Much MUCH More Obamacare TRUTH

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by Mr_Truth, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    In the last 8 years Republicans couldn't pass a health care bill no matter what it was. Now things change. I'm sure when they do come up with a plan we won't have to pass it to see what's in it.
  2. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Yes, and exactly what is your idea?
  3. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Republicans have never proposed a health care bill. The only idea they have ever had is to repeal the ACA.
  4. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    First I ask you is barrycare working now? You know the whole HC bill is fully enacted in 2017. Why did the bill take a full 7 years to be enacted if it was so great? Deception is why. The HC act is failing and will implode soon.
    If you'd change the channel you'd see Rep. Tom Price put forth the “Empowering Patients First Act.” Patients Choice Act and Health Care Freedom Act. All ignored by the Democrats. Of course left wing news orgs wouldn't report it. More recently and also not reported by the left wing media,
  5. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    What is my idea? What a ridiculous question, I'm not a Doctor or a politician but I am smart enough to see failure when it's in front of me. I do know that a family of 4 with a 50k income they can't afford the deductibles. It's like having no HC.
  6. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Yep, the Republicans have no ideas, no plans, and are going to gradually make healthcare in America even worse and then try to blame it on Obama.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So if you have no ideas why bother to post.
  7. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    The Republicans are into buzzwords rather than facts. They say they want a "patient-centered" healthcare system that provides more "choices".

    We don't want more choices!

    Isn't 2 days poring over "choices" of different plans with different features and different premiums enough to know we don't want more "choice"??? Just give America healthcare. Period. One size fits all. You want to see a doctor? Fine! Go! And pay maybe a low premium of say $250/month/person and maybe a $10 copay and no other limitations other than coverage for elected abortion or elected and frivolous cosmetic surgery. And pay for it out of income taxes.

    Hence no bickering over paying for services I don't use;
    no pre-existing conditions;
    no fussing about "opting out" for anybody.
    Sallyally likes this.
  8. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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  9. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Not quite factual. Several Republicans have offered several ideas none of which have been adopted as the Republican plan.

    In fact now that they are in power the failure to have any plan is becoming quite an embarrassment to the party and the new President. Delay, delay , delay was an OK strategy when they were not in power but now just looks pathetic. Eight years and they still haven't come up with anything ready for prime time.
  10. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    I'll keep saying this, it's been a month. The republicans have to get it right, right? So, take a breath and if there isn't something done by then get back to me.
  11. LafayetteBis

    LafayetteBis Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 24, 2016
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    What was ObamaCare about from the very beginning? It was about the fact that the Replicants in Congress REFUSED Hillary's Nationalized HealthCare Service (NHS), of the kind that is presently offering full coverage of healthcare to the European Union that's 742 million people, or 2.3 times as many as in the US under ObamaCare.

    Some might remember from 1993, how we were screwed by "Harry & Louise"?

    I live in France. Any complaints about its NHS? Yeah, sure, the French complain about everything, but most would never ever relinquish their NHS and go back to privatized insurance. When the World Health Organization (WHO) did its 1990 study on health systems around the globe, that of France's came up Number 1.

    More recently, the WHO has come up with yet another ranking according to a larger number of specifics, which can be found in this PDF: Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development
    . (Scroll down to page 13 of 38 pages, or page number "1825").

    Don't be surprised to see that our Most Expensive Privatized HC-system is ranked 28th out of 170 countries. Which is not so good for one of the richest countries on this planet.

    Moreover, see the impact present HC-systems have in terms of bang-for-your-buck:

    Yes, in terms of "Expenditure per capita" the US is located way out on a limb to nowhere! Your HC-costs in the US are three-times mine in France. (Why? Because French GPs do not make nearly $190K a year. Verify that US income data-point from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for Occupations, here.)

    Which is why I pay higher taxes here in France than you do in the US - but when it comes to healthcare only the best-for-least counts, and you will get that only from Nationalized Health Care ...
    Sallyally likes this.
  12. LafayetteBis

    LafayetteBis Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Steve Bannon is the Dork's principal strategist, which means he knows eff-all about the European Union. His alt-Right thinking (if one can call arch-conservatism in those terms) is so daft as to be derisive. He too thinks that "capitalism" is America's key political philosophy - just because Communist Russia failed.

    But, if it did fail, look at Russia's present political construct. Rich plutocrats who have ripped off its mineral rights an privatized them, whereas they were once the Wealth of the nation. (That's how Putin is worth on paper quite likely more than Donald Dork himself.)

    But what is key to underscoring the message is that between Russian plutocrats-under-Putin and the Trump Replicants there is "common ground" in their love of immensely rih plutocracies.

    Putin will be invited to Mar-a-lago before Trump's ill-fated presidency is over ...
    Sallyally likes this.
  13. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    No, it has actually been about eight years.
  14. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    When I was in India getting surgery because the US was too expensive for someone without insurance I was interviewed for hours by A French television station that to put it plainly seemed very amused that anyone from the " richest country in the world" would have to travel to India to get health care.
    Sallyally likes this.
  15. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    New Pro-Obamacare Ad Features Trump Voter

    A campaign encouraging lawmakers not to repeal the Affordable Care Act will launch two new television ads, with one featuring a man who voted for President Donald Trump.

    The ads are part of a “six figure” ad buy from the “Save My Care” campaign that will run in Ohio and Tennessee, according to an advance copy of the press release announcing the ads. Tennessee is home to Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Chairman Lamar Alexander, a key player in the Obamacare debate.

    “I’m a Republican. I voted for Trump,” says a man identified as Dennis, who is featured in the Tennessee ad. He was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and says in the ad, “The Affordable Care Act saved my life."

    The ad running in Ohio features a woman named Paula, who was diagnosed with breast cancer, which spread to her brain and liver. According to the press release, the Medicaid expansion in Ohio under the Affordable Care Act helps her afford her cancer treatment.

    Down with Republican death panels!
    Sallyally likes this.
  16. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    You can't spend a trillion dollars(US Taxpayers) subsidizing insurance without helping someone. Of course, lots of Americans who had health problems managed to live before President Obama signed that bill into law, even if they didn't have insurance.
  17. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    That's dishonest, 8 years with a presidential veto doesn't count.
  18. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Except that in the eight years the Republicans have not been able to agree on an alternative. That is a fact. Like it or not!
  19. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Why do suppose Republicans haven't settled on an alternative? My guess is they will when the time comes, after the repeal when it's actually needed.
    As it stands now the obamacare exchanges are falling by the wayside when companies are pulling out at an alarming rate. Obamacare was set up to fail on purpose in order to funnel everyone into US Govt single payer policies.
  20. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Republicans have had ample opportunity to develop a plan but they refuse as they prefer to have Americans die for lack of health care.

    Still waiting on that alternative plan that has been promised for so long now ....
  21. LafayetteBis

    LafayetteBis Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Almost right.

    More like this:
    That "market-rate" in a country where HealthCare is not the least bit competitive is therefore the most expensive of any developed country (and it is not even the best). Which is the very reason why European National HealthCare Systems apply rates that offers practitioners a very decent Income but does not gouge the patients with high-costs.

    Cost-comparison and service-quality ratings seen here: [​IMG]
  22. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    She voted for Trump. Now she fears losing the Obamacare plan that saved her life

    Kathy Watson was anxious about her health coverage even before she woke up gasping for breath last month and drove herself to the emergency room with a flare-up in her heart condition.

    After struggling for years without insurance, the 55-year-old former small-business owner — who has battled diabetes, high blood pressure and two cancers — credits Obamacare with saving her life.

    Watson also voted for Donald Trump, believing the businessman would bring change. She dismissed his campaign pledges to scrap the Affordable Care Act as bluster.

    Now, as she watches the new president push to kill the law that provided her with a critical lifeline, Watson finds herself among many Trump supporters who must reconcile their votes with worries about the future of their healthcare.

    Watson, a proud, salty woman who was uninsurable a few years ago, isn’t ready to renounce Trump. But she’s increasingly frustrated by his vague promises to replace Obamacare with something better.

    “I’ve been through enough,” Watson said recently, sitting on the patio outside her mobile home, down a sandy road in a rural corner of northern Florida. “I don’t want to go back.”

    As one of millions of Americans who depend on the healthcare law’s protections, Watson embodies the political challenge Republicans face as they scramble to fulfill their pledge to repeal Obamacare without harming people like Watson, who helped fuel Trump’s unexpected victory.

    Her story is also a cautionary tale for GOP leaders, whose promise to cut healthcare costs by scaling back insurance rules threatens to reopen the gaps that once left nearly 50 million Americans without coverage.

    Watson knows those gaps better than anyone.

    Like some 150 million Americans, she for years had a health plan offered by an employer, in her case, a mobile home manufacturer where her husband worked.

    But in 2001, Watson’s husband had to quit after he was injured. The law office where she worked as a paralegal, like many small businesses, didn’t offer a health plan.

    “That’s when my nightmare began,” she said.

    For a while, the couple scraped together the money to keep his plan, an option known as COBRA coverage. After 18 months, the plan offered under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act expired.

    Watson tried to buy a health plan on her own. But before Obamacare, insurers routinely screened out sick and potentially costly customers. Trump has voiced support for keeping that protection, but other Republican plans would allow insurers in some cases to charge sick patients more.

    Watson had unusually high white blood cell counts and years earlier had part of her colon removed. “Nobody was going to go near me with a 10-foot pole,” she said.

    Watson next tried to get a health plan by starting her own business. Insurers were sometimes willing to cover a group of employees, which are a better risk than a single person.

    In 2003, Watson opened a debt-collection service for small companies. Business was good, she said, and she hired three employees. But she still couldn’t convince an insurer to sell her a plan.

    By then, Watson and her husband were getting increasingly desperate. He still had high medical bills from his injury. Watson was feeling increasingly ill herself, with periodic fevers and swollen glands that made it hard to work.

    A local doctor helped with basic medical care in exchange for her help collecting his bills.

    But Watson couldn’t afford more extensive medical tests to find out what was making her sick until 2009, when she was diagnosed with a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a form of blood cancer.

    “We went through everything we had,” Watson said, including selling off her retirement accounts and mortgaging their home. Friends helped her navigate hospitals where one noted that Watson often was treated like a “second-class citizen” because she lacked insurance. Watson’s aging parents helped with many medical bills.

    For a short time, Watson thought she’d found relief when an insurance company agreed to provide coverage. But when she tried to use the plan, she discovered it didn’t cover major medical costs, a trap many consumers fell into when insurers were subject to less oversight. Insurers now must cover a basic set of benefits, though GOP leaders are calling for such mandates to be scaled back.

    Watson estimates she and her husband ultimately ran up more than $100,000 in medical debt.

    “Kathy is a smart person, but she sure didn’t have the luck of the Irish,” said Anne Lebrecht, Watson’s 74-year-old mother.

    Passage of the Affordable Care Act finally offered some relief, thanks to a small temporary program created in 2011 for people like Watson who had been denied coverage.

    She was able to get on a plan that ultimately cost $363 a month and is now cancer free.

    “I would have lost everything without that,” Watson said.

    Before Obamacare, many states ran similar programs, known as high-risk pools. Republicans are now exploring ways to reopen them.

    But many of these state plans ended up being very expensive because they covered only sick patients. Many had to cap enrollment.

    The Obamacare plan that helped Watson stopped enrolling people because of costs in early 2013.

    By then, Watson was well enough to get a job at a company that trained customer support staff for DirecTV. It offered a health plan for $123.50 a month.

    “It was good coverage,” Watson said.

    She quit the job at the end of last year after hurting herself working in her yard. This time, thanks to Obamacare, there was no gap for her to fall into.

    After seeing a television ad by Florida Blue, the state’s largest insurer, Watson called the company, and in less than half an hour, she enrolled in an HMO plan, despite her long medical history.

    The plan normally cost $664 a month. But because Obamacare offers subsidies to help low- and moderate-income Americans afford premiums and deductibles, Watson pays nothing.

    “I still can’t believe I can get this coverage,” she said.

    Today, Watson is upbeat, despite dealing with two failing valves in her heart as well as chronic arthritis and diabetes. She’s taking classes to get a real estate license so she can go back to work and get off government-subsidized insurance.

    But Watson is getting irritated by what she hears from the new president. “I’ll give it a little more time,” she said. “But I’m not really sure about Trump anymore.”

    She said she’s ready to go to Washington to tell lawmakers not to roll back Obamacare.

    “Walk a mile in my shoes,” Watson said. “I never thought I’d have to go through all of this. I was working for an attorney. I was making good money. … I’m not here to get something for nothing. I just want to be healthy, pay my bills and go about my life.

    Republicans prefer that she just die. By contrast, the more patriotic Democrats prefer that she live.
  23. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds attitudes towards the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have shifted with a larger share reporting a favorable opinion towards the law (48 percent) than reporting an unfavorable opinion (42 percent). This is the highest level of favorability of the ACA measured in more than 60 Kaiser Health Tracking Polls since 2010 and is largely driven by a change in the views of independents, among which 50 percent now view the law favorably.
  24. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Obamacare was set up to fail because the Republicans didn't give a damn about good healthcare for the average American. And now they are going to own the apocalypse.
    Sallyally likes this.
  25. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Yes, I was one and went to India for surgery three times because in America I was going to be charged five times what an insurance company would pay for the same exact procedures. But of course I couldn't get insurance because I had a preexisting condition which in tweny years did turn serious so the insurance companies were actually correct from a financial point of view to not insure me. And don't get me wrong they actually are right to only want to insure healthy people because that is where the profit is made. And that fundamentally is why free enterprise or capitalism is not the solution to healthcare.
    Sallyally likes this.

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