zero intention of relinquishing that political power in our plutocratic state of affairs, mockingly called a 'democracy'.
  18. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Sorry, but I ran out of gas before I got to you collection of false claims.

    I didn’t even get to the most flagrantly ridiculous one. “Further, the President has not instituted a single racial policy. Not one.”

    That was just draw dropping ridiculous and flagrantly false.

    Your latest post is a total attempt at deflection. Refusing to acknowledge or debate the fact, denying that you said thing you said in. this very thread.

    Refusing to condemn white supremacism, and offering rationalizations for the whole supremacist mob in Charlottesville. (I’m not going to bother going into the many others. I just am not interested in the stale Trumpster rationalizations).

    You are one of the biggest Trumpsters on this forum. Not surprising that you deny it. Just as you dance past or deny your fuhrer’s falgrant racism, his race baiting, and your claim that Donald Trump did not support racist policies (dispite his Muslim ban, which was little more than a gimmick to play to his racist base). His entire policy toward hispanics is flagrantly racist, and is accompanied by a blizzard of the man’s own race baiting./

    You never condemn any of that, And yes, you did make false claims and excuses for your Proud Boys.

    Now, you’re on to full Trumpster deflection. Trying to derail the thread with something about John Bolton’s book.

    I’m not even going to bother with that. I got through about forty pages of that before I was reminded too many times of why I never liked the man in the first place.

    But this is too priceless to ignore:

    “ I can allege you stole $1,000 dollars. I don't have any proof of it, which is about the same as impeachment scandal.”

    No, the way the impeachment scandal worked was that you did steal $1000 dollars. You lied about it in very obvious ways, and then you contrived to make sure no evidence was presented to a stacked court, which guaranteed your acquital, on the thin argument that evidence that they were all very aware of did not exist because you contrived an artififace to keep it from being presented.

    Trump was guilty. He has bragged about it. (which he often does when he thinks he’s got away with it).

    That’s your fuhrer for you! Fortunately, he will be flushed in less than 60 days.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
    AZ. and Badaboom like this.
  19. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Forced the release of a transcript of a call....??????

    I sincerely hope you’re not talking about Trump’s “perfect phone call” ! (for which no actual transcript has been seen by the public).
    AZ. likes this.
  20. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Yes, it's an actual transcript sealed by the government itself. I don't subscribe to democrat conspiracy theories, I'm not Adam Schiff.
  21. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    No, it is not an actual transcript. It was a script prepared by the White House, which very quickly rushed to hide the real transcript behind a cloak of unexplained secrecy.

    Everyone (except you Trumpsters) saw right through that.
  22. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    LMAO. Because "Trumpsters" acknowledged the authority and signature of the government. Again, I didn't subscribe to democrat theories. I still don't. There wasn't a USPS conspiracy to influence the election, they delivered my medicine a day later and it's like 3 weeks past the election.

    I do believe that Trump will leave on January 21st. And there is no tangible evidence by anyone, anywhere that the allegation had merit in any evidence(outside of the allegory comments itself.).

    It wouldn't even past muster in a civil court case, that's how lacking the evidence you actually had. Hence the whole conspiracy with the script I guess. Need something to deflect from the nonexistent case.
  23. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    No, because you Trumpsters are to eager and willing to take your fuhrer’s word for every lie he tells, and come back for more.

    Pretentious attempts to give Trump’s sleight of hand legitimacy by claiming that it’s your government speaking and therefore how dare you question the credibility of the fuhrer don’t wash.

    Not in this country.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
    AZ. and Independent4ever like this.
  24. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Some have theorized that Trump will disappear from the White House before the Inauguration, and not show up. There is a rumor that he’s contemplating a counter rally the same day. I have no idea whether this is true or not. I would not be at all surprised if Trump diddles his fans with the possibility of a counter inauguration right up to the last minute.

    That is his normal pattern.
    Cubed and Independent4ever like this.
  25. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    No, I just don't live my life wearing tinfoil hats. If a document has an official government seal on it then yes, it comes from the government.
    It was an utter farce, it will be remembered in history as an utter farce and the idea of a "Trump criminal 'fuhrer' government'" was the figment of crazy imaginations.

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