Meteor attack and Pope’s resignation.

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by katsung47, Feb 22, 2013.

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  1. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    866. Everyone knows it could be a death trip (11/15/2014)

    The cruise trip for “November plot” which was arranged for my relatives ends yesterday. When my wife drove her friends back, I was surprised to find that my fore-neighborhood were also among them. It should be a relax trip – ten days on a cruise ship with little movement, nice food all day long. But none of them have the pleasure sprit after a trip. No laughter; no word about the just finished tour. Every one of them have a sick face. I understand why. My relatives were arranged in similar tours almost twice each year in decade. Others, knowing my story, should have realize what was it – a death trip, when were called to join such an unusual trip. It’s a worrisome ten days travel for them. All my siblings; their spouses; my wife; my mother, my cousin; their friends, even my former neighborhoods (even though I alleged they were informants worked for the Feds) were gathered together for that tour despite many of them having jobs.

    What could I do? I’m the target. If I died or being arrested, nobody would know because the relatives were all on the sea. And they would suffer a tragic accident then. I had to stay at home to avoid any possible incident. Two days after the cruise ship left San Francisco port, a police car drove in the lane where I lived. Then joined another police car to park at the street. Several police officers stood at the entrance of the lane to discuss for quite a while. Someone reported a case to lead police in? Consider the whole community were occupied by agents of the Feds. Then there was a working noise from the house at the lane entrance. A team of workers were changing the roof tiles. Obviously that was a surveillance team. (or action team?) I have to pass that entrance house when I go out. They stopped working on 11/13, left the garage roof unfinished. So they could be there when it’s necessary.

    867. Roofing (11/19/2014)

    On 11/17, my wife’s two Chinese friends finished their three months US trip. My wife saw them off at the airport. When she came back, she gave me a letter and said “it’s time for roofing”.

    That’s a letter from our insurance company. It was a “Notice of non-renewal”. It says that the company won’t renew our house insurance policy due to “The roof is in poor condition and requires full replacement due to deteriorated, lifting and curling shingles”. Of course, our roof is not that bad as the notice described. Our neighboring B house was in even worse condition than ours for years without any problem. Now I know why that B house is changing the roof since last week. Not only the Feds set a surveillance team to monitor me in that “November cruise trip period”, it was also a model show to remind that it’s “time for roofing” so they could have a team directly over my house.

    The Feds have used same tactic 11 years ago. My neighboring C house changed its roof. The contractor tried to persuade me to change my house roof too. I refused. I was afraid of planting. See (“144. Roof contractor from Idaho and 145. SARS, a big issue(7/20))

    Now I have more to consider. In last offer, the contractor was from Idaho. They obviously had no California license. If a worker falls off from the roof, then the owner would be liable for a huge amount of compensation. That’s a trick how the Feds to punish their target.

    It is the next plot follows the “Cruise trip” plot. They are eager to finish the case and plan one after another. They try to apply a “roofing team” of their own on my house through the threat of the insurance company.

    See # 144 at:
  2. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    868. Informants were targets too? (11/26/2014)

    In #863, I wrote, “The November plot likely will take place between 11/4 to 11/14 when my family members join an arranged cruise trip. (the ship named “Star Princess”,)

    In #861, I said the Feds will plan another murder case in November while they arranged a cruise trip for my relatives and I alleged it could be an “Ebola” killing.

    When the trip ended, I viewed the pictures my wife took. I found besides the huge group of my family members, there were also many informants who used to monitor us were also arranged in this trip. Such like G-lady, (see #32, #47), my former neighborhood Chef Y and Mrs. Y, (see #657) C.Y and W.S. couple (see #668, #669). When they were told to join such an unusual cruise, they should be aware that it could be a very evil trip that they could be eliminated too as witness.

    Then one day after the cruise ending, there was such a news:

    Many informants were involved in this Princess cruise trip. They may have a bad feeling for their own lot. To comfort these informants, the Feds have acted such a show. “Don’t worry, it’s just Norovirus, not a lethal weapon.”

    869. Ebola was planned for the November plot (11/30/2014)

    In late October and early November, the propaganda of Ebola reached its peak, then scattered away.

    Someone says, “This video highlights the fear mongering that took place in the weeks leading up to the election”. They noticed unusual Ebola panic wave waged by the media. It was not for mid-term election. No party benefited from the Ebola crisis. It was planned with a murder case in a cruise trip. The cruise trip started on November 4th - a coincidence with the election date. Though the murder plan went soured, the Feds quickly announced they will continue to use same tactic in new plot.

    This is a show off of a criminal group. How they persecute people with the bio weapon stored in their bio lab.
  3. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    870. Forced to roofing by changing new Insurance agent (12/7/2014)

    In November plot, the Feds arranged a roofing team working on the house in front of my residence. The team was obviously used to monitor on me. The team disappeared when the cruise trip ended, leaving the garage roofing unfinished. Here is a picture of my garage roof. It attaches to my neighbor’s garage. You can see the black extension from my roof. The team left without paving the tile.


    garage roof

    The murder intention continuous with the roofing plot. Then my wife show me the “Notice of non-renewal” from Insurance company. see “867. Roofing (11/19/2014)”. Obviously the Feds try to apply a special team to “repair” the roof of my house. To achieve their goal, they changed my insurance agent.

    My former insurance agent served us for two decades long. About one year ago, a new agent gave us a letter that she was now handling our account. My wife explains that perhaps our original Ins. Agent sold our account to the new agent.

    Now it’s clear why they changed the agent. A normal insurance agent wouldn’t behave like that. (threaten to cancel the policy) The Feds turned our account to an agent of their own so they can abuse their power, or at least she is an informant working for the Feds.

    That new insurance agent is, Vanessa Ooi, at 770 Kiely Blvd. STE D. Santa Clara, Ca. 95051

    871. How the Feds introduce a “special contractor” to us (12/12/2014)

    The purpose of the Feds is to have a “roofing contractor” of their own to work on my house.

    1. In year 2003, the Feds has intended to change my roof. The contractor team working on my neighbor house was from Idaho, I refused. Since then I suspect the Feds tried to search my roof; or intending to plant something or install something on my roof. (see #144)

    2. About one year ago, the insurance agent who served us for two decades long was replaced by a new one. In early November (last month) the new agent gave us a letter of “none-renewal notice” unless we replace the roof.

    3. Between 11/4 to 11/14, my family members were arranged a cruise tour. I alleged it was arranged by the Feds. I worried about their lives and mine. During that period, my front neighbor had a contractor to replace her roof tile. I thought it was an action team of the Feds. I stayed at home for ten days. I was afraid of incident if I had gone out. The roofing team disappeared when the cruise ended, leaving their work unfinished. (see picture in #870)

    4. My wife returned home from cruise and gave me the letter of Non-renewal notice. I knew it was the new frame plan with roofing as cover up. I bought a newspaper and circled roofing contractors’ advertisements for her. ( I have no phone. All phone calling are done by her.) I would rather choose from newspaper – they are professional workers, not special team with evil purpose.

    It was almost a week with no deal. When I urged my wife, she always had excuses such like contractor was busy or it was rain, unable to inspect. At last, she said the contractor was expensive. She had a contractor introduced by her “flower art teacher”. I have long time firmly believed that “flower art teacher” was an agent though I had never told my wife of my opinion. This time it may prove all my allegations: The Feds want to have a “roofing team” of their own to work on my house and that “Flower art teacher” is an agent.
  4. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    this thread shows us why we need much better treatment for mental illness.
  5. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Your comment shows us how government shill works and what tactic they used to discount their dislikes.


    872. Flower bug (12/19/2014)

    Two decades ago, when I worked in Flea Market, a new seller came and became my neighborhood for several months. He was an ethnic Chinese, spoke same dialect – Shanghainese as I did. What he sold was art flower in vase. His merchandise was very nice. Different fresh flower cut and matched just right. It must have been done by master. People stopped and admired. I heard a customer told my neighbor seller, “Your merchandise does not belong to flea market. It should be in high class shop.” I had the same feeling.

    Sometime later, in a gift show in San Francisco, I saw him having a flower boot. That’s the place fit for his arts.

    When I got familiar with the surveillance tactic of the Feds, I suspect that unusual art flower seller was placed there as close as possible and tried to befriend me (speaking same dialect). I hadn’t link the flower to eavesdrop then.

    About 14 years ago, I was drift in Malaysia. I came across with a Chinese book sale event. I bought one. It was memories of Chinese diplomats. One story caught my eye. It was written by Huang Hua – then the Chief of Sino-America Liaison Office in Washington. (China and US had not had normal diplomatic relationship at that time)

    Huang Hua decided to hold a garden reception on Chinese National Day. He said a young American lady connected him and said she would to something to promote the friendship between China and US. Her family ran a flower shop in San Francisco. She would support the reception with all the flower needed – free of charge. She later air shipped all flowers from San Francisco to Washington for the event. Huang Hua was moved. He wrote, “how friendly the American civilian is to China.”

    I thought in different way. That’s the best way to install bugs to every corner in Chinese Liaison Office on that special event. I recalled that art flower seller and for the first time linked flower to the bug.

    873. Flower bug teacher (12/23/2014)

    When my wife joined a flower art class and brought home with vase and flowers, my allegation that the Feds developed flower bug as a spy tool was proved true. They now installed the bugs in my house everywhere through my wife. People rarely suspect a flower worked as a bug because it's a living plant and won't last long. The flower dried several days later and being threw away. The bug must be very tiny (nano size technology?), hard to be recognized by human eyes. The cost is low so they could produce it in large quantity.

    My wife has no interest in flower art. She has to keep it because it is an order from the Feds. Since fresh flower died quickly, at first it used to make ugly scenes in my home - withered flower with dried petals around the vase. Then they solved the problem by introducing some long living plants. Now there was no flower any more. The replace is bamboo like green plants which can live year long. They are placed in kitchen, sitting room, door entrance, turn-round of stairs...... watching every movement of the residents.

    The flower art teacher lives nearby. I think she is an agent who train informants with flower bugging. As I have said before, the Feds emptied the area and moved in their own people. When my wife said the flower art teacher introduced her the roofing contractor, everything is clear for me.
    All roads lead to Rome. All plots lead to the Feds- replace of new insurance agent who forced a roof change; Neighborhood roof change at same time; my wife refused normal roof contractor but want one introduced by the "flower art teacher" whom I alleged was an agent already.

    Picture from door entrance. You can see two plants put in stairs. The one on top has yellow withered leaves.

  6. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    No kidding!
  7. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    874. Warrantless search (12/30/2014)

    Someone asks me why I am so care about “the roofing”. Here is the reason.

    FBI agents and Nevada police officers cut off the Internet service to the Phuas' villas. When the residents of the villas reported the outages, the FBI agents and police, disguised as repair men, came into the villas with hidden cameras and recorders.

    They then used the information from these warrantless entries to apply for a search warrant for the Phuas' villas as well as a another villa occupied by some alleged associates of the Phuas, claiming that the residents of the villas had "consented" to their coming inside.

    What I worried more is not only warrantless search, I worry about planting to frame a case. Now it’s easy for them to enter civilians’ home for a search at their will by disguising as repairmen. It encourages the Feds damage civilians’ utility service or even the property to reach their goal.

    In my case, instead of “cut internet connection” they replaced my insurance agent and forced for a roofing by “non-renewal of insurance” policy.

    875. My wife works for the Feds ((1/3/2015)

    One tactic used by the Feds is to monitor the target as close as they can. No one fits their purpose other than my wife. I am sure they recruited her for a long time.

    One month ago,(11/17) returned from a cruise trip, she gave me a letter of “non-renewal of insurance” notice that demanded a repair of roof. I realized the Feds would disguise as contractor to install something on my roof. I bought newspaper on Monday to let my wife to find a contractor.(I have no phone) She hesitated for two days than said she called a company named “Modern” for estimation on Saturday. On Saturday she said the contractor wouldn’t come because it was rain. That was a bad excuse. Because of competition, contractors used to come for business within a day. It seemed the Feds didn’t like we have a free choice. So I borrowed my wife’s phone to call other roofing company by myself. It was a Korean contractor, the owner said he would come next day.

    Next day (Sunday) The Korean contractor called us on the way to my house that he had to answer an emergent call so he’d come tomorrow Monday. The “Modern” would come to estimate too on Monday. Seeing their plan might be broken, my wife told me that “Modern” wanted to inspect house inside first. I didn’t agree. We replaced the roof before. The former contractor never demand to come inside to check the house. What is it for when you change the whole roof? Then my wife said she had another cheap offer from other contractor which was introduced by her flower art teacher. Now my suspicion became true. I told my wife I knew her teacher was an agent and there was no way to follow their way.

    My wife met with “modern” inspector on Monday (11/24). She said the Inspector commented that the roof was nice generally, only need a repair that cost about 1500. It was contradictory to the insurance agent’s notice. The Korean company I contacted didn’t come. My wife said she called “No, thank you” to him.

    One week later,(11/30) My wife said contractor would come to repair roof tomorrow. I suggest to replace whole roof instead of just repair. My wife suddenly got angry. In argument, she leaked that the coming company was “West North”. I’ve never heard of it. So what was it?
    She said, “It’s the company you contacted”.
    “But you didn’t meet that Korean on Monday. You said you returned him.” I said.
    “I did meet him on Monday”. My wife answered. This was a lie. I saw the engineer truck came last week with company name “Modern”. She didn’t expect I watched from the window.

    My wife has no word. She took out her phone and called the other side cancelled the “roof repair order”. “I don’t carry on this business any more.” She said.

    A lie leads to another lie. This “West North”(it’s not that Korean’s) might be a cover company of the Feds. The whole story shows that the Feds intended to have a “contractor team” of their own to “work” on my house.

    Next morning, I compromised, asked my wife to go on with “repair order”. She refused. What they want is an “inside inspection” – a warrantless search.

    My wife works for the Feds. This is my house. It’s her’s too. When she doesn’t care for her own property she must have born a heavy pressure from her master.

    linked message: #867, #870 to 874.
  8. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    876. Mandatory roofing by climate weapon (1/10/2015)

    The Feds have plotted to install something on my roof for several times. I strongly felt that and wrote “211. Create windy day (3/4)”. Would they repeat it again? In mid- December, there was a news about tornado in South California. I thought it was a cover up operation to justify a similar “tornado rips rooftop” case in my case.

    Really, four days later(12/17/2014), while I was watching Chinese TV program as usual, there was an inserted emergent alarm. (KTSF 26) It warned that a tornado would take place next day in Bay Area and Santa Cruz. It was in my expectation and also proved what I thought ten years ago. The Feds harass people with their climate weapon.

    The tornado didn’t happen next day. What changed their plan, I don’t know. Perhaps it’s too evident it’s a “mandatory roofing” after “insurance non-renewal”, “Neighbor’s roofing”, “Flower art teacher’s introducing”?

    211. Create windy day (3/4/2004)

    1. In mid 1995, I came back from China. I found there was a new tenant family in my neighborhood. At that time I was quite familiar with the tactic of Feds. So when the new neighbour complained that their roof was leaking, I thought Feds intended to inspect or install something on my roof. Anyhow, I didn't have leaking problem, so I refused the suggestion to change the roof.

    In November 95, there was a windy day. The wind became strong at night. It was not roaring, it was scream. I had never experienced such a strong wind. Hearing the sound of wind, I thought, now they would complain a big leaking.

    It was more than that. Next morning, I was astonished by the scene in the yard. There were tiles everywhere. This time I had to agree to change the roof tile. It looked like there was a big damage there. And rain season was coming.

    Fearing Feds might install something on my roof, I watched the contractor doing their job. I found it was an easy work.

    I know human can produce artificial rain for decades. But this event in 1995 enabled me for the first time to know Feds also had the technic to create a windy climate. My house (shared roof with a neighbor) was in the center of the townhouse community. There are at least 15 similar buildings with same height (2 storey) around my house, in front, back, left, right. After the event, I went around and found our building was the only one roof was damaged. They created a windy day which was the strongest I've ever met to meet their demand.

    2. In July 2003, there was a second roof change demand. The tactic was the same. Neighbor tenant said it was leaking. Within a day the roofer came. The purpose was to frame a case. Because the roofer made an aggressive sale, even offered to replace the roof board, which meant they would go into the attic. (see "144. Roof contractor from Idaho (7/10)")

    This time it was in a hurry. I thought it was a swift reaction to my SARS and Fujiang drug case revelation . They were scare of it. My revelation might lead to the resignation of the director of D.E.A. (see "150. Development of Fujian drug case (8/11)") They didn't create a storm in July because it was not the rain season. But they couldn't wait any longer just came to change roof in two days but failed to persuade me to do so.

    3. I felt there were two attempts of new frame case on December 2003 and January 2004. Both came with rain. So in February when the newspaper said there would be a storm coming, I wrote "207. Another frame attempt". I didn't expect they would create another event of "roof change".

    At the night of 2/25, there was a strong wind. The roar of wind reminded me of the night eight years ago. Such kind of roar of wind was particular and rarely heard. The sound was similar though this time it was weaker. Next morning I saw tiles everywhere in the yard and lane. I did same thing I've done last time. I went around the block where my house located. Watched roofs of other buildings in community. None was affected by the wind. The tiles were not that easy to be blown off. It seemed that wind only picked up a house(mine) in the center of the complex, and peeled off a tract of tiles, left a large, eye-catching shadow on the roof.

    I did the repair myself with the help of my relatives.

    I think the damage was done by men not wind. Despite other allegations, the two events all took place at midnight. However strong the wind was, it never blew off a single tile during the daytime. It damaged bigger at night. This may also be one of the advantages to empty the community. It ensured perpetrators that nobody would witness their crime when they tore down the tile.

    877. Extortion with lives of other family members (1/14/2015)

    While my wife cancelled the roofing order and refuse to call roofing company, what made her to neglect of her own property? What made my relatives to take trips each year when they were not willing to? For decade long experience to co-operate with the Feds, they may know what an evil government department they are working for. They worry about their children.

    After Europe, China, South America, when there seems nowhere interesting to go, recently they were organized in cruise course repeatedly – perhaps it’s the easy way to create an “incident” in a boat. I noticed that in these organized trips, though almost all of relatives were called, none had brought with their children.

    In recent “CIA torture” scandal, to blackmail the victims with the lives of their family member has been revealed. This is only a corner of the iceberg in this dark country.

  9. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    878. Murder plan continued with poison (1/21/2015)

    November plot was a big plan to eliminate me and people who know this case. On November 12, when the cruise was going to the end which meant the plot would go soured, the Feds continued the murder attempt with new projects. One was to set up a frame case by forcing a “roofing”, the other one was to re-start “poison” operation. Here is the news:

    Which I think is also an internal warning to the members of the Feds in San Francisco area that they have activated a poison plan so insiders should be careful when they shopping the food.

    Long time ago, I found the Feds like to issue such kind of news when they using poison in their plot. See “642. Next step, a Chinese spy ring? (8/2/2010)”.

    879. Comic show of “prisoners release” (1/25/2015)

    November plot was a big one in Feds’ recent murder plan. It was marked by a cruise trip organized the Feds. The cruise time was from 11/4 to 11/14.

    Something happened at that period caught my eyes. North Korea released three American prisoners at that time. One was released on 10/21 and the other two on 11/14. Since the Feds usually let hostile countries (such like China, N.Korea, or “terrorist group” Al Qaida, I.S….) to carry out criminal operation for their plan then reward them with huge payment which used to be under the coverage of “releasing prisoners”.

    What did N.Korea do for the Feds? It took the responsibility to activate a cyberwar on US – the Sony hacking event.
  10. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    880. Typical story of secret deal (2/1/2015)

    Here is a typical story of secret deal with North Korea. The Feds used to set up big events distract people’s attention from my case. In 2009, they had a plot in April. As usual, they arranged a China trip for my wife in early April. See, “ 594. Framed case in March and April (3/20/09)”

    The secret deal and hostage for payment.

    3/17/2009 Current TV of San Francisco sent two reporters - Laura Ling and Euna Lee to China to gather the news of North Korea refugees. They were mysteriously arrested by N.Korea board guards. It was pre-arranged, to justify the payment as ransom for prisoners.

    4 /5/2009. N.Korea launched a ballistic missile to the Alaska area.

    5 /24/2009. N.Korea had a nuclear test.

    8/4/2009 prisoners were released.

    Here is the payment to that secret deal.

    More food.

    Did you see the difference? Iraq had no WMD, it was invaded by the US. N. Korea did have a nuclear test. It got food aid even been kept off the terror sponsor list.

    881. Create a cyberspace war to wipeout information (2/5/2015)

    One important reason the Feds try to eliminate me is because the articles I posted in internet reveal the truth of their criminal behaves. So part of their actions is to wipeout my threads from the internet. Each plot used to come with an internet attack.

    In plot of April 2009, they bribed N. Korea to launch a rocket and have a nuclear test to distract the plot. They create a worm attack in internet. (see last article) I wrote “597. Rocket launch and worm Conficker (4/5/09)”

    In plot of November 2010, it was a nuclear attack. see (653). They created WikiLeaks and Assange case to justify an internet control. See “655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)” and “657. Internet control and computer plant (12/16/2010)”.

    In plot of March 2013, I allege the Feds planed a nuclear attack on New York, see (759) to (762).
    In (760) I wrote, “I also talked about the Feds would activate large scale internet attack to eliminate my articles”. My articles would be disappeared in a cyber-war with China. The pre-propaganda preparation was the news of Chinese “Unit 61398 of the People's Liberation Army”.

    For this November plot of 2014, the cyberspace war was set to be done by N. Korea. That was the result of the release of American hostages. See, “879. Comic show of “prisoners release” (1/25/2015)”.

    My articles reveals valuable material about the how the Feds work in US and high tech. weapons they used to deal with American people. I believe they will delete all my articles in internet, so load it before a fake “cyberspace war”.
  11. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    882. Attempt of a cyberspace war went soured (2/12/2015)

    In later December 2014, the FBI said there was conclusive evidence that North Korea's government was behind the hacking of Sony.

    Then, President Obama joined to attack N. Korea for cyberspace hacking on Sony. He warned that America would retaliate in response the hacking of Sony.

    Obviously this was the continuation of November plot. If I was eliminated, there would have been an internet hacking war took place in the name of “retaliation with N. Korea” and all my postings would be wiped out from internet. For this the Feds had a secret deal with N. Korea. (see #879)

    Anyhow, I survived and people found that N. Korea having no ability to hack the Sony.

    To cover up the flaw here is a news to revamp.

    883. Internet attack continues (2/16/20150)

    At the same time when the FBI accused the N. Korea hacking of Sony, I was attacked in Internet too.

    On 12/20/2014, I failed to post at , also this one:

    In late December and early January, I couldn’t post in several sites in face book. (about ten sites I failed to post on them)

    The censorship continues until now. The excuse now is that my post need pre-approval.

    2/10/2015, two web sites gave me similar notice,

    They are: and

    Of course, pending approval means not approval.

    In two other web sites, my threads were deleted.

  12. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    excuse hell!,your posts are full of unsubstantiated rumor,and paranoid rambling.....they didn't want you to keep clogging their servers
  13. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    The real reason is my article is too true to be read by people. Please go my new thread in same column.
    "From EP-3 spy plane to 911 - the case the Feds done on me "
  14. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    What The $^%$#. Ok, I see some of us have left the planet, are there actually people that buy all this BS? This thread would be an excellent example for someone trying to get more funding to deal with mental illness issues occurring in this Nation.
  15. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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  16. katsung47

    katsung47 Banned

    Apr 26, 2011
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    I have started another thread, please go "From EP-3 spy plane case to 911 and more" to see why did they delete my messages.

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