Mr President and The Physician

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Daniel Symmons, Aug 29, 2020.


Would the President recognise his visitor?

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  1. Daniel Symmons

    Daniel Symmons New Member

    Jul 23, 2016
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    “I’m sorry Mr President sir, you will have to be tested.”

    He walks with his aid to the medical suite, annoyed that the virus has breached the White House walls and infected some of the staff. ‘Who has let this happen?’

    His aid waits at the door whilst he takes a seat. A man in his early thirties enters from an adjoining room. He has penetrating eyes and his hair is longer than most of the president’s staff.

    “Are you the doctor?”

    “No, I’m The Physician. I am here to examine you before the doctor runs the test.”

    “How many people have been infected?”

    “Just three Mr President.”

    “Have they been near me? I can’t be ill, I have the country to run!”

    “No sir, this is just precautionary. Would you stand for a moment so that I can examine you please?”

    The president stood up and the young man stepped forward and looked at him intently. He did not use a stethoscope or thermometer, but just stood and looked into his eyes for an uncomfortably long moment. Then He slowly walked right round the president and observed him from all angles. He felt the presidents forehead and then place his hand on his chest briefly before stepping back.

    “What sort of examination was that?! Are you the best we can buy? Hell, where you from anyway, you don’t look American to me!”

    “No Sir, I’m from Israel, but I was mostly not well received there.”

    “That figures! Perhaps your not welcome here either! I demand a proper examination!”

    “I can assure you that my examination was most thorough. You are physically well except for your heart.”

    “What the hell is wrong with my heart?!”

    “You are suffering from a hardening of the heart. It’s a contagious condition. It has occurred over many years and is dangerously close to becoming irrevocably petrified.”

    “Who the hell are you? I demand to see a proper doctor!”

    “Do you not know who I Am?”

    The president had had enough and called for his aid but the young man had left the room already.

    “Who the hell are we employing these days? Sack that man immediately!”

    “Yes Sir Mr President. He did look kind of weird to me too Sir and did you see the odd scars on his wrists!”

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