My rant:

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Fred68, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. Fred68

    Fred68 Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2015
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    The following opinion piece is a product of my long-term observation of the Democratic Party. This piece is directed at the party establishment, who I refer to when I write “Democrats” or “you.”


    I am sure you know how you did it, but indulge my elaboration. You saturated the mainstream media, higher education, primary education, and Hollywood with minions, and you excel at community organization and propaganda. However, much of your strategy involves exploiting the seven deadly sins—especially greed, envy, and sloth—to encourage and perpetuate people’s dependence on you.

    You pander to various groups by creating special rights, such as transgender bathrooms and showers, giveaways like free college, paying people not to work, and suspending the necessity of paying rent, further strengthening people’s dependence on and allegiance to you. (It is hard to vote against Santa Claus.) You divide the people, pitting one group against another at every possible opportunity, and use invectives against undeserving citizens fostering resentment, fear, and chaos. All that, plus the riots of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, indicates that anarchy is in your toolbox.

    To our country’s detriment, you prioritize and pander to illegal immigrants—your present and future voters and contributors. Your positions on illegal immigration and the southern border demonstrate that nothing is beyond the pale for you when it comes to power and votes—not even death, diseases including COVID, mayhem, human trafficking, drugs, illegal importation of guns, massive violation of immigration laws, suppression of wages, taking jobs from citizens and legal immigrants especially minorities, importation of botanical diseases and parasites, human parasites, stressing social services including medical services and education, other financial costs for our country, violation of our sovereignty, financing gangs and cartels, violation of other laws including murder, and creating carnage in Mexico. As is typical of you, inconvenient facts and realities don’t matter and are ignored, especially regarding this issue.

    At one of the many violent Democratic riots that featured arson, vandalism, plundering, and the silencing of free expression, one of the rioters quoted Huey Long’s contention that if fascism ever comes to America, it will be called anti-fascism. (Isn’t it rich that a Democrat would use this quote to demonize the other party?) Democrats ruthlessly harass their political opponents in a politics of personal destruction. They did so with President Trump, his administration, and even his family—including his son and unborn grandson. Shame!

    The party portrays itself as the champion of children but advocates unrestricted abortions, including partial-birth abortions, and remains silent about killing a living, breathing baby outside the womb. You want to raise boys as though they’re girls and girls as though they’re boys. I read that a young child asked Mom, “Am I a boy or a girl?” and Mom answered with the question, “What do you feel like?” Imagine how confused that child was walking away from that conversation. Isn’t that a form of child abuse? You favor administering body- and life-altering drugs and hormones to young children before they can comprehend the implications and consent because a parent perceives the child may have gender dysphoria. (There are no reliable data on the long-term effects of the pediatric administration of these drugs and hormones.) Again, isn’t that a form of child abuse? In many places, you succeeded in getting 12-year-olds abortions in school without parental consent or notification when giving the same children aspirin at school requires parental consent.

    You have cultivated an environment where Democrat politicians can get away with practically anything while Republicans are expected to fall on their swords at the mere appearance of impropriety. You hate Jews and Christians. I haven’t heard a Democratic member of Congress speak in support of Israel. And when Christians dare to live their firmly held religious convictions, you destroy their businesses, livelihoods, and lives if you can. Then you run to a liberal judge who condones your behavior while conveniently ignoring the first thing mentioned in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

    You are the champions of hypocrisy and lies, and I sometimes wonder whether the term “Anti-Christ” is a synecdoche meant to describe you as the collective embodiment of Satan.

    There are more than 80 federal welfare programs.

    These are some of the indicators that the United States has slipped toward socialism. We are not a full-blown socialist country yet, but I maintain we are past the tipping point. There have been temporary reprieves, such as the 2016 election and recent Supreme Court confirmations, but they are transient, like peaks in a bear market. I would be remiss if I did not give you credit for another accomplishment: rendering right wrong and wrong not only right, but praiseworthy.

    What my grandfather used to say sixty years ago is still true today: “One party stinks, and the other one don’t smell so good.” However, the Democrats excel in this regard. Your enemies include Western culture and capitalism, and your goal is to dismantle them and rebuild this country into a socialist utopia. I am anxious for the 2022 election; It will be interesting.

    There is one ray of light: More and more people are abandoning your party because of your antics. (Of course, you will do everything possible to stop the Walk Away movement. I saw in the news that you recently tried.) So please, continue with your antics, including your attacks on President Trump and his family, and whatever you do, don’t apologize for your nonsense about President Trump’s Russian collusion and obstruction of justice. And please avoid any introspection: stay the course.

    This opinion piece was submitted for your perusal by today’s lowest creature: a Christian, employed, heterosexual, cisgender, conservative, old White American inseminating person of European descent.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2022
    Overitall and roorooroo like this.
  2. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Here you go.

    44f8bd0c85f84e278bcdb35d7f95902f3480eaa17818d911f6254cbab111ffdc_1 (2)(0).jpg
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2022
    omni, Quantum Nerd, Rampart and 3 others like this.
  3. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    He didn't seem to claim to be a victim anywhere in his OP.
  4. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    In a nutshell ...

    Lucifer and Rampart like this.
  5. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Our country is slowly marching for the cliff. All you have to do is look where we started and the events that got us where we are today. The fault -- the fault lies with the politicians and the people. How long it takes for the country to collapse is anyone's guess. But the trend is obvious.
  6. Sirius Black

    Sirius Black Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2011
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    First step: throw out ANY angry name calling politicians....
  7. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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  8. Overitall

    Overitall Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 6, 2021
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    :applause: Bravo!

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