Ken Livingstone: I will make London a beacon of Islam

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by DonGlock26, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. DonGlock26

    DonGlock26 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2010
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    Ken Livingstone: I will make London a beacon of Islam


    Here is the full version of a story which appears in the print edition of today's Daily Telegraph:
    Ken Livingstone has promised to turn London into a “beacon” for the words of the Prophet Mohammed in a sermon at one of the capital’s most controversial mosques.
    Mr Livingstone, Labour’s candidate for mayor of London, pledged to “educate the mass of Londoners” in Islam, saying: “That will help to cement our city as a beacon that demonstrates the meaning of the words of the Prophet.” Mr Livingstone described Mohammed’s words in his last sermon as “an agenda for all humanity.”
    He praised the Prophet’s last sermon, telling his audience: “I want to spend the next four years making sure that every non-Muslim in London knows and understands [its] words and message.” He also promised to “make your life a bit easier financially.”
    Mr Livingstone was speaking at last Friday’s Jummah prayer at the North London Central Mosque, also known as Finsbury Park Mosque, formerly controlled by the terrorist recruiter Abu Hamza.
    Hamza was removed in 2003 but the mosque is now controlled by an Islamist organisation, the Muslim Association of Britain, which has been linked to the banned terror group, Hamas. A man who has acted as spokesman for the current leadership, Azzam Tamimi, is on record as supporting suicide bombings. One of the mosque’s current directors, Mohammed Sawalha, is described by the BBC as a former senior figure in Hamas who “is said to have masterminded much of Hamas’s political and military strategy” from his post in London.
    In 2009 Mr Sawalha also signed the Istanbul Declaration which calls for attacks against the allies of Israel, which include the UK. The British Government interpreted it as calling for attacks on British troops.
    In 2010, the Labour MP Khalid Mahmood, a Muslim moderate, resigned from the mosque’s board of trustees and reported it to the Charity Commission, accusing the mosque of forging his signature on key legal documents.
    Mr Livingstone has been dogged by allegations of links to Islamic fundamentalism. In 2010, in the London borough of Tower Hamlets, he campaigned against his own party’s candidate to back a controversial independent politician, Lutfur Rahman, sacked by Labour for his links to a Muslim extremist group, the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE).
    During his mayoralty, Mr Livingstone’s London Development Agency channelled hundreds of thousands of pounds to the East London Mosque in Tower Hamlets, controlled by the IFE, even though senior LDA managers strongly opposed the grant. In return, IFE activists campaigned strongly for him at the 2008 mayoral elections, boasting that they "got out the vote" for Mr Livingstone and achieving dramatic swings to him in their east London heartland.
    Mr Livingstone also gave thousands of pounds of public money to the Muslim Welfare House, a charity closely associated with the Finsbury Park Mosque, which signed an open letter backing his re-election campaign in 2008.
    In his last sermon, delivered in the valley of Mount Arafat, near Mecca in 632 AD, the Prophet Mohammed attacked discrimination, saying that “a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white, except by piety and good action.” However, he also said that men had a right to ensure their wives “do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve.”

    What a progressive crackpot. Where do you traitorous Leftists find these people?
    Islamists will slowly gain political power, and they will cower the Left into accepting anything that they insist upon.

  2. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Poor Donald ,
    I love the effort you put in for your sponsors , even if your Posts always make you seem to be so gullible and completely divorced from the total picture .
    This is a failed minor and eccentric Politician who has realised that his second attempt to win back the office of Mayor of London is now looking as doomed as the first was .
    So what do essentially second rate , and , in his case , failed politicians do as a last desperate bid for success ? They go brain sick and appeal to the core vote of a significantly sized ethnic minority .
    We saw Sarkozy do basically the same thing only a few weeks ago .
    Red Ken doesn't believe a word of what he says , providing he can win back power .
    Although unproven , he ripped London off for big money when he won the first Mayor ever position in the UK .There is nothing else he can really do at his age and with his CV . Desperation is the key word .
    You never get the context and it's relation to the wider picture right , however hard you pretend to try .
    I am just surprised that you could not find something in Smoking Gun to give us your usual diet of Posts .There must be a Black man somewhere who has beaten up a White Guy that you can introduce us to . Surely .
  3. Viv

    Viv Banned by Request

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Red Ken was ejected from his political Party and then ejected from the office of Mayor. He was one of those characters the Media like to report on, but Boris has out-personalitied him and out-performed him. My money is on Boris to win again

    You would like Boris. He's a Con man.

    Only thing is, the Cons are annoying everyone. People might vote Boris out just to teach them another lesson.
  4. Colonel K

    Colonel K Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Perhaps they'll vote in the gay policeman just to upset Donatello and Ray.
  5. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    This is not surprising at all.

    Why do you think Labour has been so enthusiastic about bringing in so many muslims?
    It was all part of the their plan. More easy votes. They have absolutely no problem whoring themselves out to say whatever the muslim voters want to hear.

    One would have thought Labour would have been concerned about all the unemployment in Britain, or the downward pressure on wages as all these migrants are willing to work for less. What about the countryside that is dissappearing to make way for new housing to accomodate all these new people, as immigrants displace Britains from the overcrowded cities? What about all the lower income Londoners that struggle to pay rent?

    No, it seems that Labour cares more about votes than it does the poor.
  6. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    I do not find that in the least convincing .
    Obviously there was never an overt policy of any sort that was biased for or against Muslims .
    One might quarrel at the total mess that best sums up Labour's overall immigration plans -- and I do --- but , regardless , I am not aware of voting history that indicates immigrant newcomers will vote Labour , let alone a specific group like Muslims .So the idea that there was a Master Plan or Strategy is unconvincing imo .
    What we do see are some politicians in some parts of the country who sell themselves as MPs whom the electorate could rely on to pursue general and perhaps even very specific policies directly related to Race Relations and perhaps most relevant to a specific ethnicity --- may be Galloway was a good example of this in Bradford .
    But this is completely different from your suggestion .
  7. Viv

    Viv Banned by Request

    Jul 25, 2008
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    He's obviously been watching Gorgeous George's tactics and adopted them.

    ....Did you miss the bit where we said Ken Livingstone is not in the Labour Party?

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