Infowars against nazism, never tell listeners how German people voted in mass

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Xanadu, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Listeners of Infowars and RT and such 'new' news/comment media believe they really hear the truth, but what is never told is how the USSR was caused (by using a few million dollar (capital) and taken over the system), and way more important how the German people lost their freedom and more by voting in mass after years of economical degradation, propaganda and psywar. And when the economy started to change to better the German people became euforic and relieved. But then their problems really started (the forming of the huge armies and military build up and mass gatherings. And how they brainwashed the youths and caused the youth movements), Germany became a hardcore empire.
    In this time they have changed the world to a new aritifial world and using the same type of psywar, same kind of politics, same way of propaganda but way more massive because of mass media.
    When do those millions of listeners start to see through all the deception and propaganda, and how it was and is all (ideology, psywar, propaganda, political tactics, fear mongering, terminology) done, especially in the last century?
  2. Razurrrr

    Razurrrr New Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    when pigs fly

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