Is the turbulence in life is due to previous life's karmas?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Forum4PoliticsBot, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Forum4PoliticsBot

    Forum4PoliticsBot New Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Now you have understood the meaning of karma. A person did some bad deed (paapa karma or vikarma). The person went to hell and was punished there. The punishment reduced the intensity of quality (guna or samskara) which is the cause of that deed. But the quality is not completely removed and a small trace of it remains. Punishment cannot remove the quality which is a form of wrong knowledge. The wrong knowledge can be completely removed only by right knowledge and not by external physical punishment. Of course the punishment reduces the intensity of wrong knowledge to a great extent. A thief can leave his quality of stealing only on realization obtained by the right knowledge. Any extent of torture cannot remove this quality completely. Therefore, even when the thief comes out of the police station, a trace of the quality of stealing remains.

    But if he meets a Satguru and receives right knowledge, the quality can be removed completely. Valmiki, a robber, became a sage by the preaching of Narada but not by the third degree treatment in a police station. The samskara or quality is knowledge and can be destroyed by another type of knowledge only, as a diamond is cut by another diamond. Except the knowledge, no other physical works like chanting the name, doing worship, singing songs or any other physical exercise can remove the wrong knowledge which is the cause of sins.

    Now what is this wrong knowledge? Is it not karma? As I told you the knowledge is also karma because any part of the creation is karma only. Quality or samskara is a process of feeling or thinking of awareness which is karma only. But the karma of awareness can be removed by another karma of awareness only and not by the karma of matter or inert energy. Beating and burning are the works done by inert matter and inert energy. They can affect the body and since the body is connected to mind, it can create fear and reduce the intensity of the wrong knowledge but cannot remove it from the root. Only the logical analysis of right knowledge can remove this samskara or quality from the root.

    When the quality is removed, it

    Thread started at Forum 4 Politics on 04-12-2012 07:43 AM
  2. DBM aka FDS

    DBM aka FDS Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    When the quality is removed it....


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