Justice IG Finds Excessive Spending At Conferences

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Agent_286, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

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    Justice IG Finds Excessive Spending At Conferences

    The Associated Press | September 20, 2011, 01:04 pm ET

    WASHINGTON (AP) – “Muffins: $16 apiece. Coffee: more than a dollar an ounce. Snacks: $32 per person.

    A report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department's inspector general found excessive spending on food and beverages in an audit of 10 department conferences.

    Justice spent about $490,000 on food and beverages at the conferences - more than 10 percent of the $4.4 million total cost of the events.

    In response, the Justice Department concurred with the IG's recommendations to more closely monitor costs.

    The department hosted or participated in 1,832 conferences in 2008 and 2009costing $121 million.

    The IG's report said that at a Washington, D.C., legal conference, the department spent $4,200 on 250 muffins - or more than $16 apiece.

    At another conference, the department's Office on Violence Against Women spent $65 per person at a lunch for 65 people. Coffee cost more than $1 an ounce. A snack break at the same conference cost $32 per person for Cracker Jack, popcorn and candy bars.

    The report says that with service charges, taxes and indirect costs, many of the meals and refreshments at the conferences the IG examined appeared to be extravagant and wasteful and exceeded department cost limits.”


    Ooops…I guess many people in Washington haven’t heard about austerity from 2008 onward. But hey: I’d love to have a muffin that's actually worth $16 bucks, or Cracker Jack worth $32, but that’s just me.

    I wonder what catering service was used …probably Halliburton, or some subsidiary of Halliburton…you know, the no-bid company that serviced the troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, with rancid food, some of which had spent bullet shells in them while charging Uncle Sam billions of dollars a month for the privilege. The same Halliburton that electrocuted soldiers, if they decided to shave after their showers, due to faulty electrical installations.

    I wonder if the ‘Super Committee’ will enter the extravagant costs of these conference luncheons and stop them, or will they decide that muffins are “off the table” tooooo....

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