Media, Tv, Music, Movies Morality.

Discussion in 'Music, TV, Movies & other Media' started by RoanokeIllinois, Jul 2, 2022.

  1. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    Media, Tv, Music, Movies Morality.

    Whether it is the liberal fake new media, to Hollywood on the tele, or threw music, or threw movies.

    Liberal Politicians, and their media remind me of this true story in general.
    I had been dating a girl for awhile, and we were both over 18. We went to the movies, to watch one of the Saw Series movies. You know those really gorey ones with tons of blood.

    So far into the movie, a girl that looked like she was 16-17 came in, with a little girl that looked around 5-6 years old. I started talking to my girlfriend, telling her that it wasn't right, that the older girl, brought the younger girl into an R rated blood guts and gore movie, and that it was bothering me. I could hear other people start to whisper in the theatre as well.

    Now, I don't know about thee rest of you out there, but I'm more of a doer, and leader in life. I don't want to be, but I thrive better at doing so.

    So I got up, and walked down the steps. I told the older girl that I think that she had better leave please with the younger girl. She said something to the effect of: are you ganna make me? and or what are you ganna do? I said, well, this little girl is frightened and scared of this movie. You're suppose to be 18 or older to be in here for one. For two she is way to young to be in here, and unless you're 18, so are you. And 3, I will simply go get someone that works here to remove both of you from here, if you don't leave immediately.

    She ended up leaving, shortly there after.

    What am I getting after with all of this? Nothing and nobody is off limits! Not to the Liberal Democrat News Media(ABC, NBC, CBS)! Not to Hollywood! Not to Democrat Politicians!

    You see, it's ok from a Democrat politicians stand point of view to not have morals, or standards, or manners. It's ok to subject a innocent child to anything and everything from Critical Race theory, or Trans beliefs, to sexual education.

    Just think of anything sick, or immoral, such as pornography, and ask yourselves, would Democrat Politicians, and their media, be ok with subjecting a child to any kind of role play, or sick porn around the World?

    The answer is very simple, and that answer is that they would be perfectly fine with it.
    There is nothing off limits to these people!!! They are sick, demented, distorted, immoral, irrational, and tend to have a lack of manners.
  2. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    If you don't watch porn, don't visit pornhub. If you don't want to listen to the left, then watch Fox news. Conservatives can build themselves an echochamber just as readily as the left can with so many entertainment and current events options out there.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2022

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