Libertarian Movement Gaining Steam In New Hampshire

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Libertarian ForOur Future, May 31, 2013.

  1. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    I say, good for them, and keep it up. With more folks changing that state around, giving folks back their liberties, they will be the prime example of what a libertarian country would look like. 1,200 folks live there now, potentially 20,000 more, once enough folks sign up, and they've won a dozen seats on the legislation board. A fantastic start to this awesome project.

    For even more pleasure, on this great feat, the Free State Project released their video, Libertopia, on YouTube. A great documentary, especially for those who don't quite understand libertarianism. I ask all to watch it and see what this movement is really all about.

  2. myview

    myview Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    I didn't watch the whole video. Nothing wrong with NH but is there a reason NH was picked? Maybe its because its a small state.
  3. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    No worries, the video is a bit dry. However, the first minute or so is essentially enough to get a basic understanding of what libertarianism is.

    To answer your question, it's for several reasons. Firstly, this whole movement is based off of a student, that went to Yale, who did an essay on why the Libertarian party always fail at getting folks into office. It talked about how they needed to get at least 20,000 Libertarian's in one state to see a difference. So the whole Free State Project was built off of this philosophy, that started in 2001. According to the article, over 1,200 have moved to NH already. 13,000 folks have signed up stating that if 20,000 folks pledge to move to NH, they will all move there. If that's the case, there will be a strong foothold for the libertarian movement in NH.

    Secondly, they set up an online survey that allowed folks to decide where the state would be. In 2003, it was decided that NH would be the state. The four main reasons for this was lower overall taxes, lower unemployment rate than the national average, lax on gun laws, and there being more representatives, per capita, than any other state. Meaning, if Libertarian's have any chance of getting onto political seats, this was the perfect state to do just that.

    Some more information is that they do a 'PorcFest' every year there. The point of it is that the Democrats have the Donkey and the Republicans have the Elephant. The 'unofficial' animal of Libertarian's is the porcupine. The reason for this is because of it's non-aggression behavior. It doesn't willfully go after others, it only attacks in self defense. Of which, it's a great philosophical principle for libertarianism. I know that was more than what you asked, but I figured I'd share it, since I was discussing the NH stuff.

    If you have any other questions about it, let me know and I'd be happy to answer it. I'm excited to see what the NH movement goes for this country. If it takes off, like I'm expecting it to do, I'm hoping more folks will accept a different ideal than just the status quo we've been getting.
  4. myview

    myview Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    Thanks for the info. I've always thought I was closer to being a libertarian than the other two parties. Not sure I want to live in the north east or that I have the means too but I support the movement.
  5. myview

    myview Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    Funny thing is libs call me a conservative and some conservatives call me a liberal. I guess that because I take the best of both worlds and leave the rest ( which is a lot) behind.
  6. Montoya

    Montoya Banned

    Jan 5, 2011
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    Most libertarians are quite extreme. They have an unrealistic vision of what the US should be. They actually think the precious "markets" are the answer to all and that privatizing everything is always the answer. Yeah no thanks, I'll stick to reality.
  7. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
  8. akphidelt2007

    akphidelt2007 New Member Past Donor

    Dec 7, 2011
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    Lol, Libertarians are the new hippies... a simple fad with crazy idealistic ideas that will never see the light of day.
  9. Montoya

    Montoya Banned

    Jan 5, 2011
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    Thankfully I must say.
  10. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    I was looking into the Free State Project a while back. Was considering making the switch, but it's such a damn effort to get a student visa, even if you have a university degree. Had some law schools picked out - it's a shame Dartmouth doesn't do law.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    New Hampshire is by and large one of the most free states, on economics and social policy. It's a good match for Libertarians.

    Seems to me like a great idea :)
  11. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Yeah, moving to a completely new state is definitely a big undertaking. I would love to do it, however, I have a family that I have to think about. My wife wants to be closer to her family, and with this type of move, it would push us some 10+ hours away from her family. That's something I know it would just be my undertaking, and I don't want to split up my family.

    Selfish mentality, I know, but for now I will donate to the Free State Project to keep them going. If I can't, physically, support them, I will do it however I possibly can. Hence, the reason I started this thread.

    The more folks know about this, the better chances they have of accomplishing their goal. If this movement proves successful, Libertarian's, as a whole, should see greater growth, all over the country.
  12. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    And I believe most Democrats & Republicans are extreme, as well. They, also, have an unrealistic vision of what the US should be. They actually think the precious "government" are the answer to all and that, by building a bigger government, everything is always the answer. Yeah, no thanks, I'll stick to believing in free market capitalism than the totalitarianism, authoritarianism rule that's currently going on.
  13. <IF> Marius

    <IF> Marius New Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Oh boy, this thread makes me want to play Bioshock again.
  14. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Ah yes, the hippie joke, how I've always missed it. What I've found funny is how the libertarian's are the crazy ones, but in yet, a lot of other people say that a bigger, stronger government will fix the issues. Then, when things hit the fan, they point their fingers at the private companies and clamor 'IT'S THEIR FAULT! TAX THE RICH!', when it was government that helped prop them up in the first place. So while most folks are fighting the same cause, I'm saying it's the governments fault while others are saying it's the big corporations fault.

    If it's broken down into simple logic, if big corporations pay for politicians, that push for legislation that only benefits them, whose to blame then? Do you blame the corporation for buying out these politicians? That's one way of doing it. What if that politician didn't have the power that they once thought they had, and that power was actually in the hands of the people? What good would it do for that corporation to buy out that politician? None. So, in that case, they would have to rely on the citizens to get what they want. What do the citizens want? Cheaper goods, better quality of life, in which, unless those private corporations give it, they won't get what they want. That's why I believe the free markets will work, as long as no 'invisible hand' is controlling the dials.

    It baffles me to say that my views are crazy, unrealistic, and insane. When, I'm fighting against the same BS that everyone else is. I'm simply trying to take the corruption out by the roots and others are trying to take it out with a lawn mower. Which do you think will have a better chance of coming back?
  15. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    To be honest, every single methodology to get into the US is a lot work. Whether it's a student visa, an H-1B visa, or apply for permanent residency within the US. Hence why the immigration reform bill is getting such steam. It's still insane to me that it takes ~10 years to become a US citizen.

    However, I looked online for some advice on obtaining a student visa, majority of the folks stated that if you contact the college of choice, they do all of the paperwork for you. All you essentially have to do is meet with someone at a US embassy or consulate, in Australia. Some folks said it'll take between 3 days to a month to obtain it like that, since the school is doing all of the hard work for you. Once the school does the paperwork, it seems you just simply take, an I-94 form and a few others, to the closest embassy/consulate to you, and they do the rest. However, I'd imagine a quick phone call to confirm this, with the embassy/consulate, would be preferable, especially if the drive is several hours away.

    Hopefully it works out for you, the movement could definitely use someone with your knowledge. :cool:

    Absolutely. With more people getting a seat in the House of Representatives, for NH, it will only get that much freer. I'm really hoping that this movement is a huge successful. If it does prove successful, my hope is that it will spark a greater movement across the country.

    One of the best quotes from the movie or the article was (Can't remember where, so it might not be the official quote, but close to it), They've always said that the mainstream should come to us[Libertarians]. When, it should be us[Libertarians] going to the mainstream. Essentially meaning, that if folks allow the mainstream to influence the movement, it won't be what it should be. The movement should stay the way it is and they should bring it to the mainstream audience. That's their underlying message, couldn't make any more sense.
  16. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    I think it's great. Let 's see how it goes- assuming liberals don't have them locked up on trumped up charges.
  17. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Oh yes with trillion dollar deficits and government failure after failure, staying the course with yet even more government is definitely the way to go <snicker>.
  18. AceFrehley

    AceFrehley New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Hippies now run government and universities. They are also known as liberals.

    You may want to rethink your example.
  19. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    That's truly my concern. As there is already one person, Cynthia Chase, whose making it her mission to claim that folks should 'restrict their freedoms', and essentially make life unbearable there so they will move and make everyone else not go there. This is the mentality of some of this folks, and what libertarian's are fighting for is freedom. In yet, in bold face, she's claiming that they should restrict the freedoms to fight against Libertarians. Funny thing to me is that, they're literally telling you what they're going to do and most folks will follow along with it. I don't get how my views are crazy...when I'm fighting to get our liberties, our rights, and our freedoms back.

    For more information on Cynthia Chase & her statement: My views can't be any crazier than hers. In yet, that type of mentality is what I'm trying to fight against.
  20. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Lets see.

    Libertarians - socially liberal and fiscally conservative?

    Legalized drugs but low taxes.

    Gay marriage but low taxes.

    Abortion on demand but low taxes.

    Open borders with Mexico but low taxes.

  21. Longshot

    Longshot Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I think you may be confusing the political philosophy of libertarianism with some economic schools. Libertarianism is not an economic philosophy. It is a political philosophy based upon the non-aggression principle.

    So do you think it is justified to initiation aggression against other people?
  22. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Libertarians aren't as copy & paste as you've defined. Some libertarians are socially conservative and fiscally liberal.

    Some libertarians believe in only legalizing marijuana, not all drugs.

    Libertarians believe in the right to marry as they please. Of which, it's a binding contract between two consenting adults, which is the founding principle of all trade agreements.

    Some libertarians vary on abortion, as it's a tough subject. Do you protect the rights of women? The baby? Or both? In saying so, the debate ensues on how do you go about doing it.

    Some libertarians vary on border control as well. Some libertarians believe in closing borders during wartime, while keeping them open after wartime, not just Mexico.

    As far as taxes are concerned, taxes are only valid when they are used to provide the goods they are meant to do. They're not to be used for whatever the politician wishes to use it for. That's the premise of lowering taxes, most of it is wasteful. Since money is being wasted, give it back to those you stole it from and allow them to use it for something they need.
  23. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    Libertarians are all over the map on the issues as you say then they tend to cancel each other out.

    But most libertarians I've met tend to be democrats under the surface.

    They want to peel off republican voters which tend to elect dems.
  24. Libertarian ForOur Future

    Libertarian ForOur Future New Member Past Donor

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Libertarians have varying views. This is because each libertarian tend to think for themselves. There is this misconception that all libertarians are closet 'Paulbots', but when questioned on varying issues, they can give you their stance. However, what brings us all together is the common ground on fighting for individual rights and liberties.

    The true Libertarian movement are those that fight for freedom. Most libertarians aren't looking for your vote, they're looking for your support and ideals on how to fix the mess we're all in.
  25. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    as you say some are Democrat plants, then there are others. I consider myself a libertarian in many ways since I am all over the place politically. I do tend to support and vote GOP since the progressive nazis took over the democratic party. Hard for any real libertarian to support people that attack the constitution as much as the progressives tend to do. Just to be fair, GW Bush was a democrat in GOP clothing in my opinion also with his Patriot Act

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