Jews started ww2

Discussion in 'Zionist Agenda' started by dingodonger, Oct 19, 2010.

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  1. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    The Jewish declaration of war on Germany.

    Check this out.

    What the JEWS did to the Germans?

    People are always talking about what the Germans did to the Jews (which is mostly a fabrication), but lets talk about what the Jews did to the Germans for a change.

    [ame=""]YouTube - What Some "Jews (Zionist)" Did To The Germans?[/ame]

    When are the jews going to learn?


    A favorite passage from a favorite book, one that can hardly be indicted as "anti-semitic".

    From: The German Revolution by H. Powys Greenwood, George Routledge & Sons Ltd, London 1934.

    "One of the principle activities of the German Ministry of Propaganda has been to enlighten the world on the Jewish question. I have before me as I write a statistical document issued by that Ministry with a view to showing that 'since the Revolution of 1918 the position of German Jews in both politics and business has completely changed, and that political life, administrative power and the cultural development of the nation was subject to extraordinarily strong Jewish influence'. On the other side of my desk is an article by Mr. Israel Cohen in the Quarterly Review for July 1933. Mr. Cohen maintains the contrary with less voluminous but equally convincing figures."

    "How such diametrically opposed conclusions can be drawn from probably authentic statistics beats me. I prefer to discount them both and to rely on my personal, though of course limited, impressions of residence in Germany. With all due respect to Mr. Cohen, to my mind no unprejudiced observer can deny that after the War the Jews of Germany gained largely in wealth (relatively to the rest of the population) and influence generally."

    Page 57-58.

    How WWII started, by DrWilliamPierce

    [ame=""]YouTube - How WW2 started[/ame]

    From The German Revolution by H. Powys Greenwood, London 1934, page 53:

    "Under the Weimar Republic the Marxist creed was a real force....Parodies on patriotic and religious songs were freely published in the Press. On a Day of Remembrance for War dead, the following parody of one of the most moving of German patriotic songs appeared in a Socialist paper in Hagen:"

    'I had a comrade
    You will not find a better one--
    The worms are eating him
    For their Sunday dinner
    With the greatest appetite.
    Gloria, with heart and hand!
    Pro Patria for the fatherland!
    March now ye soldiers,
    To the call of the Day of Death!
    The pastor will thus advise you:
    And then a dark space
    Before you reach the light.'

    This is mocking Ich Hatt Einen Kameraden and I can only hope that the Freikorps, not finding it a bit amusing, put on their boots and took care of the "authors" of this filth.

    Another from the same source:

    "Active atheistic and anti-religious propaganda was nearly as common among the Social-Democrats as among the Communists, and great efforts were made to get hold of the children."

    "Zuckmeyer, a poet described as great by a Social-Democratic Minister for Culture, wrote:"

    'The cats are caterwauling on the roofs
    Like the Lord in the garden of Gethsemane.'

    The Captains 0.02--ZUCKMEYER--gee, I wonder what he was?

    Q: What Jew is considered to have succeeded Stinnes as the financial power of Germany?

    A: Jacob Michael

    Caps 0.02: That filth stole billions from inflation ravaged post-war Germany--"It's just business". Stinnes made money, Michael got money--make vs. get, there's a big difference.

    From Ask the Rabbi--2000 Questions and Answers, Morris S. Lazaron, 1927.

    Morris S. Lazaron
    Tel Elim, Naylor Lane
    Pikesville, Maryland

    Office: 1914 Madison Av.
    Baltimore, Maryland.


    I have heard many people say that Hitler declared war on U.S. that brought us unwillingly into the war against Germany. In other words Germany started the war with us by Hitler's declaration of war. But if you read the article below you will realize that Hitler didn't one day suddenly blurt out a simple statement that Germany declared war on U.S. to start a war with us for no reason. What Hitler was saying in his declaration of war is that since the U.S. is provoking Germany into a war by acts of war, Germany will defend herself against America and since America wants war the war is joined.

    The Declaration of War on the US by Adolf Hitler

    Full audio here

    Hitler declares war on the zionist state: USA.
    [ame=""]YouTube - Hitler declares war on the zionist state: USA.[/ame]

    Hitler declares war on the zionist state: USA. PART 2.
    [ame=""]YouTube - Hitler declares war on the zionist state: USA. PART 2.[/ame]

    Hitler declares war on the zionist state: USA. PART 3.
    [ame=""]YouTube - Hitler declares war on the zionist state: USA. PART 3.[/ame]

    In this case, even Wikipedia has to admits that the US broke neutrality first, through the Lend-Lease Act from February 1941.

    This act also ended the pretense of the neutrality of the United States.

    After the Anglo-Soviet war against Iran, American supplies started rolling through the Iran to the comrades in the Soviet Union.

    This was the last formal Declaration of War by Congress (December 1941).
    All the 50+ interventions, smaller or bigger since 1945 were exercised without a formal DoW in the tradition of FDR acting toward the Reich. Was war declared on Iraq in 2003 formally ? No, it was "just a police action" or "UN mandate". The UN or United Nation were another creation by FDR in 1944.
    The 4-term President and wartime dictator of hios country hoped to become with the help of Stalin the first "World President", the President of the United Nations under the leadership of the United States with the result of "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace" (FDR phraseology) that would grantee to continue to bring high revenue for the military-industrial complex he and Bernard Baruch had created, and therefor continue to reward his Wallstreet friends after the fall of Hitler with the consequence that the National-Security State he created at home would continue to grow even in more or less peaceful times.

    Note that there was no peace treaty after WW2 in Europe, that the last time Congress declared war was in December 1941, which made some anti-American critics to speculate whether the "US Federal government and the US military are at war since then against, if necessary, all of mankind".

    The worlds top 5 largest military budgets in 2009. Figures sourced from SIPR.

    Interestingly these 5 are the 5 permanent members of the UN Security-Council with Veto power. The 5 major powers that won as "Allies" WW2 against the NWO insurgency called "Axis" powers.
  2. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    To be continued.

    I thought i would post this topic as it seems many here find it funny and well im just far king hilarious.
  3. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    From the "Parasite" file:

    "The rising cost of living made saving next to impossible in any case; they bought whatever they could lay their hands on regardless of price. A pound of rancid butter brought 20 Reichmarks ($5.00) on the black market, which began to play a crucial role in every German household. It came to be regarded as normal and even honorable to break the law by exceeding one's rations and spending unconscionable sums on illegal purchases.

    In my own home we were relatively law-abiding. I say relatively, because it was becoming almost impossible to live on what the law allowed, for one thing because unscrupulous and insatiable black marketeers diverted so much goods from the already understocked legal market.

    The black marketeers--sinister, repellent figures--would come in the evening and talk in whispers to my wife in the vestibule. 'For heaven's sake, Herr Hirsch,' my wife would say, 'forty pfennigs for an egg! Why, last week it was only thirty. What are we coming to?'

    The black marketeer, a shady young man of nineteen or twenty, too sickly no doubt to serve at the front, but vigorous enough to intimidate my wife who in a way was dependent on him, laughed. 'Don't be a fool,' he said. 'I could ask fifty pfennigs if I wanted, or sixty, or seventy. You need the stuff. You have four children. They have to eat, don't they?'

    And so my wife bought four of his expensive eggs. She should have bought eight, for at his next visit, a week later, Herr Hirsch had raised his prices considerably. As a matter of fact he had stopped calling himself Hirsch; now he was Herr Rabenstein--actually von Rabenstein, if I remember right."

    Thomas Mann, in an article from 1923 about the war years. Herr Hirsch, FILTH!

    Funny how it is the same story, in every country, always. Bernard Baruch in America, Rathenau and Ballin in Germany. Come and get it! War materials acquisition!

    From The Riddle of the Jews Success, F. Roderich Stoltheim (Hammer-Verlag, Leipzig 1927) via All These Things, A. N. Field, July 1936.

    Note that Stoltheim was the pen name of Theodor Fritsch--just for the sake of balance, he was an "anti-semite".

    "An industrialist who visited the Prussian War Ministry in September, 1914, in order to tender, pictured to us his amazement when he found installed in this high office, not, as he expected, officers and military officials, but preponderantly Jews. Herr Walter Rathenau sat in a large room at an enormous secretarial writing table, 'dispensed' and gave away the army contracts. Around him were seated, almost without exception, Jewish clerks and Jewish business people...Herr Ballin, director of the 'Harpag', seeing his shipping enterprise temporarily paralysed by the war, offered himself to the Imperial Government as a voluntary organizer and business EXPERT, migrated with his entire staff of officials and clerks to Berlin, and organized the 'Zentral-Einkaufs-Gesellschaft' (Central-Purchase-Company), and other Jewish undertakings."

    Caps 0.02: Probably just more maniacal ravings of another lying "anti-semite". I see that they also had "expertsteins" in Germany--just like here! Imagine that!
  4. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    Question: What service did Weizmann perform for the British Government, in return for which he solicited its approval of the Zionist movement?

    Answer: The invention of certain chemicals used in the manufacture of ammunition during the World War.

    The Captain says: Actually it was a method of producing acetone, vital in the prodution of explosives. Chaim was no itoist, ONLY Palestine would do, no matter the bloodshed or chaos inveigled.

    From: Ask the Rabbi-2000 Questions and Answers--compiled by Albert K. Weinberg M.A. in collaboration with Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron, M.A., Bloch Publishing Company Inc., New York, 1927.

    I can go on but why bother--it's the same story everywhere, forever. I've got more in the thread linked below but you must weigh the evidence and evaluate the sources in order to convince yourself--nothing that any "anti-semite" might say holds any water in today's "tolerant" society.

    There is a reason for the reaction that is called "anti-semitism", and, just for the record, I prefer the term PRO-GENTILISM or, in our case, PRO-WHITE. I don't let jews define the terms and frame the arguments in my world.

    (Yes you people will love this link.pmsl)
  5. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    On a similar note, I just changed the mind of a History teacher who GENUINELY believed that the bolshevik movement
    was antisemitic because (in his own words!):

    -Stalin carted lots of Jews of to gulags, where they died miserably; this wasn't the systematic extermination as perpetrated by the Nazis,
    but it was GENOCIDE too (that led me to conclude that if insecticide was to kill insects, then genocide was to kill jews and jews only!)
    -After the revolution, the US financed an invasion of the Soviet Union in 1918 - Whites versus Reds (final score 3-2)
    -The USSR generally opposed Israel, preferring the Arab states (and islam being the hashish of the masses?)
    -If the Jews were a "racially cohesive" unit they are definitely capitalists (although he's ashamed to admit it 'cause that's racist, he knows jews love money?)

    That left me speechless but nevertheless i kept on sending him facts and info trying to convice him that the bolshevik revolution was in fact
    a very kosher affair.
    To no avail. He kept on arguing meaningless details and failed to see the whole picture.
    So I sent him the following mail:

    "I sent you this quote (found in "addressing filth" btw):

    "The Jews should welcome this revolution in the Christian world, and the Jews should show an example.
    It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress
    of Judaism and the Jews."
    Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and Humanity, 1939.

    You commented saying you saw nothing basically wrong with it. OK.
    So, let’s modify it slightly:

    "Muslims should welcome this revolution in the Christian world, and Arabs should show an example.
    It is not an accident that Islam gave birth to Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress
    of Islam and Muslims."
    Hafid Al Jabber, A Program for Muslims and Humanity, 1939.

    Wasn't the read disturbing this time? Didn't you think:
    Bloody Arabs, do they want to impose sharia law or what?

    This version also:

    "Christians should welcome this revolution in Palestine, and all Europeans should show an example.
    It is not an accident that Christianity gave birth to Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress
    of Christianity and Christians."
    Sir Kenneth Cavendish A Program for Christians and Humanity, 1939.

    What was your reaction?
    WTF?!!! Crusades time again?

    Doesn't that show we’re all prejudiced in one way or another? That a lot is done to influence us?
    So please, I ask you to go once again through all the documents I sent you with this in mind."

    Today, he is a "rabid antisemite"...
    There's no lost cause.
  6. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    In Canada, David Irving was handcuffed and deported. (He is banned from entering Australia as well). Canada is the billionaire Bronfman family's fiefdom (Edgar Bronfman Sr. once called the people of Austria, "dirty anti-Semitic dogs"). Bronfman, the head of the World Jewish Congress, financed the Marilyn Manson rock album, "Anti-Christ Superstar." The cover art sports a stylized SS rune. When kosher Judeo-Nazism is used as a marketing gimmick by Jewish moguls themselves, to sell CDs and rake in the dollars, it is entirely permissible. In fact, it becomes a top ten hit on the record charts. - Who's Inciting Anti-Semitism?

    Michael A. Hoffman II
  7. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    All quiet on the Western Front.
  8. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    I bet that your teacher only talked about the wonderful" democracy", "culture" and "freedom" of Weimar Republic and never told you about this.

    According to cultural historian Bruce Thompson, Fritz Lang movie Dr. Mabuse the Gambler (1922) captures Berlin's postwar mood:

    "The film moves from the world of the slums to the world of the stock exchange and then to the cabarets and nightclubs–and everywhere chaos reigns, authority is discredited, power is mad and uncontrollable, wealth inseparable from crime."

    Dr Mabuse The Gambler is a fascinating reflection of German society in the 1920s and all its criminal-ridden decadence.

    In Fritz Lang's epic tale of domination by terror, the power-crazed Mabuse (Rudolph Klein-Rogge) masterminds the world's most dangerous gang of counterfeiters, thieves and murderers, wielding hypnotic powers with an iron fist to obtain total obedience to his will!

    Advertised as the war to end all wars, it was actually in hindsight, the beginning of the end of western culture/civilization. Western civilization has never recovered. Young people stopped obeying conventional rules and invented their own liberated culture& fashion. Rebellious youth culture was born.

    They flaunted sexual promiscuity, as a lifestyle.

    The flapper was “modern.” Historically, women’s hair had been worn long. The flapper wore it short, or bobbed. She wore heavy make-up, as previously only worn by prostitutes. She wore dresses, which exposed her arms as well as her legs from the knees down.

    The flapper flagrantly wore strings of pearls around her shoulders or knotted them at the neck and thrown over the right shoulder or under the arm. Silver bracelets were worn unorthodox on her upper arm, like Cleopatra. Flappers did more than symbolize a revolution in fashion and mores they embodied the modern world. Womens Fashion in the '20s. If women couldn't have full equality, then they would look and act like men. Modern androgony was formed.

    Minimalist clothing was born. New felt cloche hats appear with little or no decoration in colors that match the day’s dress. Hats are pulled down to the eyes, and their brims are turned up in the front or back, in defiance. In clothing, the straight line dresses in the '20s emphasizes the pre-pubesent androgony look. Oriental fringed scarves, slave bangles, and long earrings are fashionable. Extravagant, artificial silk stockings, later called rayon, are stronger and less expensive that real silk ones, and they are shiny. The new seamless stocking, makes the leg look naked. It is shocking to the older generation.

    Young men, of this era were called “the flaming youth,” and wore raccoon coats, hair slicked back with black shoe polish. They wore suits with 23 inch trouser legs, a double breasted coat, with a double breasted vest, with pearl buttons, and a grey felt hat with the brim turned up, in defiance.

    Everything exagerrated.

    Flaming youth.

    In the movies the men were even more flaming/exagerrated, painted with heavy eye mascara, and white powdered faces, that today appears shockingly feminine. The men look feminine by today's standards, and the women are more aggressively masculine by today's standards. Flaming youth. Black-influenced jazz music and dance styles predominated. Adrianna Sasson- Womens' Fashion in the '20s.

    Flappers & flaming youth, enjoy the non-stop party.

    By 1926, women are wearing skirts, stopping just below the knee with flouncing pleats; they are worn with horizontal-striped sweaters and long necklaces. Short and colorful evening dresses have elaborate embroidery, fringes, futuristic designs, beads, and appliques. The cocktail dress is born. The new modern sex appeal extends from the bee-stung mouth and tousled hair to a new focus on legs, with silk stocking rolled around garters at rouged knees. The “debutante slouch” emerges: hips thrown forward, as the woman grips a fabulous cigarette holder between her teeth. Mothers and daughters are flappers, many nearly nude beneath the new, lighter clothing.

    The modernism of the '20s reflected a belief in the future, a belief in progress. Today's postmodern world by comparison is nihilistic. Postmodernism, says there is no such thing as progress, and everything is relative, and there is no truth. Today's youth are nihilistic, they believe in nothing. Post-modernism, like relativism, rejects modernity’s premise that human beings will achieve a progressive realization of truth through human endeavor. It is a shocking rejection of life itself; basically it is a theory of anti-value, it is anti-life, and it is dangerous. It is in fact the death of civilization.

    The death of 2500 years of civilization that was born in Athens, Greece. Greek civilization, and westen civilization and art is a celebration of and belief in the human spirit.

    Today's world is very negative and the emphasis is on destruction and terror.

    The war on terror, is a war on civilization.

    In Weimar Germany, the conditions produced a more nihilist fashion. The postmodern decadent . In Germany the economic devastation after WW1 virtually wiped out the middle class, the Deutsch Mark was used as fuel for heat, because it was worth more this way than as currency for exchange. Against this backdrop, of severe economic conditions Germany was at the same time the most advanced nation in the world. Androgony, and cross dressing became the norm of the cabaret nightlife that scandalized the rest of the world. Decadent Berlin. The streets were sexually charged. It was all out in the open. Prostitution, transvestism and drugs, rivaled todays decadence. Transvestite bars, where inebriated men, and women, did coke out in the open. Cabaret boys, in sailor suits, greeted patrons at the door, enticing would be tourists enthralled with the display of lictentiousness that had not been seen in Europe since the fall of the Roman empire. Club fashions were exaggerated for theatrical effect: Berlin men sported dandified suits, including lilac or lime shirts with high stiff collars and cravat. The women wore short hair, striking makeup, and backless dresses with plunging necklines or men’s suits. Androgony, ruled.

    Everything was more extreme in Berlin.

    Lurid debauchery is fascinating to the masses.

    The fashion pace-setter was the beautiful redhead dancer and silent film star Anita Berber, who paraded about with her face powdered a ghoulish white with a vivid slash of scarlet lipstick, stark naked beneath a mink coat except for a gold chain around her ankle and a pet chimpanzee hanging on her shoulder.

    Now that's some decadent style.

    Lady GaGa looks like little red riding hood compared to her. She flaunted her cocaine addiction in public, as a badge of honor.

    Once regular German girls began to copy her style, even streetwalkers found it hard pressed to keep up with the standards of her exposed flesh. The smart set.

    Smart-set Berliner, with pet chimpanzee as was the fashion of the day. The Divine Decadence of Anita Berber, in minimalist Weimar fashion as depicted in portraiture by the great German Expressionist painter Otto Dix. 1926

    Par example, heterosexuals might choose the Kakadu, with Polynesian-style décor and caged parrots hanging over each table; when patrons wished to leave, they could tap their glasses and the bird would squawk loudly for the check.

    Divine Decadence.

    Gay men would descend on the Karls-Lounge, where the waiters and “Line Boys” all wore neat sailor’s outfits. Lesbians liked Mali and Ingel, where guests were obliged to dance with the randy owners, or the Café Olala, where some customers liked to dress in Salvation Army outfits. Thrift store chic in '20s Berlin. Male cross-dressers went to the Silhouette, female cross-dressers to the Mikado, and everyone the entire sexual spectrum over blurred at the Eldorado, where one dancer, when quizzed by a slumming grand dame as to gender, replied in a haughty voice: “I am whatever sex you wish me to be, Madame.” Divine decadence. The smart set.

    On the other hand, the Weimar Republic was a government that was dominated by economic disaster; unemployment was rampant, inflation repeatedly wiped out working people's savings, hunger was common. It was in this cold and hopeless economic climate that the club owners and madams of Berlin recruited their workers, and the tourists who came to a humiliated and bankrupt Germany to spend their valuable foreign currency were not unlike the wealthy who now throw their Eurodollars around in the hungry nations of the Third World, and here in America.

    San Francisco offers a lurid display of mindless debauchery and homelessness and street poverty that would rival Weimar Berlin.
  9. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    Sadly, Berlin's notoriety as the bordello of Europe was not, at the time, a matter of great pride or achievement for Germans.

    YouTube- Jewish Berlin Cabaret: Paul Godwin Orch. & Max Hansen, 1930
    [ame=""]YouTube - Jewish Berlin Cabaret: Paul Godwin Orch. & Max Hansen, 1930[/ame]

    YouTube- Marek Weber Tanz-Orch. & Siegfried Arno, 1930
    [ame=""]YouTube - Marek Weber Tanz-Orch. & Siegfried Arno, 1930[/ame]

    YouTube- Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht - Die Moritat von Mackie Messer
    [ame=""]YouTube - Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht - Die Moritat von Mackie Messer[/ame]

    Bavarian Soviet Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Message Of Greetings To The Bavarian Soviet Republic

    Glossary of the Weimar Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Weimar revision

    Free Essay The Weimar Republic Face Political Problems

    The Weimar Republic and Adolf Hitler in the Twenties

    Dada in Berlin

    Weimar Germany 1919-1933

    Weimar Problems

    POLITICAL CRISIS Germany/Weimar Republic/political_crisis.htm

    D.4. CHRONOLOGY, 1920-1929

    YouTube - Soviet Republic of Bavaria
    [ame=""]YouTube - Soviet Republic of Bavaria[/ame]

    "You carry eternal heritage in your blood."

    "Good blood is our true wealth"

    -- Deutsche Ahnenerbe e.V.

    "We can have peace and security only as long as we band together to preserve that most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood."

    -- Charles A. Lindbergh

    [ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube - 10 Fallacies of Race Denial[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube - The Enemy Within[/ame]

    Tolerance is the virtue of men who no longer believe in anything.

    - G. K. Chesterton

    “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."

    - Vince Lombardi
  10. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    They say that every well-crafted lie has a grain of truth in it.

    There were some recordings of so-called holocaust survivors made soon after WWII ended. Shortly after I was first introduced to the possibility that the Holy-Co$t was a fake I conducted my own research into it rather than rely on other people’s reports. I searched quite a few sources including so-called survivor reports and a segment of one has always stayed in the back of my mind.

    David P. Boder Interviews Jürgen Bassfreund; September 20, 1946; München, Germany : Voices of the Holocaust Project

    The relevant passage:
    “· Jürgen Bassfreund: I knew already from my father that Hitler was coming to power. He himself broke up quite a few meetings. He threatened people with boycott, that the Jews will not trade with them, and since that region lives mainly from the sale of wine, many were impressed by his threats and would not permit the meetings to take place. In those times it was still possible, but after 1933 that would have been an impossibility.
    · David Boder: What do you mean the meetings would not take place? To what meetings are you referring?
    · Jürgen Bassfreund: The Nazi meetings, the aggression propaganda.
    · David Boder: And these meetings were not permitted by other Germans?
    · Jürgen Bassfreund: Yes, because my father told them that the Jews will not trade with them, and since all these people trade in wine and the Jews were trading with these farmers a great deal, he threatened that he will tell them not to trade with them anymore if they should tolerate in their midst Nazi influence and Nazi propaganda.“

    The passage contains references to: Political control/Suppression and Coercion by Economic Power and Influence and Jewish Domination and Control as well as them acting as a Cohesive ethnic/racial group.

    What Jürgen Bassfreund refers to as Nazi Propaganda would have found fertile ground for those who experienced the Jewish question firsthand.
  11. Oxyboy

    Oxyboy New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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  12. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Don't feed the trolls.
  13. Oxyboy

    Oxyboy New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    C'arn mate that wasn't much tucker!
  14. tksensei

    tksensei Banned

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Just how deeply insane are these anti-Semite types? What has gone wrong in the brain pan to twist some people into such ridiculous knots?
  15. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    Nothing but personal and ad hominem attacks, why am i not surprised that is all you anti-gentiles have.

    No brains and happy without it.

    Care to debate the subject at hand?

    Or have i posted to much truth for your semitic brains?
  16. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    I notice my thread has been moved to the conspiracy theory section.

    Amazing how Truth is all of a sudden conspiracy.

    Perhaps the mods think the official holocaust story is a conspiracy theory against gentiles, then they would be correct.

    Notice how the jews and their marxist/zionist brethren stay well clear of these debates, especially when they cant dispel the evidence that i have posted.

    Question for you jews, why did you jewish communists in russia blame Germany for the 25000 polish deaths ?

    Why did France and Britain declare war upon Germany for taking back land that was previously theirs but not declare war upon jewish dominated Russia for their role in the deaths of 25000 poles after they invaded poland?
  17. tksensei

    tksensei Banned

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Not to hurt anyone's feelings or anything, but some nut running around in the dead of winter in his Disney underwear screaming "I am Napoleon!" is NOT going to be 'debated' seriously. He will at most be pitied for his insanity and the fact that he is scared of his own shadow. If he is lucky he will be removed from society and given the help he so obviously needs.
  18. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    More chutzpah, more personal attacks,more ad hominem attacks,blah blah blah.

    TKensai is to stupid to debate me because he knows i will demolish his arguments.

    Thats the truth of the matter folks.

    Scared of my own shadow..pmsl.

    ps just because someone is paranoid doesnt mean they arent out to get

    Care to refute anything here ,wannabe jewish karate kid?
  19. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    Hey sensai, fanny son.

    Hows ya mate elie the weazel(thal) and his lies going lately, still duping the goys?

    PS i have an inkless pen here if you want to borrow it, perhaps you can write your own holocaust tall fiction story with it.pmsl.
  20. tksensei

    tksensei Banned

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Oh, am I "to" stupid? That is "to" bad. I am "to" upset tooooooooo even respond.

    Waterloo is tahtaway, Napoleon... :rolleyes:
  21. tksensei

    tksensei Banned

    Jul 23, 2010
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    That's sure what it looks like, Napoleon.
  22. tksensei

    tksensei Banned

    Jul 23, 2010
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    I'm sure you have all sorts of things that shoot blanks, Napoleon, but I really don't want to hear about them.

    What's that behind you!? Look out! Oh, just your own shadow again. Scary, huh?
  23. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    Im not the 1 that sees nazis coming out of the

    Go and make another holocaust movie mate, you bore me.
  24. dingodonger

    dingodonger Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    An example of who truelly is living in fear.

    HInt who fears ww2 investigation?

    What to think.

    Holocaust studies become mandatory in public schools in southern Brazilian city

    SAO PAULO — A city in southern Brazil that has suffered a series of neo-Nazi incidents is requiring all public schools to teach about the Holocaust.

    HOW to think

    Italian University Course: The "Lies Of The Holocaust"...


    7-10-2010 / Italy

    Italy – The “Lies of the Holocaust” College Course (Video)

    Claudio Moffo, an avid supporter of Ahmadinejad and an Italian professor of political science at Teramo University teaches a special course, named “Not exactly a holocaust – the lies and inaccuracies”. The professor teaches his students information that explains how, in his opinion and according to his research, the Jewish people has rewritten history.

    According to Moffa, whose controversial story was published in the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica”, the gas chambers and crematoria never existed. He also questions the number of victims murdered by the Nazi regime. “We never found any documents signed by Hitler concerning Jewish annihilation”, claims the professor.

    The Italian Jewish community is in outrage. They claim that Moffa’s political views concerning Middle Eastern events have cost him his sanity, and have driven him to “betray his profession as a researcher”. As evidence, they display some of Moffa’s writings, linking the Jewish people’s interests in financial prosperity and the establishment of the State of Israel and the “exaggeration” of the holocaust tragedy
  25. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    More fiction about the jews.

    I would argue with dingo but I haven't read anything comprehensible yet- I think he is vaguely against stuff.

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