Obama's Secrets...

Discussion in 'United States' started by onalandline, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Up Obama’s Presidential Records:

    According to Judicial Watch, Rep. Edolphous Towns (D-NY) has introduced the Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011. That bill would do with Obama’s presidential records what Obama has already done to his personal and collegiate records: Seal them up.

    In an obvious effort to protect President Barack Obama, a group of congressional Democrats has introduced legislation to create an official process that will allow the commander-in-chief to keep presidential records secret after he leaves office.

    Ironically, Obama revoked a similar George W. Bush order in one of his first official acts as president. In 2001 Bush penned an executive order severely limiting public access to his presidential records. Shortly after swearing in, Obama killed it as part of his much-ballyhooed commitment to government transparency. At the time, the new president claimed that he was giving the American people greater access to “historic documents.”

    If the Democrats’ proposed measure (Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011) becomes law, former presidents will be allowed to assert a new “constitutionally based privilege” against disclosing records of their liking. Here is how it would work; the Archivist of the United States would be required to notify the former president, as well as the incumbent, of intentions to make records public. Anything that either the former or current president claims should be kept private won’t be released.

    The veteran Brooklyn congressman (Edolphus Towns) who recently introduced the law in the U.S. House has yet to explain why it’s necessary.

    This looks like a sign of surrender to me. Why seal up Obama’s records now, if you think he’s strong to get re-elected next year?

    And, how many Solyndras and executive directives to punish various enemies may be lurking in those records?

  2. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    He can hide the truth for a little longer... but nothing is forever in politics.

    LOL, reminds me of a girl who poses topless for her b/f and later feigns outrage when it shows up on the 'net.

    All of Obama's dirty lil secrets will hit the light of day eventually. Nothing he or his cronies can do to stop it.
  3. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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  4. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    What's he got to hide? He's as honest as they come. [/sarcasm]

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    The Obama haters will believe any propaganda.

    Read what the actual bill says and explain to me whether you expect that the next President will be a Democrat or whether you expect that a Republican President will be participating in the 'conspiracy' to hide Obama's 'secrets'.
  6. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    It's just the fact that they are trying to create red tape in order to get any records. The only reason one would do this, is to hide something.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    You should read the actual bill rather than just getting your info from Blog's.

    If you read the actual proposed bill it is very clear that the only way that President Obama's records can be kept secret is if both President Obama- and whoever succeeds him- say President Bachmann both request that information be kept secrety.

    And the Archivest has to noitfy the public that the Presidents have been informed. And any President requesting that any records be kept secret has to also notify the Senate and the House.

    You know...for a bill designed- as you claim to keep Obama's records secret...this seems like a very public method subject to the whims of whatever President follows him.

    Go ahead and read the actual proposed bill, rather than a Blog:

    `Sec. 2208. Claims of constitutionally based privilege against disclosure

    `(a)(1) When the Archivist determines under this chapter to make available to the public any Presidential record that has not previously been made available to the public, the Archivist shall--

    `(A) promptly provide notice of such determination to--

    `(i) the former President during whose term of office the record was created; and

    `(ii) the incumbent President; and

    `(B) make the notice available to the public.
    `(2) The notice under paragraph (1)--

    `(A) shall be in writing; and

    `(B) shall include such information as may be prescribed in regulations issued by the Archivist.

    `(3)(A) Upon the expiration of the 60-day period (excepting Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) beginning on the date the Archivist provides notice under paragraph (1)(A), the Archivist shall make available to the public the Presidential record covered by the notice, except any record (or reasonably segregable part of a record) with respect to which the Archivist receives from a former President or the incumbent President notification of a claim of constitutionally based privilege against disclosure under subsection (b).

    `(B) A former President or the incumbent President may extend the period under subparagraph (A) once for not more than 30 additional days (excepting Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) by filing with the Archivist a statement that such an extension is necessary to allow an adequate review of the record.

    `(C) Notwithstanding subparagraphs (A) and (B), if the 60-day period under subparagraph (A), or any extension of that period under subparagraph (B), would otherwise expire during the 6-month period after the incumbent President first takes office, then that 60-day period or extension, respectively, shall expire at the end of that 6-month period.

    `(b)(1) For purposes of this section, the decision to assert any claim of constitutionally based privilege against disclosure of a Presidential record (or reasonably segregable part of a record) must be made personally by a former President or the incumbent President, as applicable.

    `(2) A former President or the incumbent President shall notify the Archivist, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate of a privilege claim under paragraph (1) on the same day that the claim is asserted under such paragraph.

    `(c)(1) If a claim of constitutionally based privilege against disclosure of a Presidential record (or reasonably segregable part of a record) is asserted under subsection (b) by a former President, the Archivist shall consult with the incumbent President, as soon as practicable during the period specified in paragraph (2)(A), to determine whether the incumbent President will uphold the claim asserted by the former President.

    `(2)(A) Not later than the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date of which the Archivist receives notification from a former President of the assertion of a claim of constitutionally based privilege against disclosure, the Archivist shall provide notice to the former President and the public of the decision of the incumbent President under paragraph (1) regarding the claim.

    `(B) If the incumbent President upholds the claim of privilege asserted by the former President, the Archivist shall not make the Presidential record (or reasonably segregable part of a record) subject to the claim publicly available unless--

    `(i) the incumbent President withdraws the decision upholding the claim of privilege asserted by the former President; or

    `(ii) the Archivist is otherwise directed by a final court order that is not subject to appeal.

    `(C) If the incumbent President determines not to uphold the claim of privilege asserted by the former President, or fails to make the determination under paragraph (1) before the end of the period specified in subparagraph (A), the Archivist shall release the Presidential record subject to the claim at the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date on which the Archivist received notification of the claim, unless otherwise directed by a court order in an action initiated by the former President under section 2204(e) of this title or by a court order in another action in Federal court.

    `(d) The Archivist shall not make publicly available a Presidential record (or reasonably segregable part of a record) that is subject to a privilege claim asserted by the incumbent President unless--

    `(1) the incumbent President withdraws the privilege claim; or

    `(2) the Archivist is otherwise directed by a final court order that is not subject to appeal.

    `(e) The Archivist shall adjust any otherwise applicable time period under this section as necessary to comply with the return date of any congressional subpoena, judicial subpoena, or judicial process.'.

    (b) Restrictions- Section 2204 of title 44, United States Code (relating to restrictions on access to presidential records) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

    `(f) The Archivist shall not make available any original presidential records to any individual claiming access to any presidential record as a designated representative under section 2205(3) if that individual has been convicted of a crime relating to the review, retention, removal, or destruction of records of the Archives.'.

    (c) Conforming Amendments- (1) Section 2204(d) of title 44, United States Code, is amended by inserting `, except section 2208,' after `chapter'.

    (2) Section 2205 of title 44, United States Code, is amended by inserting `and 2208' after `2204'.

    (3) Section 2207 of title 44, United States Code, is amended in the second sentence by inserting `, except section 2208,' after `chapter'.

    (d) Clerical Amendment- The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 22 of title 44, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

    `2208. Claims of constitutionally based privilege against disclosure.'.

    (e) Rule of Construction- Nothing in the amendment made by subsection (c)(3) shall be construed to--

    (1) affect the requirement of section 2207 of title 44, United States Code, that Vice Presidential records shall be subject to chapter 22 of that title in the same manner as Presidential records; or

    (2) affect any claim of constitutionally based privilege by a President or former President with respect to a Vice Presidential record.
  8. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Why even come up with this crap?
  9. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    What's with the "hate" card? It's his policies that are objectionable. They're preventing the economy from healing itself. History will not judge kindly his tenure as POTUS.
  10. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I have no problems with complaints about his policies. Certainly I have my own objections to his administration. However, this policy was not proposed by Obama, nor can it benefit him in anyway unless you believe that the next President will be in Obama's pocket- and that every subsequent President will also be.

    The OP claimed this proposed law was linked to Obama- I was just pointing out that only those who let their hatred of Obama blind them to the facts would believe this.
  11. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I think it is Congress trying to take control of what as of now is strictly defined by the President de jure.

    Bush implemented unilateral restrictions on what Presidential records would be released.

    Obama unilaterally reversed those restrictions.

    And any future President can currently implement whatever policy they want.

    Having Congress pass a law attempting to have an enforceable process that requires public disclosures of any restricted information, notification to relevant committees of Congress, and requires the agreement of incumbent President if a previous President wants to claim privalege seems a reasonable way to reign in unilateral Presidential power.

    Why did you decide that this was all about Obama? You realize it would also apply to Bush and every living former President.

    As an example- lets say that the archivest decides to release information regarding Bush's role in Iraq. He notifies the public and both Obama and Bush. Bush can only restrict release with Obama's agreement and he must notify Congress of his objections.
  12. Pokerface

    Pokerface New Member

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Obamessiah is the most corrupt president in history. Thats saying alot. The Bush's were pretty corrupt.

    He is hiding something thats why he fights it so hard. Only someone with their head buried in the sand would believe he isnt.
  13. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Maybe this is all over-blown, but it does appear suspicious on the surface.
  14. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    There is no evidence to support a single claim you posted, nor is it relevant to this thread.
  15. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I have to say- I think it only appears suspicious if you want something to be suspicious of.
  16. Pokerface

    Pokerface New Member

    Oct 12, 2011
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    The evidence is there you just refuse to see it. If the proof doesnt convince you then you are to partisan to discus the issue any further.
  17. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    Only if you get one-sided information from a source of "information" that has a decided agenda.

    The legislation adds a section on to the current PRA. It actually makes it harder for a President to unilaterally declare presidential records as permanently sealed due to "executive privilege".
  18. Pokerface

    Pokerface New Member

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Let me tell yall something!!! If someone was calling me a liar and suing me over a something simple as a birth cert I would produce the original ( I can because I actually have one) on tv. Id show my mommas vagina if I had ro. This guy is hiding something and its obvious to the non brainwashed liberal. Show the real deal not a forged copy. I have mine in my file cabinet and can get it in 5 minutes. Why cant this man do the same? HE LIES!!!!!!!!
  19. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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  20. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Pokerface, I have noted you have made claim after claim about Obama without providing one bit of evidence or proof.

    If you have any actual evidence to support your claims, then you should share it, so we can discuss the merits or validity of your claims.

    But until then......just more Birther propaganda.
  21. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    See this is the problem with Birther propaganda. It is so uninformed.

    There is not a single law suit that was filed against Obama that would have been settled with him showing the lawyers his official birth certificate. Because not a single law suit asked for only that.

    "Id show my mommas vagina if I had ro."


    " Show the real deal not a forged copy."

    The State of Hawaii says it is not a forged copy.

    " I have mine in my file cabinet and can get it in 5 minutes. Why cant this man do the same? HE LIES!!!!!!!!"

    You may have a certified copy in your file cabinet, just like the one that Obama showed. Both of yours are legal birth certificates, the difference is that Obama's has been confirmed by his state of birth, but yours hasn't. Which makes his BC more credible than yours.
  22. frankiedee

    frankiedee Newly Registered

    Feb 8, 2012
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    I did read the bill and am now asking that you RE-read it. (2) (C) reads; "If the incumbent President determines not to uphold the claim of privilege asserted by the former President, or fails to make the determination under paragraph (1) before the end of the period specified in subsection (A), the Archivist shall release the Presidential record subject to the claim at the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date on which the Archivist received notification of the claim, UNLESS (my emphasis) directed by a court order in an action unitiated by the former President under Section 2204 (e) of this title or by the incumbent President unless --
    (2) the Archivist is otherwise directed by a final court order THAT IS NOT (emphasis mine) subject to appeal.

    What that means to me is that all a former President has to do is to get one of his still appointed judges to uphold his claim of privilege, and since this order is not subject to appeal, how can the incumbent ultimately block it?
  23. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Interesting- I had not considered that. It still remains a public process, which it currently is not. It is also Congress asserting its authority over Presidential records- which is currently completely held by the Executive.

    I do not know whether a court order in favor of a former President could prevent release currently or not. I still see no connection between this proposal and Obama. Like I said- it appears more to be Congress exerting control rather than anything favoring any President.
  24. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Threads like this just make the general image of Americans move from ghastly to insipidly pathetic .
    Just , Move On .
    So , he is Black .
    Big deal .
    He is a lot smarter and more effective than anybody else you have had as President since Truman -- at minimum .

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